MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-Chapter 2 Light curtain

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After five hours, night falls.

Chaoyang New Village next to the No. 23 Special Waste Treatment Plant.

Although the name is nice, Chaoyang New Village is the most ruined low-rent housing community in Fugo City.

Because of the close relationship with the magical tomb, the environment here is very bad, and the air is filled with a pungent smell all the year round. Even if the main city is blue sky and white clouds, it is also a gray, nineteen low-rent housing community in Fugo City. Medium is the lowest level, naturally, and rent is the lowest.

With low rents, not many people like to live next to the garbage dump. Many of the residential buildings are vacant, and they are in disrepair. The facade is covered with cracks. The corridor is full of cobwebs. It is a ghost town. .

Li Yao is the resident of this "ghost town".

He likes to be quiet enough here. He will not be noisy when he carries out the magic weapon repair and renovation at home. It is close to the tomb of the magic weapon, and the rent is still cheap.

His home is a set of more than 50 square meters, two inside and outside, eating and drinking Lazar, the bedroom inside has been transformed into a magic repair studio.

As soon as I entered the door, the first thing I saw was the hundreds of crystal brains hanging from the ceiling with a rope, like hundreds of small hoes.

Most of these crystal brains are old antiques hundreds of years ago. They have lost their computing power and are regarded as collectibles by Li Yaowei. He is a crystal brain fan, and he can calculate the thousand thoughts of this kind of brain that can imitate the comprehension. The magic weapon is very interesting.

The small living room is full of physical books that are rare in this era, from "The Magical Maintenance Summary", "The Junior Flying Sword Refining Concise Course", "A Refiner's Self-cultivation" to "Black Mountain Old Demon Level Crystal" The Stone Warship Maintenance Manual and the "Ninety-nine Methods of Exploding a Planet" are many ancient books hundreds of years ago. They are gray, yellow, yellow and sorrowful.

Surrounded by books and crystal brains, it is a piece of old and new grass mat. This is Li Yao's dinner table, chair and bed.

In the magic weapon repair studio of the inner room, it is full of strange treasures that he has come from the garbage dump, the flying swords of the cold, the charms of the dragons and the scent of the dragon snakes...

More magic weapons, he was dismantled into the most basic components, piled up in the corner, turned into several miniature garbage mountains.

At this time, Li Yaozheng held a silver-white skull-shaped magic weapon, his eyes sparkling, like a gray wolf who saw the little white rabbit, and his mouth almost did not sip a saliva.

The flying sword with black wings is behind his head, like a curious fat snake.

"It turned out to be the latest generation of 'stereoscopic light curtains' launched by Thousands of Magic, and the market price is more than 20,000! If you can fix it, how can you sell a thousand and eight thousand, Xiaohei, this time we are developed!" Li Yao Ren Can not help but whistle.

The black flying sword "squeaked" and the two wings flew up and down, dancing and dancing, showing a trace of "greedy" like the owner.

Li Yao shook his hand, and there were seven or eight odd-shaped repair tools in his fingers. Some were like screwdrivers, some were like small scorpions, and they were thin and long silver needles and tools that could not be named.

"Little black, guess a few seconds?"

The black flying sword "吱吱" smirked two times and used the tip of the sword to draw a "50" in the void.

"Fifty seconds? Look at me!"

The eyelids squatted, took a deep breath, calmed for three seconds, and then blinked, the greed and excitement in the eyes disappeared, leaving only the cold and overflowing confidence of the ancient well.

Li Yao’s hands suddenly started, and the ten fingers turned into ten streamers, completely shrouded the silver magic weapon, and began to faintly see the trajectory of the fingertip movement. Later, only a group of dazzling white awns could be seen. The sound of "shashashasha".

Half a minute later, Bai Mang trembled, the "shasha" sound disappeared, and hundreds of afterimages returned to the body one by one. Li Yao's hands were still in the original position, and even one minute did not move.

The silver-white magic weapon "stereoscopic light curtain" has been dismantled into 425 components.

"Thirty-nine seconds, get it!"

Li Yao screamed, and the black flying sword smothered his eyes and concentrated on it.

“Hey, it’s really the latest model of the “Thousands of Magic” refining, the structure is exquisite, the balance between spiritual power is like a natural, the most powerful is the main wafer, the size of the main cover of the fingernail is actually engraved. With more than three hundred charms, pulling each other and forming more than twenty symbols, it is a work of art!"

Li Yao held a magnifying glass and carefully observed the disassembled main chip. His face was full of pilgrimage, and his face looked more and more dignified.

"No... It’s not just the three hundred charms. This main chip seems to use crystal folding technology. It is a stack of three wafers. It stores thousands of symbols and forms hundreds of stereo symbols. It’s incredible. It!"

The more I studied, the more I felt profound and profound. Li Yao was completely addicted to it, forgot the passage of time, and spent more than three hours studying it. She could not figure out even a complete array of characters, but she looked dizzy and in front of her eyes. It was black.

At present, he only has the level of "primary magic treasure repairman". It is far from the level of the master of the "Thousand Magic Zong" refiner. It is too far and far.

If there is a problem with this "master chip", then he has no way to sell the stereoscopic light curtain as waste.

Fortunately, after inputting a spiritual power with the "storage device", Li Yao found that the spiritual power of the main chip was running smoothly, the mental path was clear, the symbol array was stable, and there was nothing unusual.

After careful inspection, the problem was found to be on a lower-grade crystal tube because the abnormality of the spiritual force caused the crystal tube to burn out.

This kind of crystal pipe is a standard part, which is very convenient to replace. Li Yao quickly found a substitute from the inventory of the home.

Close your eyes, silently recalled the disassembly process just now, a detailed structure of the structure emerged in your mind, hands naturally launched, a burst of wind and clouds, the stereoscopic light curtain re-assembled!

Enter a psionic energy with the storage device, and the white shell will reveal a faint blue awn, like a whole piece of crystal clear jade, and it is like an elf with life.

While being swept by the blue mans, the depths of Li Yao’s mind naturally showed dozens of control runes.

"Light curtain, open!" Li Yao heart meditation, a control rune in his mind immediately shines.

The blue mans on the light curtain converge into a "back" rune. If the vortex whirls, it rotates twice in a circle, and a blue beam is emitted from the center of the vortex, which condenses into a huge light curtain in midair. The light curtain flashed, showing the image of a middle-aged self-cultivator wearing a gossip robes, which was vivid and vivid.

Behind this comprehension is a larger light curtain with red and green runes, numbers, and arrows interlaced on the light curtain.

The middle-aged self-cultivation face is expressionless, Gujing said without wave: "The following continues to broadcast financial news for you. The following is a summary of the stock market. The biggest news today is undoubtedly the 'No Shadow Swords' announced the latest generation of Feijian driving array. 'Purple Electricity' came out. It is said that after applying 'Purple Power', the maximum speed of Feijian can be increased by 9%, the instantaneous destructive power is increased by 11%, and the spiritual power consumed can be reduced by 5%. Fifth, the comprehensive performance improvement of Feijian is very obvious."

"Affected by this positive effect, the stock price of the Shadowless Swordsman has risen all the way, and it is close to the daily limit before ten o'clock and keeps closing until the end."

"And the entire sword repair sector, including the giant sword gate, the extreme north Jianzong, the South China Sea Jianpai, the 22nd Zongmen, the stock price has also been all the way to the red, as of the close, the Jian repair plate overall rose 5.42 percentage points."

"On the other hand, the sectarian stocks such as 'Jinjiazong', which is heavily defensive, have fallen all the way. Analysts generally believe that with the emergence of new characters such as 'Purple Power', Feijian technology will revolutionize the current mainstream. Armor could not defend against the latest model of Feijian attack. At the close, Jinjiazong's share price fell more than 8%."

“Jin Jiazong held an interim press conference after the close. Jin Jiazong’s spokesperson Heiyan announced that the development of the latest generation of 'Star Strike' armor has made breakthrough progress. The prototype will be available within the year and will definitely defend against all flying. Attack of the sword."

"In the grassland area of ​​the northern part of the Confederacy, the black worm epidemic continues to spread, and it has spread to a number of beasts and sects of more than 500,000 heads. The rare disaster has kept the stock price of the sacred animal sector low. Running, the stock price of several beast sects fell below the three-year minimum."

"Well, here is a famous stock reviewer Tian Xingzi for a stock review for everyone."


Li Yao looked at it for a long time and found that the picture was stable, the sound was clear, and there were no snowflake and markings. Especially the three-dimensional feeling was very strong, which made people feel immersive and should be repaired.

After thinking about it, meditate again in the brain: "Switch to the entertainment channel."

The blue mans flashed, the middle-aged self-cultivator and the red-green light curtain disappeared instantly, replaced by a hot stadium.

The large stadium that can accommodate 100,000 people is full of seats, the voices are noisy, and the sky is full of enthusiasm. Under the brilliance of colorful and colorful, 100,000 young boys and girls with high blood raise their hands and shout a name:

"Lu Yinxi!"

"Lu Yinxi!"

"Lu Yinxi!"

On the main stage of the three-story building, there are dozens of sharp crystals standing on the main stage. When the cheers of young boys and girls gather to the extreme, the most sturdy crystal suddenly bursts. One looks cold and snowy, but the eyes are hot. For example, the white girl in the magma smashed out of the crystal. Her waist was slanting with a guqin made of crystals. The fibrin hand swept the strings, but the smashing sound of the Jin Ge iron horse!

"There is a dream in the heart to fly wildly, the other side of the Galaxy is our direction! This is ours, repair! Real! New! World! Ji!"

Like all boys and girls, Li Yao’s blood began to boil.

The hot girl "Lu Yinxi" on the stage is an idol female singer who has just emerged in the past two years. When she debuted, she attracted a large number of teenagers with her cold style and popular singing style. The famous song "Comprehensive 40,000" In just half a year, the whole country was popular, and countless teenagers embarked on the road of comprehension under the encouragement of this song.

Li Yao is also her fan, but the reason is different from others. He likes Lu Yinxi because everyone is the same.

Are orphans.

Li Yao was born in the No. 23 special garbage disposal site. Since the memory, the sky has been grayish yellow.

Eat the carrion in the garbage, drink the polluted stinky water, rely on the beast-like instinct and a little "secret" in the depths of memory to survive, from the very beginning of bullying to more than ten years later become the magic treasure grave The most dangerous "vulture".

If it is not the appearance of "Lao", Li Yao may have been smashing in the garbage dump and becoming another "fat dragon" or "wild wolf".

However, one day six years ago, a garbage boat lost the old man in dozens of tons of rubbish, and Li Yao moved the heart of the sorrow and dragged the scarred old man back home.

Since then, his fate has completely changed.

The old man never talked about his origins. Li Yao only knows that he must be a very powerful magic weapon modification master. In just five years, the old man taught Li Yao thousands of strange and magical magic transformation techniques. His knowledge of various basic subjects also cost him to go to a private high school in the city and integrate him into a normal society.

A year ago, the old man died of an old wound, leaving Li Yao a mysterious flying sword named "Black Wing". It is said that he studied a strange guy who has not studied a whole life for a long time, and a section. words:

"Xiao Yao, Laojiao, I have been to dozens of big worlds in my life, I have seen tens of thousands of magic weapons modified masters and refining masters, and your talent is the highest!"

"With the hands of the mortal people in the district, you can repair the low-level magic weapon. You are really amazing."

"But it is not enough to rely on talent! By virtue of talent, you can only repair low-level magic weapons, civilian usage treasure!"

"Respond to the old man, study hard, try to go to college, become a self-cultivator! Only become a self-cultivator, you can go further in the magic weapon repair, and even one day..."

"Become a true master of refining!"

When the old man said this, his eyes were round and his eyes were bright and the scenes were endless. Li Yao’s memory is still fresh.

Master of refining... It is one of the most respected professions in the circle of comprehension.

He didn't know if he would let the old man down.

The black-winged sword silently accompanied him, listening to the singer-like singing of the girl in the light curtain, and the two wings were still twisting with the dance of the song.

After a long time, the boy's eyes brightened, and the corner of his mouth re-emerged with a smile that didn't care.

"Want to do so much? No matter what the three seven twenty-one, the fight is!"

"Lu Yinxi can be the most popular female singer from a small orphan girl. Why can't I change from a small garbage bug to a real master of refining?"

The youngster remembered a long, long time ago, far away, and heard a sentence:

"Dream always has to be, if it is realized?"