MTL - Foolish Concubine Reborn As Miracle Doctor-Chapter 137 Let's deal with the housekeeper, Mrs. Meng Ruxue together (2)

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  While thinking, Meng Fuying raised her eyes slightly, the gloom on her face just now had quickly disappeared, and her eyes seemed to glance at Luer on the side.

Lu'er's body was tense. When Meng Fuying looked at her, her eyes were looking at the tea in Meng Fuying's hand. There was a bit of heaviness in her eyes, a bit of fear, and there was too much in them. contradictions and struggles.

Meng Fuying could already guess what was going on, but she still picked up the tea in front of her, looked at it, and said with a soft smile, "Daddy, this is the top-grade Longjing tea, it smells so good." , and slowly moved the cup of tea closer to the corner of his mouth.

  Actually, that tea is not Longjing tea at all but Tieguanyin tea.

   Xuanyuan Ye's eyes turned slightly, and he also noticed Lu Er's strangeness, so he also understood what she meant, and the depths of his eyes became a little colder.

  What a shrewd person Meng Yuntian is, when he heard Meng Fuying's words, he frowned slightly, and the person holding the teacup also froze slightly.

   "En, it's very fragrant." Meng Yuntian also slowly picked up the tea and brought it to his lips, but his movements were the same as Meng Fuying's, very slow, very slow, they were all waiting for Luer's reaction.

  What happened last time proved that Lu Er is a good girl, but the poison in the tea at this moment?

  Meng Fuying just wanted to test it out, to see if Lu Er injected the poison?

   Lu Er's stagnant body trembled slightly. Trembling, trembling uncontrollably, there was more pain in the eyes, seeing that Meng Fuying's tea had reached her lips, seeing Meng Fuying's hand slightly raised, the tea was about to be poured into her mouth up.

   "Miss, Master Hou, don't drink." At the last moment, she suddenly shouted, although her whole family is in the hands of the eldest lady, but she still can't harm Master Hou and Miss.

  Meng Fuying narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at her quickly. From this, Lu Er knew that the tea was poisonous. Hearing her cry, she put down the teacup and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

  The voice is very soft, it seems to have a little softness, but it has a shocking coldness.

  Lu Er suddenly knelt down on the ground, shaking even more violently, looking at Meng Fuying with frightened eyes, paused, and said slowly, "That tea is poisonous."

"Tell me, what's going on?" Naturally, Meng Fuying had already seen that the tea was poisonous. After hearing her words, she asked again in a cold voice. However, thinking that she would be able to stop her in the end, it can be seen that she I don't want to harm them, it is very likely that I was forced.

   "Master Hou, this servant is guilty, this servant is sorry for Master Hou, I am sorry for Miss." Lu Er kept kowtowing her head and said with pain on her face.

   "It's the big lady, it's the big lady who poisoned her. The big lady forced the servant to harm Lord Hou, the servant..."

"She asked you to do harm, and you do it. How courageous are you?" Meng Yuntian's face darkened, and there was a bit of coldness in his eyes looking at Lu'er, thinking to himself, if Fu'er just now If they don't come, I'm afraid that he will really shout for this tea.

"Slaves deserve to die." Lu Er's body fell limply on the ground, but she didn't beg for mercy, but raised her eyes slightly again, looked at Meng Yuntian, and said in a deep voice, "The lady arrested the whole family of the slaves and said, if If the servant doesn't harm Lord Hou, she will kill the whole family of the servant. I don't know where she hides the family of the servant. There is really no way for the servant..."

There was a slight pause in the words, eyes blinked slightly, and the tears fell down like broken beads, "It's just that although the servant has only been in the Hou Palace for a few years, she respects Lord Hou very much, the father of the servant I have been telling my servants to serve Lord Hou well. If today, my servants killed Lord Hou in order to save my family, I am afraid that my father would never recognize my daughter as this slave again. Although my servants have not read any books, they are righteous and moral. Taught some, so the servant..."

Speaking of this, Lu Er slightly closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, there was a sense of determination in the depths of her eyes, she suddenly stood up, rushed over, picked up a cup of tea, and Poured into his own mouth.

Everyone was startled, they didn't expect that this little girl would be so violent, she didn't want to harm her master, and she couldn't abandon her family, so she wanted to apologize with death, to apologize to Lord Hou, and to herself The family apologized.

  Meng Yuntian was the closest to her, quickly reached out his hand, knocked down the tea in her hand, and marveled at her loyalty and filial piety.

   "This matter, Ben Hou will naturally find out. If it is true as you said, Ben Hou will definitely rescue your family."

"It's useless, the lady said, but if Lord Hou gets out of the bamboo forest alive, she will immediately kill the servant's family, and the servant's family doesn't even know where they are locked up. Many of the servants in the mansion are The housekeeper's confidants, I'm afraid they will know before Master Hou goes out, and the servant's family members may just..." Lu Er's tears became more and more fierce, thinking that her family members would die because of her, she felt even more uncomfortable.

   "Master Hou, you might as well be a complete servant, and let the servant accompany the servant's family." Lu Er said, and stretched out his hand again to get the tea on the table.

   "Wait a minute, I have a way to save your family." Meng Fuying stopped her hand and said suddenly in a deep voice.

"Miss, do you really have a solution? But. But, they are so ruthless. Last time, a girl went to the lady's room. It seemed that she bumped into something by accident. The housekeeper beat the girl to death on the spot. The next day, that girl's family was also killed, and they didn't even blink when they killed people." Hearing Meng Fuying's words, Lu Er quickly looked at her, a glint of hope flashed in her eyes, but when she thought of what the housekeeper had done before, Because of this, he couldn't help shivering, and the hope that was quickly ignited was instantly extinguished.

   "Today, as long as they are afraid that Master Hou will go out, they will definitely kill the servant's family first, and they will definitely not let the servant go."

"It's too hateful, this pair of wicked people is really too hateful." Meng Yuntian growled with anger on his face, "These years, they really turned against them. When Ben Hou was not in the mansion, how much did they do? This time, the Marquis will never forgive them for such an outrageous thing."

"Daddy, don't be angry. Lu'er is right. There are many housekeepers in this mansion. You are afraid that they will attack as soon as you step out of the bamboo forest. Not only will they kill Lu'er's family, but they will also kill Lu'er's family." I will definitely find a way to attack you again." Meng Fuying was also extremely angry at this moment, she never thought that the eldest lady would even dare to harm her father.

  However, since Da Furen dared to attack Daddy, she must have made comprehensive preparations. If poisoning failed, there must be other ways.

   "Could it be that the Marquis is still afraid of them?" Meng Yuntian narrowed his eyes slightly, and his cold voice was more ruthless. He has fought in the battlefield all his life, so it is possible that he was still afraid of those two people.

"I'm afraid, of course it's not because I'm afraid of them, but why should we take that risk, not to mention, we can't ignore Lu'er's family." Meng Fuying sneered slightly, "Besides, if Daddy is so Go out and question them, they will definitely not admit it, and they will definitely put all the responsibility on Lu Er, and there will be no evidence at that time, so naturally they will not be able to convince the public, I am afraid that the housekeeper will have the opportunity to make trouble."

  According to the insidiousness of the butler, he would definitely have thought of this step. If Dad wanted to deal with the butler without evidence, the people in the butler would definitely take the opportunity to make trouble.

   "What does Fu'er want to do?" Meng Yuntian frowned slightly, and looked at her with a little doubt. If she said it, it would be impossible to do nothing and just let the two villains go.

"Since they don't want daddy to go out, it's not bad for daddy to rest here for a few days." Meng Fuying looked slightly at the bamboo forest in front of her, and said with a smile on her face, but there was something obvious on her face. Ruthless.

  This time, she will never let go of those two vicious people, even dared to harm her father, this time, she will make them pay back ten times.

   "What does Fu'er mean?" Meng Yuntian's eyes flickered slightly, looking at the teacup in front of him, he vaguely guessed something, and then said, "It's up to you."

   "Well, it's a plan." Meng Fuying nodded slightly, and the corners of her lips were even more icy, "Only in this way can they lower their vigilance and show their fox tail."

   "It's a good way, but, wouldn't it be to make daddy fake death? At that time, daddy could hold his breath. If it takes a long time, daddy won't be able to do anything. I'm afraid the housekeeper will find out that he is so insidious."

   Meng Yuntian frowned even more, and said in a deep voice.

"Daddy just pretend for a while. Fu'er knows that there is a medicine that will temporarily put people in a state of suspended animation after taking it. There is no breath and no pulse. Fu'er went to get the medicine first. Find a chance to convince your father." Meng Fuying revealed her plan, and she naturally wouldn't let the housekeeper find out.

   This time, she wants to settle both old and new vendettas.

   "Well, well, I will do as you say." Meng Yuntian nodded slightly, and said in a low voice, looking at Meng Fuying with a bit of consternation in his eyes, this girl's ability to handle things is getting stronger and stronger.

   "Lu Er, go and report to Da Furen, and say that Lord Hou has already drunk the tea." Meng Fuying turned around this time, and instructed Lu Er, who was a little stunned beside her.

   There was a slight pause in the words, and he confessed again, "Calm down, don't panic, don't show your flaws, we will let people find your family and rescue your family."

  Lu Er's eyes flickered slightly, and when she understood what Meng Fuying meant, she knelt down to Meng Fuying again, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Miss, Luer, thank you, Miss."

"Don't thank me, let's go." Meng Fuying helped her up, wiped her face clean, arranged her clothes, and then said softly again, "Remember, don't show your flaws, or your family will , Master Hou may be in danger."

Now Luer is still very important. If Luer shows a flaw, their plan will probably be ruined. However, she believes in Luer. This girl is smart and clever enough, and most importantly, she is loyal enough. I sacrificed myself and my family, but in the end it didn't hurt my father.

   "Yes, Miss, Lu Er knows." The lady concealed all emotions, nodded slightly, and said firmly.

  After Lu Er left, Meng Fuying and Xuanyuan Yebu quickly made arrangements.

"Hey, this is where your mother used to live. Daddy really doesn't want them to come in and disturb Ling'er." Meng Yuntian looked at the room in front of him, and there was a bit of pain in his eyes, especially when he thought of the big lady and the others later. It will definitely come, and his face is a little more gloomy.

   "Daddy, this time is to avenge my mother. As long as this revenge is avenged, my mother will be quiet in the future." Seeing his appearance, Meng Fuying couldn't bear it, and persuaded in a low voice.

   "Well, you're right, so your mother won't be angry." Meng Yuntian smiled slightly at the corner of his lips, and there was a hint of distress in his voice, as if he remembered something.

   "Okay, you and Your Highness should leave first, before they find out." Meng Yuntian looked at Meng Fuying again, urging in a low voice.

   "Let's go." Xuanyuanye picked her up this time, and quickly left the bamboo forest. Although Meng Fuying was still a little worried, but thinking of the next plan, she could only leave first.

  After Lu Er came out of the bamboo forest, he hurried to the hall.

The Da Furen was standing at the entrance of the hall, and when she saw her rushing in with a panicked expression, she quickly walked up to her, then dragged her into the hall, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter? "

   "Hui, Hui madam, Master Hou, Master Hou..." Lu Er ran out of breath, stammered for a long time, but didn't say a complete sentence, which made the eldest lady anxious to death.

   "What's the matter?" The eldest lady pulled her hard and asked ruthlessly, "Has he had that tea?"

"Drink it." Lu'er nodded slightly and said, but there was obvious fear on his face, and he said tremblingly, "Hou Ye is in so much pain, so painful, he struggled for a long time before he stopped moving, it's Lu'er, It was Luer who killed Lord Hou."

  Lu Er is indeed very smart, and she pretended to be very similar at the moment, and in the end, she murmured that she killed Lord Hou.

The lady's eyes flickered slightly when she heard her words. Originally, she also wanted Lu'er to be charged with this crime. Unexpectedly, Lu'er herself admitted it at this moment, and threatened again, "This matter, If someone really finds out, then you will have to admit the crime alone, and you must not confess me, otherwise, none of your family members will survive."

  The eldest lady knew about Lu Er's filial piety, so she threatened her with her family again.

  Lu Er froze, nodded with a painful face, and seemed to be in a trance.

   There was a satisfied chuckle on the face of the eldest lady this time, thinking that after Meng Yuntian died, she would no longer have to be afraid, and she felt a little more proud.

However, she also knew that she couldn't show her complacency at this time, so she quickly hid all her emotions, and then suddenly shouted to the outside, "Come on, come on, Luer just said that Master Hou was in the bamboo forest Something went wrong, everyone go and see what's going on."

  At this moment, she looked anxious, worried, and hurriedly called outside.

  The guards outside heard her shout and ran over one after another.

   "Quick, go and see, what's wrong with Master Hou?" The eldest lady ran towards the bamboo forest while giving orders.

  The guards followed outside the bamboo forest, and they couldn't help but froze when they thought of Meng Yuntian's order not to let anyone enter the bamboo forest.

   "Why are you still standing in a daze, Lu Er just said that Master Hou fainted in the bamboo forest." The eldest lady shouted anxiously again, and those people quickly followed in.

   Arriving at the room, I saw Meng Yuntian lying on the ground, the tea on the table was spilled all over the floor, and several teacups were broken.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Seeing the situation in front of her, the lady secretly rejoiced, but she pretended to be hurt and ran over, knelt beside Meng Yuntian, and shouted anxiously, "Master Hou, what's the matter with you, what's the matter with you, wake up quickly."

However, while crying, her hand was slightly close to Meng Yuntian's lips to test his breath. When she found that there was no breath, she breathed a sigh of relief, and her eyes were a little more smug, but The more he shouted, "Master Hou, wake up, wake up."

  A guard came over, squatted down, checked, then suddenly stopped, and said tremblingly, "Ma'am, Master Hou has gone."

"You dog slave, talk nonsense, Lord Hou is fine, why did you go, Lord Hou, don't scare the concubine, if you die, how will the concubine live." The lady hugged Meng Yuntian loudly cried.

  Meng Yun's weather was so bad that he couldn't help kicking her away, but for the sake of the future plan, he could only endure it.

  The eldest lady cried more and more fiercely, "God, how could this happen, Lord Hou, why are you so cruel, how can you abandon your concubine so cruelly."

  The one who cries is really sad, and she really cries with snot and tears, but I'm afraid it's not sad, but happy.

   "Ma'am, Master Hou has really gone, Madam still needs to express condolences, the rest of the matter." Seeing that the eldest lady was crying so sadly, the guard could not help persuading in a low voice.

"You guys, go and release the butler quickly and let him deal with Lord Hou's funeral. Such a big incident happened in the Prince Hou's mansion, so there must be a butler." The lady stopped crying, looked at the guard, and ordered , but there was still a bit of feigned pain on his face.

   "Yes." The guard froze for a moment, but also left quickly.

   "Hurry up and inform His Highness and the princess to come to the palace quickly." The eldest lady turned to another guard and ordered.

   And suddenly thought of Xueer, yesterday was the day to return home, but Xueer did not come back yesterday, today she asked people to see Xueer, but was turned away.

   She was worried.

   "Go to the second prince's mansion quickly and inform the second lady to come back." Now I just take this opportunity to let Xueer come back, and ask Xueer what's going on?

  After giving the order, he hugged Meng Yuntian and cried again, the snot and tears made Meng Yuntian's face...