MTL - Five Years Later, She Bombarded the Palace with a Miniature Version of the Regent-Chapter 384 Feng Yili is coming

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  Chapter 384 Feng Yili is Coming

   Sensing the coldness, Yu Yunxi had no choice but to get up from the bed.

  But who knew, she went to the window and closed it. The next moment, a gust of wind blew and the window was opened again.

  Yu Yunxi: "..."

  She narrowed her eyes slightly, and then began to look around.

   Soon, she heard subtle voices from around her.

  Like a woman crying...

   That's right, that's the voice.

   On the first day she and Meng Xia moved in, she heard this eerie voice.

  In the days that followed, they heard it vaguely, but they lived in peace.

  What happened today?

  She looked outside, the moon on the fifteenth day was really round, but it was covered by clouds at this time, making the surroundings dark.

  Yu Yunxi quickly went out to the yard, only to find that there was no movement in Meng Xia and Qian Qing's room.

  They are all very vigilant, and they should not have heard this voice.

   Could it be that only she can hear it?

  Steady mind, Yu Yunxi quickly returned to her room.

  This yard is indeed evil, but...

  She is not afraid.

  Hunting slightly, Yu Yunxi lay down on the bed again.

  But at this moment, there was a "Yiya" sound from the door.

   Can't hold back anymore?

  Let this princess see who is playing tricks.

  The coldness in Yu Yunxi's eyes flashed, she quickly twitched the dagger from under the pillow, and then threw it towards the door.

  But who knew that the next moment, she heard a familiar muffled sound.

   Immediately afterwards, there were familiar footsteps.

   "The wind, the wind is easy to leave?"

  Yu Yunxi saw that tall figure walking towards her, and her heart was instantly suspended.

  She didn't know it was him.

   "How are you? Did I hurt you just now?"

  She got up quickly, and then groped Feng Yili's body with her hands, wanting to see if he was injured.

  She touched it for a long time, and a certain regent finally couldn't bear it anymore.

  He quickly clasped her fluttering little hand, and then said hoarsely: "Yun Xi, don't move."


  Yu Yunxi raised her eyes slightly, she looked at Feng Yili curiously, what happened to his voice.

   Could it be that you are sick?

  But her fingertips suddenly felt the temperature from Feng Yili's body, and her face instantly turned red.

   Not giving her a chance to speak, Feng Yili pulled her into his arms, resting his chin on the top of her head.

   "I miss you so much."

  If you miss it, you don't need any foreshadowing, just say it like this.

  Yu Yunxi's ears turned red.

   They just haven't seen each other during the day? What a certain regent said sounds like they haven't seen each other for many years.

  However, hearing his thoughts, her restless heart also settled down.

   "Cough, Feng Yili, don't talk yet, did you hear any strange sounds?"

  Yu Yunxi squeezed his strong waist, then asked in a low voice.

  Since he's here, let's spy on the secrets in this yard with her.

  Feeling the delicate little hands of the little princess next to him walking on his body again, and smelling the faint scent of her body, Feng Yili's Adam's apple rolled, and the flames in his eyes collided in all directions.

  But thinking of his purpose of coming, he had no choice but to suppress his urge to kiss her.

  He said softly: "You want to ask, did you hear the sound of a woman crying?"

   "Did you hear that too?" Yu Yunxi's voice was a little higher.

"Well, I just heard it when I was at the door. This king has also investigated the affairs of the Zhenbei Palace. It is said that after your mother and concubine passed away, this courtyard became a haunted house. Many servants who entered this courtyard on the fifteenth day, They all went crazy, some even committed suicide."

  Feng Yili said what he was investigating, his eyes turned cold a little bit.

  Hearing this, Yu Yunxi sneered: "No wonder the mother and daughter of the Shang family gave me this yard so actively. It turns out that there is something tricky about it."

   Presumably, the mother and daughter are hiding in their house now, imagining the tragedy of her accident.

   "Do you think that dirty things are really causing trouble?"

  Yu Yunxi looked up at Feng Yili.

  Although the surroundings were dim and he couldn't see clearly, Feng Yili knew that the eyes of the little princess in his arms must be fascinated.

   "This king has never believed in ghosts and gods. If there is something unusual, it must be man-made." He said sharply.

  Yu Yunxi nodded quickly, she thought so too.

   "If not, shall we join hands to lure that thing out tonight?" Yu Yunxi continued to talk to Feng Yi.

   That thing "provoked" her for so long, how could she not take some action?

   While saying this, Yu Yunxi's cool fingertips gently poked Feng Yili's palm.

  Feng Yili's dense eyes trembled slightly, he lowered his eyes, and there was a stream of light rolling in the dark eyes.

  His little princess, are you teasing him?

   "Are you willing or not?"

   After waiting for Feng Yili's response for a long time, Yu Yunxi was also a little anxious.

  She raised her other hand, and then poked Feng Yi's mouth.

   As a result, in the next moment, Feng Yili grabbed her fingers and shouted into her mouth.

  The not-so-sharp teeth began to bite her fingertips, it didn't hurt...

   But extremely ambiguous.

  Yu Yunxi's fingers could even feel what his teeth were doing, and her head went "boom".

  The red tide stained the roots of the ears again.

   "Feng Yili, you..." She trembled slightly.

  But Feng Yili interrupted her, he was like a wolf lurking in the dark, swallowing her into his belly at any time.

   "If you provoke me like this again, be careful that I will do you here."

  His voice was hoarse. The **** in his eyes was undisguised.

  Yu Yunxi was intimidated instantly.

  She admitted that she just wanted to be playful, so she deliberately teased him like that.

  Who knew that a certain regent could be so easy...

   "Yun Xi, this king is not Liu Xiahui. There is no normal man who can remain indifferent when facing the woman he loves."

  Feng Yili leaned over, and said in a hoarse voice in her ear.

  His voice is hot and his breath is lingering.

  Yu Yunxi's heart was beating wildly, as if she was carrying hundreds of rabbits.

   "Feng Yili, I, I..." Her voice was a little at a loss.

  The next moment, Feng Yili directly opened his mouth, and bit her sensitive earlobe, he said solemnly: "I will take some benefits first, and after dealing with the foreign enemies, I will make a careful calculation of tonight's affairs."

  Yu Yunxi's legs were a little weak, why did she feel like she had provoked a wolf.

  Looking at her nervous appearance, Feng Yili raised his eyebrows, and his eyes flashed brightly.

  A certain little princess seems to have forgotten that she is the husband he is marrying. Even if something happens between them, it should be.

   "I heard that crying came from outside. Let's go out first." He took her soft little hand behind his back, and strode out.

  (end of this chapter)