MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 761 settle a lawsuit

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  Chapter 761 Judgment

  In the prison for several days, Xiucai was so anxious that he yelled his injustice all day long. After hearing this a lot, the prison guard ignored it, and even got tired of it later, so he simply refused to give him any food.

  Until the county magistrate came back for arraignment in prison, the scholar was already haggard and inhuman.

  The county magistrate saw that this person seemed to be insane, so he planned to throw him out to fend for himself. It happened that Hangzhou Tongzhi also came to the county with the county magistrate. Seeing this, he ordered someone to bring food, and asked where he was a monk.

   After eating and knowing that there was a Shangguan present, Xiucai was filled with grief and indignation, but he still wanted to let his old mother go to the ground for peace, so he cheered up and told the reason.

  The magistrate and county magistrate heard that what they said was orderly and not crazy, so they hurriedly prepared a car and rushed to his house. As soon as they arrived at the house, they could smell a bad smell, and the neighbors around saw them coming.

  Their mother and son came here fleeing from other places. They have no ancestral relatives to take care of them. They have always been poor and have no friendship with their neighbors.

  After entering the house, nothing happened. I don’t know whether the old lady died of illness or starvation. Although Xiucai had expected it, he still couldn’t help feeling like a knife was twisting in his heart, and he passed out in darkness.


   In the next few days, the scholar turned himself in everywhere in the city seeking justice, but unfortunately no one accepted it. As for asking the crown prince to make decisions, let alone a mere scholar, even if the prefect of Hangzhou wants to see him, it depends on whether the crown prince is in the mood to see him today.

  But Zhu Biao really knew about this matter. The pro-military captain's mansion patrolled all directions, and everything that happened inside and outside the city would be summarized.

  Zhu Biao was also busy these days, so he didn’t go into details after he learned about it. It was all wrong, and there was nothing wrong with it.

  At night, Zhu Biao was reading a book, and several major business gangs presented a box of rare copies of ancient books, and there were many essays and annotations by famous people of the past.

  Liu Jin came up to refill tea and whispered: "Master, that man came again at noon, and was dragged away by the guards just as he knelt down, but it seems that he will not let it go."

If it was someone who caused a lot of trouble, he might have been put in prison for a long time, but after all, this scholar is seeking justice for his mother, the foundation of the imperial court to build a country, and the righteousness of human relations, filial piety and brotherhood. You can stop it but not bully it. Yushitai will not just sit by and watch.

  Zhu Biao snorted softly: "You have a kind heart."

   Liu Jin said with a smile: "It's not that the slaves are kind-hearted. It's fine if the master is not here. What is right and wrong is the matter of the local officials. But when the master is here, it is not good not to see a filial son."

  Zhu Biao sighed: "Forget it, let's bring everyone tomorrow. It's been a long time, and it's time for the dead to be buried as soon as possible."


  Liu Jin walked out slowly, nodded to the people waiting outside the door, and they all heaved a sigh of relief. The scholar was almost crazy these days, and he already wanted to drag the coffin to Beijing.

  It doesn't matter what happened to this matter. The crown prince is here, but some people can't find justice and want to carry the coffin to Beijing. If word spreads, His Highness's reputation will be damaged.

  They have all made up their minds, it would be best if His Highness would like to see him, if not, then they will arrange for people to deal with this scholar on the road, in short, His Highness's reputation is greater than heaven's reason.

  Then they all dispersed, the scholar didn't make sense, and the rest were fine. In short, no matter what His Highness will do with him tomorrow, he must be obedient and must not put His Highness in an embarrassing situation.

  Sometimes the world is so wonderful, a mere poor scholar, who talks a little dirty on weekdays, but at such moments can also make them, who are in high positions, difficult.

Zhu Biao glanced out thoughtfully, and it seems that he saved the scholar's life. He has many fans, and they don't always ask him for instructions before doing anything. Sometimes they have a lot of autonomy, especially In order to protect the interests of the group.

  Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin and Chen Qiaoyi's yellow robe added, if it was really planned by himself, that's all. If not, you can see that no matter how high your prestige is, you will inevitably be threatened by everyone.

   Zhu Biao has come to this point, he himself does not want to be the prince, will the people below agree? Of course not, he had to be put on the dragon chair.

   If it is impossible, I would rather kill Zhu Biao and support the grandson to take the position, and never agree to everything in vain.

  This is the appeal of the interest group. As the owner of an interest group, you can ask for anything from them, and you can treat them as pigs and dogs, but you can't betray them, otherwise you will be backlashed.


  Early the next morning, Zhu Biao sat in court at the government office in Hangzhou.

   "The ministers are incompetent, they have failed the emperor's kindness, disturbed His Highness, and please punish him."

The prince sat in the hall, and the officials of all sizes in the Hangzhou mansion were basically present. Zhu Biao ignored these two people and scolded the others: "Civil affairs are as big as the sky. If you are an official in the local area and a herdsman on behalf of the sky, why don't you ignore the case?" , push each other, so that the common people have no way to report to officials, just because they are afraid of trouble?"

  Shu Lala knelt down in a large piece: "The ministers are convicted, please respect the importance of the country, don't get angry, the ministers will die forever!"

  Zhu Biao looked at the scholar and said: "I have heard that you are filial. Today, I am sitting in the hall. If there is any grievance, please feel free to tell me. I will deal with it fairly."

The scholar kowtowed deeply and then talked about it carefully. The disheveled face and skinny face couldn't hide his grief and indignation. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "I beg your highness to be the master, bring to justice the guards who arrested people without asking why, and deal with the county magistrate who ruined people's lives." , and the mother who was born late is fair in the spirit of heaven!"

The county magistrate's face remained unchanged, but he acted obediently, while the city guard guard was full of anger, but he didn't dare to play tricks in front of the prince. Zhu Piaodian said to the guard: "I won't just listen to one side of the story, you What do you have to say?"

The servant was rather courageous, and after thanking the prince respectfully, he pointed at the scholar and scolded: "You are also a scholar, why are you so ignorant? We know each other, even if we go out of the city, we must be lured, if there is no lure, the intruders will be found out to be refugees, at least they will be imprisoned, and at worst they will be dispatched to the army, we are acting according to the court's laws, what is wrong with us!"

  The scholar said in a trembling voice: "Even if I have made mistakes, but my mother is so innocent. If I have a sudden illness, even if I have made mistakes, you can remind me and let me get the guide. Why did I kill a life like this!"

It's not surprising that this officer can tell exactly what the law is based on. The situation is so troubled that the city is full of ups and downs. It is normal to find someone to give advice and memorize the law deliberately. What is rare is that in such a scene stage fright.

You must know that it was also Ming Dynasty who ruled the world with filial piety. In the third year of Hongwu, when Lao Zhu was promoting the idea of ​​​​ruling the world with filial piety, he once said, "Everyone who loves his relatives will make them be filial. One person is filial and everyone tends to be filial." , this is the foundation of weathering."

  If this case were placed in the Western Han Dynasty, it would be fine for a scholar to avenge his mother and directly kill the county magistrates.

  In today’s world, killing the county magistrate is definitely not tolerated. No matter what the reason is, it is considered a rebellion, but Zhu Biao is here to help a dutiful son like him.

Zhu Biao looked at the guards and the county magistrate and said: "There is nothing wrong with this matter. According to the law of the Ming Dynasty, there is nothing wrong with arresting an uninvited citizen, but the fault lies in the inappropriate handling. Since he is in a hurry and can tell his hometown, Why not send someone to check it out."

"Furthermore, since you have been arrested, you should try it in time. Because you didn't arrange your official duties when you left the county, you delayed the timing of the case and caused people to die, causing an innocent old woman to die at home. We govern the country with filial piety. He is the son of man. What's wrong with seeking justice for my mother, that's what it should be."

"But one is one, two is two, Yuan Xiucai, this case is ultimately due to your fault first, if you lead the way and cause such a thing, you don't need to seek justice, the court will kill them according to the law , yes or no?"


  (end of this chapter)