MTL - Fierce Silk Flower-Chapter 77 evidence

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The law enforcement team’s people feel that Ji Anran’s statement is a bit strange, but Ji’an’s statement is quite convincing.

It is a bit difficult for him to propose to trade at the Chenchen base. In this case, the delay also makes people record.

How do you think... I feel that it is not kind.

Yan Yanfeng’s evaluation is good, but the exposure of the restricted trading position and the secret recording of the video will have an indelible impact on his reputation.

It is justifiable that they do not want to release the u disk.

"Actually, my brother heard a bad news from elsewhere. Wu Quan does not have a third-order Lei Jing nucleus in his hands. He just talked about collaborating to defraud the nucleus in his hands."

The law enforcement team is also indignant: "Wu Quan's garbage is still a fight, I see that he does not have a third-order mine nucleus."

"Yes. The people who came here are the spiritual powers. Wu Quan has always kept people hidden. Even many people who hope that the base don't know Wu Yu has spiritual abilities. They obviously have no crystal nucleus. Let Wu Yu come to the door to grab it!"

Ji Anran’s eyes darkened: “In fact, I really don’t want my brother’s reputation to be damaged. If it’s not Wu Quan’s fight, it’s too deceptive, I won’t...”

"It is a meritorious deed, everyone has a conclusion in mind. Even if Wu Quan tries hard to wash white and dirty water, but the masses of the people are not so deceived. They dare to set up a bureau, we can let their reputation rotten to mud. In the ground!"

Ji Anran's pure little face with a faint smile, his eyes flashing with moving light.

"Thank you. I believe that other people will also believe that my brother is a man."

Ji Bailian·Enran the sympathy of the law enforcement team and left the evidence after laying down the evidence.


On the other side, Wu Quan was simply beaten.

Why don't you say that there is evidence? !

Wu Quan was deeply aware that someone had set up a bureau against him.

From the location of the location of the exchange nucleus, it has been a bureau. He did not see through, step by step and step by step, all the way to lose the soldiers will be defeated, the defeat of the mountains!

Wu Quan clenched his fists and the blue veins on his back were extremely horrible.

He used all his strength to barely keep calm.

"They are my men, I have always trusted them very much, I didn't expect..." Wu Quan's face, a look of sadness, "We really didn't expect them to be betrayed, carrying me to do such a thing!" ”

The people at the morning base law enforcement team will naturally not believe and continue to question.

"There are so many people involved in this operation, you must be informed. They are so many people, you can't come over with you."

Wu Quanchang sighed: "I let them bring the nucleus in the past and exchange with them. How do I know that they will do this in private? They not only swallowed my third-order ray crystal nucleus, but also forced it to delay." The spirit of the crystal nucleus, making trouble at the dawn base, it is abhorrent!"

Wu Quan is an old fox in the end.

Even if the heart is extremely sad, he still skillfully uses his acting skills and tries to deceive the world.

"You said they were rebellious. Do you have any evidence?" The captain of the law enforcement team frowned. "This matter, our base will not be like that!"

Wu Quan nodded: "You should be held accountable. But I really don't know that they have betrayed me. If you have not found evidence, I will always be kept in the dark!"

The law enforcement people at the dawn base were silent, and there was no breakthrough at the moment.

Wu Quan has no evidence to prove that these people are betrayed, but they also have no evidence that these people were instructed by Wu Quan to engage in the morning camp.

The captain of the law enforcement team is an old fox: "So, according to your statement, what should be done by those who try to destroy the friendly relationship between the base and the Chennai base?"

"It should be executed in a late manner!"

Wu Quan hated the captain of the law enforcement team and hated it, but he could only continue to pretend to be betrayed.

"Is it late? They are all dead, afraid that it is not appropriate. Otherwise, throw it into the mountains to feed the wolf, to the effect. What do you think?"

The captain of the law enforcement team looked sharp and stared at Wu Quan, trying to see what his face was from his face.

Wu Quan is bleeding inside: "Good! Happy!"


After turning off the video, Wu Quan was so angry that he would sweep all the things on the table to the ground.

His eyes were red, and the hatred on his face could not be completely concealed. It was very scary.

"What do we do now?" Wu Quan's subordinates are already six gods.

Before, they were still trying to clarify Wu Quan and pour dirty water on Yan Yan and the other two forces.

But now... the video evidence is in front of everyone, and they can't let them argue!

Wu Quan closed his eyes and felt very weak.

"I have already boasted of Haikou. I have to throw them to feed the wolves. There is no room for reversal. Even if the heart is sad again, we can only continue to play."

The subordinates said: "The subordinates are now going to spread out the news that our forces have gone out of the traitor."

One of the dead is Wu Quan’s son, and Wu Quan’s heart is estimated to be mad. He is still going to sneak out, or else Wu Quan will not take it later to take him out to vent his anger!

Like a trapped beast, Wu Quan paced back and forth in the room, and his lips screamed silently.

Long delay!

You are so good! The grievances between us will not be like this. When I find the opportunity in the future, I must let you lose your name and die.


Wu Quan concealed Wu Yu's ability until the nucleus was needed. All the people knew that Wu Quan had a spiritual abilities in his hand.

Because of this, the people of the two bases have a poor perception of Wu Quan.

When the video came out, and the morning-time base law enforcement team and the procrastinating people took the rhythm, the public opinion quickly fell.

The people who eat melons have expressed their feelings and forsured the conspiracy and saved the nucleus. But they also regretted that they did not get an important handle and let Wu Quan go unpunished.

With the death of the living mouths and the handling of the bodies, the morning base used its own way to shock the people who wanted to be in the dark.

I hope that the other two forces of the base will take advantage of Wu Quan’s lack of manpower and launch a storm. Wu Quan lost a lot of rights, and his power was not as good as before.

This sensational event finally came to an end.

It’s very difficult to travel in the snowy days.

Yan Yan is the captain of the team, he has to make plans for his team members.

I’m going to find out about the good material collection points.

However, he did not have much to gain. From the end of the world to the present, many materials have been taken away by others, and now heavy snow has buried many plants.

It is really too difficult to find supplies.

The unsuccessful delay can only return to the home and continue to find a solution.

Ji Anran sent the evidence, and when he came back, he saw the delay of the brow.

"Hey, you are because we have no way to defeat Wu Quan this time, so I feel distressed?"

Ji Anran is like a sweet little cotton jacket, walked over and gently massaged it.

"Hey, Wu Quan, this person has been building a strong base for a long time. He is not so easy to pull down. Come to Japan, we will always have a chance to bring him down. You don't have to rush for a while, I am not in a hurry~"

"Enron, I am not a headache because of this. But... We have caught a few people, but those people's confession is not very useful, it is also irritating."

They delayed their catch in the box that day, but those people were obeying Wu Yu’s command. They themselves are the cronies of Wu Yu, but they don’t know much about Wu Quan.

Under this circumstance, I was not ordered to live by Wu Quan, and I could not ask any news.

"Hey brother, I think this is also very good. Wu Quan let Wu Yu come over to grab the crystal nucleus, Wu Yu took his cronies. In the last life, Wu Quan let Wu Yu kill me, he is also a confidant!"

Ji Anran's lips and micro-hooks are all cold.

Yan Yanyi said: "Enron, you mean..."

"Actually, I stood on the roof of the hotel that day, not only to see you. I have already confirmed a few of the people killed in the hotel box. I will confirm with the people who ran out with Wu Yu. Confirm if they are the people who have surrounded me in my life."

Because of the last hand, Ji Anran knows very well how the people are shot.

"I am very happy. One is not leaking, all dead."

Yan Yan took the season to his arms and kissed his forehead.

"Enron, Wu Quan is one of the three major forces in the hope of the base. Whether it is the past or the nucleus of this life, it must be related to his instructions. I will definitely try to find opportunities and avenge you."

"Well. Wu Quan will definitely not give up easily, we don't have to do anything. Waiting for him to die, we are good at seeing the move."

Ji Anran's face is attached to the arms of Yan Yan, and his heart is full of joy.

"Enron, I was thinking about the problem of our team looking for supplies. Because of the nucleus, our team has not gone out for a while. But if I go out, I don't know where to go."

Ji Anran snorted in the arms of Yan Yan: "Hey, don't think so much."

"In any case, they also said, big deal, wait for the snow to go out and go out. We are now collecting materials, it is not easy to move outside, it will consume a lot of calories at once, and it needs a lot of food to supplement. It is better to train at home this winter and improve. Improve my ability."

I was hesitated for a moment and finally agreed.


Not long after, the base executives came over.

They just came to find the information in the seaside research base.

"The end times are too difficult, and we want to end it as soon as possible. I hope to use your power..."

Ji Anran is very excited: "Hey, there are a lot of fish and shrimp there. When we get married, we can make a seafood feast."

I can’t smile.

Obviously, when talking about business, Enron can marry the wedding. However, Enron is right.

"There are a lot of fish on the beach. We are not looking for supplies now. The fish resources on the beach is a very good way out."

The top management is very tempted. "After arriving at the beach, we will enter the research building. It is estimated that we will stay there for more than a month to collect food. At that time, you will do whatever you want, and we will not limit your actions."

Yan Yan also hearted: "Okay, our team joined."

The wind is strong at the seaside and very cold in winter.

The people at the base decided to start the winter before they started. This is not because they are afraid of suffering, but to save non-renewable resources for cold protection.

Ji Enran found related books from the library, and studied the future, thinking about the future.

"Hey, I think the collection of materials is quite cool. We help clean up the zombies and open the way. It can also be said that the base has escorted us. There are more people and the risks are much smaller."

Yan Yan smiled slightly: "I feed my cockroach and eat small fish all day long. It is estimated that I am going to get tired of it. When I get to the beach, I will give you fresh fish."

Season: "..."