MTL - Feminist God-Chapter 509 unbelievable

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  Chapter 509 Incredible

  When everything was settled, Bai Lianhua and Li Bichi left with smiles on their faces.

  Through the conversation with Lin Qing, they realized a topic that both of them dared to be most interested in, that is, Lin Qing's optimism on is no less than that of Panda Chat!

  What kind of concept is this? It indicates that as long as develops according to the planned blueprint, then the two of them will be worth a lot in the future, and they will definitely become extremely influential figures!

  After the two left early, Lin Qing looked to one side and said with a smile, "Thank you so much, Senior Sister."

   "You're welcome." Chu Fei stirred the coffee in her hand.

After bidding farewell to Chu Fei, Lin Qing returned to the company. Now the employees of the company are busy arranging related equipment. After all, they will be "moving" again soon. They can neither suspend all the business of Huaqing, nor can they move to a new place. company.

  Regarding the development of all resources to mobile software, this matter has progressed somewhat. Lin Qing learned from Mu Ping that it has reached the time for online release. Although not all development has been completed, it can be released one after another.

  Lin Qing immediately agreed to Mu Ping's request, but he had to wait until he moved to the new company.

  In the next few days, thousands of people from Huaqing Company were mobilized and marched towards the new building. What awaited them there would be a better environment.

  In a brand new building, which was purchased by Lin Qing years ago, and has now been renovated.

The top floor is a huge office. This is Lin Qing's office. At this time, he stands in front of the window and looks down, watching the white-collar workers carrying their things in an orderly manner. The scene is quite spectacular, even the people in the capital Qian Yundu dispatched part of the police force to help maintain the surrounding order.

   "It's incredible." Lin Qing murmured softly.

  Thinking back in the past, when he just crossed over in a daze, he still thought that this place is simply a man's paradise, where he can have **** with all kinds of beauties at will, and he doesn't have to be responsible afterwards, and he can even make a fortune from women.

But now Lin Qing is very glad that she didn't do that. It is true that being taken care of by women every day, spending women's money while having **** with all kinds of beauties is very cool, and living a life that most men dream of, but relative Also have to pay something.

   That is a man's dignity, he will become a woman's slave, and will be endlessly plundered by women.

   Looking back now, look at those groups of female white-collar workers who are working for themselves. This is the real conquest, conquering the hearts and bodies of those women!

   "What's incredible about Mr. Lin?" Ye Jieyi asked behind him.

   "Do you think it's normal for me to have achieved today as a man?" Lin Qing looked down at the downstairs and asked with his back to Ye Jieyi.

  In the world that Lin Qing knows well, at his age, it would be difficult to have such a career, but it is not impossible, but here in the world where women are in charge of the house, there is almost no abnormality.

   "It's not normal." Ye Jieyi replied truthfully.

   "Okay, let's not mention these." Lin Qing asked: "Has the staff from the customer service department come back today?"

"came back."

  Lin Qing nodded and said, "Go and do your work, I'll rest here."

  In the evening, Lin Qing invited the company's top executives to meet in a hotel, mainly to give everyone a new and spacious office workplace.

   Cars arrived one after another, including Audis, BMWs, and Mercedes-Benz. Although they are not considered luxury cars in Beijing, a place where dignitaries gather, and are at best mid-priced, they cannot stand up to the identities of these car owners.

   "Old Liu, do you know what's going on?" Mu Ping stepped out of the Audi car and asked Liu Jing who had just got off the side car BMW.

   "I don't know." Liu Jing said.

  Because they are both from the Longsheng Department, it is obvious that Mu Ping and Liu Jing have a better relationship.

   Immediately, the two looked at Jinlian.

   "I don't know anything, don't look at me," Wu Lian shook her head again and again.

   "Could it be the company's reform?" Hu Li appeared out of nowhere, her eyes were shining strangely. Once the company reformed, she would have another chance to climb up.

   Saying this, some people are sad and some are happy, and there will be personnel transfers in the reform.

  A group of Huaqing high-level executives stopped briefly in front of Fenghao Hotel. While talking, Ye Jieyi finally arrived on a bicycle. Compared with the others, she undoubtedly looked a lot more downcast.

  Ye Jieyi locked the bicycle and said, "You guys came quite early."

   "I said is it necessary to lock your bicycle?" Liu Jing complained.

   "Who said it wasn't."

  No one despises or ridicules Ye Jieyi, because she is Lin Qing's chief secretary, a secretary who works as she pleases.

   "I still have a car anyway, but Mr. Lin doesn't even have a car." Ye Jieyi smiled.

  Mu Ping asked: "Xiaoye, where is Mr. Lin today?"

   "I just asked you to come to dinner, I see you are nervous." Ye Jieyi finished speaking nonchalantly, and then walked into the hotel with slender legs.

  A group of people in the back stood on the ground and peeped at each other. It was just a meal, but they pondered the intention for a long time?

  Fenghao Hotel, in a private room that can accommodate 30 people, the turntable tables are already filled with good food and wine, and all the high-level executives of Huaqing are seated, but no one moves their chopsticks, but they all look at Lin Qing.

Lin Qing sat in the main seat of the box, looking at familiar faces one by one, and soon said with a smile: "There are no outsiders here, and you are all old employees. Let me make a long story short, in fact, today is dinner. I just heard that Ye Jie Yi said that you were all nervous outside for a long time."

   A group of senior Huaqing officials smiled awkwardly.

   "Here, I would like to thank everyone for supporting me and Huaqing." Lin Qing suddenly stood up with a teacup in his hand.

  The atmosphere suddenly became serious, "Wow!" The others followed closely behind, holding the wine in their hands and standing up as well, and drank it all in one gulp.

  Liu Jing sat down, endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold back, and asked: "Mr. Lin, since we have moved, what about the long-term location of the company?"

   "I'm preparing to build a new company there." Lin Qing said.

   Immediately, a group of people couldn't help but guess Lin Qing's intentions, why there was no news at all before.

  People subconsciously looked at Zhao Lin'er, Lin Xue and even Su Yi, the people who were closest to Lin Qing, only to realize that they had almost the same expressions of astonishment.

   "This new company does not conflict with Huaqing's business, so you don't have to worry about anything." Lin Qing smiled.

   After saying this, the original serious atmosphere began to ease. The senior management of Huaqing didn't mind what kind of company Lin Qing would do again, as long as it didn't touch their interests.

   Afterwards, some staff members got in the mood, and the drinking party started to look decent. Some people chatted and toasted frequently.

  If Lin Xue hadn't stopped her, Ye Jieyi might have had a drink with Zhao Liner.

  Lin Qing also stopped the hustle and bustle of the drinking party, and asked Mu Ping with a smile: "How is my high school classmate?"

"There is not much room for improvement. Since I became the team leader, I have been a little passive and sabotage." Putting down her wine glass, Mu Ping sighed, as if she felt sorry for Gong Ziwei's inaction. Obviously there is such a strong back door, as long as she works a little harder , she may not be able to make a career in the sky in the future, but it is a pity that she is not the material.

   "What's wrong with her?" Lin Qing suddenly became interested.

  (end of this chapter)