MTL - Feminist God-Chapter 2 dream of paradise

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  Chapter 2 Dreaming of Paradise

  The door opened, and a strong woman with wheat-colored skin walked in, approaching two meters.

  At this time, Lin Qing swallowed involuntarily, and his face was also very ugly.

  The person at the door is his childhood sweetheart Liu Qiuya. He originally thought that even if the other party was not a lady, at worst, he should be a charming Xiaojiabiyu, but he never expected that it would be a powerful humanoid titan!

  The explosive muscles and the big and round body all made Lin Qing feel an invisible sense of oppression and shock. It was too terrifying. Her body was even stronger than Doug Johnson!

  As for the idea of ​​letting the other party confess, Lin Qingyan put it out early. Compared with the other party, he is completely a little chick.

   Stay away from Liu Qiuya if you don't want to be tortured!

   Immediately, he quietly took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and held it tightly in his hand. As long as the other party had even the slightest malicious attempt, he would call the police without saying a word!

  He can't beat such a strong woman, and the environment is so narrow.

   "Sister Qiuya, you are here!" Lin Yu didn't notice the change in Lin Qing's face at all, and stood up and smiled at Liu Qiuya. , then turned his head, and said to Lin Qing: "Brother, you don't stand up when sister Qiu Ya is here, so rude."

  Lin Qing also stood up with a dry laugh, but his eyes were tightly guarded against the strong woman at the door!

   "No, no, I'm not an outsider." Liu Qiuya said in a tone of voice.

Seeing Lin Qing standing up and smiling at herself, she immediately felt an indescribable sense of excitement. She had always treated her with a neutral attitude for many years, but now her attitude changed suddenly, which made her pursue Lin Qing again. Confidence!

   "No, sit down quickly." Accompanied by Liu Qiuya's voice, she ran over, and rhythmic "dong dong dong" sounded on the floor

  Lin Qing opened his eyes wide, his eyes were full of disbelief, it was too terrifying, this childhood sweetheart was simply an indelible nightmare!

  Liu Qiuya came to Lin Qing. The tall head nearly two meters lowered her head, her eyes were full of affection, and two pairs of big hands that were comparable to cattail fans fell on Lin Qing's shoulders, pressing gently.

At the same time, there was a look of enjoying happiness on his face, and he thought to himself: Lin Qing's shoulders are so comfortable to touch, if I marry such a fairy-like little husband, it will be a great virtue from my ancestors, and I will definitely not do anything by then, Hug him and make out every day!

  Lin Qing was terrified, with so much strength, her own resistance was completely useless, so she was just pushed on the sofa?

   "What, what are you doing here?" Sitting on the sofa, Lin Qing quickly grabbed the phone and swallowed. If the opposite party goes crazy, who can stop it?

   "Brother, why did you say that? Didn't you wait for sister Qiu Ya by the window just now?" At this time, Lin Yu came over with a glass of water and put it on the coffee table.

Hearing this, Liu Qiuya was stunned. Lin Qing, who had imagined countless times in her heart, suddenly looked forward to her appearance. She almost couldn't hold back her laughter, and then she felt her heart beating abnormally, and an ecstatic look appeared on her face Facial expression, eyes unblinking, falling into boundless fantasy, could it be that it's time for him to confess, and the previous indifference is testing himself? !


  Lin Qing's face is ugly, Lin Yu is the worst sister in history.

  How to explain this?

  He took a peek at Liu Qiuya, just in time to meet her peeking eyes. The other party showed a little girl's shyness, and quickly buried her head in her chest, and immediately kneaded the corners of her clothes with both hands


  King Kong Barbie's behavior made Lin Qing's appetite churn.

   "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

   "Lin Qing."

  The second daughter looked worried. The man has always been weak and sick. It seems that he fell ill? !

   It’s no wonder why I locked myself in the house when I entered the house with the notice.

  Lin Yun couldn't help thinking this way.

Lin Qing has the identity of a time traveler, and even has a lifetime of social ashes experience. He resisted the urge to vomit, and quickly calmed down, forced a smile, and opened his mouth nonsense: "Our toilet is clogged, Qiuya is our neighbor. The strongest and strongest woman in the world, I just want her to help us clean all the toilets!"

   Explaining everything in this way will work, and the nausea is thinking of the toilet.

  Lin Qing couldn't help but like her lie!

"What, your toilet is clogged. Leave it to me. It's not me. I do the work of the toilets near our house. If anyone's toilet is clogged, they don't call a professional, but me. This kind of work Ye Xiaoye doesn't even know how!" Liu Qiuya wanted to roll up her sleeves when she heard this, but today she was wearing a waistcoat, so she had to pat her chest so loudly!

   This is a good opportunity to express herself, she can't be compared to Ye Xiaoye, today she will let Lin Qing know who is more secure!

   After bragging, she looked excited, and before Lin Qing could say anything, she went straight to the bathroom, trying to use her strongest strength to complete this sacred and great task that Lin Qing had given her!

Seeing the wide open door of the bathroom, and listening to the sound of Liu Qiuya working inside, Lin Qing's face twitched, and it was difficult to accept the fact again. but he is fine

  He would rather not have this kind of childhood sweetheart. Thinking about how he planned to let Liu Qiuya confess himself before, it makes him want to vomit blood

"Brother, what do you think of Sister Qiu Ya? She feels so safe. If she marries any gangster in the future, she will stand aside!" Lin Yu sat down next to Lin Qing, blocking him from the right, very "manly" One sound.

Women in this world are generally tall, while men are generally short. For example, Lin Qing's height is almost the same as that of most women, almost standing out from the crowd, so the two brothers and sisters who are one year apart sitting together do not appear to be neither fish nor fowl. .

   "She's very strong!" Lin Qing laughed dryly.

  Thinking of Liu Qiuya's powerful body, he was afraid for a while. In the future, he would rather face a group of gangsters than face King Kong Barbie's Liu Qiuya!

  That strength is terrifying even thinking about it.

   "By the way, who is Ye Xiaoye she mentioned earlier?" Lin Qing asked.

  Lin Yu looked at Lin Qing carefully, and asked, "You don't even remember Miss Xiaoye, but she is also your childhood sweetheart."

  Oh. My God, with such a beautiful name, shouldn’t it be another strong woman like Liu Qiuya? ?

  Lin Qing had a broken face, but no matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn't think of any information about Ye Xiaoye, but the information about his parents had been recorded.

   "Brother, you look so ugly, do you want me to take you to the hospital?" Lin Yu blinked, as if the brother who grew up together suddenly changed, and his words and deeds were very abnormal.

   "It's okay, I just thought it would be nice to have two friends, Liu Qiuya and Ye Xiaoye, who have been friends since childhood."

"Brother, cousin Su Yi and I, we all played together to grow up together?" While speaking, Lin Yu had reached out his right hand to press Lin Qing's forehead, and then touched his own, muttering Said: "I don't have a fever."

  Lin Qing was embarrassed, and didn't dare to continue, for fear that a group of childhood sweetheart Barbie King Kong would appear later, and he began to wonder who his cousin Su Yi was.

  This time, Su Yi's information was like a slideshow, and she probably browsed through it, and Lin Qing also had a certain understanding and affection for Su Yi.

Su Yi is the only daughter of her second uncle's family. Like Liu Qiuya, she is one year older than herself, but she dropped out of school after high school to move bricks on construction sites. The reason is that men nowadays are too materialistic. The woman was required to bring a car, a house, and deposits, so my cousin started to earn money desperately. I heard that someone on the construction site introduced her to a partner.

  Thinking of this, Lin Qing mourned for Su Yi for a second, and after that, she was always congratulating herself for traveling to such a man's blessed land!

  Because this place is simply the paradise dreamed of by those big guys in the previous life!

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  (end of this chapter)