MTL - Female Protagonist is a Blackened Villainess-Chapter 78 Finale (below)

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After a while, the system replied with a depressed face: "When the key was released twenty years ago, I would think of this day." The **** of light is also silent. &p; They can't get into that place, because they will collapse when they enter.

"Do you mean this?" Long Shizhen suddenly took out the key that Long Aotian gave her that day.

"That's the way, how did you get it?" the two said in unison.

"Long Aotian gave me" Dragon poetry is full of complex faces. "Well, don't say so much. Tell me where the Tongtian Tower is. I will go find the red stone."

The **** of light said: "Don't worry, you are going to die now. You must raise your strength to the king of God. Then you will be prepared. During this period, I will fit with the other ten main gods and become the true body of the Father. I should be able to fight for you. Some time."

"Impossible! I only have a sanctuary now, and I don't know how many thousands of years to go to the king of God." Long Shiyi shook her head, and she knew the division above the sanctuary. The gods are: the second god, the lower god, the middle god, the upper god, the first king, the higher god, the main god, the creation god.

Her sacred domain, to reach the king of God, I really don’t know how many years to go.

Guangming God suddenly laughed at the stone statue and opened his mouth very horrible: "You don't want to be arrogant, you should have already mate with the red star comet. This is something you have never had before. Your strength is soaring, now there is at least a lower god. The realm of it! You can't believe that you can look at your own gods."

"There is a realm of the next god, but the potential can not be underestimated, just able to block the sacred attack of the Father." The system also felt a sigh.

Long Shiyu’s face was unchanged, and he was sure to ask: “Do you mean that I want to be with Zhai Linglong until I reach the realm of the King of God?”

At this time, Zi Lingling just woke up. After hearing her words, the eyes were as big as the copper bells, and the little lips were not closed.

"It's no problem like this. I think the world should have thought of it. I have modified Long Aotian's exercises to suit the women's and women's double shame. I can believe that in 20 years, I can achieve God." Wang." Guangming said.

Although it doesn't feel good, they have to do it because there is no other choice. According to the place provided by the dark Lord God who is good at dodging, they find a place that no **** can disturb, and quietly clean it.

It doesn't have to be said that the process is a decade.

It is incredible, the time is ten years faster than the original plan, and the effect is unfolding. There is absolutely no need to absorb the red stone. Zha Lingling has broken the seal of the red yin comet.

Yes, all the seals are broken in one breath.

Now, Long Shiyi and her are standing in infinite chaos, and the red giant behind it suddenly turns into a bead and is swallowed into her belly.

This time, all the high planes are shaking.

One of the ancient miracles of the red yin comet broke open the seal on the highest level of the original Hongmeng, everyone is crazy to somewhere in the chaos, even the current seven supreme king They have all been dispatched.

Over the years, the true God has finally swallowed up the soul of the creation god, but in this way he began to replace the creation **** to find the shadow of the purple exquisite and the dragon poetry, but there have been other gods interfering, and he has no way. turn up. I want to destroy them, but I find that the power of these people is very terrifying and cannot be solved in a short time.

For them, the millennium millennium is just blinking.

Therefore, he is really worried that Ziling Ling awakens, seals the red yin comet, and uses the red yin comet to let her know that the end will be very miserable.

When he used the red yin comet, he was just a helpless move. He had to upgrade his strength. It was later found to be very useful, so that it would always be used. It would be great to be courageous, and now it is regrettable.

The seal of the red yin comet is always eroded. He applies seals every once in a while, but now it is completely broken. The creation **** is completely desperate.

When the seal broke open, he ran wildly into the depths of the chaos, but who knows that he has now returned to the original place. Standing in front of two beautiful women, one white and one red hand holding hands and fingers, the red woman's two pairs full of blood red color, the huge pressure is from her body.

He has not had time to ask for mercy, but it is a smog.

Long Shiyi turned his head and looked at Zi Ling, asking: "Is this your strength now?"

"Not only!" Zi Lingling tweeted her in a mischievous manner. "My original body is one of the seven strongest gods in the world. Now I inherit the power of the original body. Of course it is very powerful, far less than yours." See it."

"It seems that my wife is very powerful." Long Shiyi wanted to hold her in her arms, only to find that she suddenly became only a little higher in her chest, only to bury her chest.

Speaking of the double shame of the past ten years, she is almost all in the adult mode, and now suddenly becomes a small mode, it seems a bit uncomfortable.

"Exquisite, can I keep the appearance of adults, I am not used to it."

"Because I am getting bigger by my energy, there is no way for me. Your soul can't leave the body. I can only renovate your body when I go back." Decided, she wants to transform Zi Lingling into her favorite appearance, how beautiful it is.

Upon hearing that he had the opportunity to get rid of the title of Lolita, Long Shiyi couldn't help but sneak in his heart and quickly said, "Let's go back! We have been together all the time."

"For the time being, it is not possible." Who knows that Zi Ling shook his head and looked at the distance of chaos, constantly emitting his own pressure. Long Shiyi also looked at her in the eyes. I saw that there were countless people flying to them. It was overwhelming, as if the locusts were too strong.

Someone said: "Why, why is the red-yellow comet breaking the seal?"

Someone said: "I don't know! It should be the messenger of the left-wing Red-Yellow comet in the summer. It shouldn't be done, but it's impossible to calculate things and it's impossible to break the seal so quickly."

Someone said: "Helpless, if you can't seal in summer, you must tell us that it is right!"

Someone said: "Everyone should not guess, we must stop the comet from harming innocent people."

Someone said: "Don't worry, I heard that the purple sacred **** has come over."

Someone said: "God is coming over, can you say that the situation is terrible?"

A group of people madly came over, but they did not see the figure, they were shocked by a powerful pressure, and they all appeared in a kneeling position, which made them feel much better.

"God is forgiving!"

"God is forgiving!"

Numerous shouts rang through the chaos.

"I am the ancient red to the high **** Zun Zi Ling, today broke the ancient six gods seal resurrection, you can have objections?" Zi Ling said not slowly.

"No objection!"

"No objection!"

"I will congratulate God for reviving!"

Zhai Linglong is very satisfied with their attitude, pointing to Long Shiyi: "This is my wife, Long Shizhen, you know each other." Countless people dare not look up, just remembering her divine power with their eyes closed, then Simultaneously said: "I have seen adults!"

"The purple dress has seen it! I have seen my sister!"

"The oranges have seen you! I have seen my sister!"


Long Shiyi had not adapted to it for a while, and suddenly he was shouted and yelled, it was a burst of sorrow. The men and women, red orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and seven colors, which suddenly appeared in front of them, were congratulating them.

If she guessed it well, then these people should be the seven highest supreme gods now. Zi Lingling is considered to be their elders. It is normal to call her sister.

I have to say that the world has changed too fast. She was a common **** not long ago, and she has been there all the time. Now she suddenly stands at the peak. Although she only relies on the purple light, she has to be embarrassed.

Zhai Linglong said: "I am troubled by the violent these days. Thank you! In the future, there will be no comets. You don't have to worry about the comet killing."

"My sister can be resurrected. It is the best, and it saves some troubles. I don't know what my sister intends to do in the future. If I want to return to the highest position, then we will have a good hospitality," said Ziyi.

"No," Zi Ling shook his head. "I just want to travel around the world and see the development of various civilizations. I don't want to take care of the worldly things. You can't bother me."

"I will not bother." The seven said in the same voice.

Ziling Ling said: "The treasure of the ancient mysterious world is a major treasure that can destroy the Seven Gods. I thought that I was also dumped in the same year, and even sealed by the rest of the six gods. Now I will tell you to pay attention to it." Saying, taking the hand of Long Shiyi back to the world created by the creation god, leaving only the remaining seven people to nod and thank her.

The two returned to the realm of the gods.

Standing on the statue of the large creation **** on the highest peak, overlooking the continent where the gods flourish. Here, it is the place that the people of Fengling mainland yearn for, and it is also the place that Long Shiyi once yearn for.

Long Shiyi looked up at her: "You lost the group like this, can you do this?"

"It's okay!" Zi Ling smiled. "My original body is an ancient god. The skill is much bigger than them. They can't take me. Not to mention, under your efforts, I have also made rapid progress."

Long Shi Yan swept her, then put a small face, stretched out a small hand and licked her soft, purple Ling Xiaohong's little face quickly hugged her: "Sister is forgiving, I am wrong, still not!" She is now terrible, and she is still afraid of the usual poetry of the dragon, so it is better to show weakness. When she is going on that side, she will find it back.

"In fact, they are all afraid of me, so I will not go to the high position to find trouble, has not been good to go to the world with my sister?" Zi Ling said.

"You mean that we have to travel to various worlds to travel?" Long Shiyi's eyes can't help but shine. This is her long-cherished wish. Unfortunately, her strength is low, and there is no way to pass it now.

"Sister wants to go?"

"Yeah." Long Shiyi nodded. "But we have to live with our parents for a lifetime."

"I also said that I don't know if your father and mother will agree with us." Zi Ling is full of sorrow, a tangled look, she actually figured it out, and she did not agree to brush the memory.

Long Shi Yan did not answer, raised her hand on her neck, and closed her eyes with her feet: "Kiss me." Lips and teeth, this is a long, long kiss.


The author has something to say: the end is over, and the hearts are mixed.

At the beginning of this writing, the passion is slow. Who knows that a big card has cut Xiaoxian straight, and has to spend the New Year, and then stopped for two months. Later, I reorganized my thoughts and continued to start.

After the old text was finished, the new text of Xiaoxian was finally opened, and the goddess was almost the same day. If you have sex, you can go and see.

Finally, there is still a chapter outside tomorrow.