MTL - Fast Transmute Female Supporting Role: Male Lead Strategy Manual-Chapter 773 Orcs? Hehehe... (29)

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Bei Qiu's feet softened and took a step back.


He meant that everything she did was in vain?

That's not what the male secretary said...

"Forget about Ah Mu, forget about the secret, and go back." Zhong Yexuan looked decadent, and closed his eyes in despair.

"And then? Never mention that Amu was destroyed, never mention that you are still unable to extricate yourself from the chaos, I continue to do tasks, live in thousands of worlds, and become a thoughtless puppet?" Bei Qiu finished speaking and smiled wryly. He said, "That's right, I was originally an NPC, a puppet that shouldn't have thoughts..."

Bei Qiu felt Zhong Yexuan's body tremble slightly. He seemed to know a lot of secrets, but he never mentioned them.

"Being alive is better than anything..." Zhong Yexuan said quietly.

Bei Qiu looked at Zhong Yexuan for a long time, then slowly knelt down...

Zhong Yexuan was startled, and immediately wanted to pull Bei Qiu up.

Bei Qiu stopped and said, "I beg you, tell me, I'm not afraid of any consequences, I just want to know the truth, if you treat me as a friend, please tell me."

"I'm doing it for your own good! You can pretend you don't know anything now, and you can go back and live your life again!" Zhong Yexuan was anxious, why she never understood his kindness!

"I really don't need it." Bei Qiu's voice trembled slightly, with a hint of crying, "I don't want to continue doing tasks in a daze, this world bores me, I want to leave! I want to become a normal person! Zhong Yexuan , please, help me!"

The room fell silent.

Not a sound.

After a long time, Zhong Yexuan sighed and said, "If I don't tell you, you will hate me, right?"

"Yes!" Bei Qiu raised her head, looking at him with reddish eyes.

Looking into those eyes, Zhong Yexuan seemed to be stabbed in the heart, and said slowly: "You are not an NPC."

In a word.

It was like a bolt from the blue!

She stood up suddenly from the ground, grabbed Zhong Yexuan's arm with both hands, and said in horror: "What did you say?!"

"I said, you are not an NPC." Zhong Yexuan finally said, "You are a species, a human-like species."

Human-like species?

Bei Qiu felt that her whole body had fallen into the ice cellar, and she began to tremble a little due to the cold.

"In Amu's strategy world, I saw her find out the loopholes in the world little by little, I saw her approaching the truth step by step, and I saw her desperately wanting to tell you that this world of God of Creation is a fake Yes. I also saw how she was forcibly pulled out of the Raiders World by the higher-ups." Zhong Yexuan closed his eyes unbearably, the scene was extremely cruel.

"Why?" Bei Qiu asked puzzled.

"Because for the world of Chuangshi God, it is a cancer that will spread like a virus. They don't allow such a thing to exist." Zhong Yexuan sighed and rubbed Bei Qiu's head.

"And I also saw the beginning of this scene, and questioned the world of the Creator God..." His eyes sank slightly, and a trace of imperceptible pain flashed across, "I feel that the loopholes in the world of the Creator God are far greater than what I saw. More, at that time, I fell into chaos and saw some memories that had been erased."

"You have had your memory erased too?!" Bei Qiu turned pale with shock.

Zhong Yexuan nodded, "And that memory includes my past and you."

"Me?!" How could there be her in Zhong Yexuan's memory?

"Once upon a time, I was also a raider, and you used to be a small character in my raider mission. You destroyed the former main line of that world."

"Destroy that world?!" Bei Qiu was stunned.

"Later, that part of my memory was purged, and you entered the world of Creation God to start your mission journey. After years of baptism, I became the leader of one party, and you became my subordinate."

Zhong Yexuan's voice exploded in Bei Qiu's heart.

"You want to tell me that I am actually a human being with flesh and blood?" Bei Qiu laughed suddenly, hahaha, tears of laughter fell down, "How is this possible! I'm just an NPC!"

Zhong Yexuan hugged her into his arms, and patted her on the back to calm her emotions that were about to collapse: "You are not human, but you do have flesh and blood, and God of Creation will choose suitable raiders to enter, Thoroughly brainwashed to become an NPC, and in this world of the Creator God, only a few high-level people are the real NPCs, who are loyal to the Creator God!"

"More than a thousand raiders, more than a hundred leaders, all of which were collected by the Creator God from various worlds?" Bei Qiu struggled in Zhong Yexuan's arms, "I don't believe it!"

"Okay, okay, don't get excited." Zhong Yexuan hugged her tightly, not daring to relax, "Just treat what I'm telling as a story. When the story is over, you can go back to that world and live a good life."

"A good life? What is a good life?" Bei Qiu roared heart-piercingly, "How do you want me to live a good life? We are a group of slaves, and we have been living with one dream, endlessly!"

Zhong Yexuan held her tightly, wanting to use each other's warmth to reduce the impetuousness in her heart at this moment.

Suddenly, Bei Qiu stopped.

A look of panic flashed in her eyes, and she murmured: "Xi'er...Xi'er..." That Yun Xi was indeed her Xi'er! He was also chosen to enter this hellish reincarnation? !

"Zhong Yexuan, let me ask you." Her voice began to tremble, "NPCs are fake, so is it also fake to get one hundred experience points and return to the normal world?"

She clearly felt that Zhong Yexuan, who was holding her, froze all over.

He didn't answer.

But she has already given her the most direct answer.

Yes, it's fake...

that moment.

Bei Qiu felt that all her beliefs had collapsed. She had no strength in her legs and could only stand reluctantly relying on Zhong Yexuan's arms. Her eyes had been eroded by tears and were blurred.

"Why..." Bei Qiu asked in a hoarse voice.

"Complete one hundred experience points. If you have a good score, you will clean your memory and re-enter the strategy world. If you have a bad score, you will clean part of your memory and become the leader and rule the party." Zhong Yexuan replied.

Bei Qiu pushed Zhong Yexuan away fiercely, looked at him with bloodshot eyes, and roared heart-piercingly: "I'm asking, why did the Chuangshi God do this! Why did we complete each task! What is his purpose!"

Zhong Yexuan turned pale with shock, and said, "You can't question the God of Creation!"

The voice has not yet fallen.

The entire ground began to tremble violently.

Red light came in directly from the window.

Hu Feng and the others screamed in terror from outside, as if the world was ending.


Bei Qiu immediately looked at Zhong Yexuan.

"Remember, if you return to the world of Chuangshi God, don't show any clues! Only by living can you have hope!" Zhong Yexuan wanted to reach out to hold Bei Qiu, but his soul seemed to be taken away directly, and he fell down in an instant on the ground.

The world has collapsed!

Cracks began to appear on the surface.

She stepped back step by step, but the crack was approaching little by little, and finally a huge hole opened, swallowing her directly!

Bei Qiu seems to have had a long dream.

In the dream, she was just a little cannon fodder. She loved a man deeply, but that man tried his best to love another woman. A man, step by step towards the peak, towards a man with supreme power.

She looked at the person she loved, who gave everything for this woman, but in the end got nothing, and was even oppressed by the man with supreme power.

She blackened and fired at the woman with all her might.

But he got a slap from his beloved, and a relentless attack from his beloved.

She never hated him, she did everything willingly, even if her family was ruined in the end, but the fate of her beloved made her crazy, she planted bombs in the wedding venue, and blew up those two happy men and women, Serve all the guests who wished them well in one pot.