MTL - Fast Crossing Strategy Villain Male God-Chapter 508 my ghost bride (10)

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   Chapter 508 My Ghost Bride (10)

Hearing this, Master Wuchen snorted softly: "I deliberately shaved to participate in the cosplay competition! How is it? Was I very beautiful just now? Tell you, I won the first prize this time. of!"

   As he said, the dust-free mage tore off his shirt, and then... took out a fake breast.

   Mu Yunge and Yan Chen were speechless for a while, but they didn't expect this dust-free mage to be a senior cosplay fan! The last time he went to X City, it should be to participate in the competition.

   After taking off the heavy fake breasts, Mage Wuchen slowly put on his clothes, then took out a small mirror and touched his chin a little narcissistically.

   I feel more handsome.

   But thinking that he is so handsome and doesn't have a girlfriend, Master Wuchen suddenly took back the mirror a little boring, and then asked: "You are looking for me this time, what can I help you with?"

   Hearing this, Mu Yunge replied, "Do you know He Cheng?"

   "He Cheng?" Master Wuchen's eyes suddenly became sharp.

   Then, he looked at the two and said, "What happened to He Cheng? He came to trouble you? This guy dares to do anything for his own benefit. If you are targeted by him, your life will be really worrying."


Hearing Master Wuchen's words, Mu Yunge said indifferently: "He Cheng deliberately sold the land in the middle of the city's swords and guns to Yuyao, and people are always watching Yuyao's whereabouts, what do you think he wants to do? ?"

   As soon as these words came out, Master Wuchen frowned, and then suddenly looked at Yan Chen's face again through the rearview mirror.

   After a while, Master Wuchen asked, "What is your birthday?"

   Yan Shen didn't answer, but Mu Yunge quickly reported Yuyao's eight characters to him.

After listening to   , the face of Wuchen Mage suddenly became difficult to look at.

   "It seems that the black-hearted one is trying to beat your merits." Mage Wuchen sneered.

   As soon as these words came out, Mu Yunge was finally relieved.

   It seems that this dust-free mage really has some skills, so he quickly realized the specialness of Yuyao.


   After arriving at Yuyao's house, Master Wuchen went to the guest room to change and wash his clothes before going downstairs.

   At this time, the dust-free mage had already changed into a plain-colored shirt, and with that handsome face, he did look a bit like an expert.

   After sitting lazily on the sofa, Master Wuchen asked about the cause and effect of the two people's affairs.

After detailing the origin of Mu Yunge, Yan Chen said: "Originally, I wanted to ask you to help me find Lulu, but after Lulu was thrown away, she absorbed some mysterious power in that place, and then her body It became more solid. In addition, she went to scare the dog boy and the boy, so the dog boy was afraid and brought in He Cheng to deal with Lulu. Fortunately, Lulu was able to leave there, otherwise now has already been taken."

   Hearing Yan Chen's words, Master Wuchen immediately looked at Mu Yunge, "After your soul got there, did it become what it is now?"

   has such a good nourishing effect on the ghosts, shouldn't the place where this female ghost go is extremely yin?


  Mu Yunge originally planned to use Wuchen Mage to destroy that extremely yin place, so naturally he would not hide it.

   At the moment, she just nodded and said, "Yes, it makes me feel very comfortable there. After I took it there for half a month, I became much stronger."

   As soon as these words came out, Wuchen Mage suddenly said excitedly: "Is the terrain there roughly like this?" After saying that, Wuchen Mage described the terrain of the extremely yin land.

  Mu Yunge just shook his head when he heard it, "I'm not very clear, but you'll know when you go there. That He Cheng also went to see there."

   Hearing this, Mage Wuchen immediately said in shock: "He also knows? This is impossible! Although the place of extreme yin is good, that guy He Cheng will definitely not do good things there."

   "If that's the case, why don't we destroy it in advance?" Mu Yunge said immediately.

When Master Wuchen heard this, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you know that if you continue to practice there, after a dozen years, you will become a female ghost that can survive for hundreds or even thousands of years. When he is dead, you will still be alive! Are you really willing to destroy this place?"

   Hearing this, Mu Yunge couldn't help laughing and said: "What's the matter? If he died, I would follow him to reincarnate. I don't want to live forever."

   As soon as these words came out, Master Wuchen was speechless.


   "Well, since you said so, then I'll destroy the place." Wuchen Mage sighed.

   There are many things that can be done in the extremely yin land, but he is walking the right way, so the terrain, just in case, is still ruined.

  If there is another ghost who finds out there and becomes a ghost, things will be troublesome.

   That night, Mu Yunge went to the extremely yin place with Mage Wuchen, and Mage Wuchen destroyed it.

   So when He Cheng brought his own ghosts to absorb the evil spirits here, he was extremely angry to find that the terrain here was destroyed by people!

   "Damn it! Who did it?! Ma Da, actually ruined this place!" He Cheng was extremely angry.

  This extremely yin place, he still wants to be the place where he secretly raises ghosts, slaves and ghosts!

   Raise a ghost here, and within two years, he can get a very powerful ghost!

  But now, such a unique treasure land has been destroyed by people!


   Full of anger, He Cheng used his personal connections that night to find out which feng shui master or celestial master had been to that extremely yin place recently.

   Soon, He Chengcheng locked the suspect on Mage Wuchen.

  Because Mage Wuchen was invited by Yuyao, and Yuyao and Zhou Lulu were also related, maybe it was Yuyao who asked Mage Wuchen to come over to investigate Zhou Lulu, and then told him to find out there!

   Thinking of this, He Cheng immediately called Mage Wuchen angrily.

   Seeing He Cheng's call, Master Wuchen's narrow phoenix eyes showed a hint of coldness, but he still answered the phone, "Hello, who is it?"

   Master Wuchen didn't have He Cheng's phone number, but that didn't prevent him from knowing He Cheng's number.


   After Master Wuchen answered the phone, He Cheng was suppressing the anger in his heart and said: "Wuchen, have you been to Xiangshan, that extremely yin place, did you destroy it?!"

   Seeing that He Cheng came to Xing Shi to ask his sins, Master Wuchen immediately pretended not to know: "A place of extreme yin? Xiangshan actually has a place of extreme yin, where is it? I haven't been to Xiangshan yet."

  He Chengjian Master Wuchen had an unknowing tone, but he didn't quite believe it, "I know you did it! Wuchen, I can't stand against you! You wait for me!"

   After that, He Chenggong hung up the phone.

   Two more!



   (end of this chapter)