MTL - Fantasy System-Chapter 480 It’s really good to develop tomorrow.

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Under the dim streetlights, the four people on the street were slowly walking. The Yingli pear, who was walking in the forefront, suddenly looked back and looked at the frowning Mufan. He couldn’t help but ask: "Mu Fan, you still think about it. Something?"

Mufan nodded and did not hide. To be honest, "I was just a little curious. How did Fujiwara from an ordinary high school student have experienced something that changed so much overnight?"

Hearing here, Yuki Asahi overturned the white hand, covered his lips, and smiled softly: "Well, there are always some strange things in the world, such as the fact that the news does not often report people touching tens of thousands of volts. Is there any problem with piezoelectrics? There are still people who can make an anecdote about bat-like ultrasound."

"There are some photos taken on the night of the abandoned building in the abandoned figure, these things are there, so don't care too much." Black cat added.

On the night of the big night, the black cat suddenly said the psychological hints of the ghosts. Yingli pear and Asuna only felt that the temperature of the surrounding air was much lower, the face was white and white, and the subconsciously leaned toward Mufan’s side. .

"Black cat, you are really, obviously know that I and Yingli pear are not good at dealing with such supernatural phenomena, but also deliberately say it in the big night to scare us." Yuki Asuna has some helpless complaints.

The black cat didn't care, poisonous tongue: "Cut, coward."

Asuna: "....."

Listening to this, Mu Fan is speechless: "But those are always just rumors, but this thing really happened to us."

Just because of the report of the police, Akita Yujiro was taken away by the people of the City Protection Bureau [Police Tea]. They also made transcripts and won a good compliment.

Is it really just a coincidence that these people’s hearts have always doubted the boy’s life today?

If Mufan is an aborigi of this world, he may not be worried, but he has passed through. This unusual incident happened in front of his eyes. There are things going through, and what else can't be believed?

I hope this high school student is really a coincidence.....


Suddenly, the voice of Yingli Pear came, and Mu Fan returned to reality and looked up. From a distance, he saw Gaochun Sui Naiguo and Nanqin Pear and Yuantian Haiwei three girls standing outside the courtyard door of the villa at the end of the street. They waved at them and gave a cry of excitement: "Brother!"

Mu Fan and Asuna and the three women immediately walked over.

Just seeing Mu Fan and Asuna, Sui Naiguo complained unsatisfactorily: "Really, how come your brother came back, we all came back for two hours."

Mu Fan said with a smile: "The concert at the amusement park just had some small things, and I was busy for a while."

Just now on the road, Mu Fan and the three women decided not to tell Sui Naiguo about this, lest they worry.

"You shouldn't be going to eat the nightingale halfway?"

Gao Qisui Naiguo did not believe what Mu Fan said. He scraped the past, sniffed Mufan’s body with a small nose, and then picked up a small mouth: “Weird, I really didn’t steal anything, or you After eating, I deliberately walked for a while outside, causing the taste of the food to be gone?"

Are you a dog nose? We can smell it if we eat no nightingale.

For the theory of eating fruit, Mu Fan turned a blind eye, and some helplessness in his heart.

Nanqin pear looked at the time and smiled and suggested: "Brother, it’s eleven o'clock, don't be outside, let's go back to the house and talk about it."

Under the leadership of Nanqin Pear, Mu Fan entered the villa. In the hall, Yazawa Risho and the starry sky and Koizumi Huayang played flying chess and played games. They saw that several people came back and sat on the sofa. On the autumn of the autumn court, the eyes lit up and smiled: "Welcome back."

Mufan couldn't help but see the women in the living room who were busy with their own things: "How come everyone hasn't slept yet?"

Tojo Hiroshi sat on the sofa, holding a cup of hot milk tea in his hands and smirking: "We decided to wait for the school brother to come back and arrange the room."

At this time, in the painting, four bottles of cola were placed on the table: "The weather is too hot, let's drink some water. In addition, this villa has two floors. The girls all live upstairs. You can live alone. Let’s go downstairs."

It makes sense to say that the villa is on two floors. I also want to live upstairs. Everyone lives on the first floor and the room is cleaned, isn't it?

You said so, are you afraid that I will attack you at night?

Looking back at what happened in the past and in the painting, Mu Fan really felt that the arrangement in the painting was afraid of his night attack.

Arranged the room, saw a few girls pick up things upstairs, Mu Fan was free to choose a room downstairs, although there are many rooms, there may be only one sleep, but it is a bit disappointing.

Taking out the mobile phone, Mu Fan always felt that the boy’s business was a bit strange, so he took out his mobile phone and searched for the news.

“The Jiangnan Leather Factory has closed down, and the owner of the East Emperor, running with a small dumpling, Sichuan Pear –”

“Rice mobile phone, general manager of Lei, said that the English was wrong, a new generation of ghosts was born –”

"When a red star wife and agent have a scandal -"



These boring gossip news made Mufan helpless, hesitated, and Mu Fan searched the city legend on the mobile phone.

From the time he passed, he heard the gossip of the class in the class constantly rumors of urban legends, he simply searched and looked.

Undressing female city legend -

The legend of the male city, and the legend of the fishing law enforcement city that waits for the bad guys to find faults in the middle of the night.

Every once in a while, the supermarket will make a sound of fighting, a wonderful urban legend.

Teenage natural events -

These urban legends, Mu Fan have heard of it, did not care too much when they saw it.

What really cares about him is the following two.

The programmer suddenly seemed to have eaten the spinach of the Popeye. The strange powers soared and the bosses were beaten. The 30 employees blocked by the whole company were all exploding!

Mu Fan clicked on it, this is the same as the news description. The programmer who worked overtime every day couldn’t stand the boss’s martyrdom. In the end, like the male high school student, he raised the strange power, beat the boss and beat the boss. A miserable, eventually being subdued by city protectors.

The next one is even more mysterious.

A prisoner who was chased by a city protector suddenly burst into a fireball and burned several city protectors.

The modern version of the fire of the fireball?

Seeing this news, Mu Fan’s heart sinks.

These two news, compared to what he encountered, there are three urban legends.

Moreover, after careful consideration, Mu Fan found that the three news have the same place.

These things happen in people who are relatively psychologically depressed. Some people who have problems, or whose lives are suppressed, are wronged, and people who are in a bad state of life will be like hitting too much and inspiring things like a small universe.

For example, the boy he encountered was bullied by the same school student, and the boy who was bullied by the boss and the criminal who was originally the prisoner of the fireball.

This is a bit strange.

Next, there was no similar news. Mu Fan closed the phone and went into the bathroom. There were bathrooms upstairs and downstairs. Today is a busy day. It is a comfortable place to sleep after taking a bath. Mufan directly enters the bathroom. .

As soon as he entered the bathroom, he heard a light laughter from the building.

"Wow, Asuna, you are so big! It’s just like a college student. Let me touch it!"

"Yeah, Xi Xuejie, yours is the same."

"It’s really a school sister, it’s so good."

"Sister of the school is also good, I have been practicing dance since childhood, and my body is beautiful and beautiful!"

In the sound of the water in the bathroom and the soft laughter of a few girls, suddenly two voices full of resentment were introduced into Mufan’s ear: “Hey, the chest is great, a bunch of useless fat...”
