MTL - Fake Dating the Amnesiac School Prince-Chapter 27

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The meaning of the extraordinary words can be said very clearly. Zhen Yuanbai finally realized what his idea was, and he stood up and said, "I won't live in your house."

It ’s a pity that Shifan came to hook his shoulders, "Why? My house is big, the bed is big, and there are several chefs in the house. I will cook for you whatever country you want, on Saturday afternoon, I'll be back on Sunday night. If you're scared, I'll let my family go to your house to say hello to your parents, OK? "

Zhen Yuanbai sternly said, "I'm not the one who wants to enjoy."

Why is Xiaoniyin so cute when she talks seriously, and when an extraordinary face comes over, Zhen Yuanbai immediately winces with his head and hides, "Here is the school, I'm going to get angry with you like this."

"Angry ... You're angry to show me?" Shifan pressed his hands together, pressed his ears, and longed for his voice: "What to do, I want to hand in my homework to you, hand in a lot of homework, as much as I can You are out of breath ... "

Zhen Yuanbai suddenly pushed him away and ran towards the dormitory. Qiufeng scratched his hot face. He thought, why is it so annoying when Shitefan is so annoying.

When walking out of the school with Shi Fan in the afternoon, the latter habitually took him to buy milk tea, and by the way bought the excellent Zhen. When walking to the side of the road, Zhen Yuanbai suddenly saw that someone behind was facing the car. Looking here, he looked up subconsciously, and found that it was a woman who looked very simple. Her eyes seemed to look extraordinary.

Suddenly she met the sight of Zhen Yuanbai, she seemed shocked, and hurried back.

Zhen Yuanbai felt familiar, but for a while, he couldn't remember who the other party was. He took a sip of milk green, and immediately sucked a lot of brown sugar pearls, sweet and glutinous, and a thick sense of happiness floated in his heart.

Shifan took a cup of lemon black tea, and he seemed to respect that kind of rich milk taste. When standing lazily, he said to Zhen Yuan: "No wonder you always have a milk fragrance on your body. Do you often drink milk tea? ? "

"Not very often." Zhen Yuanbai said, feeling inappropriate, and added: "Two cups a week, before."

His parents didn't allow them to drink, but he and Zhen Youchao both liked to drink two glasses a week. However, since the time when they fell in love with each other, a cup on Friday seems to be commonplace.

He subconsciously touched his face, feeling that he couldn't drink like this anymore, and it made Zhen Qingyou no longer drink.

In the distance, Zhen Youai rode in the wind and stopped in front of them. Recently, Zhen Yuanbai was handed over to Zhen Youyou by Shifan every afternoon. Several people were used to it. , Shi Shifan handed over the milk tea he bought: "No, the milk tea is all together."

Zhen Qingyou was not polite to him. He took it and put it in the basket. He hurled the handlebar without saying a word. Zhen Yuanbai hurriedly waved, and the latter watched him leave, and the smile on his face was closed.

Zhen Qingyou, who has no one in his eyes, drank so much milk tea and didn't even cry.

Or his family is clever.

The car pushed forward to the building, and Zhen Qiaozai pulled his hair torn by the wind and frowned, "You have been getting closer and closer with Shifan."

"How do you see more and more?"

"You see him smiling like a flower." Zhen Youyi stared at the elevator button, and said, "Is it inseparable from you recently?"

Zhen Yuanbai chuckled in his heart, yelled: "Don't talk nonsense."

The elevator opened and Zhen Youyi pushed the car forward. Zhen Yuanbai was very nervous and said to him, "Don't talk to your parents."

"What nonsense?" Zhen Yuanbai inherited Dad's hair slightly, while Zhen's excellent hair was more like a mother, straight and stiff, and he said coldly, "Did you misunderstand anything? I mean his performance is now up. In the meantime, if you want to take the second test, you may be inseparable. "

"How do you even know this?"

"I'm not a nerd, and learning is not the whole world." Zhen Qingyou pushed the car out, and Zhen Yuan glared at him.

Zhen Youchao knows something.

They opened the door to enter the house, and Zhen Yiou lost his schoolbag and took out the milk tea. He went back to the bedroom and sat in front of the game console. Now. "

"Do you know why you are so stupid?"

Zhen Yuanbai: "?????"

"Learning is endless, and it's enough."

Zhen Yuanbai was discouraged in his chest, "You are stupid!"

"You're still arguing with me if you know I'm stupid, you're stupid than me."

Zhen Yuanbai froze for two seconds, pulled him to the door and walked back to his room. He turned back fiercely: "Remember to wash your hair later! You haven't washed for three days! Dirty ghost!"

Zhen Youyi held the gamepad, turned his head and glanced at the door, and said, "I see."

Zhen Yuanbai returned to his room indignantly.

Did Zhen Youyou eat a cannon? It's too much to dare to say brother like that.

Zhen Youyi put on the headset with a handle, stared at the screen for a while, suddenly remembered something, glanced at the door of his room again, then turned over and took the iPad to land on the penguin.

Zhen Yuanbai was panicked and angrily rolled on the bed. He felt that he hadn't played well with Zhen Youhao just now. If he was given another chance, he would surely let Zhen Youyou eat too.

This smelly kid.

He frowned, his heart burned, and suddenly a message came from his mobile phone. He thought it was extraordinary, but found that it was Zhen excellent: I got down by two in my monthly exam results.

Zhen Yuanbai immediately sat up, and the fire disappeared without a trace.

Let ’s just say, how good Zhen Zhen was to talk to him like that, it turned out that he was in a bad mood, and Zhen Yuan was dissatisfied. He replied: Would you like me to help you?

Excellent: Finish the game.

Zhen Yuanbai immediately got ready, and Zhen Chaoyou dropped IpAD aside, and concentrated on playing the game. His face didn't pay much attention to his own performance decline.

Zhen Yuanbai didn't know that this was a tragic sale of his brother in order not to make him angry. He took out his junior high school notes from the bookshelf. He wrote a lot of notes every semester, and almost every one turned out was a treasure. .

When he went out to look for Zhen Qingyou, the latter sat obediently holding the papers and listened to his topic, talking, and he suddenly called out, "Brother."


"Did anyone chase you at school?"

Zhen Yuanbai was startled: "You, what do you ask this for?"

"It should be, Song Mo said ..."

"You should call him brother."

Zhen Qingyou was so kind: "Song Moge said that someone had written a love letter to you before, but was caught by the principal and held the radio to keep everyone from approaching you, right?"

This is all about high school. Zhen Yuanbai has good grades and looks good. He smiles like an angel softly, and some high school students eat him like this, so many people give him love letters. Zhen Yuanbai didn't know what to do, so he collected all the love letters, thinking that it was the mind of others, and it wasn't good if it was ruined.

Then one day, Shifan was suddenly eager to learn if he wanted to go to a key class. Before that, he had very little interaction with Shifan, and he began to hate him and fear that he was also in a class. The first thing is to force him to hand over all the love letters with a cold face, and then drag him together, and send all the love letters to the teacher.

Zhen Yuanbai was terribly ashamed, and Shifan was still talking upright in front of the headmaster, "I think that the school is for students to learn, not for people to come to love early. Good students should focus more on their studies. Regarding Zhen Yuanbai's self-collection of love letters, I also asked the principal to give an attitude, otherwise everyone will learn from good students in the future, and the young couple in the discipline department may have to break their legs. "

The innocent Zhen Yuanbai was red-eyed in the principal's office. He was embarrassed and afraid. The principal was forced by Shifan to criticize him severely, and Shifan said coldly: "I think you should tell the school, after all He is the provincial champion you are trying to cultivate. If it is not long-term that hurts us and loses the chance to become famous, I will not agree. "

The principal then grabbed the microphone angrily and released the words with a black face: "From now on, who dares to have an early love and dare to look for Zhen Yuanbai to have an early love and expel the student directly!"

Shifan raised his corner of the mouth and gave a cold glance at Zhen Yuanbai, who did not know where he got him. He lowered his head, tears fell from his eyes, and was pinched by his fingers.

When Shifan turned his head out of the principal's room, the principal returned to comfort him: "This kid is crazy, but this is also a good thing. In the future, you can study in peace, rest assured, I didn't blame you, I know this is not your fault."

"Those ones……"

"I will put it in the shredder, and I will not look at the privacy of female students."

Zhen Yuan thanked Xie and went out. Shi Fanfan was leaning against the wall with his eyes down, and curled his legs against the wall. When he saw him coming out, he raised his eyelids and looked over. His eyelids were thin and his eyes were narrow and long. When looking at people sideways, he made Zhen Yuanbai feel like he was being stared at by a poisonous snake. He didn't dare to move forward easily, but he laughed suddenly when he was extraordinary: "It's blocking your marriage. Are you very unhappy? "

Zhen Yuanbai didn't say anything. He stood up straight in his pocket, twisted out an alpine sugar in his mouth, and said at the corner of his mouth, "It turns out you're not just a silly hat, you're a coward."

He walked towards Zhen Yuanbai. Zhen Yuanbai stiffly looked at his evenly muscled arm, and took two steps subconsciously. He stopped in front of him and tilted his head to look at him: "Do you want to hit me, eh?"

Zhen Yuanbai lowered his head and hid his hands to indicate that he would not hit him. He was not unusual but did not become happy. He laughed a few times, staring at Zhen Yuanbai fiercely, turned his head and lifted the skateboard, straight from the stairs. Sliding up.

Zhen Yuanbai gasped with relief, his forehead covered with fine cold sweat.

Until that time, the extraordinary memory loss, Zhen Yuanbai did not know where he caused him.

I thought these things had been forgotten long ago, but after being reminded, I found out that this kind of thing was not so easy to forget. He glanced at Zhen Chao and said, "Is this the case, what happened?"

"I think your principal is right." Zhen Youai held his cheek. "You are so stupid, don't fall in love."

Twice a day, he said he was stupid. Zhen Yuan was like a puffer fish. He stood up, suddenly reached out and snorted Zhen excellent head, and said with a disgusted expression, "Hair is dead and disgusting."

He dropped his head and was pressed to the table by Zhen Youhua and went out. He also took the soap and washed his hands.

He didn't tell him the question, and went straight back to the room and threw himself on the bed. Zhen Qingyou must be mad, stinky boy, mad at him.

He rolled over, but suddenly thought of extraordinary times.

After the extraordinary amnesia, his temper really improved a lot, so that he almost had to forget how bad the guy was before.

He suddenly grabbed the phone, opened WeChat and turned to Shi Tefan's name, and flashed in his mind another stare at his own eyes, pouting suddenly, and then deleted Shi Tefan from his friends.

After deleting it, it was as if he stared back fiercely. He was instantly happy like a god, and burst into laughter.

I wandered around in the neighborhood at night and met a stray cat meowing around him. He touched two of them and suddenly thought of Zhen Yuanbai, so he picked up his mobile phone and took a picture of him. In the past: "There is only one ..."

Without finishing the word, he saw a red exclamation mark and the following message.

-Indulgence in learning has turned on friend verification. You are not his or her friend yet. Please send a friend verification request before the other party can pass the verification.

Extraordinary: ...

He slowly showed one in his mind:?