MTL - Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?-Chapter 826

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Instead of paying attention to the fallen Laxus, he turned around and looked at Fried!

Then raised his arms.

"Confirm the bombing target, and the missile alchemy begins."

With the injection of huge magic power one after another, behind Val, countless pixel blocks flickered.

And behind the pixel blocks are the cannonballs that contain enormous power.

This scene, Fried also noticed.

However, he was not unprepared.

The western sword in his hand held a sword flower.

Immediately, dark purple words began to appear around Val.

These words are constantly extending around Val, just for a moment.

It formed a cube that was like a prison and could not be broken.

"The rules of the spell, in the spell, the flame cannot burn."

Freed murmured softly.

It seems to confirm Fried's words, the missile that has just formed behind Val and has completed ignition, all the flames at the tail are extinguished.

After losing power, he fell powerlessly from midair.


Val's expression still didn't change.

Shaking his head lightly: "Unfortunately, the technique is useless to me."

"The essence of the spell is the superficial use of magic barrier particles, using its properties that are diametrically opposed to magic power to write rules that violate common sense."

"Unfortunately, I can easily eliminate it."

Val raised his arm, and a strange magic burst out.

Under Fried's horrified eyes, he just wrote the spell to restrict Val...

Completely shattered!

But... the complete opposite.

It was Laxus who slowly got up from behind.

His eyes immediately lit up! .

Chapter 729 A lightning strike stronger than a lightning strike is as red as blood!

Boom boom boom——! !

Countless missiles with blazing flames at their tails bombarded Fried's body directly.

Without the slightest protection, Freed was undoubtedly completely surrounded by a sea of ​​flames.

Even Freed, as the ~captain of the Thunder Gods.

People with S-level strength in Fairy Tail can't resist the attack of one of the Twelve Shields.

After the explosion dissipated, in the smoke and dust that filled the sky.

Freed's figure stood unsteadily on the spot.

Clothes had become tattered.

The neatly combed long green hair is casually scattered around the head, like a madman.

The powerful impact almost made him faint.

However, the worry and unwillingness in his heart prompted him to still stand here.

Blood stained his face, and his slightly blurred eyes slowly turned to Val's back.

Watching...the standing figure.


"Leave it to me, Fried..."

A soft murmur followed, although it wasn't too loud, it still reached Fried's ears clearly.

In a blur, he seemed to see Laxus' confident eyes.

Fried laughed.

Although I don't know exactly what method Laxus will use to defeat the twelve shields with this ability that can completely restrain the two of them.

However, Freed knew that Laxus would not disappoint.

Just because, this man's name is Laxus Dolea!

"Ah... I leave it to you..."

With deep exhaustion, Freed fell heavily on the ground, making a dull sound.

"Target one." A cold and heartless voice came from Val's mouth.

Turning around, Val stared at Laxus who stood up with scarlet eyes.

【system error. 】

[System error, exceeding the expected eradication time. 】

The mechanical electronic sound is constantly resounding.

"It's amazing that the main target is still alive."

Seemingly surprised by it, even Val shook his head involuntarily.

"This guy, what..."

Before the words fell, the sudden gust of wind instantly aroused Val's vigilance.

What caught my eye was Laxus' figure running fast.

That look... that speed...

It's not like a state that a sick person can have.

You know, according to the analysis, the magic barrier particles in Laxus' body were caused by the high-intensity battle just now.

It must have relapsed together.

That level of pain is simply not enough to support human beings in super-intensive battles.

The surprise in my heart flashed for a moment.

In this short period of time, Laxus has already approached him.

The raised fist seemed as thick as Mount Tai.

Countless thunder entwined above.

Although thunder and lightning can't do damage to Vaal.

However, it can also provide stronger kinetic energy for Laxus' own offense.

boom--! !

The powerful fist slammed on Val's cheek.

The huge force even made his mechanical face visibly deformed.


With a whine, Val uncontrollably left the ground.

Fly out towards the rear.



The arm that was unable to raise was mercilessly grabbed by Laxus' big hand.

"I won't let you escape so easily, bastard!"

The fist that was raised again was ready to go.

Val, who was still dizzy, could clearly see the face of Laxus who was close at hand.

That slightly hideous expression.

Angry look!


The fist fell again, and this is not the end!

bang—bang bang—

bang bang bang—

As if he didn't intend to give Val any time to react, the fist was raised again immediately.

Then he swung down again.

A muffled sound came out following Laxus' continuous bombardment.

Laxus at this moment is like a beast.

He launched an extremely crazy and desperate attack on the guy who hurt his companion.

Under the series of combined punches, even Val's mechanical body gradually became unable to resist.

The slightest crack appeared on the surface of the mechanical cheek.

But this also aroused Val's anger even more!

"Bastard! Enough is enough!!"

Val, who had just reacted from the continuous hits, immediately moved.

The arm grasped by Laxus also moved, and instead clasped Laxus' arm.

Then he immediately raised his other hand, forcibly catching Laxus' fist.

Then he raised his right foot, from the heel to the thigh, and performed a series of mechanical deformations.

Under the deformation of the mechanical right foot, it quickly transformed into a thick gun barrel.

Aim at Laxus, which is close at hand.

Powerful magic power gathered crazily at the mouth of the gun barrel.

The pure white light suddenly bloomed.

boom--! !

The explosion exploded in the center of Laxus and Val.

The powerful impact not only affected Laxus, but even included Val.

But, that's exactly what Val wanted.

In the explosion, Laxus and Val were knocked away one after another.

The feet slid continuously on the ground, pulling out two long ravines.

After forcibly stabilizing his figure, Val breathed a sigh of relief.

Shaking his still dizzy head, he raised his head.

He looked in the direction of Laxus in disbelief.

"Is this guy... really a human?"

"Cough cough...cough cough..." What responded to him was Laxus' rapid coughing.

For a moment, Val seemed to understand something completely.