MTL - Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?-Chapter 741

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All the strength and vitality in his body began to dissipate under this blow.

If Fez hadn't activated the moment his life was exhausted.

Then... the long-cherished wish of myself and others will be completely ended.

With strong unwillingness, Kuanghua looked at the countdown to Fez in the sky at the last moment.

Because I have been accelerating time.

At this moment, Fez only has... one minute left!

One minute! You still have time!

She seemed to hear Maldor Gill's cry,

"Don't worry..." she responded softly.

A miserable smile appeared on Kuanghua's face.

That smile was clearly caught by Erza.

An uneasiness began to surge in his heart.

However, it is not waiting for Erza to make any action.


Kuanghua, who sacrificed the last life, accelerated the last time again.

Accompanied by harsh voices resounded in everyone's ears.

Fith's remaining minute dropped sharply.


Fez starts!

The dazzling scarlet text seems to be expressing grief.

Miraj stood up with difficulty.

Despair was written on that dusty cheek.

"Magic...will disappear from the world..." Knife.

Chapter 655 After all, is it still a step too late?

Accompanied by the sound of Mardo Gil crashing to the ground, it resounded.

It also confirmed the defeat of this absolute demon.


Natsu, who was in mid-air, also fell to the ground.

"Huh... It's finally over."

Facing the sky, Natsu, who no longer had any magic power, let out a long sigh of relief.

"No, it's not over yet!"

Gray panted heavily and spoke in a deep voice.

"That's right, Mr. Xingchen is still fighting." Sting and Rogge, who were not far away, walked over supporting each other.

The eyes of the two looked in the other direction.

The violent roar resounded continuously.

The terrifying explosion seemed to dye the sky red.

"That's right... and Akunologia..." Natsu stood up with his body supported.

"Just now he clearly said he was going to help Xingchen."

"But..." After hesitating for a while, Sting couldn't help but said.

"Do you still have magic power?"

This made both Natsu and Gray fall silent.

After a pause, Gray continued: "But it's impossible to stand by and watch."

"Recover a little magic power as soon as possible, it's a little help!" Natsu said in a deep voice.

What was revealed in the tone was a determination that was not concealed by "297".

"However, before that, I need to completely destroy END!" While speaking, Gray looked at the book of END placed on a stone pillar not far away by Mardo Gil.

After Mardo Gil was completely defeated just now.

The spell barrier covering the END book has completely disappeared.

Stumbling forward, Gray started walking towards the book.

buzz buzz...

Suddenly, a tremor from the depths of the earth made Gray stop.

There seemed to be a faint white light emitting from the distant sky, which changed the expressions of everyone present.

"Hey...what's the matter?!" Natsu looked around suspiciously.

The sudden sense of powerlessness caused Gray to kneel down on the ground involuntarily.

Touching the ground with both hands, feeling the constant vibration.

In addition, the magical particles in the surrounding air are descending in a straight line.

Make him seem to understand something.

Gray's face became extremely ugly.

"This shock... Could it be Fez?!" There was horror in his tone.

"Are you talking about the gigantic human faces all over the continent?"

A look of disbelief also appeared on the faces of Sting and Rogge.


Erza and the others stared at the huge screen floating above.

The pupils were trembling crazily.

"After all, there is still no time to stop it..." Erza murmured.

"What to do, the magic power is about to disappear, and I can't even imagine what it will be like." Happy covered his mouth.

"Look!" Lili stretched out his claws and pointed to the flat map of the whole continent that appeared above.

Above, countless red dots began to shine at this moment.

"Is that the specific location of Fez on the whole continent?" Rector expressed his guess.

"It's marked red now, does it mean it's launching?"

"In other words... the magic power of the entire continent is about to disappear."

Miraj took a deep breath and revealed the desperate truth.

"The world of magic is coming to an end!"


Cyan Pegasus Guild.

The magic attack boat—Christina slowly lifted into the air at this moment.

"Mr. One Night, the words from Fairy Tail have been sent through our continent-wide information network."

Lian's fingers kept clicking on the operation screen in front of her while she spoke.

Although Wo Lian's words and even Luo Xingchen's words could not be passed on to all the guilds on the entire continent.

However, Makarov notified the Cyan Pegasus.

Borrowed their continent-wide communication network to inform everyone about Fez's information.

This can be regarded as achieving the same effect.

Only it will take a little longer.

Behind Lian.

Wearing the captain's costume, Yiye nodded slightly.

That greasy face no longer had the frivolity of the past, but only seriousness!

Looking at the people in front of him, he said in a deep voice:

"Everyone, the survival of the mainland depends on this battle. Let us, the blue sky horses, destroy Fez immediately!"

The direction of the Mermaid's heel.

Kagura who had just received the communication from the Blue Pegasus immediately rushed to the nearest town with the people from Mermaid Heel.

Looking at the dozens of huge white face stone pillars standing in the town.

Milianna said with a horrified expression: "Couldn't this be the Fez that Fairy Tail and the others are talking about? The magical power that can eliminate the entire continent..."

"Moreover, it's so big and so many, how can we destroy it?!"

Milianna's question is also the question of the rest.

Under the gaze of everyone, Kagura tightened the handle of the knife in his hand.

"No matter how you say it, you have to fight!"

"Brother Xingchen, Elder Sister Erza, and everyone from Fairy Tail are fighting hard, and since we haven't caught up with the war against Hades."

"At least let's do something within our capabilities."

The people behind them also nodded.

Kagura's body bent slightly, and then he stepped **** the ground.

The whole person rushed up, and went straight to Fez, who was close at hand: "We're going!"

It was as if the horn of charge had sounded, and everyone at Mermaid's Heel rushed towards Fez in front of him.

Not only Mermaid's Heel, but also the two guilds of Cyan Pegasus.

At this moment, the countless guilds on this continent also took action at this moment.

The tiger bitten by the sword, the scales of the snake princess, the four-headed hound, and so on...

In this short period of time, under a message.

For the first time, the Wizards Guilds of this continent have united.

Although each is in a different region.

But there is no doubt that everyone's goal is the same at this moment.

That is...

Stop Faith!


buzz buzz...

The shaking of the ground began to become more and more violent.

It was an earthquake that affected the entire continent, and it became more and more serious as the magic power passed.

The launch of Fez is in its final stages.

More than 3,000 Fez began to emit extremely dazzling pure white light.

At the same time, the magical molecules contained in the air, the earth, and the atmosphere are also decreasing sharply.

As a result, the running magic train derailed and hit the ground.