MTL - Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?-Chapter 724

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"The things involved in this matter 2.2 are too dangerous, so I can't take you with me no matter what!"


Juvia's pupils gradually widened, and the anxiety in her heart seemed to be overflowing.

"But if that's the case, then Juvia's going to...uh..."

An index finger lightly pressed Juvia's lips.

stopped her from speaking.

"Be obedient! It's dangerous for you, but it's not fatal for me!"

Luo Xingchen said as he rubbed Juvia's head again.

Then he turned his head and looked into the distance.


It seemed to be an unknown roar from the sky.

It's hair-raising.

Luo Xingchen, who was staring in that direction, seemed to be able to see through layers of clouds, the...

Dark Wings!

Without any hesitation, Luo Xingchen took out the space badge and integrated it into his body.

Then a space crack was opened in front of him, holding Juvia's palm with one hand.

stepped into it.

Disappeared in place....

Chapter 641 Akunologia, strikes again!

"Hoo... hoo... hoo..."

The intense consumption of magic power made Wendy look a little tired.

Looking at the back of Luo Xingchen who had just left in front of him, his expression was full of worry and bewilderment.

Just now, Luo Xingchen suddenly appeared in front of him with Juvia.

And let Wendy unleash a lot of magic moves on Luo Xingchen.

Although I don't know what it is for.

However, seeing Luo Xingchen's anxious expression, Wendy still chose to follow suit.

A series of Heavenly Dragon Slayer Magic hit Luo Xingchen head-on.

After a burst of bright light, it returned to calm.

Afterwards, Luo Xingchen told Wendy, Juvia and others to follow everyone back to the guild as soon as possible.

Then disappeared alone.

"In the end... what happened?"

Xia Lulu, who was full of doubts, couldn't help asking.

"Not sure, but Xingchen's expression made Juvia very worried..."

Juvia also stared at the direction in which Luo Xingchen was leaving.

The palms were leaning against the front of the chest, tightly clenched.

"Obviously I want to go with Xingchen, but..."

"But, you were stopped, right?" Urdia said aloud.

Juvia nodded slightly.

"That proves that things have become too difficult for us to intervene."

After being confirmed, Urdia spoke softly.

"Xingchen is a gentle person. If there is any danger that he can't deal with, then he will not let the person he cares about be in danger."

After a pause, she continued: "That is to say, it is very likely that it will kill people."

"Then brother Xingchen went to stop it alone now?" Wendy also said aloud.

In response, Urdia nodded slightly.

"Then if this is the case, shouldn't we help Lord Xingchen?" Juvia said hastily.

But in exchange for Ulutia's helpless shaking of the head.

"Believe me, if you go, you will only cause trouble for Xing Chen."

"What we should do now is to retreat first. If we can't help, at least..."

She stared into Juvia's eyes, and said in a deep voice:

"At least don't hold back Xingchen, right?"

Patting her on the shoulder, Urdia didn't say anything.

Turn around and leave.

"Ulutia is right, let's go first." Xia Lulu also persuaded.

Seeing this, although very unwilling, Juvia nodded.

He exchanged a glance with Wendy, and then he was about to walk away.


Suddenly, Wendy's eyes widened, and even her expression became dull.

"Wendy? What's wrong with you?"

Seemingly hearing Wendy's murmur, Xia Lulu looked back suspiciously.

"Ah...what...what's going on..."

Wendy murmured in a daze.

The strength in the body seemed to disappear out of thin air, and even the voice of speaking was extremely small.

Then, in front of Xia Lulu and Juvia.

He fell straight to the ground in a daze...


The petite body hit the ground with a muffled sound.

It also attracted the attention of everyone in front.

"Wendy?!!" Xia Lulu was startled by the sudden situation.

He hurriedly came to Wendy's side, shaking her body constantly, with a worried expression on his face.

"What's going on? Could it be that the magic power released to Mr. Xingchen just now is too powerful and overdrawn?"

Juvia also hurried to Wendy's side.

"What happened?" The people who hurried over also asked with puzzled faces.

"I don't know, Wendy fell into it all of a sudden."

Xia Lulu's expression was full of anxiety.

At this moment, Doron Balter seemed to have noticed the stones on the ground that bounced up due to a slight shock, and then fell down making noise.

"The earth... is shaking?" He looked around suspiciously.


The sudden sound came from the sky, and everyone present was stunned.

"Hello...Just now...Did I hear you right?" Lucy raised her eyes in horror and looked into the distance.

"I don't know, I heard it too..." Urdia murmured.

"It should be an illusion... right?" Kana's tone was a little uncertain.

Even though she said so, fine beads of sweat unconsciously seeped from her cheeks.


Another voice came from the sky, and it seemed to be much clearer than before.

It's as if... the source of the sound is much closer than before.

At this moment, the memory that had been dusty for a long time gradually became clear in everyone's minds.

"It can't be wrong..." Doron Balter's voice gradually became hoarse because of panic.

The same is true for Kana, staring blankly at the distant horizon.

She has heard this voice!

Just seven years ago, I heard... the voice of despair!


It's not just Wendy's side.

At this moment, all the dragon slayer wizards on the battlefield,

Natsu, Gajeel, Sting, and Rogge all started to cover their hearts in unison.

thump thump...

thump thump...

thump thump...

The pounding heartbeat seemed to take away all their strength at the moment.

Let them cover their chests with their hands involuntarily.

The whole person seemed very uncomfortable.

"Well..." Sting and Roger fell to their knees on the ground first.

Even Naz, who was on the side, didn't stand up, and the veins on his forehead burst out.

Sweat crazily covered his cheeks.

Then, just like Sting and Rogge, he knelt down on the ground in pain.

In this case, the three of them were almost completely unable to fight.

As their opponent, Mardo Gill, who had been playing with the three of them for a while, just flicked the three of them lightly and did not attack.

no, or rather...

At this moment, he didn't care about these three ants with painful faces at all.

Therefore, don't bother with them at all.

He has always regarded himself as a perfect strategist and strategist.


In other words, everything will eventually go to its own predetermined ending when he intervenes.

Therefore, even if Luo Xingchen relieved Joy, he was not panicked.

Even facing the attack of three dragon slayer wizards.

He was still unhurried.

Because he has always believed that under his own strategy, Fez will eventually activate.

And I have enough strength to correct all emergencies.