MTL - Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?-Chapter 719

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"So, please hit it as soon as possible, then the original speaker will not be able to act."

"The activation of Fez will naturally be blocked. Without the core of hell, Keith will not be able to recover, so the Fez plan will be completely broken."

Silver's words didn't make sense.

If the core of **** still exists, even if Keith is defeated, he will recover again.

The spell will still work the moment he appears in the Hellcore.

But it is a pity that the core of **** was destroyed by Miraj, so all this will not happen.


Luo Xingchen paused, and sighed softly: "But if you do this, you will also perish completely."

"Hehe, sure enough, you should have known about it a long time ago, right?" The corner of Silver's mouth, which was embracing Gray on the other side, slightly twitched.

"But, no matter what, you still need to do it, don't you?"

"You should... have met Gray just now, right?" Luo Xingchen said again.

"Are you sure?"

"Ah... I'm sure, let's do it, it shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"

"In that case, I understand!"

The chanting stopped right there, and Luo Xingchen who hung up the chanting raised his head and looked at Keith in front of him.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Watching this scene, Keith also seemed to notice something.

He opened his mouth and said, "Did Yin talk to you just now?"

"As the person who was awakened by me, I can naturally feel some of that guy's behavior, including his betrayal."

"That guy raised his strength crazily, and even learned the method of killing demons with ice. The main purpose is to avenge us, but..."

Having said this, Keith paused slightly.

Continue to speak: "It doesn't matter, because I know that it is this anger and revenge that is the driving force behind his actions until now."

"Hehe, what an interesting puppet."

Not only Luo Xingchen, but even Juvia who was beside him were angry with these words.

His pupils shrank sharply, and he glared at Keith angrily: "What do you think of human beings?!"

"Experimental tools, happy tools, whether it is mutual relatives or companions who have fought together, Keith has such a relationship between the dead and the living but still has to kill each other. This is my story. A story written by me!" Keith responded.

"As expected, there is no point in discussing human nature with demons." Luo Xingchen shook his head lightly.

The badges of Extreme Ice Demon Slayer and Extreme Ice Dragon Slayer merged into his body in the next second.

Terrifying magic power surged up, and he took a fierce step towards Keith.

Watching this scene, Keith frowned slightly.

With a wave of the scepter, countless skeletons emerged from the ground.

The skeletons began to pile up, forming a wall of skeletons in the blink of an eye, blocking Luo Xingchen in front of him.

"Actually, I can also write stories!"

Facing the wall of skeletons that kept howling in front of him, Luo Xingchen straightened his arms.

The biting chill spread wildly.

"That's the story of your being completely terminated in the next second!"


The cold air surged up crazily, and in just a split second, the huge wall of skeletons was directly turned into huge ice crystals, standing in the ruins.

Following Luo Xingchen's punch, the ice crystals exploded immediately, turning into countless tiny fragments and falling to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Keith couldn't help but tighten the palm holding the scepter.

Immediately said: "Even if the boy's father is going to be buried together?!"

At the same time as the voice sounded, Keith's body also began to disappear into nothingness.

It seemed that he wanted to avoid Luo Xingchen's coming attack.

The deep murmur is still echoing: "Destroy me, then everything in Yin will disappear. Can you destroy the ghost of the boy's father with your own hands?!"

"Or, personally cut off the fetters between their father and son?!"

The words became a little hasty as Luo Xingchen approached.

Maybe even Keith himself didn't know why he was so flustered.


Facing Keith's demonic murmur, Luo Xingchen's pace was not the slightest bit slow.

The next moment, he was in front of Kiss' misty body.

The arm that was blooming with biting chill directly grabbed Keith.

"The bond between people is definitely not as simple as you think! It is definitely not something you can easily break!"


The ever-blooming cold seems to be able to completely freeze the moisture in the air.

Countless tiny ice crystals began to appear in front of Luo Xingchen's eyes.

Even including Kisna's body that has turned into mist.

"This... how is this possible... can ice do this?" Keith's unbelievable voice sounded at this moment.

In the final analysis, Keith's body has never been truly nihilized.

It just decomposes itself into countless magic barrier particles,

Use this to avoid most physical attacks.

However, this had no effect on the extreme chill that Luo Xingchen released.

The terrifying chill was spreading, and the demon-killing power hidden in the chill gradually obliterated Keith's decomposed body.


Got it!

Luo Xingchen's palm firmly grasped Kisna's cheek that had to be exposed due to the large amount of chill.

"Even if the physical appearance is lost! But the missing will always remain in the heart!"

"This is human!"

"Don't try to control humans, bastard!"

Luo Xingchen firmly grasped Keith's arm and exerted force suddenly.

Ka... Ka...

There were obvious cracks on the bone on Keith's cheek, and it began to spread crazily.

"I actually lost to [Magic]... No... Should I say I lost to a human...?"

Under that huge force, Keith wailed unwillingly.

boom--! !

In the next second, the black body exploded straight away.

Without the splash of blood, Keith's shattered body was completely obliterated in the extreme cold.

This marks the demise of the demon.

Chapter 637 I've already gotten used to things like going ahead with guilt

"It's beautifully done, it really deserves to be you, Xingchen."

Immediately after Keith's death, Silver's voice resounded again.

"Thanks to you, I can finally ascend to heaven."

"It can also prevent the activation of Fez, really... thank you!"

Withdrawing his palm, Luo Xingchen stood up straight.

He turned his gaze and looked into the distance.

After a moment of silence, he slowly said, "Say goodbye to him, that guy...has suffered a lot all these years."

"Ah, I know, and... thank you so much for taking care of Gray all these years."

"It's just possible, I'll need to trouble you in the future!"

Yin's tone is so free and easy, perhaps as a dead person.

What he most wants to pursue now,

It should be the one who has been waiting in the extreme north, that lover named Mika...

"Of course, he is also my family." Luo Xingchen responded softly.

Regardless of whether Yin could hear it or not, the response was indeed conveyed far away.

Even the one who responded was very soft...very soft...

"Master Xingchen..."

Suddenly, Juvia's words interrupted Luo Xingchen's silence.

Juvia, who knew all this the whole time, had a complex expression at the moment.

There was even a little worry in the gaze that looked at Luo Xingchen.

"Although from the perspective of the overall situation, it is indeed necessary to do this, but..."

Having said that, Juvia paused, wanting to say something, but it seemed that she didn't know how to say it.

Luo Xingchen shook his head lightly: "You mean Gray."

"After all... Strictly speaking, I killed his father."

Juvia nodded: "In this case, wouldn't Master Xingchen bear a sin out of thin air?"

"Hehe." Rubbing Juvia's head lightly.

Letting the blue hair run across her fingertips, Luo Xingchen spoke softly.

"The wizards of Fairy Tail...haven't they been used to going forward with guilt?"


Yin in the distance seems to have heard the response just now.

The corner of the mouth raised a smile slightly.

He felt that he should be able to rest assured that even without himself, Gray still had a group of people with deep bonds.

And those people all have a common name.

That is, Fairy Tail...


The smiling silver body began to disintegrate gradually, turning into countless light spots.

Right in front of Gray's eyes.

Obviously, he has already experienced a painful parting.


Why does my chest still hurt like that?

No one can answer Gray.