MTL - Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?-Chapter 55

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Not much of a surprise.

After all, these two people are always on everyone's guess list.

It's just that it's similar to Makao, Wakaba and the like.

He could only let out a long sigh of resignation.

Sure enough, even in middle age.

I can't set foot in the field of S rank...

But soon they cheered up again,

After all, it has been so many years, and you should get used to it.

"S-rank wizard, next year must have my name!"

Natsu clenched his fists, confident.

"I really don't know where your confidence comes from." Gray pouted.

"What did you say?!"

The two who had stopped arguing just now seemed to have signs of continuing.

Erza on the side was a little disappointed.

But it is also acceptable, after all, Ersha knows her own strength.

Not to mention Luo Xingchen, even Laxus is still some distance away.

As for Miraj...

Expressed a strong smile at the things that Erza didn't choose.

Then he set his sights on Luo Xingchen in the crowd.

He murmured: "If Xingchen is talking, it should be fine, right?"


"The location of the S-level assessment this time is in the Western Wilderness Forest!"

After looking around, Makarov said loudly.


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and immediately started a discussion.

You know, the Western Wilderness Forest is almost regarded as a restricted area by default.

Just because it is not an area occupied by humans.

But the paradise of Warcraft.

Among them, monsters with S-level strength often appear.

Therefore, this is the location of many S-level crusade missions.

that kind of place...

Even the S-rank mages of ordinary guilds would be fatally dangerous to enter the terrifying forest.

"President, is it really okay to set the assessment location in that kind of place?"

Makao asked worriedly.

Makarov on the high platform shook his head firmly:

"As an S-rank mage of Fairy Tail, if you can't even defeat S-rank monsters, what about S-rank? This is the foundation of the foundation!"

Makarov's voice was full of determination.

And beyond doubt.

"But... there may not be only one S-rank monster in that kind of place..."

Others are a bit worried.

"Don't underestimate the S-rank candidates in the guild!"

Gildas, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

His gaze swept across Luo Xingchen and Laxus in the audience.

The originally inconspicuous face was covered with long-lost seriousness:

"They are young people who have the potential to hit the peak of the magic way!"

Listening to Gildas' words, the scene fell into silence.

"That's right, even if it's the Western Wilderness Forest, it's just a small bump on the S-rank road for these boys." Makarov said in a deep voice.

"In the future, there will be even greater difficulties waiting for them to overcome."

"There are still towering peaks waiting for them to climb."

"This group of young people can't be afraid because the road ahead is difficult..."

"And this doesn't just apply to S-rank mages."

Having said that, he looked at all members of Fairy Tail.

There seemed to be great pride in the old eyes.

"The same applies to you!"

"I hope you can overcome obstacles, go forward bravely, and climb the peak bravely!"

Makarov's right arm was raised high, index finger and thumb stretched out.

The other three fingers clenched tightly, showing a gesture of one to seven.

The tone is extremely high:

"This is the wizard of Fairy Tail!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!"

Countless people responded loudly to Makarov.

Some of them hook shoulders,

Some raised their glasses,

Some even stood on the table.

Although the arrangement is uneven, they all raised their arms high.

Comparing the same gesture.

"That's right, just because we are wizards from Fairy Tail!"

"I'm on fire!" Natsu stood on the table.

Yang Tian spewed out flames.


Erza and Milaj, who were still pinching each other just now, raised their right hands together.

They looked at each other and smiled.

But he turned his head away immediately.

Laxus looked at this scene, his eyes seemed to fluctuate a little.

This gesture seems to be invented by myself...

This familiar gesture seemed to bring him back to that year's harvest festival.

When I was riding on my grandfather's shoulders...

"Aren't you together?"

Luo Xingchen's voice from the side interrupted his memory.



After explaining the time for a week.

Makarov turned and left.

"Yo, kid, I'm your examiner this time!"

Kildas smiled and patted Luo Xingchen's shoulder.

"You don't know how to avenge yourself, do you?" Luo Xingchen looked carefully.

"Is this the image I have in your mind?"

Gildas covered his chest in pain.

"You've always been unreliable." Luo Xingchen remained expressionless.

"Smelly brat, you're still so duplicity."

Kildas laughed and rubbed Luo Xingchen's short black hair.

in the corner.

The girl silently watched the scene in front of her.


The girl muttered softly, lowered her head, her eyes were a little dazed.

Seems to be thinking about something.

I also want to be stroked by you on the head like this,

Maybe only become S rank,

Only then can we get into this distance that is as far apart as heaven and earth...

I'll be on my way when I get to that stage....

Chapter 58: Assessment Begins, Luo Xingchen Besieged

a week.

It slipped quietly amid the intense preparations of Luo Xingchen and Laxus.

The periphery of the Western Wilderness Forest.

Luo Xingchen, Laxus, and Makarov appeared here.

"See the peak in the middle of the forest?"

Makarov pointed to the towering mountain in front of him and spoke first.

Because I knew in advance that the assessment location was in the West Wilderness Forest.

Therefore, Luo Xingchen also checked the terrain of this place in advance.

The entire Western Wilderness Forest covers nearly a hundred kilometers around.

The overall shape is circular, in the center of the forest.

There stands a peak with a maximum altitude of more than 5,000 meters.

Unlike regular mountain peaks, it is a triangular shape.

The overall shape of the peak is very close to a cylinder.

Surrounded by steep cliffs.

In other words, if you want to climb, the difficulty will increase geometrically.

"Remember what I said yesterday, since it is an S-rank mage from Fairy Tail."

"Then there has to be a spirit for climbing, so..."