MTL - Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?-Chapter 38

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A slightly arrogant voice came from outside the door.

The closed door was slowly pushed open by a figure.

The figure was carrying a backpack on his back, as if he had just returned from a mission.

The short golden hair stood up,

A lightning scar ran through the right eye on the young face.

Huge metal earphones hung around his neck.

He was wearing a yellow T-shirt with his hands in his trouser pockets.

Eagle-like eyes scanned the audience, with a little disdain in them.

Luo Xingchen immediately recognized who this guy was.

Laxus, grandson of Makarov.

"This guy is getting more and more rebellious."

Luo Xingchen, who was holding a milk cup, spoke softly.

"I don't know why, anyway, the relationship between Laxus and everyone in the guild is very weak." Erza said.

"Problem children..." Luo Xingchen shook his head.

Regarding Laxus, Luo Xingchen didn't know what to say.

Whether it is expressed from the original work,

From the point of view of what Luo Xingchen really came into contact with in reality,

Laxus not only has a character that is more proud than anyone else.

And he has a more sensitive heart than anyone else.

It is also for this reason.

Laxus cares a lot about what other people think.

And use your gradually distorted heart to distort the meaning of others.

At the end of the day, it's just a lack of love.


Laxus ignored the noisy crowd.

With his hands in his pockets, he walked towards the mission panel on his own.

Turn a deaf ear to the surrounding discussions.

Coming to the panel, there is hardly any consideration.

Then he tore off the task list marked as A-level at the top.

Then he turned around and came to Makarov.

Passed the order to Makarov for a look.

"If there is no problem, I will go first."

After speaking, he put the task list in his backpack.

"Take a rest, after all, you just came back."

Makarov frowned and persuaded softly.

"No, I'm short on time." After putting down this sentence.

Laxus then turned and walked towards the gate.

Facing the voices of people saying hello along the way, Laxus just nodded slightly.

No plans to respond.

But everyone in the guild didn't care.

After all, in everyone's opinion,

Laxus might just be a little shy.

"By the way, Laxus has just completed an A-level mission, and now he is about to set off again. Is it really okay?"

"Who knows, but Laxus is very strong, so there is no need to worry."

"Haha, of course, but it should be said that he is indeed the grandson of the president!"

It seems to have heard the discussion of the crowd.

Laxus paused in his steps.

Veins suddenly popped up on his face.

He gritted his teeth, and finally moved forward.

It's just that the pace seems to be a little faster than before.

When passing by the bar, he looked in Luo Xingchen's direction.

For Luo Xingchen, Laxus also has some reflections.

A person younger than himself.

But in terms of strength, it is definitely not weak.

Indistinctly, there are signs of being called the strongest of the younger generation.

Therefore, Laxus remembered the black-haired boy.

I also look forward to a day when I can fight with him in an upright manner.

Then defeat them and prove who is truly the strongest!

Withdrawing his gaze, Laxus walked towards the outside of the guild.

Just like a lonely lone wolf, he doesn't bother to trust anyone! .

Chapter 40 A Sudden Urgent Mission

Time flows like water.

In the blink of an eye, the year X777 came.

It has been a year since Luo Xingchen came to Fairy Tail guild.

This year, there was laughter and pain.

Laughter, every day unfolds within Fairy Tail.

As for pain...

Then I have to mention that since the mission a year ago.

Until now, Luo Xingchen has not obtained a magic crystal badge.

Obviously, in order to increase the probability,

Luo Xingchen also increased the workload of many tasks this year.

It's not all luck, though.

Enemies below S-level missions are too weak,

The inability to condense a high-quality magic crystal badge is also understandable.

But when it comes to S-level tasks.

I have to say the following S-level wizards.

As the face mage of a guild.

Every guild is extremely strict in the selection of S ranks.

And Fairy Tail is insane in this respect.

It's not just about strength.

Wisdom, experience, ability to deal with emergencies, and even whether the mind is firm and strong, etc.,

These Makarovs will be included in the assessment.

Once an item fails.

No matter how powerful you are,

Makarov won't let you pass the test either.

It's also why Fairy Tail has been around for so many years.

Only Kildas is an S-rank mage.

But it is no exaggeration to say,

Just this one playing other guilds with a dozen or so S ranks is just like playing.

And according to Makarov's words, his own strength is indeed enough.

But experience is still too little.

I want to practice for a while,

Only then will he be allowed to participate in the S-level mage assessment.

Therefore, during this period of time, Luo Xingchen was accepting missions.

Now, Luo Xingchen and Ersha, who had just finished their mission, were getting too late.

So much so that I had to deal with it in the wild for one night.

At this time, Erza's luggage cart with large and small bags came in handy.

Almost everything you need for wilderness survival is available.

Pulling out two tents is no problem at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the supplies that Erza brought.

The two can even live in the wilderness without any supplies for several months without any problems.

Returning to his thoughts, Luo Xingchen, who was lying in the tent, turned off the lights beside him.

Getting ready to fall asleep.

"Xingchen, there is an urgent message from the president!"

Erza, who was holding a round magic crystal, unzipped Luo Xingchen's tent.

Drilled in.

Luo Xingchen, who had already turned off the lights to sleep,

Immediately picked up the quilt under his body and wrapped himself around his body.

"Elusha, why don't you ask outside..."

Looking at the extremely serious Ersha, Luo Xingchen sighed.

You know, I only wear a pair of shorts all over my body.

Suddenly a person broke in, very panicked.

"Uh... I'm sorry, because it's a little urgent." Erza scratched her head.

It seemed that he was still thinking about the perfect abs he had just skimmed off in his mind.

Cheeks are slightly rosy.

However, because the light was too dim, Luo Xingchen didn't pay attention.

Instead, he stretched out his hand and took the magic crystal in Ersha's hand.

The next moment, wearing bear pajamas,