MTL - Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?-Chapter 34

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"It is estimated that because of the unknown terrorist creature, many underwater creatures were forced to stay away from their living places."

"Otherwise you can see more different wonderful underwater creatures."

Even in previous lives, there were many species on the seabed beyond human imagination.

Let alone at the bottom of the wizarding world.

Those huge sea beasts beyond imagination are proof.

From Luo Xingchen's point of view, even if there were piranhas on the bottom of the sea, he would not be surprised at all.

After searching in front of him to no avail, Luo Xingchen swam around.

Move closer in the direction of Karna.

At this moment, Kana is constantly shuttling among the vines on the seabed.

Luo Xingchen sighed helplessly: "Stop playing, always be careful around your surroundings."

"I understand!" Kara turned her head and said.

Shaking his head, Luo Xingchen also swam towards the group of seabed plants.

After all, it is the only large-scale green plant in this area.

Still worth exploring.

"Huh?" Luo Xingchen came to the flower bone on the vine and stopped.

"This feeling..." He frowned.

Gently stretched out his hand towards Huaguduo.

At this moment, Luo Xingchen's eyes widened instantly.

"These flowers...contain magic?"

That's right, due to devouring magic,

Luo Xingchen could feel it on the flower bone.

There is an extremely weak magic power attracting him.

Gathering his mind, Luo Xingchen activated the devouring magic.

A pure white magic circle unfolds in the dark underwater world.

The next moment, a faint light flowed from the flower bone to Luo Xingchen's palm.

"Really!" Luo Xingchen followed the vines and looked into the distance.

But there are still countless intertwined vines ahead,

The lush green seemed to obscure Luo Xingchen's vision.

Just when he wanted to follow the source.


A strange sound echoed in his mind.


Luo Xingchen took out the moving magic crystal badge from the system space.

Extremely Ice's Dragon Slayer Badge!

At the moment it is emitting a faint light.

"What's going on?" Luo Xingchen was confused.

To be honest, it was the first time he saw this situation.

And at the moment when Jibing's Dragon Slayer Badge appeared.

The faint magic light group that had been condensed in his palm also began to flicker.

It seems to have resonated.

"Could it be..." At this moment, Luo Xingchen only thought of one possibility.

That is the faint magical power contained above the flower bud.

It's actually the magic of dragons!

The power of the dragon and the power of the dragon are gathered in his hands, so there is a resonance?

"This may be guiding me, the power of the dragon is hidden in the bottom of the sea!"

Such an idea popped up in my mind.

"Xingchen, I found something here!" At this moment.

Kanna's voice rang out from her mind.

Without the slightest hesitation, Luo Xingchen swam forward.

Through the dense vines.

Luo Xingchen came to Kanna's side.

At this moment, under Kana's feet is an abyss that is about twenty meters wide.

The edges on both sides are not neat.

It was as if the ground had been forcibly torn apart.

Because there is no slightest light that can shine down.

The two couldn't see anything inside.

And those vines containing the power of the dragon extended from the abyss.

Because of Kana's shout in her mind just now.

Erza and Gray who were not far away also swam over.

"Want to go down and have a look?" Erza asked seriously.

Luo Xingchen on the side nodded:

"It is estimated that the horrible creature we are looking for is below here."

"Follow me closely."

Speaking of which, Luo Xingchen took the lead and swam towards the abyss.

Seeing this, Ersha and the others did not hesitate, and swung their arms and legs.


Although the bottom cannot be seen from the top, after it really comes down.

Everyone discovered that this seemingly abyss is actually not that deep.

But the things below made everyone stunned.

They all saw it.

That half of the body is buried in the mud of the seabed,

The other half of the body was penetrated by countless vine roots...

Ferocious dragon! .

Chapter 36 Sacrifice and flow gold method! (Ask for flowers, ask for comments!)

The dragon's body showed varying degrees of decay.

There are even places where skeletons can be seen exposed to seawater.

Through the little flesh that still exists.

It can be seen that it should be a giant dragon with a faint blue body.

The dragon's body was penetrated by countless vine roots.

This also explains why,

Luo Xingchen was able to detect the magic power of the dragon in the flower bud growing on the vine.

Because, at this moment, this giant dragon has long since died.

It has become the nourishment for the growth of vines.

The ferocious dragon head is still intact.

But the magic all around,

It even caused everyone to have those tightly closed eyes,

As if it could be opened again at any time.

"This is... a dragon..." Erza, who saw the dragon for the first time, raised her head.

Unbelievable surprise in his eyes.

"It's unbelievable. I didn't expect that I could see the dragon."

Kana's tone was full of exclamation, but also a little excited.

"It's really bigger than expected."

Gray's eyes moved up and down for a while.

It seems to be looking at the size of the dragon.

Luo Xingchen swam forward.

Raise your eyelids, you can see through the searchlight in your hand,

On the uncorrupted part of the dragon,

The faint blue scales full of delicate patterns but extremely hard reflect light slightly.

He took a closer look at the roots of the vines rooted on the dragon's body.

They all penetrated from the flesh that had no scales.

Wei Wei reached out and touched the dragon's body.

He could feel that there seemed to be some magic left above.

Wei Wei pondered for a while.

Luo Xingchen probably figured out the ins and outs of this incident.

He turned around and looked at the people behind him.

Luo Xingchen said in his mind:

"Basically, it has been confirmed that what makes the sea beasts want to flee in fear is probably the reason for this giant dragon's wreckage."

Seeing this, several people looked over.

Luo Xingchen pointed to the wall beside him: "First of all, it is the cause of everything."

"This abyss was created by a large submarine earthquake caused by the movement of the earth's crust."

"Let the dragon's corpse that was originally dusty and underground be revealed."

As he spoke, he looked at the vines again.

"These vine roots are proof that the vine roots that should have been buried deep in the ground to absorb nutrients were also exposed after the abyss appeared."

"In other words, are all the sea beasts afraid of this dead dragon?"

Erza frowned slightly and asked.

"Also, the body of this giant dragon has not been corrupted yet, is it a bit too exaggerated?"

Gray chimed in.

Luo Xingchen turned around, looked at the giant dragon, and said: