MTL - Fairy Tale-Chapter 666 Yun Yong

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   Chapter 666 Yun Yong

  Ever since Wushang received instructions from his grandfather, not to mention how turbulent the waves in his heart could not be calmed down, he did not dare to delay at all, ordered his troops and horses, and hurried frantically to the extreme seas of heaven and earth.

   Grandpa also reminded him at the end: The key to changing the fairy world lies in Lian Yi.

   Wushang remembered that Lian Yi left Lingxiao Sect and went to the Earth Ocean to find the black vortex.

   When she set off from Ling Xiaozong, she sent him a letter.

   At such a time, the patriarch gave him a dream, how could it not be a coincidence?

The place where   Lianyi went to the black vortex is very special.

   Wushang felt that there must be a connection between this black vortex and the dream entrusted to him by the patriarch.

   I didn’t have time to think about it before, but now I’m on the road, so I have time to think about it carefully.

  The ancestors have almost made it clear:

   At present, there is a connection between Immortal Realm and Guangmei Star Region. The reason why this road exists is the handwriting of the Oyster Clan. The destination that this road leads to is the entrance to the void.

   Combined with what Lian Yi told him about the long tunnel she fell from the fairyland chasing oysters.

   Wushang understood in an instant, that the long passage that Lianyi said was the same one that his grandfather said.

  Lian Yi went to find the long corridor, which according to her was in the black vortex.

   Don't you understand?

The tunnel dug by the   Oyster Clan, in the black vortex, in the black vortex, there is a secret place, the entrance to the void?

   Three down and five out of two, doesn’t it mean that the Oyster Clan has created a passageway to connect the entrance to the immortal world and the empty land under the jurisdiction of the Guangmei Star Territory.

   Wushang heard for the first time that there was a place of nothingness in the Guangmei Star Region, but he knew exactly what the place of nothingness was like.

   It turns out that the meaning of "change to a fairyland" should be here, and the Guangmei Star Region is actually such a place.

   He only hated that he didn't think of it long ago, when he knew that Mengqing Realm was the realm of single spirits, he should have thought of it.

  Single spirit realm is also very special. According to legend, which star realm has been out of the single spirit realm and is not a super star realm with a super high level?

   And only the super star field, plus the void, there is a great chance to become a fairy field that can accommodate immortals.

   No regrets, hateful, what kind of brain do you have?

Back then, he clearly felt that Lian Yi had disappeared into the vortex beside Mengqing Realm before going to Ranyin Mountain to deal with the Earth Demon. He had obviously received some specious hints from the inheritance. When he returned from being injured in the fairyland, he also went to Lianyi to verify it.

   As a result, Lian Yi pretended to be stupid and got mixed up.

  It turned out that this fellow had known Wuji Tianzun for a long time, but she didn't mention it at all. She hugged her big thighs and pretended to be stupid to her little brother.

   is really treacherous and unkind.

  However, what should I do, even if Wushang was almost killed by anger, he pinched his nose and recognized it.

  Who called this guy now has Shangfang Sword.

   Grandpa said and said, she is the key to everything, without her, just wait for death.

   Even the existence of Wushang Demon Gate is to protect her and assist her!

  Wushang was on his way while doing psychological construction for himself, but he became more and more anxious.

The   oyster clan's plan, even the blind can see, is really too big.

   They are so bright, they want to invade the Guangmei world and seize the Guangmei star field.

  If Lian Yi didn't happen to find out this time, and chased the Oyster Clan down the corridor, the Oyster Clan would be so silent, and plan for another hundred years...

  Won't even dare to think about it.

  Thinking of the wolf ambitions of the Oyster Clan, Wushang had a new hatred for the Shimo family, and he only hated that the Wushang Demon Sect had gone downhill.

If he cultivates faster, ascends to the immortal world, fights to his death, and holds the entire power of the Demon Sect, he will have to kill the first demon Yuanzun himself to relieve the hatred in his heart. meaning.

   If he were to say who he hated the most in this world, it was either the Oyster Clan from the Outer Territory or the Primordial Demon Yuanzun.

   used to be hatred, but now the more secrets he knows, the contempt and disgust he has for the primordial demon Yuanzun.

   Can he not despise it?

   Shimo Yuanzun, arrogant, hypocritical and short-sighted.

   Wuji Tianzun led the immortals and the Wushang Demon Sect, but under the damage of such people, his vitality was greatly damaged and the losses were heavy, and he could even kill himself without thinking about it.

   Originally thought that this was already the ultimate shamelessness of Shimo Yuanzun.

   Winning the king and defeating the bandits, in the immortal and demon wars, Shimo Yuanzun suffered a little bit of yin loss. He led the army of demons and used the nightmare to cultivate the dark team.

   Although nominally, there was no winner or loser in the immortal and demon battle that year, and it ended with the primordial demon Yuanzun being sealed, and the Wuji Tianzun leaving the realm of the gods for healing.

   However, after Wushang inherited the memory and seal of Wushang Demon God, it was clear.

   In fact, in the battle between the fairy and the devil, the fairy world is defeated.

   The loss of the Immortal Realm is incalculable. Back then, Shimo Yuanzun was sealed instead of his soul.

  Whether it is Wuji Tianzun or Wushang Demon God, the power of the whole world cannot destroy him.

   Since then, there have been hidden dangers.

   If it ends here, even if Shimo Yuanzun finally makes a comeback, and brings his family into the Kongji Temple, and completely drives Wuji Tianzun down from the supreme position, then Wushang still only hates him.

   However, it turns out that shameless people will only become more shameless in the midst of time.

   He didn't care, he just wanted to seize the Immortal Realm from the hands of Wuji Tianzun, and he dared to lead the wolf into the room and directly introduce the monsters from the outer domain.

   Creatures of unknown origins introduced into the void, unknown where they came from, and what abilities they have, rashly introduced them into their own fairyland?

   What kind of troubles will this matter leave behind? Could it be that Shimo Yuanzun could not have imagined?

These oyster tribes are called help, but in fact the wolf's ambition is obvious, it is easy to ask God to send God, but when they use this side of the fairyland to raise their flesh and blood, strengthen their strength, when they bite back, the first demon Can the family handle it?

   Now it seems that the truth is in sight.

Those oyster tribes were small in number at first, but today, the number has increased, and they have already exposed their ugly faces, nibbling away the territory under the immortal realm that does not belong to them. Occupy magpie nest, you are welcome.

  The five star regions were occupied by four.

   The immortal world is aging and exhausted, and there is no way to recover.

   The entire Immortal Territory and the five Star Territories under its jurisdiction can be said to have been occupied by the Oyster Clan for four and a half, the Four Star Territories and half the Immortal Territory.

   Under such circumstances, Shimo Yuanzun dared to let the Oyster Clan encroach on the Guangmei Star Region?

   What is the difference between this situation and the battle between the fairy and the devil back then.

   It can be said that if it wasn't for the short-sightedness, connivance, and stubbornness of Shimo Yuanzun, they would not have reached the desperate situation they are today.

Xu Shi, Wushang sneered, Shimo Yuanzun didn't care, in his eyes, the Oyster Clan was still as weak and pitiful as he was when he brought them in. He hooked his fingers and gave them alms like alms to beggars. ,enough.

   But he couldn't see clearly that people had already used the things he gave him to strengthen himself.

  I want to drive them away like a bereaved dog, but people have turned into wolves, bloodthirsty, waiting to counterattack at any time.

  Wushang thought of Shimo Yuanzun, and his heart was blocked. This kind of blockage is not a feeling that he is connected with anger.

  Lianyi is his own family. He is often angry with her, but he still knows that Lianyi is for him.

   They are friends, partners, and have the same goal.

Even if it is to find a random enemy who is innocent of his death, and is also a creature of the Guangmei Star Region, they can fight to the death because of personal vendettas, and the sword is drawn. Enemies, what should they do?

   It's not how noble they are, but how important they are.

What is    personal hatred compared to the survival of the star field?

   Even his family is gone, his life is going to be gone, and there is no personal grudge.

  The first enmity between the Shimo clan and the Immortal Realm was very simple. Isn't it just dissatisfaction with the fact that their territory is not good enough, not big enough, not rich enough, do you want more?

   But in order to grab a site, he made the move to sell all the creatures in the entire fairyland and even the five star regions under his jurisdiction, and there is no one else.

   Such a person, if he is really allowed to take the position of Wuji Tianzun, it will be a disaster for thousands of souls, and there is a possibility that he will be sold by him anytime, anywhere.

   Isn't this mess already in front of you?

   No matter how much hatred in the heart, to the point of crying blood, the bitter fruit of this brewing will be swallowed by all living beings who endure disgust and unwillingness.

Wushang's face became more and more condensed. After his self-cultivation, he rarely put on a cold face, mainly because of the cold and gloomy aura, and with a coquettish aura that looked very evil, so that he casually walked on the road, even if he restrained himself. The aura of the whole body is still the kind that adults and children can be scared to cry at any time.

  ... He thinks it's troublesome, so he can't kill people when he sees them crying, so he just covers his face with a half mask.

   This time, I left in a hurry, I forgot to wear my mask, and I came out of the rivers and lakes again with a cold face, full of momentum, and the idle people all retreated, not daring to fight.

When Wushang was about to reach the Earth's Extreme Sea, he finally digested the turbulent waves left by his grandfather and grandfather, and managed to straighten it out. In a circle, he fell back in front of him.

   Wushang frowned slightly, then returned to his expressionless face again.

   Regardless of whether Lianyi is single-handedly, it can be seen that she should have found the black vortex.

The entrance of   Nothing Land no longer belongs to the space of Guangmeijie. It belongs to the place where the space germinates, so Lian Yi can't receive his messenger.

   Wushang is not afraid that he will not find Lianyi.

  He helped Lian Yi catch the Oyster Clan for three years. In the black vortex, since it was the ultimate place where the Oyster Clan descended from the Immortal Realm, there were traces left by the Oyster Clan. He had his own way to find some clues.

  What he was thinking about was that Lian Yi actually found this passage by himself, passed through the passage smoothly, and came out of the passage.

  The Oyster Clan and the Shimo Clan have ghosts in their hearts, and they will definitely not let Lianyi go.

  Lian Yi came back for three years, and it has been three days in the fairy world. She must have discovered the news of the passage. Both the Oyster Clan and the Beginning Demon Clan must have known about it.

   Soon, at least the Guangmei world is about to face a big crisis that could be overturned at any time.

   didn't know either, he...they couldn't make it in time.

Wushang's speed is very fast. He was originally in the Guangmei Realm. Since the battle between Lianyi and the Earth Heart Demon, the barrier of Ranyin Mountain has been broken. Without being blocked, the two worlds have already merged into one, collectively referred to as the Guangmei world.

   He is fast, and so are the others.

   When he guessed that Lian Yi had entered the black vortex, his speed was even faster, and he rushed to the extreme sea with his subordinates wholeheartedly.

   But he didn't expect that in this short period of time, other messengers came one after another.

   First, looking at the sky, a divine light smashed directly at Wushang's head. If he didn't dodge quickly, he would have smashed a hole in his head.

Shenguang sensed his breath and released it automatically. The voice of peeping from the sky came. First, he briefly recounted what his grandfather said, mainly to say that the twelve Daluo Jinxian oyster clan were prepared to never say anything. Yongdao came to Guangmei Star Region.

  If you say, there is still some room for buffer, Gutian also said that only when the black vortex is generated, the oyster tribe can successfully pass through it and reach the Guangmei world.

   But, the bad news is that the place where the black vortex is created is uncertain, and it is unknown where it will be.

   As expected, things went in the worst direction.

  Even though Wushang was ready in his heart, but after receiving confirmation from Gutiantian, Wushang's heart sank more and more.

   These are twelve Great Luo Jinxian.

   In the black vortex, I don’t know who else besides Lianyi?

  If it happened just like this, how would you deal with Lian Yi single-handedly?

   The divine light of peeping into the sky has just arrived for a while, and the arrow of the head of Lingxiao Sect has arrived.

  The arrow of the head of the sect is used for the sect's life and death when it is urgent to ask for reinforcements.

   Sect Master Arrow bumped into him and automated it into a line, and it really was the same thing.

  Ling Xiaozong will lead the monks above Nascent Soul to go to the heaven, earth, earth and sea.


When    Wushang received the letter, Yan Liu was already standing on the top of the Yidao Peak, ready to go.

   Behind him, he glanced at the familiar figures, there were brothers and sisters, elders from the same family, nephews, disciples, grandchildren, and chivalrous friends from all walks of life.

   The divine light that peeked into the sky fell directly on Yidao Peak, and everyone saw it.

  Yan Liu didn't know how, in an instant, he died.

   However, since such a subversive disaster has been encountered, no one will shirk and avoid it.

  Yanliu is fortunate that Yanliu had previously issued a sect master order because of his research on oyster shells.

  Because of Lianyi's return, many of Lianyi's friends or people who admire and admire Lianyi have come from other realms and haven't left yet. This time, they just caught up.

   He glanced at the crowd again. He didn't say much, and he didn't have time to say more. The other sects had already passed the letter.

   He glanced at his apprentice and said indifferently:

   "After we leave, we will start the Great Array of Protecting the Sect immediately. If the Great Array of Protecting the Sect is useless, let's run for our own lives and secure our destiny."

   After saying that, he turned around without hesitation:

   "Let's go!"

   The sky is like a scene, and the clouds have gradually surged into a thick layer, covering the originally brilliant sunlight!

   (end of this chapter)