MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 40 Is it a poison or a tonic?

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Before Ye Wei’s booth, Wu Haichang’s careless eyes swept over the jade bottle and finally fell on the medicinal dish that Ye Hao was holding. The rich fragrance made his index finger move and turned to look at the iron pan. He asked. : "Does the medicated food not sell?"

"Do not sell!" The drug slaves did not raise the answer.

Wu Haichang's brow wrinkled and said: "Can you buy a medicated diet?"

The drug slave looks at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said indifferently: "No."

Wu Haichang stared at Ye Hao, and suddenly grinned and said: "Since the little brother lives in this Taoyuan Inn, I think it is not the local people of the county town?"

Ye Wei asked: "Want to threaten me?"

"This..." Wu Haichang was speechless, and he really meant this.

Ye Hao shook his head and sighed and said: "Today's medicated diet, except for me, outsiders can't eat it. I don't want to sell it to you. After all, if you can make money, then who will push it out for no reason?"

Wu Haichang stunned, and some doubts asked: "What is this?"

Ye Hao thought for a moment and said: "Twenty two blue and silver, for you to confuse."


Wu Haichang was furious, but he couldn't help but cultivate his martial arts. He said, "I see you young, I don't know anything about you, I don't want to know about blue silver, but you have to give me an explanation, if your Explain that I am not satisfied, don't blame me for bullying your foreigner."

"Yes!" Ye Hao smiled lightly.

Wu Haichang touched out the twelve blue silver and threw it at the booth and said, "Explain it!"

Ye Hao took a grass root from the bowl and asked: "Do you know the medicine? Do you know this thing?"

Wu Haichang frowned, carefully observing for a moment, sneer: "Bulky, this is the ordinary medicinal material, what is worth talking about?"


Beside him, an old man who had just arrived showed a horrified look on his face. He stared at the grass root and said: "This is a corpse root, containing a poisonous, even a saber-toothed wolf, swallowing a drop. The venom in the corpse roots will also be poisoned to death between the fingers. Juvenile Lang, are you crazy? Actually put this poisonous thing in the medicinal diet?"

The old man’s words made Wu Haichang’s face change. He didn’t know the corpse root, but he heard it!

Ye Hao showed a smile and nodded and said: "The old man is very knowledgeable."

Said, Ye Hao picked out a bug from the bowl and asked Wu Haichang: "Do you know what it is?"

After Wu Haichang knew the poisonous insects, he stepped back a few steps and looked at Ye Haoran. "You are crazy. This is a blood worm! You and you... Are you a nourishing diet? Or suicide? Poison?"

Ye Hao did not answer his question, but smiled and asked: "Twenty two blue silver, do you still feel the flowers?"

"Oh..." Wu Haichang swallowed his mouth and shook his head. He didn't live enough. If the boy just gave him a bowl of medicated food, I am afraid he has been poisoned.

But the boy clearly drank the medicated diet, why is he okay? Is this medicated diet weird?

Wu Haichang is a shrewd person. After a moment of silence, he said: "You are scaring me with poisonous roots and poisonous insects. In fact, this medicated diet has been treated, is it poisonous?"

Ye Hao did not think that the man in front of him still did not give up, is he really so eager for food?

Wu Haichang once again said: "Get a price! I buy a bowl of medicated diet. Is there any poison in the medicated diet? I will know if I try."

Ye Hao turned to look at the drug slave and asked: "How much blue and silver did we pay for living in Taoyuan Inn?"

The drug slave said: "Three thousand two."

Ye Hao looked at Wu Haichang and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Have you heard? If you are willing to pay 3,000 blue and silver, I can give you a bowl. As for whether you are still alive after drinking, there is no relationship with me. It is."

"Don't try." The old man next to him suddenly said.

Wu Haichang suppressed his anger and asked: "Why?"

The old man carefully looked at Ye Hao and hesitated. He said, "This young man has problems, he..."

Wu Haichang asked: "What happened to him?"

The old man shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Maybe I guessed it wrong! In short, I advise you not to try, spending money to buy death is a stupid act."

Wu Haichang said angrily: "Who said that I will die? Three thousand two blue silver is it? No problem, this is three thousand two silver and silver tickets. If I check it, this medicine is not poisonous, I want you to look good."

"Hey, this early morning, suffocating!" Ye Hao looked at Wu Haichang's eyes, just like watching a dead person.

Wu Haichang turned around and whispered a few words to the people around him. The man quickly walked away. When Wu Haichang took a bowl of medicated diet, he did not drink it. Instead, he looked quietly at the bowl, as if waiting for something. .

After drinking two bowls of medicated diet, Ye Hao handed the bowl to the slave, and then looked at the dozens of people who had gathered around. He said faintly: "If you want to watch the fun, please let me let me. I am selling the medicine here. Please don't bother me to do business."

A dozen people watching the side, after hearing the words of Ye Hao, suddenly retreated.

The old man did not retreat. His eyes moved to the jade bottle, and suddenly his eyes lit up. When he saw the handwriting on the jade bottle, he asked: "The text on the jade bottle is the name of the drug. ?"

"Yes!" Ye Hao said without hesitation.

The old man picked up a bottle, unplugged the bottle and smelled it. He was surprised and said: "Is it really good? And the quality seems to be quite good. How many gas traps in this bottle? How is the price?"

Ye Hao said: "A bottle of ten, the whole bottle is sold, a total of eight thousand two blue silver."

The old man was surprised: "So cheap?"

Cheap? Ye Hao showed a strange look and said: "Well, I remember it wrong, a bottle of 10,000 blue silver."


The old man did not mention it in one breath, and coughed several times in succession. He looked at Ye Hao and almost wanted to slap it. This year, there is such a price to sit on it. Just because I said a cheap sentence?

"Eight thousand two, I bought it." The old man said.

"One thousand two, less and not to sell." Ye Hao did not move back.

"The old man's mouth is stunned!" The old man showed his disappointment and directly pulled out four silver tickets with a face value of 10,000 blue and silver. He asked: "Is this the same?"

Ye Hao said: "The four kinds of immortality, each bottle is ten, the price is the same."

The old man said: "I buy one bottle each, you pay for the silver ticket."

Opening a good house, Ye Hao was a little satisfied, said: "In the original, each jade bottle should receive one thousand two blue silver, but if you are my first guest, you will be exempted."

"You are free!" The old man turned his eyes and took four bottles of medicinal herbs and turned away. But after walking a dozen meters away, he seemed to think about something again, then turned back and stood by and looked at Wu Haichang, he Want to know, is there any poison in the bowl of medicated diet?

Soon, the person who left left a fat pig.

Wu Haichang handed the bowl to the man, and he said: "Put this bowl of medicinal food into my stomach."

Test poison with piglets? Everyone suddenly realized that one by one was quite funny.

As a bowl of medicated diet was poured into the belly of the piglet, a few breaths, the piglet slammed a few times, then crashed into the ground, seven holes bleeding.

"Dead?" Everyone looked at each other and their faces were showing a stunned look.

They felt that after the cold neck, I thought that if the bowl of fragrant medicinal diet was eaten by myself, I am afraid that it is better than the end of the piglet.

Wu Haichang's heart is even cold. As the saying goes, the Yellow River does not give up. He saw the scene where the piglet was poisoned alive. He finally understood that Ye Hao said yes, there is poison in the medicine, but why is he okay?

The old man leaned in front of the booth and squinted and asked: "Little brother, your body, what's the problem?"

Ye squinted and said: "I don't invade the poison. This medicated diet is poison for you. For me, it is a tonic. The elderly, my answer is your satisfaction?"

The old man frowned and said: "A little dissatisfied."

Ye Hao said with no anger: "Curious to kill the cat, your old man is a little leisurely."

The old man found that he couldn't talk to Ye Hao very well. With a cold cry, he turned and walked toward the distance, and his heart was calculating. After returning, he must send someone to inquire about the origin of Ye Hao.

Throughout the day, Ye Hao only sold a small amount of medicinal herbs.

The second day.

After Ye Hao finished the medicated diet, he once again sold the medicinal herbs.

"Hey? This guy actually put the booth out again. Isn't he clear that he is fixed in a place to lie, once he is discovered, will he be killed by others?" The two youths who passed yesterday came again. The young man who looks honest and honest said.

The young man with a sly eye in his eyes said: "There are a lot of people who have lost their minds this year, let alone a hairy boy who hasn’t had a long hair. Walk around and do what he does?"

The two shook their heads and left.

At noon.

"It's there." A loud voice rang nearby, and then four or five young men came.

Ye Hao looked at a few people and asked: "You, buy medicinal herbs?"

The head of the Jinpao youth hung a proud look, using the nostrils to create a cold air, asked: "I heard that the medicinal herbs you sell here, one thousand two blue silver can buy a bottle? Ten?"

"Yes!" Ye Hao nodded.

The Jinpao youth said: "Give me a face, one bottle two per bottle."

Ye Hao curiously said: "Your face is very valuable? Can it be worth nine thousand two blue silver?"

The Jinpao youth did not hear the ridiculous meaning in Ye's words, and said proudly: "I am a bully, Gaohu, but the famous figure in this county town, the face is naturally very valuable, some people want to tie me up, I am too lazy to take care of them! You A few, what are you doing? Put the medicinal herbs on this stall for me."

"Slow!" Ye Hao stood up and said faintly: "Others want to tie you up, that is something of others. In my eyes, your face is worthless. I want to buy medicinal herbs, take money, and don't have money." I am here for you."

When I heard Ye Hao’s words, Xiao Ba Wang Gao Hu was furious, as if he had received a lot of humiliation and roared: “Damn guy, I think you are looking for death.”

"Hey..." Ye Hao pulled out a jade bottle stopper.