MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 38 Taoyuan Inn

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The scale of the Zifu County County City is ten times larger than that of Hanshan City. The pavilions and pavilions are undulating. Rao is Ye Hao who lived on the earth for a hundred years. The high-rise buildings have seen countless times. They are still shocked by the city’s front, wide streets. , the water and water, the pavilion shops on both sides, row upon row.

"Little master." The drug slave squatted on his body, licking the faucet crutches, and the color of the memories at the bottom of his eyes receded and whispered.

Ye Hao asked, "What?"

The drug slave said: "The county town is very large. Apart from the most prosperous central region, it is divided into four jurisdictions in the southeast and northwest. The old slaves don't know where the upcoming auction will be held. So, where do you think we should settle? ”

Ye Hao asked: "Where have you been to the county, you will choose where to live?"

When I heard Ye Hao, the drug slave said without thinking: "Taoyuan Inn!"

Ye Hao said: "Then we will stay in Taoyuan Inn! If there is no accident, we will not stay in the county for a long time."

Taoyuan Inn is located in the northeast area of ​​Nancheng. Unlike the bustling area imagined by Ye Hao, Taoyuan Inn is more like a Taoyuan with a large area. The peach trees are everywhere, and the delicate flowers are open to the public. Exquisitely beautiful, a group of pavilions, seemingly scattered everywhere.

However, if you look closely, you will find that between the pavilion and the pavilion, there is a patchwork, orderly arrangement, a clear river, running through the entire Taoyuan Inn, five magnificent bridges, becoming an important transportation hub.

"It's not bad here."

Ye Hao is good at observing the terrain. Just after entering the Taoyuan Inn, he found that it is a treasure of Feng Shui, especially a branch of the spiritual vein. The end point of the condensation is this Taoyuan Inn.

The drug slave nodded in agreement: "There are 109 buildings here, except for the main building that is not rented out. All other pavilions are rented out. However, the daily rent is high and the average person can't afford it."

Ye Hao asked: "How much?"

The drug slave said: "The herringbone house, the daily rent of two hundred and two blue and silver; the land type pavilion, the daily rent of five hundred and two blue silver; Tianzi Pavilion, the daily rent of one thousand two blue silver, the old slave has not been for more than ten years Stepping into the county, I don’t know if the price has changed."

So expensive?

Ye Hao reveals a surprised look. You must know that one hundred and two blue and silver are enough for a family of five in Hanshan City to live for one year. One thousand two can make them live for ten years. Here, one thousand two blue silver can only live in Tianzige one day, the price is simply outrageous!

The medicine slave smiled.

He used to come here, it is followed by the old master Huo Lanqiu, what kind of person is the old master? There is no difference in money between the eyes, and there is no shortage of silver. As for the expensive ones, it does not matter.

It is this little master... The drug slaves observe the subtlety, the mind is transparent, naturally know what money means to the little master, but it can buy life!

Soon, the two came to a quaint attic, did not pay attention to the four burly men on both sides of the door, they entered the attic.

"Welcome to two guests, the slave is the waiter's blue, do you want to rent a residence for two guests? Or come to the inn to eat?" In the hall, more than a dozen beautiful girls in uniforms, out of a tall girl, she The smile is very kind, giving people a feeling of bathing in the spring breeze.

"Lease!" said the drug slave.

The blue was slightly distressed and smiled lightly: "So, please ask the two guests to register with the slaves at the counter, pay the rent and collect the keys to the building."

The drug slave said: "The old slave will go with you! Little master, how long will we live here?"

Ye Hao thought for a moment and said, "Let's rent for half a month!"

"Good!" The drug slaves nodded slightly, calculating the time, and they stayed here for a maximum of half a month.

Ye Hao stood in the hall, his eyes swept over from the guests who came in and out, and finally fell on the paintings hanging on the wall. Although the calligraphy on both sides was good, it was still in the eyes of Ye Hao, but the landscape painting in front of it. It is a good work. In the painting, the green hills and green peaches, the urchins expel the little beasts, the old man sits on the riverside fishing, a few vivid birds, or stand on the branches, or spread their wings. In this painting, the vitality can be seen everywhere. .

“Withdrawal, Blue Sky Yu?”

Ye Hao’s heart is faintly felt a little pity, painting is a good painting, but unfortunately it lacks an imposing manner. The green hills are high, the majestic stalwart, the green water flow, the continuous stream, the peach blossom blooms, although it is glamorous, there is no trace of wind; The old man, the bird's beak...the smell of the farmer's life, but there is no thatched grass, but after all, it means something worse.

Not far from Ye Hao, the waiter closest to Ye Hao, a playful girl, had been observing them when Ye Hao and Yao Bo came in, because she felt that the combination of old and young was very interesting. However, she thought it was the arrival of the grandson, but did not expect that the old man claimed to be a slave, while the teenager was a small master.

"Guest, can you understand painting?" Blue Xiaozhu quietly came to Ye Hao and asked with a smile.

Ye took a look at her and said indifferently: "Slightly understand."

The blue beaded corner was tilted, and the face was a little proud. Pointing at the landscape painting on the wall, he asked: "What do you think of this painting? Is it the best painting you have ever seen?"

"Oh..." Ye Hao showed a strange look.

Who gives this gimmick confidence? I dare to ask such a problem of shamelessness?

Best painting?

What international jokes?

In the centuries of the earth's seclusion, Ye Hao once collected a large number of calligraphy and calligraphy. Among them, he could enter his eyes, and everyone is a masterpiece. This landscape painting is good, but it can only be regarded as a reluctant pass. The distance is still far away!

Ye Hao was too lazy to take care of this girl and turned and walked outside.

"Hey, you haven't answered my question yet!"

The blue bead was awkward, and when he woke up, he hurriedly chased it outside. However, when her figure chased the door, she suddenly stopped, and she saw that the familiar figure came.

"Sister Xiaoshui, how come you? Don't need to take care of the lady?" asked Blue Pearl.

Lan Xiaoshui said: "There are friends coming from afar. Miss is accompanying friends to visit the park. I am told to come over and ask you to go back and prepare fruit cakes for the evening meal."


Blue Beads hesitated, then removed his gaze and slammed the back of the eyelids. This said: "Well, let's go back soon!"

Blue Xiaoshui looked down at the blue beads and curiously said: "Do you know the teenager who just went out?"

"I don't know!" Blue Pearl said with a grin: "He is arrogant and arrogant."

"Get angry? This is what you are looking for." Blue Xiaoshui said with a smile: "Don't forget your current identity, you feel bored in the building, you have to run out, as a messenger, still care. People give you a face?"

Lan Xiaozhu said: "No, I saw him watching the paintings of the lady. I wanted to hear a few words from the praised lady. I went over and asked him to look at it. As a result, he admitted that he knew the paintings and did not want to answer my questions. Is it Miss? Is it not worthy of his praise for his own paintings?"

"Oh?" Blue Xiaoshui was surprised and looked a little longer at the farther away Ye Lan, which took the blue beads away from the attic and headed in the other direction.

Bridgeside riverside.

Two young girls are walking together.

One of the most aggressive girls in the city, sweeping across the sparkling river, sighed: "After counting, we haven't seen each other for three years? And your temper is more calm and calm."

Wearing a veil and a girl with a braided palace, all of them show a gentle and elegant posture. The soft soft voice brings gentleness and enjoyment: "Sister is free and easy, but as a princess, but can Aside from the hustle and bustle, I lingered alone between the famous mountains and rivers, and lingered in the city’s Jingmin Lane, where the red dust was experienced, which made my sister envious."

Mu Qianxi said: "If you envy, why not go out and go? Your talent, your qualifications, are completely out of my own. If you can put down that obsession, the future achievements are limitless, maybe, I will be the future of Skynet Empire. The safety of the country requires you to shelter."

Blue Sky Yu shook his head and said: "I don't need me, my sister is there, the Tianwang Empire will be a hundred years in the future, naturally and safely. Hey? How is your sister gone?"

Mu Qianxi was indeed distracted. In her mind, there was a clear face that felt abhorrent, and she remembered that in the Jinluo Mountain Range, she was trapped for a whole day before she barely broke the law and fled.

Mu Qiang said with a bite: "Think of a mixed kid."

Blue Sky Yu's bright eyes showed a touch of surprise, curiously asked: "Millennium sister has a sweetheart? Can make your heartbeat unstable, Tianyu wants to know, which is the young talent?"

"My sweetheart?"

Mu Qianxi said with a smile: "Tian Yu’s sister laughed, and the boy was only sixteen or seven years old. I was a lot older than him. How could it be... In short, the guy is very evil, it’s one I can’t see. Translucent people."

Blue Sky Yu was surprised: "You can't even see the young Lang? I really want to meet."

Mu Qianxi dumbly laughed and said: "With your character, if you see him, you will be eaten and wiped clean, even the bones and scums are left, the wild foxes in the wilderness, you should know? Wisdom countless, treacherous, The guy gave me the feeling that it was more insidious than Linghu."

"Oh..." Blue Sky Yu smirked: "Millennium sister will have eaten on him, otherwise he will not say this, Tianyu is more curious about him."

Mu Qiang turned his head and said: "Don't say him, I am here to find you, there is something you need to help."

"What?" asked Blue Sky Yu.

Mu Qianxi said: "My uncle established a wonderful work and won the quota for the Skynet Empire. The father told me to represent him and set up a banquet in the county palace. I want you to draw a picture for me. As a gift to the uncle."

Blue Sky Yu meditated for a moment and nodded and said: "No problem, you will take it after three days."

"Thank you!" Mu Qianxuan showed a happy color in his eyes. You must know that the paintings of the Blue Sky Yu in the Empire are hard to find.

"Sister is polite."