MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 2259 guess

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Xuanhuang asked in this way, and Ye Tian was taken aback for a moment, but then he remembered that the creature did look for him at the last moment.

Seeing his scene, exhaustion has come to an end, and finally fell on the edge of the Chaos Sea.

"You may be right, but who knows this?"

"However, what you guessed does have a certain degree of accuracy."

Ye Tian said lightly, but didn't fully tell Xuanhuang that these things were not something Xuanhuang could touch all at once.

Or, it is okay to give her a time and let her discover the same thing in the Chaos Sea.

"In other words, it is possible!"

"Then, did he really see who built the cage here? Will his death have something to do with those in the cage?"

Xuan Phoenix came to the end at once, and started to ask very excitedly.

In fact, it wasn't about Ye Tian's questioning, but more of her own thoughts, but it was revealed now.

It's just that this kind of inquiry really fell on Ye Tian.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly and said: "Even if some rules, regulations, and rules are set up to open up the world, they will never use this method to make a move."

"You must know that the person who has reached this state must be above the saint, that is to say, even if the first creature of the day and earth stood above the threshold of transcendence, he still has a great distance."

"What's more, the shackles in this world are not caused by man-made, but naturally, they have embarked on a law of the law of the law of self-operation."

After thinking for a while, Ye Tian told Xuan Phoenix with this as the answer.

These are also some conclusions that he has speculated for it within this universe.

Xuan Huang nodded slightly. Now that she is in the realm of a saint, she naturally knows many things clearly.

Some subjective speculations are not reliable, but Ye Tian's basic speculation is very solid, and Xuanhuang does not necessarily refute Ye Tian.

Moreover, even if it was a rebuttal, she could not produce strong evidence.

"Ye Tian, ​​until now, I don't know what your specific strength is."

"When you first met you, you were like that, plain and plain, and seemingly unremarkable."

"Later, I gradually got to know some of you, learned some things about you, and gradually changed my mind to you. However, until now, I still can't see the end of you, and your strength is still the same."

"The saints are enough to see through everything, but they can't see through you. Wouldn't you be the detachment above the saints?"

Xuan Huang sighed, then slowly said.

After thinking for a while, Ye Tian nodded slightly and said, "Perhaps you didn't guess, I am detached."

He simply confessed it directly, who knew that Xuan Phoenix showed a trace of disdain, practiced shook his head, and said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, who can do this in a short time? Completely? There is no such possibility."

"You know, the possibilities now are more sufficient. I am not surprised that you are a saint, but if you are detached, you value yourself."

"It's not that your end is here, but that's detachment, even the detachment that Dao Ancestor has not reached, how could it be you?"

Xuan Huang sighed and said.

Ye Tian was speechless, he admitted that he had told the truth, but this guy didn't believe it at all.

Ye Tian didn't care at all, just don't believe it or believe it.

For these Ye Tian has always been very indifferent.

No matter how loosened Ye Tian's thoughts is by anyone, it is inevitable. After all, Ye Tian is too blind, and not everyone can do this.

However, detachment, above the saint, is really a realm above the ethereal.

None of them had seen it, including Xuan Phoenix, even the entire Feng Clan, and the entire world, including Dao Ancestor, in such a situation.

In this world, detachment cannot be born.

In Ye Tian's view, the biggest problem with this universe is that the development is so perfect that it has been perfected to form an original shackle.

This universe, in the hands of more people, is like this, no one interferes with the growth of its people, it is so simple and rude to do all these things.

"Let's go."

Ye Tian could no longer speak, and he was too lazy to explain to Xuanhuang.

The two continued to walk in the world.

In Heaven and Earth, although there are no two big races for hegemony, there is no greater fluctuation in the pattern because of this.

The disappearance of the two super ethnic groups has allowed more powerful existences to have their own strength to reflect something.

At this moment, no one can do it like this.

Within heaven and earth, it still continues to operate in an orderly manner.

But Ye Tian could tell that this was the calm under the storm.

Within a certain day, Ye Tian suddenly frowned slightly and saw the sky above.

A flash of red light suddenly flickered away, extremely bright, and it should have attracted the attention of many powerful people.

Within this red light, there is the breath of a saint in it.

It didn't take long for Ye Tian to notice where the problem was.

The blushing ancestor has fallen.

Ye Tian didn't know exactly how to fall.

However, the existence of the second incarnation as a saint in this world is really an unimaginable topic.

In heaven and earth, even the saints are moving.

No matter who Hongyun is, or grudges against Dao Ancestor, it is undeniable that among these saints now is the power of the current Dao Ancestor's battle.

Others, even Hongyun ancestors, are not qualified to fight.

Ye Tian looked at the red light indifferently, faintly enlightened in his heart.

"The change of heaven and earth is about to begin, and a new dominating race is about to appear."

Ye Tian said.

"Is it now? Who do you think can do well in this position? Which ethnic group has such strength to emerge?"

Xuan Huang asked.

"Human Race!"

"The next one must be the rise of the human race."

Xuan Phoenix looked at Ye Tian with an incredible expression. It is undeniable that the current human race is really crazy.

Although there is a strong person like Ye Tian in the human race, but you know, the saints are afraid of each other, it is not enough to talk about more things.

The strength of the human race itself seems too weak.

"The time is still there, you can watch it slowly."

Ye Tian knew that Xuanhuang didn't believe it, and didn't give too much explanation.

Soon, the abnormal movement within heaven and earth began again, in a state where some auras began to burst.

However, Terran is always in a relatively low-key state.

Not only the human race, but most of the race groups have experienced a period of rapid growth, and their strength has been improved in an extremely rapid state.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the human population multiplied extremely rapidly, and in just a few thousand years, people had spread all over the earth.

At the very beginning, no one noticed.

Because the human race and the witch race themselves are very similar, but in a shorter period of time, it is a problem that is difficult to summarize.

The witches are born with powerful bodies. Not a single witch is at least three feet tall. Some of them are taller and even look more terrifying.

However, Terran looks too weak.

When the Witch race was born, there was blood and extraordinary power, while the Human race was extremely weak and had no strength at all.

However, when the Wu tribe ruled the land, the population of the Wu tribe was still relatively small.

As for the human race, although it has not yet ruled the world, gradually, the major ethnic groups have discovered that the human race has appeared more and more frequently and occupied more and more places.

There may be conflicts with them. If you have a fight, you can fight, if you can't, you can run away. After some time is strong, you can come back and continue to fight.

Perhaps, the proportion of strong people in the human race may not be as high as that of their ethnic group, but it can't stand the human race being numerous and powerful, and the basic plate is strong, it is not what an ordinary person can do.

More often than not, Human Race has been adhering to a low-key development route.

It wasn't until a certain day that all the races suddenly realized that the current human race had become a force that could not be ignored.

They need tens of thousands of years, or even several epochs of cultivation, to reach a certain level, which is above the average level.

However, human races often only need hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, which are all weak in talent.

More people with weak talents were eliminated as early as the beginning

These eliminated human races are still protected, they can reproduce by themselves, and the offspring that are born still have the possibility of becoming geniuses.

As long as the transmission continues, there will always be so many geniuses on one bloodline.

After these geniuses are strong, they will return to take care of their own blood.

Some peerless geniuses can even reach the realm that these ethnic groups can only reach for tens of thousands of years, or even the era, in just a few decades.

The entire human race is full of vigor.

For example, some relatively powerful ethnic groups were expelled by them when they saw the arrival of the human race, building cities, or whatever.

Hundreds of years later, it was the same human race group. They became stronger. They came back and wiped out this race group from now on, thus becoming the masters of this land.

Such things have been happening all the time.

Of course, Human Race must have paid a lot of blood during this process.

However, from this point of view, the blood is worth sleeping.

The human race has finally risen, and their strength is expanding rapidly.

Among them, the basic cultivation technique taught by Ye Tian is an extremely important branch, and several versions have even been derived, and more profound cultivation techniques have been adjusted on this basis.

Finally, when a human race broke through to the quasi-sage, their status was completely established.

A quasi-sage may not be a big deal, but in terms of quantity, it is no less inferior to the major ethnic groups.

Moreover, the key is that there are a lot of Daluo Jinxian, and all the races together can't compare to the human race.

The ordinary people of the human race began to build their own country, and the powerful people began to create their own sects.

At the same time, the sect and the country maintained a very close relationship. The sect protected the dynasty, and the dynasty provided the sect to maintain the operation of the sect.

One by one Xianzong faction rose up within the heaven and earth, and gradually became involved with the earliest creatures in the heaven and earth.

For example, worship under a certain sect, become a branch of a certain ancient sect, etc.,

The status of the human race has been further strengthened. More often than not, it is unsustainable to say so without words. In many cases, it is unsustainable.

The status of Human Race was completely stabilized.

However, the human race has never said that he is the overlord in the world, so that these powerful races, while barely lingering, still have a trace of relief.

Such a powerful human race still dare not say that he is the overlord of heaven and earth.

In fact, the strong among the human race are very clear that at this stage, the power of the human race is not enough to contend against the power of all the powerful race groups in the world.

Once declared to be the overlord, it will inevitably cause pressure from many forces.

When they have not done all the means and have enough strength, they will not stand up completely.

The previous battle of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, as well as the battle of lich, the overlords of the two eras, have already verified everything.

Therefore, Human Race is very smart.

A certain group of people who led the rise of the human race established the Huoyun Cave. Among them, there was a person named Xuanyuan.

He was a person who was reincarnated with the last trace of spirituality after the fall of the ancestor of Hongyun.

He led the human race and rose rapidly.

Of course, they are now restricted from their actions.

Their expiration has already arrived, and they will eventually suffer dark injuries in battle, which is hard to avoid.

Their actions are quickly surpassing the past.

However, the Huoyun Cave they created is extremely special, and within the Huoyun Cave, they can survive for a long time.

Even within the Huoyun Cave, their strength is no longer weaker than those above the threshold of a saint.

There are people who are respected as ancestors by the human race, the three emperors, and the five emperors!

There are more pioneers of the human race.

It wasn't until the Human Race had completely become the de facto hegemon of heaven and earth that Huoyundong gradually hid in the past.

Now, everyone knows what status the human race is now.

They don't need to show up frequently in the Fire Cloud Cave to help the tribesmen who are pioneering outside to exert their strength.

Of course, a small number of top powerhouses, they all know where the Fire Cloud Cave is, and once an irreversible crisis occurs, it will inevitably allow the pioneers of these human races to return to the world.

Although they can't leave Huoyun Cave to survive, they can walk with Huoyun Cave.

The strength of the human race has grown, and the voice of becoming the overlord of heaven and earth is getting higher and higher.

Until, after a certain sect rose directly, the dominance of the human race was announced, and since then it completely seemed to have opened a declaration.

Those ancient ethnic groups couldn't help but jump out and attack the human race, and even triggered hundreds of ethnic groups to join forces with the human race.

However, without exception, they were all defeated, although among them, the human race was once in an extremely dangerous situation.

However, these human races were not only large in number, but also extremely united. In the end, countless sects joined forces, coupled with the re-emergence of Fire Cloud Cave, directly defeating the union of hundreds of races.

After this time, the status of the human overlord was completely established.

Of course, the Feng clan, the dragon clan, and the Qilin clan did not admit this.

But they did not participate in this battle either.

Many of the ethnic groups that participated in this battle were slaughtered in the general extinction of the human race, and the ethnic groups were completely wiped out.

Even if it is a few that have the power to preserve, the same has escaped into the Chaos Sea, within the heavens and the earth, there is no longer the mark of this ethnic group.

In other words, there are imprints, which are very rare.

Gradually became the hunting target of the human race, and became their panacea.

Among them, the monster clan is the most tragic, the monster clan, after the decline of the witch clan, although no quasi saints appeared, at one time he believed that after the death of the group of barbarians, it must be the world of the monster clan.

They have already regarded heaven and earth as their must, but they just need to wait for the opportunity. Even some of the monster races have long been in the witch clan when they fell, and they have long regarded themselves as the overlords of heaven and earth.

They feel that their strength is not bad, the only difference is a strong master.

Saints, they have the emperor Wa, no matter what, emperor Wa must remember a bit of the incense of the demon race.

What they lack is the quasi-sage figure of the Eastern Emperor.

Therefore, the leaders of the major demon races, as well as the self-proclaimed demon gods and the like, are accumulating power to quickly break through to the quasi-sage and become the next demon emperor.

Who knows, their quasi-sages didn't wait, but what they waited was the human race engulfing their chassis, or even fighting with them and destroying the monster race.

More and more demons were expelled from their chassis and entered the extremely deep mountains and dense forests.

What they are waiting for is the declaration of the Human Race to become the overlord.

Their strength is indeed strong enough, but they are too scattered. The major demon kings are fighting in their own way, and they are not convinced by anyone, and they are all defeated by the human race.

It wasn't until the Human Race declared that they had become the overlord, that the demon kings within the Demon Race joined forces, and finally formed an extremely powerful army that united the hundreds of races against the Human Race.

However, it was stubbornly supported by the human race. When the Huoyundong appeared, it completely collapsed the army of the hundreds of races and fled in all directions, without their voices appearing anymore.

It is too scary and too powerful.

Among the monster races, most of the monster races have been driven to the wild land. They grind their teeth and **** blood. They are **** and want to wait for the opportunity to rise again.

They feed on the human race, and vent their madness and revenge on the ordinary human race.

However, this only became their last incompetent rage, and the human race became more prosperous, and they had already left their monster race behind, and even ignored it.

Of course, at some point, the human race still needs the monster race.

Terran cultivation resources, the skin and flesh of the monsters, and even the demon pill, are blindly potent in the eyes of the humans. Therefore, in order to temper themselves, there are often strong people who hunt and kill the monsters and win their own in order to temper themselves. At the same time of resources, by the way, revenge the hatred of the demons who swallowed the human race.