MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 15 Sparring

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Those who have the courage to admit "fear" are not necessarily cowards, but the dying people can all be called warriors. After all, they are not shackled, but the warriors are not necessarily derogatory words, because the warriors are often dead. fastest.

Ye Hao looked at Karon and pointed to Yasen: "I have never been able to understand my true strength. After all, I rarely talk to people before. If you are willing to let him play with me, I can Tell you a secret."

Karon looked at Ye Wei with a strange look and asked, "What secret?"

Ye Hao said: "The seventeenth mountain of the Jinqi Mountain Range is buried with a treasure, a whole hundred silver crystals. The reason why I know this news is because an old man I have saved before leaving Hanshan City. Tell me, and we have entered the Golden Jubilee Mountain this time, but it is also for the hundred silver crystals, just..."

Karon’s eyes suddenly lit up, and the color of greed was full, and he hurriedly asked, “What is it?”

Ye Hao smiled bitterly: "With our strength, it is safe to reach the 10th Mountain. It is also possible to go deep into several mountains. But I want to reach the 17th Mountain... you know."


Karon said without hesitation: "With your strength, you want to reach the seventeenth mountain, the chances are very small. It is better to change the life than to break the life in the mountains. I agree, Yasen, you play with him. Remember, he can hurt him, and he must not have his life."

Yasen’s character is savvy and hesitant: “Big brother, do you really believe his words? If this kid is cheating, then we are not going to have a white toss?”

Karon confidently said: "He doesn't dare!"

Yasen confused: "How do you know?"

Karon sneered and said: "What is your pig's brain? Since you know that there are treasures in the Seventeenth Mountain, he is also clear about the specific location. How can we not let him lead the way?"


Yasen heard the words, and suddenly he secretly confused himself for a moment.

He looked at Ye Hao, turned his head and kicked his legs to move his lower bones, and then hooked his fingers, proudly said: "Boy, see you become our God of Wealth, I will let you three strokes."

"it is good!"

Ye Hao was full of promises, but his eyes looked behind Yasen.

Yasen glanced, looking at the back with a suspicious look.

call out!

Ye Hao's toes slammed, and his body sprinted in front of Yasen. When the other side was unprepared, the moment he turned back, the handle directly hit Yasen's chin. The sound of bone breakage is like a piece of music that beats the battle. At the moment when Yasen leaned back, Ye Hao slammed his foot on his chest and flew him out.


On the ground, there was a burst of dust.

Ye Hao showed a disappointing look and shook his head and sighed: "I thought you had the arrogance of arrogance. I didn't expect even a woman who was even fragrant. I didn't have any activity to open the bones. You were like a pig. Flying, it’s really frustrating! I want to ask you, where are you confident, and threaten to make me three moves?”


The three people of Karon looked at the dizzy, Yasen, who wanted to struggle to climb up, and they couldn’t bear to look straight. They didn’t think that Yasen, who is usually like a fox, is so stupid today. With only one look, people can make him lose their vigilance. It is really stupid to cry.

It is a drug slave, a sketch of the corner of his mouth, a smile on his face, and admire in the bottom of his heart: wonderful!

Yasen finally climbed up from the ground, rubbed his head, and after he was completely awake, he echoed the words that Ye Hao had just said. Suddenly, a strong shame smashed his heart, and a killing appeal came out, and he could not wait to hang his leaves.


Yasen took out the sword in his sleeve and strode to Ye Hao. He forgot Caron’s order, and only Ye Hao who brought him humiliation. In the handle of the sleeve, the sword is less than one foot and two inches. When he stabs to Ye Hao, his finger is pressed on the organ, and the sword body is directly ejected from the hilt and swept to the neck of Ye Hao.

His speed is fast, but his strength is not great.

Ye Hao counter-grip the handle, the arm is lifted up instantly, and the short sword is blocked. The other hand has a dagger, and a **** mouth is torn under Yasen’s armpit. At the moment when the figure receded, he also stepped back two steps and shook his head and said, "You lost. If I just wanted to kill you, this dagger can stab your heart from your knees."

Yasen grabbed the wound under his armpit, and his heart was cold. Others may not see the mystery, but his heart was like a mirror. The dagger in the hand of Ye Hao was clearly stabbed, but at the end. Change, this is a sweep.

What he said is correct. It is really a life.

Yasen’s face was blue and white. Although he was unwilling to accept this fact, he never dared to rush toward Ye Hao because he was afraid that the next time, the dagger would pierce his heart. “Your repair For the sake of it, it’s just that the refining is triple, how can it be so powerful?"

Ye Hao glanced at him with a scornful look, then turned to Caron and said, "Your men remind me of the embroidered pillows in the textile shop."

Karon looked gloomy and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ye Hao said bluntly: "I can't use it."


Karon was so angry that he had only been able to hurt the other person and could not afford the other person’s life. As a result, even half a quarter of an hour did not arrive, it became a family's mercy, and injured his own two times.

His face is a little hot.

It's like having a pair of invisible slaps, slamming on his face, silent, but burning pain.

Ye Hao looked at the other two people. If he remembered correctly, he just said that Yasen had been refining the five realms. Perhaps they could compete with them to test their true strength.


The other party is not willing to kill themselves, and they are not good at killing them in the fight, so there is no way to let go of their hands and feet and carry out a real life-and-death fight.

Karon noticed Ye Hao’s eyes and immediately asked, “What do you want to do?”

Ye Hao said: "I want to fight with them."

Karon’s face changed, and a anger burned in his chest. Can this **** beat Yassen, who has been refining four times, to be so arrogant? These two men are both masters of refining and five-fold. Which one can be provocative for him?


Karon’s long knife in his hand was thrown to a man, and he clenched his fist and said: “I have seen you knowing the time, and I like you. I didn’t expect you to be arrogant now, but I want to challenge the master of refining. ... In order not to waste time, I personally taught you a meal, letting you know that the sky is high and not looking for death."

As he said, he stooped and rushed toward Ye Hao.


The old voice came from the mouth of the medicine.

Karon suddenly felt that his throat was tight and his body stopped for a moment. Just as he turned his head, he felt that there were more than a dozen places in his body, and he suffered from the rapid blows, the pain of heartbreaking, and the tide of the whole body.


The drug slave grabbed Karon's back collar and shot him directly on the ground, then kicked it out like a garbage. He said quietly: "My family is mainly challenging your men. It is your blessing, if you are Dare to break up, the old man killed you to the big tree as a manure!"

Yasen and the other two were scared. They only felt the scalp numb, and they were tight and they didn't dare to move halfway. They knew the strength of the big brother, but it was the strongest person with seven refining! How was it so easy... to pack it up?

Who is this old guy?

Is it the strongest in the innate realm?

What kind of old monsters did the four of them encounter?

Karon coughed up two blood, the fear of chill from the tail vertebrae directly hit the back of the brain, just this old guy started, he did not feel the slightest sign, let alone dodge, people with this strength, definitely not refining nine The practitioner can do it.


He must be an innate power!

After Karon inferred the result, he raised his arm and gave himself a hair scraper. He did not count on all the calculations. One day he would have grabbed a strong man in the innate realm. He was too long to live. ?


"To shut up."

The drug slave blinked, then turned his face faster than flipping the book. He immediately said to Ye Hao with a smile: "Little master, who do you want to challenge, even if you let go, they dare to refuse, the old slaves marry them. Skin, pumped their ribs, and then pour them into meat to feed the beast."


The four people heard the words and suddenly took a sigh of relief.

Good old guy!

The four people want to cry without tears, and look at Ye Hao with their eyes, hoping that this teenager, who seems to be respected by the old monsters, can put them in a path of life.

Ye Xie’s interest, destroyed by the appearance of four people, waved his hand and said: “Clean everything in them and let them get out!”

"Take off!"

Although the drug slaves will marry each other's lives, they appreciate the style.

Karon was full of grievances, but did not dare to have the slightest rebuttal. Instead, Yasen’s lips squirmed and prayed: “Can you give a pair of trousers?”


The drug slave slaps like a lightning bolt and shoots him directly.


The four men were naked and squatting sensitive parts, and the wolverine fled into the bushes in the distance.

The medicine slaves smiled and looked at the direction in which their backs disappeared. They sighed: "The character of the little master is not completely affected by the old master. At the very least, there is still some pureness in the heart, if it is the old master. I am afraid that the hand will fall and the four bodies will be left on the ground."

Ye Shuzui said: "It is not necessarily, maybe a poison is sprinkled and directly turned them into a pool of blood."


The smile of the drug slave was a lot brighter, and I looked more and more satisfied with Ye Hao’s eyes. Later, he found that Ye Hao did not scream again, and immediately flipped the things left by the four.

Clothes, porcelain bottles, silver tickets, blue silver...

The drug slaves looked very carefully, and they were also amused by the four thieves who "the robbery was not robbed."
