MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 745 very annoying very annoying

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   President Xie apparently has nothing to do with Qu Huai'an these past few months, but only she and Secretary Cao who follow him day and night know...

  No matter how busy Mr. Xie was during this period, he ran to Lanshi whenever he had time, and he didn't see Qu Huaian, and left every time he came to take a look.

  He is not too tired, but he suffers from the group of people who run after him every day. The silly roe deer started to have complaints, saying that her secretary was busier than his vice president.

  If necessary, I will help Mr. Xie clarify that he is not a pervert, what is all this about.

   Xie Tingxi walked into the elevator with Qu Huaian in his arms, naturally unaware of the complaints from his subordinates towards him.

   Qu Huaian leaned in his arms, sleeping peacefully, not only did not wake up, but also slipped into his arms.

  Xie Tingxi looked down at her rosy skin, curly eyelashes, brightly colored lips, her Adam's apple rolled a few times, and her thin lips lifted upwards.

  The room was stuck in Qu Huaian's pocket. When Xie Tingxi put her down, she opened her eyes in a daze. Her confused eyes looked at the handsome face under the dim light, without any reaction.


  Qu Huaian reached into his pocket and groped for a long time, then switched to the other side for a long time, finally found the room card, and before handing it to him, he softly fell into his arms.

   Fortunately, Xie Tingxi had already embraced her slender waist and reached out to hold her hand, so the room card did not fall to the ground.

  Open the door, insert the room card, the light in the room is on, Xie Tingxi carries her to the sofa in the living room and puts her down.

  Although it was a hotel room, Qu Huai'an also kept it clean and tidy, but there were still a few scripts on the coffee table, and the dense notes on them were all her work.

  Xie Tingxi got up and wanted to get water, but when he turned around, he felt the corner of his clothes sinking, and looked down to see the woman lying on the sofa, her white hands tightly clutching the corner of her clothes.

  A pair of watery eyes looked at him with fullness.

   "What's wrong?" He said, his voice inexplicably hoarse.

   "Am I dreaming?" Qu Huai'an was drunk and couldn't distinguish reality from a dream, but she could recognize who the man in front of her was. "Otherwise, how could I see you? Xie Tingxi..."

  Xie Tingxi's heart trembled when he heard his name coming out of her mouth. He held her hand instead and asked in a low voice, "What do you think?"

  Qu Huai'an blinked slowly, with a smile on his red lips, "It must be a dream. Xie Tingxi, why are you pestering me even in the dream?"

  Xie Tingxi's heart felt as if he had been hit hard by something, and it hurt so much.

   "Are you bothering me so much? Don't want to see me?" After so long, she still couldn't let go of Qu Huainan's death, loathed herself, refused to forgive herself?

  Qu Huaian shook his head slowly, took his hand and let him sit beside him, "Xie Tingxi, you are annoying me, annoying..."

  Xie Tingxi's heart tightened, and the pain instantly spread throughout his chest, and even the heat in his eyes was slowly cooling down.

  The next second, she said, "Why do you ask me such a difficult question? I don't know, I can't think of it, it's really annoying, annoying."

  Xie Ting glanced west, his Adam's apple rolled, "What's the problem?"

   Qu Huaian looked at him sideways, "Do I love you? How can I love you? How can I love you? How can I love you?"

  For so long in the past, she has regarded him as the murderer who killed her brother, and she can't wait, how could she love him?

  Now she has let go of her brother's death and hated Xie Tingxi, but how can she convince herself to love him?

  Xie Tingxi caught something from her low voice, his eyes were slightly bright, and his warm fingertips gently rubbed her lips, "So, it is possible for you to fall in love with me, isn't it?"

  She looked dazed, probably because she felt that she was dreaming, so she spoke the truth, "I don't know."

  The relationship between them is too complicated, she can't figure it out at all, and she can't see it clearly.

  Can they have a love?

   "Don't worry, you have a lifetime to think slowly." Xie Tingxi gently caressed her cheek, the tenderness in his eyes almost drowned her.

   There is one thing Xie Tingxi wants to confirm more than whether she has fallen in love with him or not.

   "Have you thought about me these past few months?" Even if it's only once, it's fine.

   Qu Huai'an didn't answer, but sat up, gently traced his outline with his white and soft fingertips, and smiled slightly, "I miss you, miss you, many times..."

   After all, they have lived together for so long, and he has also woven a gentle and affectionate web for her. She is not an AI, so how could she have no feelings for them at all.

   "Enough." Xie Tingxi held her hand and ignored the words behind her.


   "This life is in your hands, I admit it."

   After the words fell, he lowered his head and kissed her red lips.

  She thinks of herself, even if she only misses her a ten thousandth, it is enough.

   Months of lovesickness were poured into this kiss, and Qu Huaian felt that he was going to be out of breath.

   Xie Tingxi refused to let her go, clasped the back of her head with his big palm, and entangled his lips and teeth over and over again, conveying his love to her.

   Qu Huai'an drank the wine and was originally dizzy, but his breath was deprived of his breath by his hot and domineering kiss, and finally fell into his arms dizzy, unconscious.

   Xie Tingxi held her little hand tightly, looked down at her peaceful appearance, and felt so soft in his heart.

  He lowered his head and kissed her forehead full of pity, and couldn't help rubbing her cheek.

  He disdains to be a slave of love, but he is willing to submit to her eyebrows.


  The next day, Qu Huaian woke up on the big bed, dizzy from a hangover.

  Woke up and went to the bathroom to wash up. When I stood in front of the mirror with an electric toothbrush, some vague and familiar images suddenly appeared in my mind, and my cheeks suddenly became hot.

   She seemed to see Xie Tingxi last night, and even kissed him?

  The memory stays at being helped out of the hotel, and fell asleep not long after sitting in the car, and then...

  Xie Tingxi appeared in her room and seemed to have said something, but she couldn't remember it.

  On the way back to Tongcheng, Qu Huai'an was still thinking about this matter, so he speculated on the driver.

  The driver said he was the one who took her back to her room.

  The big rock in Qu Huai'an's heart fell to the ground, accompanied by an inexplicable depression.

   It turned out to be really a dream.

  Xie Tingxi didn't come last night, that's right, he said that he never wanted to see him again, so how could he come to him on his own initiative.

   It’s just why I dreamed of him, and dreamed of them kissing…

   Biting her lips in embarrassment, it's really... embarrassing.


  Back to Tongcheng, Qu Huaian went to the company to meet Wen Shuli.

  Before, she only signed a contract with a script. Now that the filming of the film is over, if she wants to continue filming, she must sign a contract with a brokerage company.

  Wen Shuli's agency is undoubtedly her best choice.

  Wen Shuli is also very sincere, and has prepared the contract early, with generous conditions and few restrictions, and respects her wishes to the greatest extent.

  She doesn't have to worry about running out of scenes, and she doesn't have to worry that the company will drain her value and arrange various activities for her that she doesn't want to participate in.

   In terms of life, she arranged a place to stay, appointed the best agent of the company, and also assigned an assistant and a driver.

  After reading the contract and all the conditions, Qu Huai'an couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Wen, the terms you offer are so good, is it for everyone, or just for me?"


See you tomorrow