MTL - Everything Is Too Easy After Maxing My Talents-Chapter 207 It doesn't matter, my brother will make a move!

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  Chapter 207 It doesn't matter, my brother will make a move!

  The Great Zhou calendar is 7291 years old.

   It was rumored in the court that Emperor Zhou seemed to be preparing to marry the Li family.

   Let his two sons marry the two daughters of the Li family, and then marry his daughter to Li Yueming.

   As soon as this news comes out.

  Suddenly, all the royal family members and aristocratic families in the entire Zhou Dynasty could not sit still.

  Since ancient times, marriages between emperors and ministers have been very common.

   is also often used by the emperor to win over and buy people's hearts.

  Forcibly bind the interests of ministers to the chariot of the royal family through marriage.

  The combination of the two forms a new community of interests.

  Under normal circumstances, it is already a great honor for the courtiers to allow the royal family to take the initiative to marry.

   But this marriage has surprised many royal family members and aristocratic families.

  Because Zhou Tianzi not only chose to marry a daughter.

   By the way, he wanted the prince to marry both daughters of the Li family.

  What is this concept?

  At present, there are only four princes under the name of Emperor Zhou, and the Li family will occupy the places of two princes and concubines.

  The only thing that is uncertain now is whether the emperor of Zhou will assign the two daughters of the Li family to the crown prince, the second prince or the third prince.

   As for the little prince, he definitely can't, he's only five years old this year!

  Plus Li Yueming will marry the only daughter of Emperor Zhou.

  It is equivalent to kissing and kissing!

  If this thing is really successful.

  Then in the next few decades or even hundreds of years, the Li family will become the well-deserved number one family in the entire Great Zhou! !

   Therefore, it is no wonder that a group of royal family members and nobles and family members are jumping in a hurry.

  What does this mean?

  This shows that Zhou Tianzi is probably determined to use marriage means to win over the Li family.

   After all, if there are no accidents, one of the two daughters should marry the prince.

   At that time, the Li family will give birth to a grandson of the emperor.

  Then the country of the Great Zhou is equivalent to having a part of the Li family.

  As foreign relatives, the Li family must desperately protect the safety of the Zhou Dynasty?

  Actually, this did not surprise everyone.

  After all, among the conventional methods, it seems that only the method of marriage can be well adapted to the current Li family.

   It's just that the only thing everyone didn't expect was that Zhou Tianzi's handwriting was so big.

  It's fine to accept the second daughter of the Li family as the concubine, but she even plans to marry all the princesses to Li Yueming.

   After confirming that these news are not groundless.

  Suddenly, representatives of royal families, nobles and aristocratic families all poured into Haojing from all directions.

  For a while, various voices of persuasion and remonstrance were heard in the court.

  The officials said that this would bury hidden dangers for the court in the future.

  The ceremony officials said that this is not in line with the etiquette system.

  There are all kinds of reasons, and there are a lot of messy things to talk about.

  In fact, the two parties have the same reasoning.

  —I don’t want the Li family to enjoy this power alone, at least I want myself to get a piece of it.

   But Zhou Tianzi just listened to this, but kept silent.


   This incident became the hottest topic in the hinterland of the Central Plains of the Great Zhou in a short period of time.



  Wenzhou City.

  The two sisters, Li Ruxing and Li Ruyue, were sitting down in the middle of the restaurant.

  They came here to meet after their shifts.

  At this moment, Xiaoer brought up the warm sake, and Li Ruxing picked up the jug and took a big gulp.

   Finally got full.

  Li Ruxing hiccupped, and there was a little flush of alcohol on his face.

  Li Ruyue frowned, looking at the second younger sister in front of her who was not at all feminine and refined, she subconsciously wanted to teach her a lesson.

   It can be imagined that this girl is now in her twenties, and a girl or child from an ordinary family would have to use soy sauce.

   Then he held back and didn't reprimand him.

  After eating some side dishes, finally, finally, Li Ruyue spoke first: "Second sister, you can't be so reckless in the future!"

   As early as a year ago.

  The second daughter who graduated from the Practitioner Academy has been assigned to the Observatory to organize the astronomical data of the past dynasties.

  After receiving the attention of Emperor Zhou recently, the task of the second daughter was also transferred to the Hanlin Academy to clean up the anthology.

  Therefore, the recent rumors circulating in the court have long been known.

   It's just that no one rushes to whisper next to their ears.

   Now it's hard to meet each other, and naturally it's because of this matter.

Li Ruxing smiled and said: "Sister, you are already looking forward to getting married, right? It's hard to find time to take a day off during the boring on-duty day. Why don't you drink a few glasses of wine to quench your thirst? It's so boring to talk thing!"

  Hearing this, Li Ruyue frowned again.

   Obviously, her patience has been severely challenged.

After taking two deep breaths and calming down, Li Ruyue said as calmly as possible: "We are all in our twenties, and we have reached the age of marriage. Isn't it normal to get married? Sun Xiao, who was in the class next door to us, Xiao is now the mother of two children!"

  Li Ruxing heard the words and muttered softly: "Wu Feifei, who was studying with us, died of a cold last year...Why don't you take a look at him?"

  Li Ruyue became vigilant, raised her eyes and said, "What did you say?"

  Li Ruxing opened his mouth and wanted to repeat it again, but in the end he gave up, shaking his head and saying, "It's nothing!"

  Although Li Ruyue knows that her sister can't spit ivory out of her dog's mouth.

  But because Li Ruxing's voice was very low, he really couldn't hear what the girl was muttering clearly.

   I can only give up.

  After a long while, Li Ruxing drank two sips of warm sake and continued: "Okay, old lady, don't care about others... Whether it is the family or the fate of our sisters, we have to control it ourselves to be reliable!"

   Heard this.

  Li Ruyue fell into a rare silence.

  In fact, why doesn't she, or any woman in this world, want to control her own destiny?

   available in such a patriarchal society.

  A woman is doomed from birth to not being able to control her own destiny.

   For example, she and Li Ruxing.

   In terms of status, is it noble enough?

  But in the end, she still ended up like that ordinary woman.

  Following the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, marrying a gentleman who I don't know at all.

  The only difference is: a woman from an ordinary family married a common man.

  But they are going to marry the Ninth Five-Year Master.

  Perhaps Li Nanfeng's original intention was to let them find their favorite husband by themselves.

  But the Li family and all the interest groups behind the Li family will never let this happen.

  Even if Zhou Tianzi didn't have any thoughts about them.

  The family will also find other well-matched families to marry.

  Of course, this may not be considered a misfortune. After all, compared with many ordinary people who don’t even have enough to eat, their lives are already rich enough.

   It's just that happiness and joy are the same, and there will be no other changes because of people's identity and status.

   No matter how prominent the marriage is.

   Happiness and happiness will not increase or decrease because of wealth.

   Therefore, although Li Ruyue also has resistance to marrying the royal family.

  But she knew that she couldn't change this result, and she didn't expect anyone to change this result.

   Therefore, at this moment, I have already acquiesced in my final fate, and now I only hope that I can win more benefits for my father and younger brother.

   After all, being able to marry the future emperor can be regarded as helping the Li family to preserve the prosperity and wealth of nearly a hundred years, and even make the Li family the number one family in the world on this basis.

  No matter from what point of view, she should make a sacrifice for this.

Thinking that she had thought everything through, Li Ruyue shook her head: "Our fate is in the hands of the strong, and now the Emperor Zhou is the most powerful of the Great Zhou...We marry in the past, for the family, for the father and brother It's all great news!"

   "Not to mention anything else, at least the King Yu family will never dare to jump on the old man's face again in the future!"

  Li Ruxing laughed and said, "My sister is so naive, do you really think we are chips on the table? Wrong, we are not even chips!"

   "The emperor chooses to marry the Li family now, just because the father and the younger brother are too important in the frontier. In order to let them continue to work hard and not give birth to disobedience, this is a last resort!"

   "Do you think this kind of power can last for a long time? As long as the situation on the border is a little calmer, the Li family is likely to be the first to get rid of by Emperor Zhou!"

   Li Ruyue certainly didn't think about these things.

  But at this moment, he could only bow his head and say, "Then we have no choice..."

  Hearing this, Li Ruxing was silent for a while for a rare moment, obviously she was not as calm and breezy as she appeared on the surface.

  As an eclectic girl from childhood to adulthood.

  Li Ruxing is obviously dismissive of the marriage.

  But now that this thing has really come down, she can really feel the weight of it.

   Like a mighty force, ordinary women are powerless to struggle.

  However, after being stunned for a while, she suddenly smiled, picked up the glass and drank it down: "Sister, do you remember what my brother told us when we were young?"

  Li Ruyue was startled, and asked in doubt, "What are you talking about?"

  Li Ruxing stretched out a long and thin finger to sip the wine on his red lips.

At this moment, the girl in front of her, who had always shown herself as an eccentric spirit, finally had the demeanor of a beautiful woman, and she gently opened her red lips and said, "My brother said, no matter what, we are all one family! "

  Li Ruyue didn't understand what this sentence meant for a while.

But Li Ruxing continued to say word by word: "The old emperor wanted to marry our sisters, but he didn't ask our sisters' opinions the whole time, so he wanted to **** us away from my father and brother? match?"

"Look, everyone thinks that my Li family will do their best to protect Dazhou after winning Long En... But in my opinion, this move of the emperor's old son is simply stupid. Offended clean!"

  When I said this.

  Li Ruxing's pupils shone with Sen Han.

  Even Li Ruyue was taken aback by the arrogance she showed.

  At this moment, the lazy younger sister in the past seemed to have disappeared, and turned into an incomparably deep cold pool, even if you just glanced at it, you could feel the bottomless coldness.

   It was also at this moment that Li Ruyue realized that she didn't seem to understand her little sister who was seemingly harmless to humans and animals.

   Fortunately, this feeling comes and goes quickly.

  In just a few breaths, Li Ruxing had recovered to his original state.

  She made a wine stand, fiddled with the glass that had already bottomed out with one hand, and said with a sweet smile: "Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, my brother will make a move, big sister, just wait and see!"



  While Zhou Tianzi was still arranging the marriage in full swing, a piece of news that shocked the whole world suddenly came from the north.

  The Qin army who left years ago returned again.

  However, this time it is no longer as in the past, only sending tens of thousands of people to make small troubles each time.

  This time the Qin army sent Bai Qi, one of the twelve generals.

  Bai Qi led an army of 200,000, and bypassed the Zhou army's defense area without anyone noticing.

   Two hundred thousand elite Qin troops directly attacked Fulong Pass, one of the three passes in the northwest of Dazhou.

   Unable to reach the defense, Fulong Pass was almost broken.

  Fortunately, there were 30,000 dragon and tiger troops stationed in the city, and they took over the city defense at the critical moment, which saved Fulong Pass from being driven straight in by the Qin army.

   But despite this, Da Zhou still suffered heavy losses.

  The Dragon and Tiger Army is the core elite with a military spirit, and it stands to reason that they should not be afraid of the ordinary Qin Army at all.

  But this time Qin Jun spent all his money.

   Not only sent Bai Qi as the only general.

   Also asked Bai Qi to bring the black armored guards from the Twelfth Army of the Qin Army.

  The Black Armored Guard is also an army with a military spirit, and this time it brought a total of 50,000 people.

  In addition, there were thousands of young reincarnations among the Qin army this time.

  This directly led to more than half of the Dashou Wanlonghu army being killed and injured in just two days in this defensive battle.

   You must know that this is on the territory of the Great Zhou, and the Dragon and Tiger Army can still die so many soldiers!

   One can imagine how fierce the Qin army's offensive was.

  As soon as this news came out, the whole week was shaken three times.

   All the people and dignitaries living and living behind Fulong Pass were terrified.

  Many well-informed people were afraid of being invaded by the Qin army, and even ran away with their wives and children overnight.

  Zhou Tianzi was still thinking about whether to marry Li Ruxing to the prince or Li Ruyue to the prince in the court hall!

  When he heard the news, the expression on his face almost turned blue.

   Throwing away the document in his hand violently, roaring like an angry lion: "Da Qin, you are too bullying!!"

  Speaking, Zhou Tianzi threw out a token: "Come here, pass on my order to send 200,000 dragon and tiger troops to garrison the three major checkpoints of Fulong, Fuhu and Futian immediately!"

  Because he was so excited that the muscles on his face were still shaking.

   In the past few years, he has dealt with the Qin army.

  Although Zhou Tianzi also felt troublesome and headache.

  But there was never a time like today, when I was frightened into a cold sweat while sitting in Ho Kyoto.

  The Qin army attacked Fulong Pass, in a sense, it was directly bombarding the gate of life of Da Zhou.

  The so-called three passes in the northwest.

   are the last three natural barriers in the two northwest directions of Da Zhou.

   are called Fulong Pass, Fuhu Pass and Futian Pass respectively.

   No matter which level it is, it is extremely important.

   Once it is broken, it means that there is no natural danger in this direction, and the Qin army can come and go freely in this direction.


  In other places, Zhou Tianzi would not be so sensitive.

   Only Fulong Pass, Fuhu Pass, and Futian Pass must not be touched.

   This is the last barrier in the Northwest and Central Plains.

   is a taboo among taboos.

  The Qin army launched a three-day fierce attack on Fulong Pass.

   After realizing that there was really no way to capture it, he no longer missed it, turned around and left Fulong Pass.

   Otherwise, once you stay here for a long time.

   Waiting for all the reinforcements from the surrounding Dazhou to come to support, the Qin army may pay an unnecessary price.

  To be honest, it is really a pity for Qin Jun not to directly break through Fulong Pass this time.

   Just a little bit.

   Almost reached an epic strategic goal.

  The Dragon and Tiger Army guarded the three checkpoints, after confirming that the Qin Army had no intention of continuing to attack.

  The whole Da Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Tianzi, who came back to his senses, had a dark face. He called the courtiers and pointed at the noses of all the courtiers: "Who can tell me, isn't the northern land a small army of the Qin army that can only pass tens of thousands? Now this Where did the 200,000 Qin troops come from? There are even 50,000 elite soldiers of the Black Armored Guards... If they break through the Fulong Pass, will they be able to reach Haojing in two days?"

  Hearing Zhou Tianzi's doubts and doubts, all the officials in the court did not dare to take a breath.

   Right now, Emperor Zhou is in a rage!

  It is easy for a person who is not careful to fall to the head.

   A little unlucky, it is not impossible to get a whole family ascension package.

In the end, Ge Hong stood up and said bravely: "Your Majesty, this Qin army must have emerged from the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Presumably there was an unexpected situation on the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Yuejun Li Yueming is in charge of implementing it, and now something is wrong, maybe you can find out the reason by asking Li Yueming!"

  Even if they disagree with Li Yueming and the local political views of Xifeng.

   But at this moment, even Ge Hong dare not make any embellishments in front of Emperor Zhou.

Zhou Tianzi glanced at Ge Hong coldly, seeing that he did not continue, he took up the conversation and said: "Li Qing is my minister, if anyone wants to blame this matter If he recites it, don't blame me for taking your heads to sacrifice the flag!"

   "Come on, hurry up and go to Beibinghe Town to ask Li Qing, and see if he can find a way to find out what's wrong with Shiwan Dashan!"

   Heard this.

  A group of courtiers in the court lowered their heads and dared not fart a single one.

   Now they also reacted.

  Now Li Yueming's status is not what it used to be.

  Because no matter how you look at it, if you want to maintain the stability of the Northland, you can't leave the Xingyue Army and Li Yueming personally.

  Because of this, no matter how unhappy Zhou Tianzi was, he could only appease and win over Li Yueming.

   In this mood.

   It seemed only natural that Zhou Tianzi wanted to recruit a son-in-law.

   Li Yueming, who was thousands of miles away in Beibinghe Town, was also taken aback by Qin Jun's actions when he received the news.

   Even directly attacked Fulong Pass.

   This is to break a backbone of Da Zhou with a stick when Da Zhou is not ready yet!


  (end of this chapter)