MTL - Eternal Heart-Chapter 1427 To lose

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[Falling God] The scene was a shock.

Sanpin artifacts are too scarce and rare in the current era.

What level of strength will the goddess of fairy holding [Fallen God] hold?


The **** sound fairy jade hand swiped fiercely on [falling god], and suddenly there was a dark black sound wave sweeping out.

Audiences around the head are shaking, many jealousy such as jealousy, greed, **** and so on emerge.

Fortunately, they are far apart and have not been affected much.

"It is indeed [fallen to God], this artifact was once, but it caused a **** storm in the main world!"

Second Elder Road of the Heavenly Family.

Million years ago, Hetian Power's "Nine-Fingered Qin Demon" held [Fallen God]. I don't know how many powerful people fell into the darkness and became his captives, and established the famous "Magic Music Hall", which was very powerful.

Later, the Jiujinqin Demon was attacked by many enemies, and [Fallen God] passed through several times and fell into the ancient protoss.

I just didn't expect that the ancient gods actually lent this artifact to the goddess of fairy sound, which is not good!


[Fallen God] The dark light wave rushing from the top, condensed into a demon light, and hit [Seal of the Magneto Town].

[Sound Seal of Wanci Town] Shake violently and fly backwards.

Under normal circumstances, [Magnetic Town God Seal] contains gravitational magnetism and has a strong frontal attack ability. Even if it is facing a slightly higher-quality artifact, it has a slight advantage.

However, [Fallen God] is a three-grade artifact, and even if it is a musical instrument, it is not a type of frontal attack, [Magic Town God Seal] is also directly defeated.


Chen Yu's demon king put his strength on his feet, his body flickered away, avoiding the aftermath of the blow of Shenyin Fairy.

The higher **** controls the attack of the Sanpin artifact and even has the ability to kill Chen Yu.

"What agreement do you have with Shenyin Fairy, how did the artifact [falling to God] reach her?"

The Black Demon Chief asked for a voice.

"The third battle was won. [Fallen God] lent it to the Shenyin clan for 20,000 years. If Chen Yu was killed, it was loaned to the Shenyin clan for 100,000 years."

The ancient **** clan laughed.

Immediately after the rise of the Shenyin clan, the gods within the clan have incredible strength, and their foundations are unstable and difficult to maintain for a long time.

However, a three-grade artifact is enough to increase the strength of the Goddess of Fairy to a certain degree, deterring many powerful enemies. For 100,000 years, it is enough for the God of Sound to slowly develop and grow and gain a firm foothold.

At that time, the Shenyin tribe will never forget the blessings of the ancient gods, and will bring greater benefits to the ancient gods.


Between the heavens and the earth, the magic light floated, and the shadows of the demons shook and twisted. This place seemed to become the fallen demon realm.

Holding the goddess of fairy [Fallen God], she also had a feeling of evil charm, cold and arrogant, which actually caused Chen Yu's heart to have evil thoughts, and she wished to take off her shirt and put it under her body.

"Not good, soul tune."

Chen Yu looked dignified and closed his eyes.

Possessing the goddess fairy of [falling god], the soul attack will be greatly enhanced, which is enough to threaten Chen Yu's life.

Now Chen Yu has been unconsciously recruited.


The demon head of Chen Yu's whole body is imaginary, and cracks appear, which are about to break.

In his spirit, the negative emotions spit out like a volcanic eruption, the spirit swelled, and he wanted to tear.

"Under the power of [fallen god], destroy yourself."

The goddess murmured softly, like a whisper of a demon.

The ancient protoss and the black demon tribe all laughed.

It is worthy of being a third-grade artifact. After the sacred sound fairy started, it immediately dominated the situation. Chen Yu had become a lamb to be slaughtered, and he would lose his life at any time.


Chen Yu sighed angrily and shook the sky.

"Is this crazy?"

A dark devil chuckled.

But the next moment, he felt something wrong.

I saw Chen Yu's body swell rapidly, the black and white light shining on the Quartet, an indescribable immense demon courage spread.

Chen Yu's appearance changed greatly, transformed into a giant shadow of Baizhang gods and demons, the body was simple and dark, and was engraved with mysterious white lines, as if the gods from the ancient times.

There are many high-level members of the Tianji tribe, the ancient **** tribe, and the black demon tribe. The body and soul are instinctively feared, and they want to surrender under the pressure of this god.

"Finally used this hole card."

The elder sighed.

Otherwise, Chen Yu will have no resistance in the face of the goddess fairy who owns [Fallen God].

But now, the elder still feels inwardly and thinks Chen Yu's odds are extremely low.

"It seems that the Tianji clan also gave Chen Yu a hole card to help him shape the Chaos demon body."

The ancient **** clan secretly said.

Fortunately, he gave the Shenyin Fairy the third-grade artifact [falling to God], otherwise there might be an accident in the third battle.

Chen Yu urged the chaos and demon body, the deities and the deities combined into one, the defense of the soul increased greatly, various thoughts expelled the body, the tearing pain suffered by the soul was also shared by the body.

The soul attack damage of the **** sound fairy is minimized.

But if you come back a few times, even if it is a chaos god, you can't carry it.


Chen Yu seized this opportunity and launched an onslaught, which is bound to end the battle as soon as possible.


He stomped down with a kick, and the demon king's right foot was greatly increased by the increase of the chaos and demon body. The violent kick, if he wanted to destroy the earth, killed the goddess of sound.

The speed of the goddess fairy to speed up the piano, [falling God] bursts of layers of dark light waves, this is a purely physical attack, which shocked Chen Yu's kick.


At first, Chen Yu's kick was extremely arrogant and shattered the attack of [fallen god], but under the constant attack of [fallen god], the two sides were equal.

In addition, [Fallen God] suddenly sounded a divine song at the soul level, and entered Chen Yu's mind, trying to conquer it from the soul level.

At this moment, Shenyin Fairy played two Divine Comedies at the same time with her left and right hands, respectively, for the material level and the soul level.

Feeling a strong threat, Chen Yu once again urged the power of the head of the demon king, condensing a layer of phantom of the head of the demon, weakening the influence of the soul and magic.

He also went all out to provoke the power of the demon king's feet and the head of the demon king while urging the chaos demon body.

After all, the fairy goddess originally restrained Chen Yu, and there are three grade artifacts [falling to God], the threat increased greatly, and if he was not careful, he would lose his life.


The two battled fiercely, the battle was shaking, the breath of gods and spirits and the spirit of the soul were permeated in all directions, making the onlookers back and forth.

Cultivation is only one heavy sky. If you watch too close, you may even be hit hard.

"Father, I'll treat the injuries in the Hui ethnic group first."

Tianyang's face was pale, and cold sweats sprang up.

He was injured too much just now, watching the battle here at the moment, and was repressed by the breath of the gods and demons, and was affected by the aftershocks of the Divine Comedy. He felt extremely uncomfortable and planned to step down first.

"Go on."

The ancient **** clan answered, his eyes were always staring at the battle situation.

Originally thought that Chen Yu could no longer stand up, but the other side broke out with such a strong combat power.

Chen Yu attacked and defended one body at the same time to resist the attack of the goddess fairy, while the devil king's feet launched a fierce and rapid attack.

Shenyin Fairy's defense and attack are also leak-proof, playing two Divine Comedies at the same time, blocking Chen Yu's attack, and attacking from the soul level.

Facing the soul attack, Chen Yu's demon king's feet are no matter how fast, it is difficult to avoid.

The battle between the two sides at this moment is difficult to separate.

The median **** rivals the higher god! It's incredible!


The Dark Demon patriarch also looked dignified, with a feeling of inconsistency.

However, in general, the Goddess of Fairy Sound has a better chance.

Although she played two Divine Comedies at the same time, using the third-grade artifact, but on the expensive one, it was definitely Chen Yu who spurred the Chaos demon body and several parts of the demon.

"Elder, it's not good to go on like this."

The second elder of the Tianji tribe spoke.

The Tianji clan also has this idea. As long as Chen Yu does not occupy an absolute advantage, as long as he does not defeat the goddess of fairness, if he drags on, Chen Yu will not be able to support it first.

"I can't wait until I can intervene, I can only take orders."

The elder shook his head.


A more terrible breath erupted in the battlefield. I saw that the demon breath of Chen Yu increased a little more, the black body was deeper, and the white lines flashed brightly.

Suffering several soul attacks in succession, Chen Yu's chaos and demon body couldn't support it, and the spirits gave birth to all kinds of evil thoughts and became extremely crazy.

What is unexpected is that in this state, the power of the eternal heart is further tapped.

Chen Yu's Chaos demon body transformed and improved in battle.

"It's ... blessed by misfortune?"

Chen Yu smiled secretly.

The power of the eternal heart has been awakened for a long time. He has been exploring before, trying to find ways to dig, and has already learned the trick.

Unexpectedly, in this battle, the magical sound played by [falling god] caused Chen Yu's spirit and consciousness to fall into madness, resulting in intense killing, greed and other emotions, which inspired the power of the eternal heart and made his chaos **** body Improved and more powerful.


He stepped on his feet, the void shook, and the cracks in space spread like a spider web.

This foot broke the void of the trance, and came to the goddess of **** sound with a mighty power.

"How could this be?"

Shenyin Fairy was very surprised, her face was pale.

The use of the Divine Comedy played by [Fallen God] has the additional effect of causing the enemy's evil thoughts to erupt, fall into darkness, and fall into madness.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yu's coincidence inspired the hidden power in the body.

Shenyin Fairy hurriedly touched [falling god] to resist Chen Yu's blow.


There was a terrifying explosion in the place, the void collapsed, and the shape of the soles of the feet, and the clothes of the goddess fairy were broken, cluttered and flying backward.

For the first time since the battle, Chen Yu injured the goddess of **** sound.

However, Chen Yu's attack was really fierce. For the gods fairies who are not good at defense, one injury cannot be underestimated, and the state will have a great impact.

At this time, [Magnetic Town God Seal] above the floating **** sound fairy, black magnetic light waves shrouded down, gravity and magnetic force distorted one space-time.

At this moment, Chen Yu used the [Magnetic Seal of God] to suppress the auxiliary, weakening the goddess of fairy sound, and cooperated with the enhanced chaos **** body, the effect is excellent.

Peng! Peng!

Chen Yu's demon king launched an attack with his right foot again. At the same time, he also displayed the hybrid palm of the god. Each strike has the power to threaten the higher god.

Under the circumstances ~ ~ Shenyin Fairy fell into a disadvantage and was suppressed by Chen Yu.

"Not good. The effect of the soul tune is greatly reduced."

Shenyin Fairy embarrassed.

Chen Yu has the defense of the head of the demon king, plus the defense of the chaos demon body, and his original soul reaches the triple sky, and the soul attack of the **** sound fairy is not so obvious.

For a short time, Chen Yu ignored the soul-channel attack of Shenyin Fairy and launched a violent storm.

As the strongest constitution in the world, the Chaos Demon Body is in a weak situation. Who can support the crazy attack of the Chaos Demon Body?

The original gods and demons were all defeated by Chen Yu, let alone the goddess fairy who was not strong in defense and frontal combat.

"How can this happen? Fairy Goddess ... will be defeated!"

The Dark Devil has a stiff face and is amazed inside.

The ancient **** tribe aside, his face was even more embarrassing.