MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 88 Escape from the Land of Bone (19)

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The ultimate boss is not easy to deal with. Luo Jian and others have already prepared for a hard fight, but they still did not expect that the opponent was such a difficult opponent.

You know, the entire tomb of God is covered with tree-like vines and roots like living things, and these trees are completely moved by obeying the instructions of the gods, so the next situation is not difficult to imagine. The **** lying on the ground waved his arm, a thick tree vine stretched out from the big tree, and surrounded the weak god's waist, and the **** was suspended, looking down at the crowd.

"Kill all the 'players' in the back room. This is my ultimate mission. After completing it, I can get everything I want." The **** looked down at a person waiting and said in a low voice, his smile was pale and white. Weird.

At this moment, the ghost raised his gun and aimed at the god, serious his face, and said loudly, "What if you can't do it? What if the devil who deals with you has not fulfilled his promise, how can you handle yourself?"

"It doesn't matter." The **** was beaten several times by Luo Jian, his face was weak and pale, and his voice seemed erratic. His limbs were almost motionless, and only the tree vines rolled around his waist twisted from time to time. Two times, this strange **** looks like a dead man hanging from a tree.

The voice of the gods revealed a sense of despair: "I have no retreat, you are right, I really can't die, no matter whether I will succeed in the end, if I die now, I am giving up being able to The possibility of saving him-so, for my wish, please die! "

Alien protrusions!

Luo Jian and others have discovered that the roots and vines that are stepping on their feet start to twist wildly. There is almost no empty place in the entire huge tomb of God, all of which are dark, twisted, ugly tree roots and Tree vines, large or small, long or thick, began to twist on Luo Jian and others like the terrible tentacles, it seemed that they wanted to strangle them alive!

Duan Li hugged Feng Yulan's waist with one hand, and started to chop the roots and vines of these disgusting people flexibly, holding his own sword in one hand. After all, he was a senior, and he did not encounter this overwhelming siege attack. Appearing panic, his knife was astonishingly sharp, immediately splitting a circular vacuum range around himself, but no matter how hard he tried, there were always so many and many endless tree vines surrounding it!

Compared with Duan Li and A Lan, the ghost and Luo Jian were even more embarrassed. When these huge numbers of tree vines emerged, the two people were separated and did not respond directly. At this moment, they are fighting each other. Luo Jian There is not enough power, and he can only retreat while evading those terrible tree vines crazy. There are too many tree vines and they are too dense. Luo Jian can hardly see where his companion is, so he can only turn to look at the tomb of God. Exit, this terrain fighting is not good for him, he has to go out from here.

In fact, Luo Jian was always with Xing Yan by his side, but Xing Yan did not help him at all, he just stood next to him, and did not know what the reason was. These tree vines would not attack Xing Yan—or, These tree vines completely ignored the existence of Xing Yan, as if they did not feel the person at all.

Compared with Luo Jian, his cousin is actually not much better off. After all, he is a long-range fighter. If he is surrounded by so many trees and vines, the situation will become critical, but the ghost is not panic at all. He finds himself The pistol appeared very weak when facing a large range of targets, so he paused, and then did a very amazing thing.

Yes, the ghost's two pistols are actually removable.

His weapons are two silver pistols, but the pistols look a bit weird, because these two guns are much larger than ordinary pistols, and there seems to be a lot of extra structures on them. The weapon has extraordinary control power, which can completely disassemble and reassemble the two guns in just a few seconds, and during this period, the ghost seems to have taken many parts out of its own closet and installed them.

So the two pistols that seemed to be stubbornly changed completely in a short time, and became heavy rocket launchers that could be carried on their shoulders! The ghost carried the bazooka, raised his head, and pointed directly at the **** in the air. At this moment, he had completely forgotten the purpose of the enemy that could not be killed before, when his own crisis was greater than everything! Living is the number one priority.

So when the ghost aimed at the target, he didn't want to immediately knock down the machine board, and it shot in the past! !!

The extremely violent play immediately caused a disaster in the tomb of God!

Although Shenming hasn't seen anything like a bazooka, it is not a good thing to think about it. It indicates that the tree vine that has entangled himself wants to avoid it, but at what speed is a rocket launcher, how can humans avoid it? But the problem came. God knew that he was no longer human.

So he avoided the blow perfectly, but the rocket launcher blasted towards the tree behind him. What was unexpected was that the defense of this tree was incredibly strong, and it was almost impossible for a shot. How many traces were left on its trunk, except that the flames of the explosion upon impact seemed to make those poor tree vines tremble with fear.

The ghost immediately noticed this, and he re-launched a rocket-piercing ammunition. The target of the attack this time is no longer a **** floating in mid-air, but he fired his own shell randomly and purposelessly. Will he hit his companion? The place where he was bombarded immediately caused flames and explosions. The plants were afraid of fire and the scorched places were afraid to touch again. Instead, they were blasted out by a ghost. A place to stand.

The ghost made such a big noise, and the sound could be heard no matter how far away, so Duan Li and Alan passed through the level to cut and kill a **** path from the tree and vines dancing to the ghost, flying towards the ghost's place, trying to be with his companions Confluence.

The gods floating in the air are paying attention to everything below. I thought that this group of people could be solved with tree vines, but now it seems ... the power of these people is really weird. The gods know that ordinary ordinary people are impossible to possess. With this ability, in this way, it seems that they have got some strange power from somewhere, or ... what contract did they have with any devil to gain power?

But at this moment, the gods have no time to think about it. He must resolve this group as soon as possible, because he feels that there is another group of people approaching outside the tomb of God, and it is even more troublesome to solve too many people. God is not short of time, but somehow he is unwilling to continue wasting time and energy into a never-ending wait.

He has waited for a thousand years, until he is almost numb, and it stands to reason that after so many hours of tempering, he should be more patient, but somehow, the gods have been gradually waiting while waiting, and he urgently needs a way Come to find your anger, and this way is to launch a killer to this group of unknown guys.

Let's solve them one by one.

The **** stretched out his hand. With his movements, part of the tree vine began to obey his will, and inside the tree vine sea below, Duan Li was pulling Alan toward the direction of the ghost. In this case, they could not disperse. Sooner or later, the fate of being drowned by tree vines!

But it was obvious that the gods would not let them meet so easily. With a wave of his arm, it seemed that he had given some orders. All the tree vines surrounding Duan Li and A Lan began to produce a weird change. They soon discovered that , These tree vines actually have spikes!

"Ah!" Crazy flurry towards the spiked tree vines surrounded by them, those sharp edges quickly fell a terrible wound on Alan's arm, and Alan couldn't help screaming, and then he used A short knife cut the tree vine wrapped around his arm and looked back at the segment that was still standing in front of him.

Duan Li's fists are hard to beat with his four hands. With a knife, he can't cut these flying tree vines, especially after the tree vines have spiked, Duan Li has been shaved with blood.

The situation is bad for them.

A Lan looked at Duan Li's blood, sighed helplessly, suddenly turned around and hugged Duan Li's waist tightly. This action frightened Duan Li, but he didn't react. He only heard Alan whisper something in his ear, and then his body rose into the air, and the clusters of wild dancing tree and rattle fluttered all around. Come up, but Alan's movement is fast, carrying Duanli already suspended in the air.

"I can't hold on for too long ... The weight of two people is too reluctant for me." Alan held Duan Li tightly, Duan Li didn't speak, but just tilted his head to look at A Lan, his face Wearing the mask of that evil spirit, Alan could only see his blue-faced fangs.

Alan carried Dingli staggered and flew towards the place where the ghost was, and he could see the ghost carrying a bazooka for crazy bombardment in the distance! Those tree vines are still afraid of fire even if they have spikes, and the temperature and explosion have left a large circular area around the ghost empty.

"This guy is crazy enough." Alan flew as he evaluated the ghost in the distance, but soon he noticed a question and frowned: "Wait, where is Luo Jian?"

Luo Jian is not near the ghost, they are separated by the sudden outbreak of tree vines, and Luo Jian is not able to fly in the sky like Alan, nor does he have high-intensity self-defense skills. Horses don't do torture.

Somehow the tree vines not only did not attack Xing Yan, they also bypassed him spontaneously and kept a certain distance from him, so a circular vacuum belt appeared in the place where Xing Yan stood. When the tree vine was dying to die, he suddenly looked up at Xun Yan, and Xing Yan looked at Luo Jian with no expression.

Isn't this a living shield? !!

Luo Jian's mind came up with this idea, so his body took a leap, jumping over the tree vines who tried to strangle him, and jumped directly to Xing Yan's body, just like the octopus. Chop Xun Yan to death.

Xun Yan was motionless, but a smile appeared on the expressionless face.

The trees and vines saw Luo Jian climb to Xing Yan's body, and they suddenly stiffened. Around Xing Yan and Luo Jian, circles of trees and vines were dancing around in groups, but they stopped attacking Luo Jian.

Xun Yan also seemed to disregard Luo Jian, who didn't push Kai Jane or hold him with his hands. So let Luo Jian pinch him, with his legs around his waist, his arms around his neck, and put his face into Xing Yan's neck socket, using his own cheek to slap Xing Yan's neck. go with.

Xun Yan didn't speak, he walked forward with his legs wide open, and every time he took a step, the surrounding tree and vine changed accordingly. In short, there was absolutely no tree vine to attack him within a range of about two meters. Know how he did it, but he did it.

Because Xun Yan would not be attacked, Luo Jian lying on him was naturally safe and naturally relieved. In broad daylight, he began to carry out some indecent acts on Xun Yan, such as stinging Xing Yan's neck and biting His collarbone twisted around him like a water snake.

Poor Xing Yan couldn't speak, so he couldn't protest against Luo Jian's behavior, but he seemed to enjoy it very much. He took Luo Jian toward his brother. His brother's movement was too loud. Echoes throughout the tomb of God, enduring.

The deity didn't mean to hurt Luo Jian, because Luo Jian still had a “ghost identity”, so there was no spike on the tree vine that attacked him, and the **** originally wanted to isolate him separately and then He caught it, but there was Xun Yan next to him.

Xun Yan is a hunter.

The Chamber of Secrets has preferential treatment for the setting of the hunters. They are set as' part of the Chamber of Secrets', just like certain props in the Chamber of Secrets, and such props are also set to 'cannot be destroyed in any way. -Players can perform settings such as temporary destruction-recoverable.

Props, doors, keys, storylines, plotters, etc. These are the components of each secret room, and the components will not attack each other, so all non-player creatures in the secret room will not attack a hunt By.

But stalkers can attack any 'component' in the back room.

There is no reason for this, because the existence of a hunter is itself a tool used by the secret room to `` destruct ''. Since it is used to destroy, the secret room is allowed to destroy players or other things.

However, although the Chamber of Secrets allowed saboteur destruction, they were not allowed to do anything other than destruction.

For example, save a player in hot water.

Therefore, Xun Yan will never take the initiative to save Luo Jian. No matter what circumstances Luo Jian is in, even if he is really going to die, he can't take the initiative to save him.

However, since you ca n’t take the initiative, then it ’s better to be euphemistic and passive. There are many ways to save a person. Finding loopholes in the rules of the secret room can save the player without breaking the regulations.

For example, now that there is no action by Xun Yan, Luo Jian jumps on him and uses his identity to obtain asylum. This cannot be counted as the "active" range, so the chamber will not punish Xun Yan. some type of.

Another example is that when Luo Jian fell from the observation deck while in the secret room of the ghost ship, Luo Yan was not actually caught by Xun Yan. Xing Yan just stood there waiting for Luo Jian to hit him.

A hunter is a prop that is driven by the will of the secret room, but it is obvious that the secret room also quietly leaves a window for the players. As long as the players find the right method, the player can also drive and use the chase. Hunter.

The secret room will never let anyone die. 2k novel reading network