MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 42 Escape from Jinghua Shuiyue (1)

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The last piece of mirror found before was found out by Luo Jian from the seam of the skull bone of a certain corpse, which made Luo Jian realize that people can indeed hide things in their bodies, and they can hide a lot of things. He smashed almost all the corpses and found only a small piece of mirror fragments, so only these two corpses were left without specific investigation.

"Offended." After thinking about it, Luo Jian still started. He lowered the teacher's corpse from the ceiling, gritted his teeth and took off the clothes on the corpse. Some rotten corpses still had some sticky and disgusting ones hanging on them. Rotten flesh, the whole ribs were exposed after the clothes were untied, and the internal organs were completely turned into a pool of black water. After searching for a long time, Luo Jian finally found a key from the teacher's mouth and a general-purpose printing paper in the back room. .

The key is a rusty key, and the note is unwrapped, which reads:

[Dear Mr. Luo Jian:]

[Proceeding to this step, you may already know the secret room, so I might as well tell you straight away that another key is in that illusion. 】

[Exceptions to give you tips:]

[First, never open the real door with an illusionary key, it will leave you in an illusionary world forever. 】

[Second, for the same reason, do not open the door of the illusion with the real key, otherwise your end will be as described above. 】

[Third, finding the last person to disappear is the correct way for you to leave the back room. 】

[Above, the prompt is over, good luck. 】

"It seems that even if I find the key, my situation has not changed much." Luo Jian fiddled with the found key. The key looks very old, rusty and discolored. If you look closely, it will A tiny crack was found in the key handle.

Luo Jian put the key in his pocket, and this time he began to explore the body of the female corpse again, and this time he discovered an amazing thing, he actually found a mobile phone from the female corpse's belly !!

Another old Nokia phone!

The mobile phone was touched from the belly of the female corpse, and there was black mucus hanging on the disgusting Barra. Although Luo Jian found it disgusting and wanted to vomit, he reached out and touched the female corpse with trembling. The rotten body of the abdomen is not particularly clean, and large pieces of meat and internal organs are still there, but this time Luo Jian wished it to be a bare white bone.

"Don't blame me, don't blame me for indulging my life." Luo Jian whispered to himself as he fumbled. He was afraid that the goods would suddenly move. Although Luo Jian has experienced so many things, he should have been used to it. But he was still afraid, because the definition of death seemed to have no effect at all in this strange closet space, and the confusion and bizarre were unpredictable.

When Luo Jian found the phone, he was still unbelievable. The other hand in his subconscious touched his pocket. The Nokia phone in his pocket was still there! The two phones are exactly the same, black model, no difference in size. Luo Jian froze at that time, and quickly reacted. He pulled over a curtain and wiped the phone that was pulled out of the female corpse's belly, then press the power button, etc. After about a minute, just when Luo Jian was disappointed that the phone was dead and no power, the screen turned on.

The power supply shows a grid of electricity, but the time is a series of 00:00:00, and the pop-up prompts to inform that the battery is insufficient within a few seconds of turning on the phone. Luo Jian immediately opened the address book, which was blank; So Luo Jian pressed and flipped through the departure mailbox. There was only one message that had been sent out, which was very short and familiar:

【help me】

Luo Jian stared at this short message for a second, suddenly slamming into his throat, making him feel like his lungs were compressed, and he couldn't get in the slightest space, which was unbearable. Luo Jian opened his mouth, and slowly took another Nokia phone out of his pocket, opened it, and looked at the inbox. There was only a lone text message on it, and he also wrote such a short word:

【help me】

"Who's this cell phone?" Luo Jian muttered to himself. The cell phone taken from the stomach of the female corpse was obviously the female corpse herself. She even sent a text message for help before she died, but it was strange ... for help The target is actually not his own teacher, not the lover who exchanged the ring, but ...

Who will this phone be? Luo Jian stared at Nokia in his hand. This phone was the one he found out from the drawer when he woke up, and he didn't write the name on the book notes where he was sitting. The seat where Luo Jian sat was the seat of the 35th student who disappeared.

"The last person to disappear is the key here." Luo Jian said: "But I don't even know his name now, he only left a few inexplicable textbooks and a mobile phone. He had these things with him. What's the relationship? Why ask for help from such a person? "

Luo Jian sighed with sigh, the female corpse's cell phone quickly ran out of power, and there was nothing more to press, so Luo Jian had to throw away the cell phone, he thought he had to go unreal Once in the back room, look for another key.

Luo Jian, who just thought of it, put away his mobile phone and flipped out the mirror fragment. This mirror is more troublesome. Every time you have to reassemble it, put it in your palm, read the inexplicable poem, and then accompany the dizziness. At the moment Luo Jian saw the opposite scene.

After a circle in the illusory room, Luo Jian suddenly thought of a question. Where was the last student who disappeared? This closet is so big. Standing on the podium, you can see clearly in every corner of the classroom. There is no place to hide people, no matter whether it is an imaginary closet or a real closet. There is no hiding place at all, so that Where is the missing person? do you died? Has it turned into a corpse? Or is it invisible?

"Except me, there is no second living person at all." Luo Jian went round and round in the Unreal Chamber, turning the things that can be turned over again. The time in the Unreal Chamber didn't pass, Luo Jian went out. I glanced at the phone when I was there, and the time I stopped before started to move around again. When he came in again, time stopped.

Because there was no time limit, Luo Jian turned it more carefully this time, but he still couldn't find anything useful. His wound was faintly hurting again. Luo Jian was a bit weak, so he found a stool and sat down to rest. Leaning on a chair, he looked at the ceiling above him, rusted iron fans on the ceiling, yellow chandeliers, and moldy walls soaked in water.

Luo Jian looked at him, his eyes narrowed, and he narrowed his eyes before he fell asleep.

The dim classroom was extremely empty, with only Luo Jian's slight breathing sound.

Time doesn't pass, the lights are still dim and flickering, and the blackboard is still scribbled with chalk. Suddenly, the door in the classroom was opened to heaven's favor: the latest chapter of Xiaoyao Xiezun!

Yes, that illusive door was opened! Staggering with a low sound, a clean hand pushed the door open from the outside, and the door was a dark world, but this man walked in with the darkness, and when he walked in, he shook his hand, the paint The mahogany door squeaked shut again, and the sound immediately awakened Luo Jian. He froze and opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a magnificent handsome face in front of him. His red eyes blinked at him without blinking. He was shocked and showed no signs. He was startled by Luo Jian. He retreated instinctively, almost never The chair rolled over, but as soon as the man reached out, he held Luo Jian full.

"Chasing ... the hunter!" Luo Jianyi grabbed the collar of the man's clothes in one hand, and when he opened his eyes to see such a large monster appear, it was really scary to Luo Jian, but when he was scared, Luo Jian There is also the kind of preparation that a hunter will appear in his heart. Luo Jian is not stupid. The mark of the snake bite on his neck is obviously used by the hunter to track and locate. However, Luo Jian did not expect that the other person would chase him. With such a tightness, he would show his head in every secret room.


Luo Jian suddenly felt that his heart was beating fast. He could only stare at this man. Somehow, as soon as the hunter appeared, Luo Jian felt relieved. No matter how terrible the secret room, Luo Jian would not let Luo Jian feeling scared.

But this kind of psychology is not what Luo Jian hopes to see. He knows that this is not good. He cannot rely on an unknown existence that he does not understand, especially under the premise that the other party may cause great harm or threat to himself. .

However, the hunter doesn't care so much. It seems that he was excited when he saw Luo Jian, holding Luo Jian's waist in one hand and pressing him desperately into his arms. Luo Jian couldn't fight, so he was very compromised and resigned. In the arms of a man.

Of course, just embracing that was definitely not enough. Luo Jian rolled his eyes and watched the hunter come together silently and began to pinch his lips. Is this a kiss for Mao to see himself? Could it be ... Luo Jian suddenly thought of what happened when he encountered the goods in the first secret room. Could it be that time ... impressed him too much? So reluctantly started chasing him every day?

Luo Jian did not know the truth.

The hunter hugged Luo Jian's lips happily, and felt that it was not enough to slap his lips, so he narrowed his neck and neck, and began to chop clothes. Luo Jian finally could not bear it, risking that the hunter might slap him to death. Dangerous, he severely gave this cargo a knee.

In fact, the hunter didn't feel any pain, but maybe this little human didn't like his behavior, so Xun Yan hesitated for a while, and let Luo Jian release. He remembered what Eagle had said to him in the Blood Shura field.

Eagle said, the reason why he likes to embrace this human is that he likes him.

Although Xun Yan couldn't understand how he liked it, he didn't understand human emotions.

So Eagle asked Xun Yan: If you can't see the human, you will miss him.

Indeed, Xun Yan nodded her head.

Eagle asked again: Do you want to hug him when you see that human?

That's right! Xun Yan still nodded.

Eagle continued to ask: Is it enough to hug him and still want to kiss him?

Dear? Xun Yan thought about it for a while, it was the kind of pouting mouth, really like it! So he kept nodding.

So the last look of Eagle was unpredictable: This is like it, if you like him, you must be good to him!

Well, be nice to him! Xing Yan stared at Luo Jian obsessively.

Luo Jian was staring at his hair, and curled up in a flinch. Wasn't this goods angry? Why is this look so terrible, it seems like he will swallow him, oh my god!

The author has something to say: Wangtian = w = 2k novel reading network