MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 113 Escape the Secret Train (7)

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The situation of rapport with the crow is completely different. The owl and another man are almost equal to a fight. This is really a very bad situation, because the man with half-long hair didn't listen to people at all, and only came close to the owl to find that the goods were actually half-faced.

Half of his face was intact, and even a closer look showed that he was definitely a beauty before he was disfigured. But the other side was covered with scars, and several scars crawled across his face, ugly and unsightly. Originally, this was nothing, the owl was not a face-control, and it would not stupidly discriminate against others.

The problem is, the character of this man is ...

wolf-is the code name of this long-haired man's chest nameplate, which means 'wolf'.

This man, code-named 'Wolf', never said a word from beginning to end. No matter what the owl said, he was either sneer or ridicule, swearing and endless scorn, which was personally intolerable, not to mention the owl. He is not a very patient man.

"I say you! I have communicated with you with patience. I don't care what you think, but at the moment our situation is similar. We are trapped on a train and may die at any time. Owl helplessly slowed down: "As long as you are willing to cooperate a little, the situation will not be worse than now!"

"Cooperate?" The wolf crooked his head and messed up his hair on his forehead. He looked indifferent, and answered, "Why should I cooperate with you?"

"I didn't think you would want to die. Someone trapped us here and sent a note to each one. I know you also have one ... you can ..."

The wolf interrupted the owl's words impatiently: "I threw it away." Then he looked at the owl like a sneer: "You wouldn't stupidly believe the message on an inexplicable note, right?"

Owl tried to take a deep breath to calm himself, and could not help but clenched his fists, and he spoke more slowly: "Sir, I don't want to make both sides unhappy, and I don't believe you will always want to stay in this boring carriage, You always want to go out! So, as long as you do n’t ask for trouble next, obediently follow us, do n’t do anything extraordinary, do n’t hurt others or hurt yourself, we can successfully leave here ... ”

"Look, your shameless request, why should I obediently follow you as a butt?" The wolf mocked the owl again, looking at his eyes full of contempt.

The owl was finally a bit unbearable. He gritted his teeth: "Well, if you don't want to be with me, then stay here! It's up to you! Do whatever you want, I really can't control you!"

The owl stood up and wanted to leave, but he could n’t even take a step away. The wolf next to him suddenly pulled the owl back with a hook, and even worse, he was stretched out by the evil wolf. Hold his throat.

"Actually, I think ..." The evil wolf smiled gracefully with his lips raised: "The person who should stay here ... it should be you."

The owl did not resist, he was forced to hold his throat, and was pressed down on the sofa seat. But it didn't seem to suffocate the owl, just stared at Mr. Wolf with his eyes widened. His eyes were dark and full of danger, but this did not affect Mr. Wolf's actions. The abominable evil wolf gripped the owl's neck, his hands slowly strengthened, and the owl's face looked paler.

"Actually I found it from just now." The evil wolf approached the owl and said softly in his ear.

"You don't look like a living person--"

The owl's pupils were enlarged, and there was a deep, twisted dark channel in the eyes. He no longer said nothing, but suddenly reached out and touched the face of the evil wolf. This action seemed to surprise Mr. Wolf for a moment, but before the two sides made any effective actions, the next moment, Someone interrupted the conversation between the owl and the wolf.

"Let him go!" The crow did not know when to end the negotiation with the black cat, and when he came back, he found that the owl was subject to people. Although the crow has been confronting the owl for a while, he doesn't know what kind of mentality he is entangled in. He just doesn't want to let the owl be bullied.

So he casually picked up the steel pipe that the black cat had taken before, pointing at the evil wolf, forcing the evil wolf's attention to turn to him.

Only when the evil wolf raised his head, a haggard face with a disfigured half was exposed. It looked evil and distorted in the light of the unclear light. It scared the crow slightly, and backed up slightly. Half step.

The crow's inadvertent move made the evil wolf laugh unconsciously, but he also let go of the owl honestly. The owl rubbed his neck and sat up, took the crow, and said, "Follow him, we go."

Although the crow was a little confused, but because of his first impression of the bad wolf, he didn't particularly like this semi-disfigured man, so he didn't take a deeper look at the owl and wolf affairs, obediently followed the owl, but Before taking half a step, the evil wolf behind him spoke, in that sinister and sinister tone:

"Smaller, don't chop your neck."

The crow heard the words and looked back at the evil wolf, but the owl walking in front of it was indifferent and did not look back.

"What's going on with that guy?" The owl and the crow walked to a corner far enough from the evil wolf, and the crow couldn't help it anymore, so he asked the owl: "Yin and yang, I'm going to goose bumps."

The owl seemed a little silent, and his pale face made him look weak. He instinctively touched his neck, leaving a blue mark on it. After a while, he looked back at the crow.

"Are you okay?" The crow felt that the owl's face was too pale. The pale and pale feeling was like a corpse, which always made the crow unconsciously think of the curled up in the trunk ... poor The victim.

"... I'm fine." The owl was silent for a while before answering the crow.

"But you look bad, are you sick?" The crow wanted to try the temperature of the owl. He reached out to touch the forehead of the other person, but before the fingers touched the person, the owl shrank his head and avoided it. Already.

"Don't worry ..." The owl's voice was very low, and it was like talking to himself: "I still live well."


The situation in carriage 11 is very grim. Although four people have joined together to form a temporary team at this time, one of them is uncompromising and refuses to communicate with other people. This person is still sitting alone on the sofa seat in the corner. Staring into the deep darkness outside the window and wondering what was being thought of.

There were only three remaining, the crow, the owl, and the black cat, which was also quite silent.

Black cats are also in big trouble, although they look honest. He seemed to have a good opinion of the crow, and always followed behind the crow, where he went. When the crow and the owl squatted at the connecting door of the 11th and 10th carriages to watch the message left on the door, the black cat squatted and looked not far behind them. Looking down, he looked back and said to the crow:

"Is that guy interesting to you?"

The crow's ears turned red, and they answered, "I don't know."

"Okay." The Owl shrugged. "If you want to get started, let's wait for us to escape this **** train."

"Don't be kidding! I won't ..." The Raven retorted softly, but his ears were more red.

The owl did not tease him, and looked down at the new message prompt on the iron door. This iron door was almost exactly the same as the iron door in the compartments 13 and 12, and the place where the message was engraved was exactly the same.

It reads:

[There are four people in compartment 11 at this time]

[One of them has a bad heart]

[Be careful that his butcher knife is waving at you]

[Don't let blood splash on the glass]

"This looks really bad." After reading the message on the door, the owl turned to ask the crow for advice: "What do you think?"

"The meaning is obvious, that is to imply that the murderer who did not blink is among the four of us?" The crow frowned and began to speculate.

"That is to say, if the next car can meet a fifth person, he can completely rule out the suspect?"

"No, it can't be said completely." Crow denied: "You should have discovered that when we woke up, two people were in the same car together, and the car numbers were singular."

Owl thought for a while and replied, "Indeed, we woke up in the No. 13 car and had to spend some time looking for the corpse to find the key, but No. 12 car did not take much effort. The message on the door even left a message. Directly reminded us where our keys are. "

Owl continued: "And in compartment 11, the black cat and the wolf are in the same compartment."

"No. 11 is singular," crows said, and the thinking of the two began to form a weird synchronization: "The message that this car gave us seemed more difficult, and there was a suspicion that ... let us kill each other."

"Do you think this is a model ... If we successfully open this door and enter the No. 10 car, and the No. 10 car also easily prompts the location of the key and lets us pass, then we can determine- —The compartments of this train are indeed following a certain pattern. "

"Singular and ... even?"

The discussion between the crow and the owl entered a bottleneck, and they abandoned the study of the car number and the ease of the secret room and began to focus on the hints on the connection door of the 11th car.

"This passage is obvious, the last sentence is the point." The crow concluded directly.

"Don't let blood splatter on the glass." The owl repeated it. "What the **** does that mean?"

The author has something to say: work hard to update = v = 2k novel reading network