MTL - Endless Pampering Only For You-Chapter 3423 Hold him, not a dream

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It can be seen from this that the prince of Medvin is not unloved.

Perhaps it was because he was not favored that he became jealous of Dick who was favored, and then he did this little move, and wanted to use it to marry him.

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed at these royal contentions.

Back on the helicopter.

Mu Xiaoxiao leaned on Yin Shaojiao's shoulder and whispered to him, "Fortunately, there are no such problems in my family."

This is probably what makes her family different from ordinary people.

For other families, for power, you fight for me, and family affection disappears under the benefit.

But her family is different, and everyone in the family values ​​family relationships.

What Mu Xiaoxiao thought of, smiled, and whispered, "Probably because everyone in my family has an uninhibited heart."

People from other families are desperately staring at their family assets, and they must grab the right to inheritance by whatever means.

And her family?

Just say her cousins, let them inherit the family business, they are not happy, they have to go out and start their own business.

In addition, their family members are indeed favored by the heavens. Each one has extraordinary abilities and is a leader in their field.

Yin Shaoxi kissed her forehead and smiled.

Mu Xiaoxiao raised his head, put his hands around his waist, looked at his eyes and said, "When Dad's health is fine, I will take you back to the family and meet my family, will you?

Yin Shao bowed his head, with tenderness in his eyes, "OK."

After a period of flight.

The six finally returned to the palace.

As soon as the plane was off, Han Qiqing saw a familiar figure.

She rushed over.


Why is he here?

When did he come?

Han Qiqing is so happy that she is going crazy!

Han Yuexiu opened his arms and waited for her to fall into her arms.

Han Qiqing rushed into his arms, hugged him tightly, buried his head on his chest, and smelled the smell of him vigorously.

"Have you missed me?" Han Yuexiu caressed her hair, always with a cold voice with a touch of tenderness.

Han Qiqing looked up and looked at him insultingly, "I want to die."

Han Yuexiu hooked his lips with satisfaction.

Han Qiqing flew into his arms again, as if he would disappear, and asked incredulously, "How come you are in the palace?"

Even if he comes, it's impossible to be right in the palace.

Isn't she dreaming?

But the feeling of holding him was so real, not a dream.

Han Yuexiu licked her waist and explained, "I have a little friendship with Prince Henry. When I came, I told you a little bit. I just knew you were coming back today, and I'll wait here."

Han Qiqing asked, "When did you come? How long have you been waiting?"

Han Yuexiu smiled lightly, "It didn't take long."

It's worth the wait.

Han Qiqing didn't ask, he could be satisfied, and she was satisfied.

Holding him, she felt like she had gained the world.

"Brother, I miss you so much."

"I know, I read your information."

She sends him hundreds of messages every day, sharing with her interesting stories here.

Even if he didn't come, looking at her description was like being there.

Han Qiqing bloomed with a smiley face and said, "It's really nice that you can come, seven people, here!

Happy happy happy.

Her little face was filled with these two words.

Han Yuexiu hugged her affectionately.