MTL - Endless Fall-Chapter 221 Enough acting, you can leave

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   Chapter 221 Enough acting, you can leave

  Thinking it was spam, when he saw the word 'Su Tian', he no longer hesitated to flip through the 20-page document.

  Su Tian's family is very poor, and it is not easy to go to Spain to study, so he can only rely on himself for living expenses.

   In the beginning, with her pure appearance, she dated two rich second-generation children at school, and got a lot of money from them.

   The savings that could have lasted until graduation, but because of her extravagant enjoyment and extravagance, there was not much left to spend in just one semester.

  The things that the rich second generation can give is limited after all, and her greed is not satisfied with it, so she focuses on men outside the school in her communication.

She has been a lover for a black man who came to talk business, traveled to Europe with middle-aged family members, had an abortion for a restaurant owner, and lay down in the lounge with the manager of the stadium. Men of age have been involved.

   Later, she was jealous of her clean soul and dissatisfied that she was the only one in the mud, so she tricked her classmates into walking into the red light district with her and became the so-called Su A bustard.

   Relying on someone to protect her, she not only did the housemaid's deeds, but also covered up for those who sold banned items. Except for murder and arson, she stepped on the red line and did everything she was supposed to do.

   However, sooner or later, the freshness of men will disappear.

   Su Tian, ​​who only has an empty skin, was abandoned in just half a year and owed a large amount of debt in the casino.

   She begged for help in order to repay her debts, and finally Xiao Song threw out a two-year contract to let her tide over the difficulties.

   The content of the contract is very simple, it is not a maintenance, as long as she is on call at any time, to accompany Xiao Song's customers.

  The transactional relationship is not the same as before. She can't play with her temper and make demands. She can only be stable by playing different roles, but she has been tortured for a long time and can't stand it anymore.

   She yearns for a new life and a rich life where she can have everything without paying.

   So after learning that there is another suitable candidate in China, he fled without hesitation.


  The arrow of the mouse stops at the last page.

   After reading all the unsightly photos and chat records, Gu Quan's mood changed from stunned and disgusted to extremely angry.

   He never thought that Su Tian, ​​who was pure in appearance and kind-hearted, was rotten to the core.

   He didn't tell the lies, and he even brought him into a hypocritical love game under the banner of never forgetting him.

   He clenched his fists and slammed into the desk, and the moment he was about to get up, Su Tian with hot coffee appeared in front of him.

   "Aquan." She walked forward cautiously, as if she was afraid of his anger: "I knocked on the door just now, but you didn't answer."

  Gu Quan looked at her up and down and smiled for a moment.

   His chilling smile made her tremble, giving her the illusion that she was in a world of ice and snow.

   "Su Tian." He leaned back against the sofa chair, looking at her with disgust in his eyes: "No, should I call you Su Abu?"

  Su A bustard.

   Hearing these three words from his mouth, Su Tian's hand holding the coffee softened, almost unable to hold back.

   Her lips trembled slightly: "What are you talking about?"

   "Pretend?" Gu Quan lit a cigarette and endured the thought of punching her, after all, it was too dirty.

   Although he was sitting, he was more like looking at her: "Is it very happy to see me being played around by you? A sense of accomplishment?"

   "What's wrong with you, Ah Quan? I don't understand what you're saying. Who is talking behind your back?"

   "You can't take off the mask on your face? You forgot about the red light district? You also forgot about your master?"


  The coffee cup fell to the ground in an instant.

   Su Tian, ​​who was scalded to her skin, didn't even notice it, she couldn't even feel the pain, as if her soul had been taken away, and she froze in place.

  Xu was too arrogant, she never imagined that something would be revealed one day, so she couldn't find a way to deal with it.

   This kind of feeling is like a mouse in the gutter, suddenly shrouded in sunlight, does not feel warm, only fear.

  Gu Quan sneered: "If I don't find out, what's your next plan? Find someone to kidnap me? Or extort me? Or make me addicted to gambling, and then design me to lose my family property?"

   "I didn't! I didn't think so." Su Tian retorted him, covering his eyes with water vapor, showing sincerity.

   Since she returned to China, she is no longer as arrogant and domineering as before, nor will she do illegal things in the current environment.

   But Gu Quan didn’t believe it.

   He extinguished the cigarette that burned to the end, and when he saw her pitiful appearance, his stomach was tumbling.

   "It doesn't matter what you think." He wasn't in the mood to watch the scene again: "Enough of the acting, you can leave."

  The panic-stricken Su Tian knelt at his feet out of habit and grabbed at his trousers: "Aquan, I'm being forced! If I don't do it, they will try their best to torture me!"

   Her kneeling posture was too skilled, and Gu Quan thought of the photos in the documents again, and there was a deep contempt and disgust in his eyes.

   "I don't have that hobby." He raised his right foot to avoid her, treating her as a snake and scorpion: "Not your master."

  Su Tian kept repeating 'she was forced', other than that, there was no better reason.

   She cried until her eyes were red and swollen and her shoulders were trembling, but she didn't see his pity: "Aquan, will you give me another chance?"

   "Are you worthy?" Gu Quan looked back, only to think that looking at her would make her dirty: "I'll give you ten minutes to pack up."

   His back gradually disappeared in front of him.

  Su Tian was extremely unwilling, so she went to the next bedroom with him, knelt outside the door and kept knocking on the door, and kept telling her grievances.

   She delusionally thinks that Guquan will miss old love.

   But when the nanny dragged the suitcase and pushed it out with her, she realized that there was absolutely no room for manoeuvre.

Although   Lin City has a tendency to return to temperature, the winter is not over yet, and the wind blowing from all sides still carries a chill.

  The surrounding trees were rustling.

  Su Tian, ​​who was only wearing a set of thin pajamas, clasped her arms tightly and looked towards the second floor.

   After standing for some time, the closed door was finally opened, but unfortunately the person who came out was not the person she wanted to see.

   "Miss." The nanny heard the voice and realized that she had left out her cell phone: "Your phone is ringing."

   "Well." Su Tian glanced at the caller ID, and weakly pressed down to answer: "Song Zhen?"

   "Su Tian, ​​are you too cheap!" Song Zhen scolded him with a slap in the face, opening and closing his mouth with words like Biaozi.

   He warned: "Don't let me see you in Lin City! Otherwise, I will send you a few men to let you have enough fun!"

   A sound of hanging up pulled back Su Tian's thoughts.

   She thought of some possibility, opened the address book with trembling fingertips, and called other friends.

   called five in a row, but no one answered, the beeping sound entangled her like a spell, making her whole figure fall into an ice cellar.

   She clearly heard the sound of the mask cracking.

   And the character design that was hard to build was also destroyed this evening.

   (end of this chapter)