MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1408

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Tong Linyun stretched his head and glanced at it. The pythons that were tens of meters thick were put into the Dinosen family, which is almost the level of a child, but it can grow so large. It seems that there is indeed a bit of the blood of the Dinosen family.

After all, in Lin Yun's memory, all the remaining Dinosens seem to be on the undead plane, which is definitely the largest plane of the undead plane that allows the strong men of the Dinosen to stretch their bodies.

The Dainuosans are the golden-headed pythons in the mouth of the mage, but they are only slightly more respectable. They are the Dainuosens. If they dare to call the golden-headed pythons in front of the golden-headed pythons, it is definitely an act of seeking death.

Golden python is equivalent to the title of World of Warcraft, and the Dinosen family is regarded as a truly intelligent race.

Gioconi refers to the Dinosen family, which shows that the Dinosen family is more respected in Giovanni, and it is not acceptable to disrespect it. The black python has the blood of the Dinosen family, Qiao Fan As long as Neil has no problems in his mind, he certainly won't mention the other names of the Dainson family.

Thinking of this, Lin Yun suddenly remembered the golden-headed python Rick he had seen before, and was told the name, even if he was a friend recognized by the other party, I do n’t know how Rick was now in the undead plane.

These ancient races, even the king of the undead, would never dare to provoke it. The tactics of the undead sea are completely a joke for the golden-topped python. They can crush tens of millions of undead when they turn over, and they are anxious. It is not too difficult to directly destroy the opponent's nest and destroy a plane.

Anyway, the plane is actually a nest for the golden-topped python. This race was a void monster at first. Later, I do n’t know how to like the upper plane to be a nest. However, the opponent ’s natural counter plane has good characteristics. In addition, it is not a cruel monster with a bad temper, and no race wants to drive away the golden-headed python. Of course, the biggest reason is that it does not have this ability.

Lin Yun pondered these things, and the Bone Roller had already fallen outside the castle. An old aristocrat who looked similar to humans, even more than human, looked like a noble vampire standing at the gate of the castle and looked with a smile. By Gioconi.

"Master Georgoni, Master Shizu is already waiting for you inside."

The old vampire was not surprised when he saw Lin Yun, and still smiled, but when he saw the **** death sickle carrying Lin Yun's back, his eyes shivered involuntarily, as if instinctual fear.

An forty-fifth-level old vampire, so close to Lin Yun's sacrifice, made a death sickle made only by a vampire, and it is still good to keep calm.

You know, the level of this death sickle is definitely worth the forty-nine-level skeleton king, and it has a terrible suppressive effect on vampires. It is normal for a descendant of this vampire to be hacked to death ... ...

Gio Connie moved a little, carefully looked at Lin Yun with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and brought Lin Yun into the castle, Lin Yun didn't even care about it. I wish these vampires could do something.

If there is a trap here, it must be, but there are thirteen vampires who are still alive and still in the undead plane. There are at most four, and at least two of these four are positive. Will not appear, either in deep sleep or busy with other things.

It is possible to see vampires from the entire undead plane, except Giovanni, and there is only one other. The other one is also a vampire at level 47, and two vampires at level 47. zu, before upgrading again, before getting this scarlet death sickle, Lin Yun may still hesitate a bit, now, Lin Yun doesn't care at all.

Chop the undead vampire, at least he can chop a half dead.

Entering the castle, there was no expected tension. Many vampires in the castle came out to greet them. It looked like an ancient human aristocracy. A forty-seventh grade vampire in a dress stood in the middle. If it weren't for the pale face and the breath of blood power, I really didn't see that this was a vampire.

"Welcome Lord Bowie to be a guest. It is his luck that my child can follow Lord Bowie ..."

Giovanni has a smile on his face, very warm and polite, whether or not Lin Yun, the skeleton king, can see his smile, see his smile ...

Zhe Linyun was a bit suffocated. If this guy went to war directly, it would be okay to say, but it looks like an undead, and there is nothing wrong with it. The host has come out to meet the guests in person, what else?

Lin Yun murmured in his heart, and did not directly turn his face. This time, instead of killing Giovanni, he has to catch Giovanni alive. If Giovanni can cooperate, it is indeed the best way. After all, This time, when Giovanni was caught, he could only be trapped in one place. There must be fixed coordinates and fixed gates. It is better to arrange a gate to let Giovanni touch the gate, so as to ensure that he can Think of it as a fixed coordinate.

But violent arrest, who knows if this guy will have any other ability to escape after entering the Nightmare Realm. If Giovanni really escapes, it will be really over. If he enters the Nightmare Realm, he will not be able to come out. of……

I remembered things that had been speculated before, and Lin Yun gave up the idea of ​​Giovanni arrested violently.

"Master Giovanni, this time I have been ordered by Her Majesty Fergus to come to you, and I will enter the country of nightmare."

When Lin Yun said a word, Giovanni was shocked, and he glanced gently at Gioconi, and Gioconi was stunned. He didn't know what was going on.

Giovanni didn't dare to care about the undead king. He thought that someone was in trouble, and now looking at Gioconi's confused face, Giovanni's face turned black.

At this moment, there was a sudden wave in the surrounding space, and sky-level vampires and dark warcrafts suddenly appeared. The dense vampires and dark warcrafts were besieged here. At the place, a tens of meters thick black python raised his head and looked at Lin Yun coldly.

Zhe Linyun stood there and looked around for a while without any reaction, but Giovanni panicked, especially watching Gioconi's confused face, and flew Gioconi out.

Aunt, **** idiot, it turned out to be a single deported skeleton king, why didn't this idiot die.

The **** guy, the scarlet death sickle, is obviously two levels higher than this Skeleton King, but he can recognize this Skeleton King. This guy can be the kind of Skeleton King who has been expelled in battle without territory. What?

This is Her Majesty's Guard Knight. In addition to Her Majesty Fergus, who else can have the ability to let that weird death sickle recognize this 47th-level skeleton king.

Gio Connie, this stupid thing, almost made me make a big mistake, to kill Fergus's guard knights, do you want all the vampires to be torn by Fergus?

Giovanni's eyes were trembling, and the scary magic was a bit uncontrollable. He flew off Gioconni with a kick and hit the castle wall severely. His bones were broken by at least twenty. It's not much worse without being kicked.

After the suffocated maggot flew over Gioconi, Giovanni hurriedly waved at those ambushes around them, letting them retreat honestly.

Although the ambush men around him didn't understand it, they still withdrew honestly. Giovanni looked a little confused, and now he didn't understand what was going on, the Skull King was slightly relieved.

Good luck. This guy must not have been surrounded by people like this. I did n’t see that this was a trap. It really was Her Majesty's closest guard. They all said that Her Majesty Fergus was closest to the Skeleton King. It seems that the skinny guy may be the new generation of Skeleton King personally cultivated by Her Majesty Fergus. He is so small, but already has forty-seven, it will certainly not exceed three thousand years. No, it may be one thousand years. Nowhere.

Her Majesty Fergus took the shot in person, and certainly could not imagine ...

Just when Giovanni was relieved, Lin Yun suddenly turned around and walked towards the dark python on his back. The dark python did not listen to Giovanni's order ~ ~ still Staring up at Lin Yun.

Zhe Linyun floated slowly, floating in front of the dark python's face, and a wave of soul passed on ...

"Are you a descendant of Rick? Do you know where Rick has been recently? It has been a long time since he came to the undead plane ..."

Zhe Lin Yunping's bland soul wave was passed on, and the dark python's eyes changed immediately. The coldness and coldness instantly softened, and even the raised head lowered obediently.

"It turns out that you are a friend of Lord Rick, please forgive my offense. I do not know where Lord Rick has been recently. I am not qualified to appear in Gimhae ..."

The dark python bowed his head respectfully and answered Lin Yun's words without doubting what Lin Yun said.

There were n’t many pure bloodlines of the Dinosen family. Rick appeared on the level of the undead. It was a great joy for the Dinoson family. Because of this, these guys who have the blood of the Dinoson family followed. Less benefits.

的 The suppression of the blood veins is really a forty-eighth bloodline descendants. It must be honest to see Rick ...

Rick's return to the race is a big thing for the Dinosen family, but Rick's name has not been leaked. Even in the Dinosen family, all that is known is Rick's full name, which can be called Rick The name must be relatively familiar, except for the Dainson and their descendants, there must be no outsiders.

(To be continued)