MTL - Empress True Colors-Chapter 27v4 Vinegar jars collide

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"Be careful, don't make any noise!" The killer leader glared at Gong Yin, his eyes warning of murderous intent.

Gong Yin nodded apologetically, and simply retreated to the side, far away from the window. The group of people felt relieved and continued to discuss with their eyes what to do.

No one noticed that Gong Yin flicked his fingers, and a line of ice shot out from under the crack of the door, hitting the dead pig.

Gong Yin flicked his fingers again, this time the ice edge still passed through the crack of the door, but it missed the pig, it was stuck in a tree outside the house, there were countless small holes in the ice edge, when the wind passed by, it would emit A thin, sharp sound.

This sound was drowned in the hustle and bustle outside, even if someone heard it, they would only feel that the wind was screaming.

In the campsite not far from here, Nan Jin, who was meditating silently, suddenly raised her head.

She carefully identified the sound of the wind, and after a while, she walked out of the campsite and searched all the way to the village. Her eyes passed the noisy crowd, and finally landed on the tree.

She quietly floated up to the tree, and pulled out the icy edge. The icy edge would not melt in her hands. On the transparent knife surface, there were thin words "check the water source".

Nan Jin glanced at Jing Hengbo in the center of the crowd, then at the room, pursed her lips, and left silently.

On the dirt road in the mountain village, a large group of soldiers had already rushed to carry the pigs. There were too many people, and the assassins immediately gave up the idea of ​​assassinating the queen.

In the crowd, Jing Hengbo cheerfully directed everyone to do the work, "Just work here! Come here, bring a wooden basin, take the blood first, and I will make blood sausage! Then find someone who is good at playing with axes, come here and get rid of it!" pig!"

Everyone was a little surprised. People in the wilderness would not eat things like pig blood, so they threw them away. How could such disgusting things be eaten? Rumao drinking blood?

However, no one dared to disobey the queen's order. The soldiers quickly found wooden basins and began to collect pig blood. Suddenly, someone let out a "huh" and said, "Why is there something wrong with this blood..."

Jing Hengbo went over to take a look, and the pig looked normal on the outside, but the blood inside was too coagulated for some reason, especially the blood on the abdomen, which was almost covered with ice scum.

She glanced at it, remained calm, and directed the soldiers to collect the blood, and cut the clotted ones with a knife.

She squatted next to the smelly basin, holding her nose, and seemed to be very interested in watching the soldiers smash the blood clots.

There was a natural and busy scene outside, and the killers inside also relaxed a little, waiting patiently for the dark. It is estimated that the poison in the upstream water source had already been injected by then, and it was just a good time to fish in troubled waters.

Just as the killers were about to take a break, Jing Hengbo, who was squatting by the basin, suddenly raised his hand. At some point, the knife that the soldiers used to draw pig's blood was already in his hand, and the light of the knife flashed!

A killer standing behind the door and peeping through the crack of the door nearly got his nose pierced.

The atmosphere in the room froze, and before the killers had time to react, a figure flashed, and Jing Hengbo had already arrived at the door of the room, and kicked him, "Boom!"

The moment the gate was kicked open, the killers looked at each other, each jumped up, smashed through the roof and fled.

When the soldiers looked up, they saw a few black shadows fleeing in all directions, and they all chased after them with a whistle. Jing Hengbo didn't leave, but stood at the door, playing with the dagger in his hand, staring at the person who stayed in the room, and said with a smile: "Yo, who is this, looks familiar."

Gong Yin stared at her calmly, with a hint of a smile in his eyes, "It's just an abandoned son. Your Majesty is here all right?"

Jing Hengbo raised his eyebrows, why is this a bit of a pun? But is it wrong? Who is the abandoned son?

Seeing this guy's spotless, calm and calm appearance, she became angry—he got all the good things, and he did all the bad things, and he still refused to give up, making it seem like he was the victim, not abusive !

"Meeting twice is fate." She stepped forward and supported him with a smile, "Come on, now that you're here, I'll treat you to blood sausage."

Gong Yin didn't refuse either, and put his hand around her wrist, but Jing Hengbo put his hand away vigilantly, and said with a smirk, "Would you like to kiss each other, come here."

Two soldiers entered in response, Jing Hengbo said: "Please go out this gentleman, fix a small stool for him, and watch us pour blood sausage together."

Gong Yin's complexion seemed a little ugly, but his attitude was very cooperative, and he really sat obediently on the small stool brought by the soldiers. Jing Hengbo picked up a small stool and sat beside him, without looking at him, staring at the pig with great interest. A face full of heartlessness.

A large wooden basin was full of pig blood, still hot, with a strong fishy smell, and it went straight into people's noses.

Gong Yin's face remained unchanged, warriors don't have so many taboos about blood.

Jing Hengbo glanced at him, and ordered everyone to drag another basin over. It contained a whole set of intestines that had already been planted, washed initially, and needed to be washed again with flour. Fatty, greasy **** of mollusks floating in the basin, surrounded by reddish blood...

Gong Yin's face turned pale.

the large intestine!

In the past, such dishes and objects of this shape would never be served on his dining table—the noble and clean Longying family killed people without seeing blood, and such a **** thing as disembowelling is too inferior!

Chengcai's large intestine is unacceptable, and now this kind of large intestine...and the ecstasy, greasy, **** smell...Jing Hengbo judged from the corner of his eye, and according to the degree of Gong Yin's face getting paler, he can be sure of his The body must be shaking the river and the sea at this moment...

She decided to add another fire.

"This thing looks a little disgusting now, but it actually tastes delicious," she picked up a hanging intestine, and handed it to him graciously, "as long as you don't think about what it originally contained..."

Gong Yin quickly turned his head away.

Jing Hengbo quickly moved the small bench away.

Gong Yin spat out water all over the place with a "wow".

Jing Hengbo crossed his arms and listened to it with a smile. He thought the sound was very nice.

The meat is removed, the bones are boiled in broth, the steam is steaming in the cauldron, and the meat is fragrant.

He and the villagers bought salt, sugar, and a small amount of chili. In this era, there are not many seasonings to choose from. Fortunately, there are already chili peppers.

Add all kinds of spices into the cooked broth, stir well and let it cool. After passing through the basket, pour the broth into the pig's blood basin. A soldier pulled out a plant called wild vanilla, saying that adding this herb to meat was particularly fragrant. Jing Hengbo felt that the aroma was a bit like coriander. After confirming that it was non-toxic, he asked the Huotou army to chop up the soaked glutinous rice and mix it with pig blood. uniform.

Then pour the pig's blood into the cleaned large intestine, find the thread and tie it up in pieces, cook it in a pot, take it out after half an hour and let it cool.

Under the guidance of Jing Hengbo, the blood sausage was basically ready. This is the way of making blood sausage in the Northeast in modern times. Jing Hengbo saw that the small cake was made before. Naturally, there is no such way to eat it in the wilderness. The soldiers surrounded the pot and wondered, thinking It doesn't make sense that the combination of such a pot of fishy food and stinky intestines can make the aroma so attractive.

But Jing Hengbo felt that something was wrong. The Huotou army who went to buy glutinous rice just now told her that there was no food in the village, and the glutinous rice went to several nearby villages to collect it. The Huotou army also planned to buy some dry rations. The army ran out of dry rations, and none of the nearby villages had any. They had to go to Linzhou City to buy them.

The person sent out to treat the guests has not returned, and there is no news. The scouts reported that Yu Guangting's army had stopped fifteen miles away and did not approach any further.

This approach is a bit strange. There are many mountains nearby, and there are several mountain passes near the Hengji Army's camp. If Yu Guangting wants to catch a turtle in an urn, he can move forward a few miles and tie up several mountain passes, and he will be able to form a real siege on Jing Hengbo. trend. Now that they are loosely surrounded, Jing Hengbo's army can completely disperse into the mountains first, so what's the point of such a siege?

Jing Hengbo also made a second-hand plan. If Yu Guangting blocked the news that the hostages were still alive with one hand, and led the army to forcefully break in, she naturally planned to lure the enemy deep and disperse them. Not being surrounded made her a little passive.

What's even more strange is that there are no males in this village, and the rest are all old and weak, women and children. It is said that young and strong were conscripted into the city this afternoon. Although it sounds reasonable, the timing is too coincidental, and there is always a weird feeling the taste of.

Jing Hengbo was about to send someone to invite Pei Shu over to have a feast of whole pigs, and discuss the current situation by the way, when he saw Pei Shu striding over, sniffing his nose repeatedly while walking, "It smells so good, it smells so good!"

His robe and boots were covered with blood, but his expression was as if nothing had happened. Without waiting for Jing Hengbo to ask, he sat down at the table with the door panel already laid out, and said, "The assassins just now were directly sent to the camp. , It really came for the prisoners. I deliberately leaked the wind when people were patrolling, let them hear it, and led them into the tent where the prisoners were held. This group of people is really ruthless. They kill people when they rush in. I wait until they hurt one of them. .Killed one on the spot, captured two alive, and the rest ran too fast. But it’s nothing, it’s enough to capture alive and let the group of young masters hear the intentions of the killers.”

"It's really unlucky for these young masters and brothers to be captives. First they were killed by their own people from Yelu's family, and then they were killed by their own people sent by Yu Guangting. The people of Yu Kingdom have no other skills, and killing their own people is rather fragile. Turn around and send these guys in front of their father, and see if those Linzhou nobles will follow Yu Guangting to kill and set fire?" Jing Hengbo smiled and cut blood sausage, while Pei Shu looked eagerly at him, and used his eyes to signal "" Feed me a piece, feed me a piece!", Jing Hengbo didn't intend to pay attention at first, but out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of Gong Yin who was sitting on a small bench with his back to this side, and immediately picked up a piece of blood sausage with a smile, and stuffed it into Pei Shu's mouth, "Is it fragrant?"

"Delicious!" The young marshal answered loudly before he ate it, his eyes fixed on Jing Hengbo's fingers, and he didn't know whether to praise the blood sausage or his fingers.

Jing Hengbo glanced over there, the figure on the small bench was so calm.

"If you ask me, what Yu Guangting is trying to do is to block the news and secretly plot methods. It may not be easy for this group of prisoners to be blackmailed smoothly..." Pei Shu said as he chewed a few mouthfuls at will, his eyes flickered. Yiliang, "What is this? I've never eaten it before. It's fragrant and slightly spicy on the inside, soft and chewy on the outside, and has a special aroma... What's it made of?"

Jing Hengbo smiled but didn't answer, "Since we haven't invited any guests yet, we might have something to do tonight. In any case, the emperor doesn't send out hungry soldiers. If the guests don't eat, we'll have a full meal for ourselves first. We have fresh food for you today." You eat." After speaking, he clapped his hands and signaled for the food to be served.

Hot kidney, cold pig ears, large stewed meat, belly lung soup, cucumber mixed with pig heart, sauce-fried pig tail, white-cut pork belly, braised pork knuckle, tube bone soup, stewed pig head, double-cooked pork, sweet and sour pork ribs... Really Whole pig banquet, although the method in the military is rough and the materials are simple, it can’t stand the local pork, which is fragrant and fat, and the juice is mellow. Freshly killed and fried, it is hot out of the pot. After eating such a sumptuous banquet, one by one fell under the penetrating and powerful aroma, and swallowed loudly.

Jing Hengbo ordered large pieces of pork belly to be stewed for the soldiers, and called the leaders of the army to eat together. Pei Shu unceremoniously sat down on Jing Hengbo's left side, but no one dared to sit on her right side. Carefully sitting half of his buttocks on the stool, carefully laughing - how much he offended the queen before, now he is worried that the whole pig feast is poisonous.

The banquet was held in an open space at the entrance of the village, near a small stream, which is the main source of water in the village, and the source comes from Shangtou Mountain.

Nan Jin walked past the crowd with two bowls in her hand, a bowl of white water in her left hand and a bowl of rice in her right hand. She deliberately chose an upwind position so that the greasy meat and vegetables would not be blown by the wind and pollute her water and rice.

Her fluttering figure in white clothes on an independent height was full of incongruity with this steaming table of fat and greasy whole pig feast. Jing Hengbo looked at her back and decided not to call her.

Nan Jin was also very satisfied with this, she sniffed the smell of white water, and then sniffed the smell of herself. A little bloody.

She went up the mountain and found the skinny man who was sneaking around the water source. At that time, the guy was burying an iron fish that had been boiled with poison for a long time upstream, and the current would naturally take the toxin away. And last forever.

The so-called poisoning of water sources is not as easy as imagined, especially this kind of natural mountain water flow, with a large amount of water and great fluidity. Sprinkle some medicinal powder on it and it will disappear in a blink of an eye. Even so, it is impossible to poison all thousands of people Yes, what Yu Guangting wanted was for most of the people to lose their combat effectiveness so that he could strike again.

When the skinny man was satisfied that he was done, Nan Jin came, confiscated the iron fish, and killed him.

A few fire-headed soldiers were washing a few big pots, and then they directly lifted the meat pots and distributed them to the battalions.

Nan Jin walked past them, tipped the bowl in her hand, and the bowl of white water fell directly into the stream.

The firehead soldiers were going to get angry, and when they looked up and saw the female weirdo, they immediately shut up sensibly.

Nan Jin walked over with a blank expression.

Over there, Jing Hengbo and others were not surprised by her being out of group. Seeing everyone sitting down, Jing Hengbo held his chopsticks in his mouth, rolled his eyes, and greeted the small bench with a smile, "Hey! Do you want to come and eat together?"

Pei Shu suddenly turned his head, only now did he see Gong Yin who was surrounded by a group of soldiers, his expression changed immediately.

A hand was viciously pinching his thigh, and the smiling Jing Hengbo warned murderously in his ear, "Remember, I have lost my memory! I can't remember him clearly! I am a little familiar with him, so I am a little interested but still A bit of hostility, because my subconscious has this kind of feeling for him. It seems the most real. You just pretend to recognize him, but you refuse to recognize him because of dissatisfaction. You must cooperate with him, otherwise we will break up! "

Pei Shu opened her hand and snorted heavily—do you need to act? He was always in this mood, okay? He didn't bother to know this kind of person, okay? This person has been missing for more than a year, can't he go missing forever!

Jing Hengbo held his chin and looked at Gong Yin. This kind of rough banquet would definitely not be appreciated by the master of the state, who is not tired of eating and eating. Should he eat it or eat it or eat it?

But today, Gong Yin seems to have a particularly good endurance, he actually nodded, rushed to her side, and sat beside her unceremoniously.

All the soldiers were about to draw their swords immediately, Jing Hengbo waved his hands, why be so nervous, a pot of blood sausage is enough to bring him down.

She immediately and courteously dragged the blood sausage over, and deliberately put it in front of Gong Yin, "It's a guest after all, please, please."

As expected, Gong Yin's face turned pale again, and Jing Hengbo happily thought that he must be very unhappy to think of the pile of things in the basin just now.

Just as he was about to fan the flames again, suddenly a hand stretched out, took away the plate of blood sausage, put it in front of him, and said unceremoniously: "Why do you have to make such a face to the prisoner? I love this dish."

When Jing Hengbo turned his head, Young Marshal Pei Shu and Pei had a plate of intestines all to himself, devouring them hungrily, showing his incomparable enthusiasm for the dish.

Jing Hengbo gave him a blank look, brought the plate back, put it in front of Gong Yin, and smirked, "Sir, it's really fragrant. Special fragrance." The word "special" emphasized the tone.

Gong Yin's face didn't change, but Pei Shu's face turned blue.

Under the ardent eyes of Her Majesty the Queen, Gong Yin really picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of blood sausage and put it into his mouth.

Jing Hengbo turned his face away, ready to escape at any time, so as not to stain his clothes with vomit.

No vomit as expected.

She turned around in astonishment, and saw that Gong Yin had put down her chopsticks, and even slightly bent the corners of her lips towards her, saying: "It's really good, thank you Queen for your hospitality."

Jing Hengbo was startled, and looked at Gong Yin's face again and again, to make sure that he really had no desire to vomit, so he asked in disbelief, "Do you think it's delicious?"

Gong Yin nodded, his eyes clear.

This thing can indeed be imported, as long as you don't think about it.

The most important thing is that she had painstakingly arranged for it to be made, and she had clipped it for him herself, which she liked.

Jing Hengbo was stunned for a while, and suddenly remembered that in Yuzhao Palace, this guy didn't like to eat anything, and he would not eat anything. She often brought him food, and after a day, he could still see it intact. She was thinking hard about what she liked to eat. I always pity him for not being able to know the true flavor of the world, and I always pity his life, which is too pale and indifferent. Because of this, life loses its quality.

Could it be that he really likes blood sausage...

She suddenly turned her head and said to Huotoujun beside her: "How many pigs are there in this village? Buy all you can buy and kill them all. The meat is made into jerky, and the intestines... are all made into blood sausages."

After she finished speaking, she didn't look at Gong Yin, and said to herself: "I like it."

The corners of Gong Yin's lips curved slightly again, he picked up a piece of blood sausage and ate it himself, and gave another piece to Jing Hengbo.

Before Jing Hengbo could react, Pei Shu stretched out his hand again. The young commander's face was ashen, and he ate Jing Hengbo's blood sausage with a chopstick, and then took the plate of blood sausage, and poured it all into his bowl Here, bury your head and eat clean.

Jing Hengbo stared at him dumbfounded, and couldn't say anything. After thinking about it, he dragged the stomach and lung soup maliciously, and said to Gong Yin with a smirk: "Try this soup, it's also very good. It cleanses the intestines and moistens the intestines." The lungs complement the shape..."

Pei Shu's claws quickly stretched out again, snatched the bowl of soup in mid-air, and soaked it into his own bowl.

Jing Hengbo glanced at him, and stretched out his hand towards the pig's heart. Before his hand could reach the plate, the plate of pig's heart was poured into Pei Shu's own bowl again.

The people at the table stopped eating and stared blankly at the young marshal who was engrossed in eating.

Jing Hengbo patted his shoulder with a half-smile, "Hey, you really like eating so much."


Jing Hengbo took the plate of pig ears, "If you like it, I will give it to you naturally, do you like it?"

The young marshal then raised his head, glanced at the pig's ear, his complexion improved a lot, and while reaching out to pick it up, he said: "It's nothing more than a pig's ear, but don't take any disgusting things like pig's intestines, pig's heart, and pig's belly. Give it to me, I'll throw up when I look at it..."

Everyone at the table was dumbfounded. Jing Hengbo paused. After thinking about it, he said honestly, "Of course not, this table is full of meat, all meat."

Didn't the young marshal take a good look at it from the beginning to the end?

Think about it too, with the way he eats, can he see the food on the plate?

Everyone was kind and silent, Pei Shu came to pick up the pig's ears with a smile on his face, and gave Gong Yin a demonstrative glance.

Gong Yin sat upright without looking at him, suddenly smiled slightly and said: "Yes, it's all meat. I'll find out later today that the way pig intestines, heart, and belly are made like this is better than the taste of meat. Brother, you ate so much just now, do you feel good?"

Pei Shu's hand holding the plate stopped suddenly.

Then he lowered his head and looked at his bowl.

There is red oil floating on the snow-white belly soup, and a few dark red things floating, that shape, that shape...

"Crack." With a sound, the young marshal threw away his chopsticks and staggered away from the table. He rushed to the stream, and pushed away those fire-headed soldiers who were washing the pot...

Jing Hengbo sighed, put down the plate, "It's too unkind, it's too unkind..."

I don't know who I'm talking about.

The sound of the young commander's vomiting by the stream continued, and the young commander lay beside the water like a dead dog, his dying pale face was reflected on the mirror-like water surface.

And those eyes full of anger and slight murderous intent.

Behind him, Jing Hengbo and Gong Yin were talking and laughing, and they seemed to be having a good chat.

Gong Yin suddenly raised his head, and glanced at the back of Pei Shu who was vomiting wildly over there.