MTL - Emperor’s Conquest-Chapter 6 He Lan

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It was dark, bumpy, suffocated, and in the sound of the tuk tuk's horseshoe, I was surprised that my whole body was unable to move, my mouth was blocked, and no sound could be heard ... In the dark, I tried to widen my eyes, but I couldn't see anything.

This is a dream, it must be a nightmare.

I tried my best, but my limbs didn't have half the strength, and I couldn't lift a finger.

Only the rapid sound of beating came from my chest, echoing in the darkened space, almost hitting my chest.

The only thing that can be distinguished at this moment is the sound, and a little fuzzy perception.

The sound of horseshoes in his ears was stunned, and the sound of car collisions was heard from time to time.

This should be a speeding carriage, a small long box ... Is it a coffin!

Only the dead will lie in the coffin, but I'm still alive ... I have a chill on my back and a cold sweat.

Who is it that dares to murder me?

Could it be his father's political opponents, old hatred, or the court's anti-thief ... but how could it be possible to rob me?

Thousands of thoughts circled in my head, my body was stiff and numb, and my nose suddenly became astringent.

No, don't cry, I can't cry.

I bit my lips tightly, but tears slid into the corners of my eyes along the corners of my eyes, and fear and loneliness were overwhelming.

For the first time in my life, this taste is fear.

I do n’t know where I am, I do n’t know who I am, and the maid **** who hugged me a few days ago is not in sight at this moment.

This time, I was really helpless.

Ahead, what is waiting for me, the abyss of the abyss or the Longtan tiger cave, or the cold grave?

In the midst of faintness, I was terrified, cold and hungry, drowsing again and again, and woke up again and again in the bumps of the carriage.

The carriage was galloping non-stop for a moment, soberly, I tried to distinguish the sound in my ears. There seemed to be the sound of water, the voice of the market, and even the sound of wind and rain ... I do n’t know how long it has passed, it became colder and colder, Hungry and drowsy, I felt like I was going to die.

With a loud bang, I woke up, and the dazzling light almost made me unable to open my eyes.

When the figure shook, I was held back and dragged out, and my bones seemed to crack.

"This girl is going to die or not. Ask Laotian to come and take a look. Don't take your breath away!"

"Laotian is healing the young master. Where can I spare time to take care of her and throw it into the cellar, I can't die."

The people who spoke were so heavy that they did not resemble the people of Jingcheng, but the last cold voice was like a woman.

My eyes adapted to the dim and bright light in front of me, and when I looked faintly, the spine of the beam was broken, and the portal was rudimentary, like a dilapidated house.

There were several people in front of them, of different heights, all dressed up as herders of the North, hiding their faces under felt hats, which could not be distinguished.

My body was weak, my throat was dry and cracked, I was held up by a big man, and I stumbled into a door.

The man untied the rope in my hand, pulled out the ragged tuck in the mouth, and pushed me down on the haystack.

Another person came in and set something on the ground.

They folded back and closed, closing the door.

Leaning on the haystack, I had no strength to get up.

The nose smelled strange, familiar and fragrant, which suddenly made me hungry.

In front of him was a clay bowl laid down by the man, filled with half a bowl of ash.

Scent, the scent of cereals is coming out of this bowl.

I tried to stand up and climbed with all my strength ... I almost couldn't reach the bowl with my fingertips.

At this moment, if anyone is here, he will see the princess of Jinzhiyuye lie on the ground, and try his best to crawl forward like a dying beast ... just to reach this bowl of brown rice porridge.

I finally reached the bowl. I swallowed the rice porridge with a big mouth, and the rough grain bran scratched my throat sorely, but it tasted a hundred times better than Zhenyu. A salty bitterness tasted in his mouth, and his tears fell into the bowl.

I swallowed the last bite of rice porridge and said to myself silently in my heart—I would live, escape here alive, and go home alive.

My father and brother will come to save me.

I finally knew that nothing in the world could be more important than living.

The cellar is much better than the previous coffin.

There is at least dim light, and the dry haystacks are no longer bumpy and cold.

Tired and sleepy, when drowsiness struck, I curled myself into the haystack.

At this moment, I was so homesick, I missed my parents, my brother, my son-in-law ... silently thinking about the person who cares about me, every time I think of a person, I have more courage.

Even, I thought of Xiao Yan.

I have a hero's husband, who can calm down the world, and it will inevitably make the thief guilty.

When I was drowsy, I fell into a dream. I dreamed of my husband-in-law for the first time ... The general with swords and horses greeted me from afar and stretched out my hand, but I could not see his face . King Yuzhang, did you come to save me ...

I don't know how long after that, the door lock rang, and someone came in and dragged me out of the cellar.

In the shabby wooden house, I saw the "Daughter of the Wu Family" that day in Huang Yiting.

The woman in front of her was wearing a bloated cotton robe, a felt hat, and men's clothing. Her face was beautiful, but her face was fierce, and she looked more vicious than the big men standing next to her.

I smiled at her, but she stared at me coldly, cursing in her mouth, "I don't know who lives!"

The three men behind her were all burly, with high boots and swords, and looked like outsiders.

The doors and windows inside the house were tightly closed, the walls were empty, tables and chairs were skewed, and sacks of hay were scattered in the corners. There was a side door on the right hand, and the curtain was hanging strictly, a faint smell of medicine drifted out of the room.

I was thinking that I was afraid that it was north, approaching the customs, and I was suddenly pushed to the side door.

A bearded old man raised the curtain and whispered into the door, "Young master, people brought it."

"Come in." A cold man's voice came.

The light in the room was even dim, and I saw only a person lying on the dirt on the opposite side.

The strong smell of herbs emanated from the medicine jar. It was astringent, and the old man silently backed out, and the curtain was lowered again.

The man appeared to be injured, leaning on his cymbal, and staring at me coldly.

"Come here." The man's voice was low and he couldn't discern emotions.

I raised my hand and sorted out the hair, Xu Bu walked to his bed.

Looking through the shimmer of the window slit, my eyes fell into a pair of dark and deep eyes.

It was a very young man with a pale face, a deep outline, long eyebrows flying obliquely, and his tight thin lips without blood, but his eyes were sharp and imposing, implying sharpness.

I froze for a while and couldn't believe that such a person would be a bandit who robbed me.

This frosty and solitary face was pity for the thin place, and it seemed to be a thousand miles away from the cold place.

His eyes seemed to penetrate my face.

"Sure enough, she is a beauty." He smiled coldly, "Xiao Yun is so beautiful."

Overhearing him mentioning Xiao Yan, I was mistaken for a moment, but he leaned forward and reached out and pinched my chin.

I was startled, pulled back and scolded, "Gentleman!"

"Gentleman?" He leaned on the side of the couch, leaned over and laughed, his body covered in white and stained with scarlet blood.

"But please enlighten the princess, what is a gentleman?" He was pale and still sick, and those burning eyes were not converging, staring at me freely, full of frivolity.

"That's right, I'm confused." I looked at him lightly. "The son-in-law can both labor and mobilize the crowd, rob a female stream, and it can be seen that it's ridiculous to talk about the gentleman's way with the son-in-law."

His eyes were clear, with anger and sneer, "The princess is courageous."

"The son is over." I looked at him calmly.

He was still laughing, but his smile was getting colder and colder. "Man is a sword, you are a fish. Can the princess really survive or die?"

I am silent.

There was a mop on his lips.

"No, I'm afraid of death." I sighed, raised my eyes and smiled at him, "but you won't let me die."

The sneer lingered on his lips, he was lost for a moment.

"I'm still useful, aren't I?" I stepped to an old chair, brushed the dust off, and sat down with a smile.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at me like a wolf looking at his prey.

In his eyes, my skin gradually became cold, and my heart was filled with unbearable discomfort.

"Useful is useful." He smiled lightly and looked at my feet from the head. "But it depends on how I like to use it."

I froze, and my heart was cold, but an anger rushed up-no one dared to be so presumptuous towards me, and blatantly exported lightly.

"The hero of King Yuzhang is world-heavy. If he knew that his princess had lost her virginity to Helan after all ..." His eyes were burning and his smile was cold and pressing. "What do you think, General Xiao?"

I looked up arrogantly, as if struck by a shock.

He Lan, he is a Helan tribe.

Heran, this tribe is almost forgotten.

More than a hundred years ago, the Helan Ministry gradually grew from a small nomadic clan, established its own territory, established the country of Helan, and paid tribute to our dynasties to exchange business and travel. Many Helan people were intermarried with the Central Plains, gradually assimilated by the Central Plains etiquette, and their language etiquette was no different from the Central Plains.

Later, during the seven-year turmoil, Turks took the opportunity to invade. In order to protect themselves, He Languo attached Turkid and turned against China.

The Turkic peoples occupied northern Xinjiang for many years, until they were broken by Shuohe in Shuohe, stalemate for three years, and finally lost the desert.

At that time, He Languo followed Turks and the enemy, and cut off the road that our army must pass, burning the grass and forcing General Ningshuo Xiao Xiao to become furious. He siege the army and besieged Helan City, forcing King Helan to commit suicide. Drop, pledge allegiance to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yue left a guard in Helan, and the army continued to pursue Turks northward.

Unexpectedly, the royal family of the Helan family in the city took advantage of Xiao Zhe's departure and launched another rebellion, killing the garrison in the city, attacking with Turk on both sides, and attacking Xiao Zhe's army. In that battle, our army suffered heavy losses. The **** battle lasted two days and two nights and finally repelled the powerful enemy. He Lan's soldiers and horses were wiped out, and the royal family retreated from the city. He Lan Shizi asked to descend again. Xiao Xun refused to allow him to break into the city. He killed more than 300 people of the Royal Family of He Lan, and the whole family of He Lan Shizi bowed to the city.

"Prince, do you know how your husband ’s merit was obtained? How many injustices do you have under the glory of your door?" He leaned over and stared at me, his face as white as a frost, and his face was so white that it was scary, "He On the day of the Lan's overthrow, more than 300 people from the royal family were slaughtered by him, not even the babies who were just born! The ordinary people were trampled by iron hoofs, such as crushing a cricket ant ... "

I bit my lip and couldn't sit still, I didn't want to be half-blind in front of him, my heart gradually became cold, but the blood rushed straight behind my ears to my cheeks.

He stood up arrogantly, his eyes seemed to have two clusters of faint flames, and was pressing towards my heart, "You have seen lone widows and widows, starved to death and starved to death, beside the gangway, the bones were gnawed by beasts; the white-haired old man buried the tragic children and grandchildren; the village In a blink of an eye it became a sea of ​​fire ... just because they are not Central Plains, should they be in this tragedy? "

I closed my eyes suddenly, I didn't dare to listen any more, I didn't dare to think about it, but a scene of blood and red appeared in front of me.

This is not true, he lied to me! There was a voice in my heart that echoed unwillingly. King Yuzhang was a hero of the world, and he was not what he called a tyrannical insult!

Even though my heart was struggling, I still gritted my teeth and said nothing.

The throat tightened sharply, and the pain was immediate.

He strangled me fiercely, his eyes crimson and blood, holding me on the chair, the hard armrests against my back to break.

I couldn't even make a cry.

"Don't put on this pretentious look ... I see how noble you can be, and when you can hold up!" He was furious, yanked me up, and pulled him in front of him.

His hands were bony, but his strength was strange. I was dragged straight down to the couch and fell into his arms.

In the horror of struggling, I didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly my elbow bumped into his chest.

With a low hum, the force holding me abruptly released. I fell to the ground and raised my eyes, but saw him cover his chest with one hand, and a bright red wound appeared on his chest.

He hated looking at me, his face was pale, his body trembled suddenly, his throat coughed, and blood dripped from his lips, shocking.

I covered my mouth and held back the exclamation, my heart jumping suddenly.

Huo Ran glanced up at the window next to the bed.

The blinds cut off the eyes of surveillance outside the door, no one heard the sound inside, and the person on the couch was injured and relapsed ... Right now, it was the chance to escape.

I couldn't help avoiding taboos, stepped on the bed, bypassed the man's curled body, pushed open the window, and a wind came in.

Outside was a gray and yellow messy pasture. As soon as I gritted my teeth, I was going to wear it short and suddenly heard a groan behind me.

I saw the man covering his chest and trembling, as if enduring great pain, trying to reach out to the medicine bowl next to the couch, but it was almost out of reach.

His skinny body curled up like a baby, a low-dumb moan came from his throat, his face was pale and almost transparent, and he seemed to be out of breath the next moment.

I reached out the window halfway, but hesitated at this moment.

He could barely reach the medicine bowl, if not, I'm afraid that the disease would die ... I hit him on the elbow, and did not expect that it would cause old injuries and even kill him.

In front of me is a living person, because of me, my life is on the line.

But he is the remnant of the foreign race ... I am confused in my heart, and the difference between life and death is only one thought.

Could it be that a good person is going to die in my hands today?

But the man suddenly opened his eyes and looked to me--for a moment, I seemed to see Zi Zi. He used to be so helpless and sick and looked at me so sadly that he did not want me to leave. He was half a step ahead of his bed.

That's how sad eyes drew into my heart, and my heart seemed to collapse softly.

That's it! After all is a life! I went back to my bed and raised the medicine bowl.

He didn't have the strength to raise his hand, so I had to put the medicine bowl near his mouth and pour a little bit of medicine into his mouth.

He breathed a sigh of relief, still pale, but fixed his eyes on me, his eyes helpless, like a child helpless.

This look, for some reason, caused me to tremble slightly while holding the bowl of medicine.

He leaned on me, frowned, and gasped slightly.

I raised my sleeve and wiped the blood off his lips.

I couldn't delay anymore. I looked back at the door, put him down, and tightened my cuffs when I turned around—it was he who grabbed my sleeve.

"After all, I saved you once, let me go." I sighed, pulled out my sleeves, and leaned over the window to jump out.

Falling on the soft haystack under the window, I crawled up and rushed.

I didn't run out of my feet, I suddenly tripped under my feet and was entangled in my clothes. I fell to the ground and hit my knee with pain.

In front of him, it was bright, snowy, and knife bright.

I slowly gritted my teeth and sat up, my heart fell straight into the valley.

"Are you more than a dozen people blind when you are outside, and you can run if you say you are running?" A coarse man's accent laughed.

A pair of thick black hands reached out to me, and I sideways avoided, coldly, "No need to bother, I walk back!"

"Hey, hot girl!" The man's detective grabbed again.

I looked up arrogantly, glanced coldly at him.

The man froze and was calmed by me. He watched me get up, calmly manage my clothes, and followed me all the way back to the house.

Stepping inside the door, he was met with a "slut".

Before I could see clearly, the figure in front of me moved, the ears were crisp, and my face suddenly became hot.

The girl in men's clothing raised her hand and her palm, "Slut, dare to offend the young master, and dare to run!"

The eyes were dark, and the smell of bleeding was leaking from my mouth ... In shame, tears rushed into my eyes involuntarily. I bit my teeth over my face and stiffly returned tears.

The girl raised her hand again, but heard a yell, "Stop, leaflet!"

The old man with long beard came out from behind the door and said in a deep voice, "The young master commanded that you should not be rude to the princess."

"What's wrong with the young master?" The young girl ignored me and asked the old man anxiously.

The old man glanced at me lightly, "It's okay to take the medicine in time."

The crowd was so busy taking care of their young master that they took me back to the cellar again.

This time, probably to prevent me from escaping again, I tied my hands and feet with twine.

The cellar door closed shut, and in the dark, I smiled bitterly at myself.

Fortunately, I have good intentions, otherwise I don't know how to be tortured by them ... I knew that running was also a white run, it would be better to sell more favors to the young owner.

I hope good people have good rewards.

Unexpectedly, the good news really came.

As soon as I woke up, the young girl leaflet led me out, untied the ropes, and took me to the backyard. I could not help pushing a felt shed.

There was a bucket of hot water and a clean jersey.

I took a deep breath, immersed my whole body in the water, regardless of their purpose, and forgotten that they were in danger, and only felt that there was a bucket of hot water to take a bath.

I changed into clean clothes and rolled up my wet hair, and I walked out of the felt shed refreshingly.

The little girl said nothing, and stepped forward and tied my hands again, the twine was tied tightly and tightly.

I smiled at her painfully, "You don't look good in men's clothes. Your young master should prepare an extra set of women's clothing."

She blushed and slammed under my ribs.

My aunt said that women torture women more than men.

I was taken to the young master's room again.

He still leaned on the couch, his gaze lingered on my face for a long time, and moved to my hand.

"Who bound you?" He frowned. "Give me your hand."

He leaned forward and reached out to untie the rope between my wrists. His fingers were thin and slender, and he only had a little warmth in his palms ... somewhat like a cricket.

Zi Xi's hands are as pale as jade, but warm and soft.

"It's bruised." He held my wrist.

I pulled out my hand, stepped back, and watched him quietly.

He also looked at me quietly, for a long time, and smiled slowly, "regret to save me?"

"Raising my hand, I can't regret it," I said lightly.

He was silent for a moment, and then sneered, "Xiao Ye killed a man like a hemp, and married a princess-hearted princess, ridiculous, ridiculous!"

I also smiled, "If the general did not kill the enemy, would he still learn from a medical doctor?"

He sneered, "You're very good at protecting your husband-in-law, but unfortunately King Wang Yuzhang doesn't know pity and love, but she's been left out for three years."

I squeezed my lips tightly, and tried to suppress the anger in my heart. I refused to be pierced by him. I only said coldly, "Just letting down the housework is outsider."

"Everyone knows your grievances, and why is the princess strong?" He smiled, but his words were extremely poisonous.

"You are not me, how do you know I'm wronged?" I proudly said, "Xiao Zong is nothing but my husband's husband, and it must not be vilified by outsiders."

He didn't say a word, always looked at me, and half a moment sighed.

"Wang Wang." He thought about it, whispered my name, and looked up at me, "Why don't you take the opportunity to kill me, but save me?"

Why did I save him? Because he is a little similar to Zi Zi, or because of my wife ... I can't answer myself.

"Everyone has a secretive heart." I bowed my head slightly.

He heard him suddenly sneer, "Heartless heart!"

His eyes were bright, his anger was bursting, and his smile was vicious. "It's rare that you have this hidden heart, and it is better to use your life to atone for Xiao Xuan."

I don't know why he was angry with him and immediately raised his head, "Have you ever heard of the Langya Wang family who fears death?"

He stared at me burningly, his chest rising and falling, as if suppressing great anger, "Get out, get out!"

After that, I was still locked in the cellar, but I was taken to the room to serve him during the day.

The so-called waiter, besides taking medicine and delivering water, just sat beside him to listen to him, and occasionally he was abused.

I am silent and obedient, and no longer needlessly resist, I just keep an eye out for the opportunity to escape.

When he was awake, he would talk to me about insignificant gossip and occasionally smile. In addition, he spent most of his time scolding his subordinates, moody, and often punished severely.

Only when he is drowsy, his appearance is calm and delicate, not as gloomy and irritable as usual.

Gradually realized that this person was extremely arrogant and sensitive. He hated being compassionate and sympathetic. Even if others were out of kindness and showed more concern for him, he felt that the other person was sorry for him, and immediately turned angry.

Those subordinates were extremely loyal to him. Regardless of how they yelled at and scolded, they respected and made no complaints.

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