MTL - Emperor’s Conquest-Chapter 45 Joy and sorrow

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Outside of Mingluo Yanluo's account, the doctor who knelt down on the ground, Xiaoyu lost his hand and hurried back and forth.

Never before have so many people entered the inner room together, almost all the medical staff in the hospital are here. Opening my eyes and seeing this scene made my heart tighten suddenly, so scared I couldn't speak out. The memory of the postpartum child suddenly came out of my mind. This time, it was the same result ... I dare not think about it. I tried to stand up, but shocked the maid outside the curtain and whispered, "The princess is awake! "

Xiao Yan turned around hurriedly, rushed to the bed, regardless of the outsider's side, opened the bed curtain with one hand, and fixed his eyes on me, seemingly speechless.

The crowd hurriedly withdrew, and in the blink of an eye, only me and him were left, facing each other in silence. I was suddenly afraid to hear the worst results from his mouth like last time. However, he grabbed me suddenly, and said dumbly, "How dare you hide me from taking such a risk!" I looked at him, wondering if he knew, so to speak ... as if something hit my heart , Quickly spread out in his body, burst out thousands of rays, shining bright in front of his eyes.

"Ah! You stupid girl ..." He choked, holding me carefully, as if holding fragile light porcelain in his palm, his eyes could not tell whether it was shock or joy. I stared at him dumbly until his passionate kisses fell on my forehead, cheeks, lips ... I couldn't believe that God's care came so easily, and the child I dreamed of came so quietly.

Before we could recover from the surprise and tension, the people of Daohe were about to break the threshold of the palace.

The last accident left us with anxiety. Taiyi was particularly worried that I could not bear the twists and turns again.

Xiao Yan issued a totally unreasonable ban, which confined me to the inner room for three days, and was not allowed to leave the bed, and no one was allowed to disturb my recuperation. Even his brother and Queen Hu were rejected by him. It wasn't until the elder doctor determined that I was healthy and healthy, then the ban was lifted and I returned to be free. Everyone is happy, but there is more anxiety behind this joy. I know better than anyone about the dangers of a little carelessness. Xiao Xuan was even more distressed and worried all day.

Even the Physician was worried that I could not bear the pain of childbearing, but the world was amazing. Instead of being sick, I was very good. I even picked out the food I hated and suddenly liked it. Seems to have infinite vitality. Aunt Xu laughed and sighed, saying that this child must be a naughty little boy. A Yue said that she hoped to be a fairy-like little county owner. The meaning of Shizi and the lord of the county is naturally very different. I had been expecting the boy with all my heart before, but at this time, I suddenly felt that everything was not important, as long as it was our child.

My brother was finally able to see me, and stepped into the door and yelled at Xiao Xiao for being too jerk, how could he keep his uncle out? Although he was already a son and a daughter, he was very happy to be the uncle for the first time. The servant who accompanied him was only Bise, but Zhu Yan, who always followed him, disappeared. I asked Zhu Yan casually, but my brother's face went down immediately.

My elder brother told me that on the same day Xiao Yan confined Qian Er and his aunt in the town government. However, while Aunt Xu entered the house to look after me, her mother and daughter fled overnight, shocked Wumen Weiwei, and was captured on the spot. The matter spread to Emperor Beijing immediately, and everyone knew it. And I was trapped in Xiao Fu's house, I didn't even know the slightest news. "

I was furious and interspersed, "What a mess! What is the town government, how can they let them flee?"

The elder brother's face was iron-blue, "It was Zhu Yan who secretly assisted and let them escape among the maids."

"Zhu Yan?" I looked at my brother's face, and I didn't know what to say for a while. I was just sorry for Zhu Yan.

"I was negligent in this matter, but I didn't expect my aunt to take advantage of her." The elder brother sighed heavily.

The aunt and Zhu Yan have always been intimately connected, and even more confessed that she had become a righteous daughter. I was only when Zhu Yan was born in Weiwei and had no mother since I was a child. I just wanted to climb back to the head of the Wang family. Now it seems that she really obeys her aunt so much, and sincerely treats Qianer as her sister's general care. Zhu Yan Shuanglang's candid smile passed before her, and the woman in a red dress, smiling like a flower, knew that she was confused, and she had pushed herself into the abyss.

Wang's daughter, who will be with pro-Turks, has spread all over Emperor Beijing. However, Wang Qian fled abruptly, making it so well known that the whole city's joke spread throughout the night. Lord Dang Xiangxiang, indulge in helping the cousin flee, and ignore the affairs of the pro-family-this word spread, brother is not only indifferent, but it is even more difficult to blame for the uncontrollable guilt.

All kinds of rumors are flowing, and bad things are spreading at the fastest speed. The more the pressure, the wider the spread.

Wang Qian can no longer be selected as a close relative. In desperation, I can only choose another person from the royal family daughter, as the righteous daughter of the queen mother, acting as the daughter of the Wang family.

At the moment, I had to stand up and clean up the mess to stop the crowd.

The more embarrassed you are, the less tired you can be. After finishing my makeup, I slowly turned around and gazed at myself in the mirror—Gong Jinhua clothing, wide-sleeved belt, Emei Gaofeng's phoenix bow, and the light flow. The bead dansand was evenly applied to both cheeks, to hide the paleness of the color, and a touch of crimson dyed to the brows added the killing color. In this seemingly acquainted Rongguang, I clearly reflected the aunt's shadow.

The ceremonial guards were magnanimous, he was strict, and he drove straight into the palace.

Empress Hu with a crown of phoenixes, hurried out of the palace hall.

"The courtier met the queen." I owed myself and was rushed forward by Queen Hu.

"Fasten up, princess Wanjin's body, no need to be polite." Although Hu Hu was also shocked by my coming, she was still calm and decent, without losing the main style of the sixth house.

I no longer humbly reciprocate with her, and said positively, "The courtiers are here today to plead guilty to the queen."

Queen Hu was frightened and panicked, "Why did the princess say this?"

"The court officials have no way of discipline, so that the younger sister was arrogant. She made a big mistake the day before, and the queen must have known it." I looked at her lightly.

Queen Hu froze and nodded sternly, "Slightly heard."

I said unequivocally, "This incident arises from the unscrupulous discipline of the ministers, and it is hard to blame. Wang Qian's loss, delays and pro-events have shamed the country. The ministers and daughters will now hold the mother and daughter of Xinyuan Hou. Before sending it to the emperor, let the queen fall. "

The housekeeper brought her mother and daughter. After a few days without seeing it, her mother-in-law's hair was messy, her old-fashioned appearance was evident, and Qianer's face was dim, but she was still stubborn.

Aunt Xu hated her mother and daughter, and apparently put in ruthless remediation, followed by the four uncles at the back, all exhorting the fiercely famous person in the division.

"Although the circumstances can be justified, the actions of the two of you are too confusing after all." Queen Hu looked at me side by side, nodded when she saw me, and said with a dumb look. Discuss ... "

"The queen, the prince broke the law and committed the same crime with the people. It must not be blocked by the court, which is against justice." I interrupted Queen Hu's words, and spoke coldly. If you don't check, you should be sent to the Discipline Department for discipline. "

When Queen Hu suffocated, she was silent on both sides. These three words, the Division of Admonitions, are the last nightmare that every palace person wants to hear, which means that life will be worse than death in the future.

The aunt dropped to the ground, her eyes straight, as if she was lost. Qian'er struggled to help her, and Aunt Xu stepped forward, blocking her.

Qianer turned her back and stared at me, "Sister Grandma, I heard that you are pregnant, and Qianer hasn't had time to say hi to you. You must take care of your body, don't make mistakes, otherwise you will be two dead ..." "

Her last word for "life" had not been exported yet, and Aunt Xu raised her hand in a slap in the face, making her fall straight.

"Qianer!" Auntie screamed, struggling to reach her, before being touched by her robes, she was dragged back by two uncles.

The aunt finally became hysterical, "You killed my son and you have come to hurt my daughter. Sooner or later, you will be punished if you fill the door!"

"Take it." I indifferently listened to my aunt's yelling and scolding, and was dragged out with Qianer.

Queen Hu sat aside, her head bowed and silent, her face pale, as if she had never recovered from the shock.

The crime of Qianer can be either light or heavy. With Xiao Qiao's power, no one dares to put a beak face to face, even if I want to force it down.

However, the harsh punishment of my aunt and Qianer shocked everyone who was waiting to see the movie. Before the crowd was too late to criticize them, they had choked them.

The elder brother negotiated with Xiao Xun to stay in the house for dinner until the evening.

The audience was talking and laughing, A Yue came in hastily, and reported to the director of Jiangxia King's House that he had an urgent need to see him.

"What's the big deal, I can chase here." The elder brother lowered his face and was displeased. He has been very upset about Zhu Yan these days.

I passed an inexplicable ominous heart, and was trying to comfort him, but saw that the director rushed in, and even the courtesy number was not perfect, I fell on my knees, looking like dirt, "Hey, there is something wrong in the palace."

"What's the trouble?" The brother didn't look up, he put the silver goblet aside, and raised the glass.

"Mrs. Zhu killed herself."

With a crisp crackle, the jade cup slipped from his brother's hand and fell to pieces.

Zhu Yan has always been my elder brother's favorite waiter. Even if he made such a mistake, the elder brother never severely blame him, but just banned her and made her think behind closed doors and ignored them for several days.

No one could have imagined that Zhu Yan, who was so fierce and fierce, could not bear the scorn of his elder brother, nor could he bear the ridicule of the other aunts in the house, even hanging himself. And the one who provoked Ji Ji to fall down the rocks, who was irritated with Zhu Yan, was the sister who was with her and had a deep affection, Bise. The elder brother could only see the colorful and beautiful scenes on weekdays, and the romantic side was hidden behind the splendid flowers, only he could not see it.

The death of Zhu Yan and the cruelty behind the controversy over Ji Ji made his brother frustrated. In the past, the crippled death has caused him to blame himself till now, and now he increasingly believes that he has hit with evil, and all women around him can hardly escape the desolate ending.

Three days after Zhu Yan's funeral, his brother expelled Ji Ji, who had no children in the house, as much money as possible to return home.

The elder brother is the one who truly loves fragrance and loves jade. Even if he is as vicious as blue, he can't bear to be executed, only to drive her out of the house.

He said that all women in the world are poor people. This sentence was spoken by his brother. I don't know if it is epiphany or helplessness.

I accompanied my brother and watched him close Shuyu Bekkan himself. In the past, the infinite currents were locked behind the heavy door, locked in dust.

He turned suddenly, still in white clothes like snow and a jade crown, still a little uninhibited, but his eyes could not hide the loneliness.

"Let's go back." I stood beside him as a child and took his hand. He looked down at me with warm eyes.

Aunt Xu deeply hates her mother and daughter, and believes that everything is wrong with them, if not they would not hurt her brother.

She accompanied me to walk along the path of the purple dill, thinking that I was too soft-hearted all the way, she should directly kill Wang Qian and never suffer future troubles.

For a long time, she had never seen her so excited, after all, her brother was also a child who had grown up watching her.

Wisteria branches are hanging from the top of the head.

I sighed and stretched out my hands. My slender fingers were pale and bloodless. "These hands have been stained with blood and countless bloods. I just hope that I will never stain the blood of my loved ones."

Aunt Xu's eyes shook, and she sighed a long time, still hesitating, "The old slave was only worried about leaving evil in the future."

I smiled, and my heart was endless. "The so-called aftermath is nothing but my own timidity ... love, hate, and blessings are all in my own hands.

I chose the list of royal daughters of the royal princess, and I read it over and over again and again, and couldn't find a person whom I wanted. Every family with some prestige forces is reluctant to let her daughter marry a foreign country, and the candidates who can report are all women who have not fallen into the court. I don't need this woman to be so smart and beautiful, but I ask her to be loyal and reliable. She must be loyal to her country and Xiao Xiao.

In the middle of nowhere, Gu Caiwei suddenly came to see him. Maybe I haven't seen her for a long time. I don't know how she is now.

This girl didn't ask for a temper easily, and suddenly came to the door today, probably because of her brother.

As per my order, A Yue took her straight to the study to see me. It's gloomy today, I'm too lazy to move, I just sit in the study and read some old music.

The curtain was half-rolled, and Qian Ying, who was wearing a crimson shirt, entered, and Yingying bowed down, greeting me.

This exquisite make-up makes her look more and more beautiful, with a smile between her brows and eyes, unlike the melancholy of the past.

"Good Peugeot." I smiled and praised, "Sit, you don't have to be polite here."

She sat down and spoke gently, "Congratulations to the Princess."

I smiled, "Thank you for your interest."

"Cai Wei is negligent, and her congratulations come late." She spoke like a mosquito, her cheeks flushed, as if she could not speak.

I ca n’t help but jokingly, “I'm not used to these scenes, so I can learn what kind of politeness.”

She bit her lip flushed, but took a long breath and laughed herself. Looking at her embarrassed and embarrassed, I became more and more impressed with her.

"It's not a gift. I'm really happy." She looked up, her eyes bright.

Her words warmed my heart. "I understand." I looked at her with a smile, and said softly, "Cai Wei, you are different from others. Congratulations must be sincerely congratulations to me. This kind of intention is more valuable than any gift. Thank you." She blushed again , Bowed his head, but smiled. I waited quietly for a long while before seeing her, and suddenly felt that I was a villain's heart, maybe she came to the door just to congratulate her, and asked nothing.

When she wanted to speak, she saw that she was kneeling down and kneeling directly before me. "Princess, Cai Wei came to the door today, one for the congratulations, and the other for something."

This girl is okay, just a little restrained and awkward. I smiled, "You speak and listen." "Cai Wei ventured to marry Turki." She lowered her head, didn't look, but her voice was firm. I suspected that I had heard it wrong, and looked at her suddenly, and then I gradually remembered, "Why?" She seemed to have prepared her speech, and said a word of righteousness, as if recitation was smooth. "These words are left to the court officials to say, I will only ask you the truth." I frowned, stood up, and walked in front of her. Gu Caiwei didn't look up and didn't reply, her thin shoulders trembled a little, and finally she raised her head with tears in her eyes, but her eyes were firm. "Since asking him for nothing, you can always remember me."

"Funny!" I turned around, "Do you think King Jiang Xia will keep you?" Gu Caiwei shook her head suddenly, "No!" "How can my children's feelings be confused with the affairs of the country?" I turned around. She rebuked sharply, "I don't want to hear any more of this kind of words, you go back." With a touch behind her, she touched the ground with her forehead and fell heavily on the ground. "This life can't be loved, even if you marry someone else, it is melancholy. Princess, you are a woman, please be compassionate!" I am angry, "You are still so young, what do you say melancholy!"

Aunt Xu came in and lifted the curtain, and probably heard my anger outside. When she saw the situation, she sank her face coldly. "The princess needs to be meditative and not disturb."

I smiled bitterly, and waved my hand, "I'm tired, you step down." Gu Caiwei knelt there, just crying silently, stubbornly refused to get up. Her Majesty's unbearable heart, I went straight away and explained that Aunt Xu must not be rude to her, as long as she is not noisy, let her go. I leaned on the couch, frowning and pondering, thinking about what happened to Gu Caiwei, so discouraged and desperate that I didn't feel lethargic.

As soon as I woke up in the evening, I just washed up and saw Xiao Yue step into the room. He split his face and asked, "What happened to the woman at the door?"

"What woman?" I was inexplicable.

"That's what ..." He frowned, remembering his name for a moment, "the daughter of Gu's family."

I yelled, "Gu Caiwei! She's still there?" Xiao Yan nodded. "It's her. Did you punish her for kneeling at the door? What went wrong?" I was suddenly speechless, and now it was dark and thick. Dense, faintly wind and rain are approaching, and the night wind blows down the curtains. Someone was sent to the palace of the King of Jiangxia to ask his brother to come, but his brother has not come for a long time. There was a little rain in the night breeze, and the wind and rain were approaching. Gu Caiwei still knelt before the door, almost a day.

"If Grandma doesn't come, she plans to kneel here all the time?" Xiao Hui frowned impatiently.

"What is it." I raised an eyebrow at him, and sighed again. "That is also a poor and respectable woman. Don't say her like that."

Xiao Min was surprised, "It's rare that you can say that a little woman is respectable."

I sighed, "She dares to persist, neither to give up her dream in her heart, nor to seek out the idea of ​​division."

Xiao Min silently nodded and said, "It's rare."

A gust of wind rolled the bead curtain high, and the more crisp and clear it sounded, the more disturbing it was in my ears.

The maid was busy closing the long window.

"King Jiang Xia has arrived." A Yue raised the curtain and whispered.

Xiao Yi and I looked back and saw my brother appeared lonely at the door in white.

"Brother, what's going on with her?" I frowned, and I didn't know where to ask.

He let out the maid with exhaustion and sat down in depression.

"I've seen Cai Wei, and she refused to listen to me." There was no smile on my brother's face, nor did he see the plain, uninhibited Luo Tuo.

"Isn't she looking forward to your change of heart?" I wondered.

The elder brother brought the tea cup and silently did not answer.

I wanted to ask again, but saw Xiao Yan shaking his head slightly.

The elder brother murmured, "She came to see me in the house that day, maybe I said it too terribly ... I didn't know that Gu Yunwen forced her to marry, but I just wanted to stop her imagination. "

Unexpectedly, there are such two reasons in the middle, and the thought of the elder brother Gu Caiwei's villain made him tired of life.

"Who did Gu Yunwen promise her?" I remembered that she said that instead of marrying someone else, it was better to marry Turki far away.

My brother frowned, "It is the home of the Northwest merchant Jia Haofu."

In my anger, before I spoke, I heard Xiao Yan's cold hum, "Shameless."

These two words are used in Gu Yunwen's body, which is too apt, this behavior is almost a villain. At this point, the Gu family was ruined, and most of his family's property was squandered by him. Now, even the only younger sister has to be sold. Gu Caiwei went to begged his elder brother, probably knowing the marriage news, had the last line of expectation, but his elder brother rejected it categorically.

"I didn't know it that day and hurt her by speaking ... Only then did I agree to propose to her elder brother, accepting her as a concubine, she had decidedly refused." The elder brother looked glum.

What kind of despair can we make such a weak woman willing to abandon everything, cut off love, and marry a foreign country alone. I had a moment of nagging, remembering all the things I had experienced, even in the most difficult times, I had never been so desperate. Because I've never been alone, I always have the most trusted person standing beside me. Compared to Gu Caiwei, or a woman like Zhu Yan, I'm really lucky.

The thunder roared, the raindrops hit the glazed tiles, and they staggered, and the sound hit the hearts of the people.

"Ayue, let someone take an umbrella out and cover her from the rain." I sighed helplessly.

The elder brother suddenly got up, "Let me go."

Xiao Yan was silent for a long time, but then he said, "Ama, if you can't love her, let her go."

The elder brother froze, frowning at Xiao Yan, "Let go and leave, really married to Turk?"

"Everyone has his own life, marrying to Turk is not necessarily a bad thing for her." I suddenly realized that, "brother, if you accept her only because of pity, you may only hurt her more deeply."

The elder brother looked awkward, stayed for a long time, still turned around and went out.

For a time, Xiao Yan and I were relatively speechless, only hearing the sound of wind and rain, especially Xiao Se.

"Your brothers and sisters really have a bad temper." Xiao Yan suddenly sighed, "A grandma looks like a romantic, but he is timid, he doesn't dare to treat people with all his heart, he just avoids it blindly. If he can be brave and decisive like you, it will not hurt These women are sad. "

"Am I brave?" I smiled bitterly.

He nodded and smiled, "You are the fiercest woman I have ever seen."

Sure enough, there was no good word. For his future, I raised my hand and threw an old book over.

The elder brother accompanied Gu Caiwei in the rain all night, after all, she refused to change her mind.

I don't know if she is too clever or stupid. Since then, my brother can never forget a woman named Gu Caiwei, but she herself has ruined the happiness that is at her fingertips. Fortunately, perhaps for a man like his brother, he didn't get it, he lost it, but it was the most precious thing. Gu Caiwei's entanglement with his elder brother was so humbling. There is nothing that can't be forced in the world, such as mutual affection. If a man and a woman cannot meet at the right time and the right time, everything will be in vain. Even though there are thousands of styles and all kinds of romantic, they just pass by.

Gu Caiwei is strong and firm, but she is indeed a good candidate for a close relative. A few days later, under the decree of the Empress Dowager, Gu Caiwei was accepted as the righteous daughter, and she became the princess of Changning.

This place is outside the Sai, the desert is yellow sand, so the national park is forever separated. Gu Caiwei had no other choice but only one wish, asking King Jiang Xia to send her as a ambassador and personally send her out of the traffic jam. My brother immediately answered.

On the day Princess Long left Beijing, it rained all day in the capital.

The mist and rain are misty, and the intestines are cut off.

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