MTL - Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road-Chapter 1012 Apocalypse in the Doomsday Wasteland

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   Chapter 1012 The plan of the doomsday wasteland

Amidst the murmur of radio waves, a boy's urgent voice echoed in the air.

   "I'm Dawson! Request a call..."

   "I'm Jack, don't worry, speak slowly."

   "We found out that CdC is setting up traps under the highway in the city center, don't be fooled!"

   "Hey, this? We just arrived in Salt Lake City overnight, and most people haven't brushed their teeth yet, so it's dangerous? Let's talk about it when we meet, let your father choose a place, and the call time can't be too long."

   Little Dawson turned to look at his father, and Old Dawson pointed to a towering church spire not far away.

   "East Mormon Church, in half an hour, you and Robbie will come." Old Dawson grabbed the intercom and said softly.

  Lu Fei looked up at Johnson with a wrinkled face outside the car, the old man nodded confidently, indicating that he knew where he was.

   "Okay, don't play tricks, if you are CdC people and want to trick me, today will be your death day next year!"

   "To each other!"

   suddenly talked about asking netizens to show up, and they both became vigilant and began to speak harshly to each other.

  Lu Fei estimated that the call time was about 30 seconds. With a wave of his hand, David cut off the call.

   The onlookers who eat melons are still whispering, some speculate about the trap, some say the two fathers and sons are not very reliable, and some even propose to leave the place quickly.

  Lu Fei waved his hand, motioned everyone to be quiet first, and began to assign tasks: "Hulk, you take everyone to stay here and raise the alert level. Alice, Carlos, me and Robbie will go to the appointed place, and Father Johnson will drive."

   Everyone nodded and went their separate ways.

   Soon a gray pickup drove out of the park and slowly followed the road westward in a low-key manner. In order not to be discovered, Lu Fei deliberately found the dirtiest pickup in the fleet, just to integrate into the gray surrounding environment of the apocalypse.

   Ten minutes later, Pickup appeared in front of the church with the dawn light.

   Alice and Carlos are no longer in the car, and the two have set up Barrett from Lu Fei on the rooftop of the apartment across the street! Being defensive is a must, and Lu Fei is not stupid.

   Talked to Alice to confirm that they were ready, and Lu Fei took Robbie out of the car.

   The two of them swayed carelessly towards the door of the church, and by the way cut down a few zombies that were moving by the wind.

   Before waiting for a while at the main entrance of the church, two figures, one big and one small, sneaked out of the church.

The thin, gray-haired middle-aged man stretched out his hand to Lu Fei and smiled: "Mr. Jack, right, I'm Dawson, this is my son Andrews Dawson, this must be Miss Robbie." Sen quickly let go of Lu Fei's hand and grabbed Robbie's hand.

   "Why, aren't we afraid that we are CdC people?" Robbie asked with a smile.

   "My son likes you, he recognizes you right away."

   "That's right, Miss Robbie, you'll sign me later."

   "Okay, come with us, there seems to be a few zombies nearby, and it will be troublesome to attract a large number of zombies."

   The father and son looked at each other, put their bags on their backs and left without any ambiguity.

   Finally found a backer, and no matter how pretentious they might be, they might run away. With the otaku attributes of the father and son, I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand any risks.

The    pickup truck loaded with the Dawsons, Alice and Carlos, and quickly returned to the park.

   Soon, a map was spread out on the dining table in Optimus Prime's modified carriage.

"Well, this is the location. I heard the conversation between two CdC members. They ambushed a large number of gunmen on both sides of the street, on the second floor of the hotel and the apartment. Go past, then shoot and kill." Old Dawson said to a certain street, pointing to the east and west of the city center.

   "This is also a way to deal with us. Wouldn't it be too troublesome? How easy is it to hit us directly with a gunship? It's too confusing." Robbie shook his head, feeling that the gang had bubbles in their heads.

   "You don't understand, have you seen the movie Black Hawk Down?" Kate asked Robbie from the Hulk.

   "I've seen it, what's wrong? Does the movie have anything to do with this?" Robbie had a question mark on his face.

"It is very dangerous for helicopter gunships to participate in combat in the city. If the car turns into any alley, the helicopter cannot attack. Moreover, the helicopter must fly at a low altitude to precisely hit small targets hidden in the city, which makes it difficult for the helicopter to attack. Plenty of opportunities for RPG shooters in an apartment or building."

   "So that's the case, no wonder you want to play yin."

   "Let's all go to breakfast. Robbie and Dawson and I will go to the radio station to watch, let's hear what CdC's tricks are, and then discuss how to deal with them."

More than half an hour later, a pitiful woman's voice rang from the radio station loaded on the pickup truck: "Please, please, here are the survivors of Salt Lake City calling for help, I'm Karen, my family and I are in Salt Lake City, UT84115, Ramada. The hotel is under siege by zombies and they are knocking on the door! Please help Jack and Robbie!

  We can't support it for long, the radio number is xxxxxx, please reply when you hear it!


  Lu Fei raised his eyebrows and motioned for David on the co-pilot to connect.

   "I'm Jack! Is it Karen? Please hold on! We have arrived in Salt Lake City, please confirm how many zombies are nearby. If there are not many, we will come to the rescue as soon as possible."

   "Great, I'm Karen, there are hundreds of zombies on this street, and there are no other armed forces nearby."

   "Hold on, be there in half an hour!"

  Lu Fei smiled and gestured for David to cut off the call, with Robbie's familiar sinister smile on his face, and strode out of the car.

   "Since you want us to deliver it to your door, then leave your life behind! Mr. Dawson, draw a precise map, and we'll discuss how to do it."

   "Isn't it, I know there is an ambush and I have to send it to the door? It's enough to avoid their traps." Little Dawson asked inexplicably.

   "That's because you don't understand Jack's personality. He's not a timid person. Besides, the CdC people are not protected by gunships, so it's a good time to destroy them." Alice loaded the shotgun seriously and said.

   "That's right, they think we don't know anything, and we know they don't know, so if we can't win what CdC, we might as well find a place to hide."

   After a few minutes, Dawson drew a neat and simple topographic map, which was very professional.

  Lu Fei recruited Hulk and others to study for a while, and then recruited the team leaders:

   "Let me assign tasks and specific groups, the pastoral group and Johnson's villager group, you stay in the convoy, specifically...,

   I took the core team to deal with the ambush on the right...,

  The military team did this..."

   explained the tasks and responsibilities of each team in detail. Everyone went back to organize team members to prepare firearms and ammunition, and soon the convoy drove out.


   On the second floor of the hotel, a young blond woman in a hunting suit held a binoculars, and had been looking at the east side of the street for a long time, but she did not wait for any movement.

   And downstairs, dozens or hundreds of zombies kept roaring and slamming against the hotel's blocked revolving door from time to time.

   A scene of being surrounded by zombies is flawless.

The intercom of   chilachila rang, and the blond woman with a lot of freckles pressed the switch button.

   "The survivor convoy hasn't arrived yet? Do you want me to send a helicopter to patrol around?" The black captain's voice sounded.

   "Before it arrives, the helicopter must not be dispatched. There is such a conspicuous thing flying in the air, for fear that they won't see it? Since I am responsible, don't make trouble!" The blonde woman said impatiently.

   "Well, if you need to call as soon as possible, it will take 10 minutes for the helicopter to take off from the base to you."

   "I don't need your help. There are thirty gunmen in ambush on both sides, and they are all equipped with grenades. As long as they enter the ambush, they will die."

   "Well, don't give up if you need support, Jack and the others are very powerful."

   "If they can't be wiped out and let them run away, I'll notify you of support."

The    blonde woman hung up the walkie-talkie, showing a look of contempt. After everything is arranged, I want to take credit. Black people are stupid after all. I can't see your careful thoughts?

  The blonde woman looked out the window again and looked at the east side of the street.

   She heard the different roars of the zombies below and the faint sound of the vehicle engine.

   A convoy came in the distance, a wheeled armored vehicle was in front, and a huge truck was in the back. The blonde woman looked down, and there seemed to be a long line of cars behind the convoy.

  Claudio, the blond woman, slightly retracted her head, picked up the walkie-talkie and gave an order.

   On the second floor of the apartment opposite and on the second floor of the hotel where he was, the gunmen in each window pulled the bolts and got ready.

  I didn't think about it, the convoy stopped two or three hundred meters away from the gate of the Ramada Hotel.

   Dozens of people descended from each vehicle of the convoy, fully armed and armed with automatic rifles. The gun was raised against obstacles such as vehicles or car wreckage, telephone poles, etc. on both sides of the street.

   "呯呯呯, 呯呯呯!" The gunshots sounded suddenly!

   Dozens of hundreds of zombies immediately fell into a row in front of the hotel, seven or eight zombies' heads burst open, and black liquid splashed all over the hotel's revolving door.

  The battle started without warning.

   On the window in the middle of the second floor of the hotel, Claudio was a little confused. After that Jack and Robbie didn't contact him after they came, they shot if they disagreed. What does this mean?

   Such a reckless leader can really rally and lead a group of powerful survivors?

   There were a lot of questions in his heart, and Claudio had to hibernate, lowering his voice and telling the gunmen at the ambush points to stay calm, and when the team came to kill the zombies, they would definitely drive over.

   Even if Jack doesn't look down on him, can the other members have no idea about such a nice woman's voice? They will surely come.

  The sound of gunfire continued. After the zombies were beaten for half, the "murderer" was discovered.

   They roared and charged towards the convoy in groups.

The sound of   呯寯寯 has become sparser, but more accurate.

  The zombies fell one by one on the way to the charge, and finally, twenty or thirty meters before the convoy, the last zombie also had its head blown off.

  Claudio looked at it, the convoy was still standing still, but there were a few big men who looked like soldiers, cleaning up the battlefield and filling guns on the twisting zombies.

   She was anxious in her heart, so she stuck out most of her body from the window, revealing her big bare chest with white flowers, and stretched out her hand and waved it frequently towards the east.

   "I'm here, I'm Karen! Come and help me!"

   (end of this chapter)