MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 809 Unacceptable truth

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Yun Sang was silent for a moment, Fang nodded: "Yes. At that time, your mother started to avenge Xue Cao's revenge for the Cao family. Your father's health was gradually getting worse. Later, after your mother became pregnant, he poisoned your father ... and then entered the palace on the grounds of your father's death and abortion. "

"Antai is false, and it is true that you want revenge. I do n’t know what happened that year, but the real jade was back in the hands of your mother. Your mother entered the palace, but Xia Huanyu was very guarded, even if you The mother held Cao's last strength in her hand and could not find a good opportunity to avenge her. Then your mother gave birth to Xia Houjing and Xia Houjing was born. Your mother would have no reason to stay in the palace. Killed, then easily changed Cao Taizhang into her appearance, pretending that she committed suicide and died. Then she changed herself into Cao Taizhang, stayed in the palace, and waited for the opportunity. "Yun Chang's voice gradually softened. .

Liu Yinfeng was trembling all over his body, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Footsteps came from outside the door, and Yun Changfang stopped. The attendant who had been ordered by Liu Yinfeng to make tea came back with the tea and placed the tea cup on the table by Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang. Li retreated.

Yun Chang lifted the tea cup, opened the lid, blew the foam on it, and sipped the tea, and then continued: "During this period, your mother has been developing the remaining strength of Cao's secretly. But Xia Huanyu It also never gave your mother a chance. Your mother also gave birth to fifteen princesses with Xia Huanyu. "

Liu Yinfeng trembled suddenly, raising his eyes incredibly to look at Yun Chang.

Yun Chang's face sank. No smile was seen on his face, and Liu Yinfeng knew that this was not Yun Chang's joke, and he was even more at a loss.

"Later, I do n’t know why. Your mother ’s identity was discovered by Xia Huanyu. Xia Huanyu broke your mother into the cold palace, but your mother used her and Xia Huanyu to give birth to the fifteen princess and the royal seal. If you want to make Xia Huanyu hate her heart, she won't dare to attack your mother. "Yun Chang said softly.

Liu Yinfeng shook his head again and again, his eyes filled with sorrow: "No, it's not like this. If the emperor knew the identity of his mother, why did he love the Seven Lords so much for so many years and have more trust in me?"

Yun Chang groaned for a while, Fang said: "I thought that this was because your father was Xia Chun. Your father gave Jiangshan to the Emperor, and he would take care of you a lot. Now I understand that only I ’m afraid that ’s not the case. He ’s so good to you, because he ’s afraid of your mother. And I ’m afraid that he wants to restrain your mother. The two of you are in his hands, the closer you are to him, the more your mother is afraid. I dare not start easily. "

Liu Yinfeng gritted his teeth and shook his head: "I don't think so, I'm afraid, this pampering is just for my mother. Although my brother is now well, he was really weak before. My brother's illness I am afraid that it was also planned by the Emperor. Over the years, the Emperor Mingli loves the Seven Lords very much, but is it true? "

"What happened then? Xia Houjing's illness?" Yun Chang looked at Liu Yinfeng in doubt.

Liu Yinfeng nodded, biting his teeth, "Yes, the death of Liu Fei."

Yun Chang narrowed his eyes slightly, this is indeed a secret in that palace that made Yun Chang confused for a long time.

“Prince Liu actually did n’t know my true identity before, nor did she know that her brother was n’t her child. Later, she did n’t know where she heard the wind. She became suspicious of her brother ’s life and started investigating in secret. When she found some eyebrows, she hurriedly questioned the emperor, and the emperor said that he had promised his father to hide the truth of the events, and then killed Liu Fei. "Liu Yinfeng's voice was a little trembling, "This matter, let my brother see it."

"My brother didn't know that he was not Liu Fei's child. He only saw his father emperor killed his mother-in-law, and then he became seriously ill. He became very ill after he became ill." Liu Yinfeng closed slowly. Glancing at him, "Later, Tai Shang emperor's heart felt guilty, and he spoiled his brother even more."

"I thought it was an accident at that time, but now I look at it, I'm afraid it's not the case." Liu Yinfeng's face was extremely distressed, and there was a faint bruise on his forehead. "And later, I was afraid that the emperor would intentionally arrange it. After seeing his father kill his mother himself, the younger brother became rebellious. I therefore taught him for a while, but it was of no use except to make him better at converging his emotions. The son of Empress Su was crowned Prince, and her brother has been secretly planning to replace it. "

"But Su's position at the time in the North Korea was considered a cover-up. His brother united Liu's activities in secret, which also allowed him to find a chance to kill the prince in Ning State. This matter, I am afraid that it will be a royal game. The Prince has a lot of defense around him. How could his brother succeed so easily? The death of the prince angered Su's. Su regarded his younger brother as a thorn in his eyes, but the emperor has always been with each other, but the more he protects him, the more angry he becomes. It also set a lot of thresholds for my brother. I'm afraid you don't know, but I know how much the brother was damaged at that time. "

Liu Yinfeng raised his head, but he couldn't bear to talk any more. After a long while, he grinned bitterly, his voice gradually hoarse: "Too much emperor's pet, Fang created the situation of his younger brother now. I have to say, too high emperor's cleverness."

Listening to Yun Chang, she couldn't help but feel a little frightened. Many things about Xia Huanyu that she had never figured out have now come to understand.

Yun Sang was silent for a long time before she said, "I'm afraid it was forced by your mother. Xia Houjing raised his troops to rebellion. Your mother was afraid that this was a good opportunity, and she couldn't sit still. I was afraid that she would also use Cao's. Residual forces helped Xia Hou Jing a lot, otherwise Xia Hou Jing could not be so smooth. Only later, Xia Hou Jing gradually became unsupported, and your mother also panicked, stole my private seal, and wanted to help. Later, I did not want to By coincidence, Xia Houjing fell into Xia Huanyu's hands. Your mother was even more worried about Xia Huanyu's embarrassment. She moved more in the palace, and I was caught by the handle, only to let me know such a shocking thing. secret."

Liu Yinfeng's complexion was a bit stiff, sitting on a chair stiff, never speaking, and he opened his mouth for a while, his voice was so low that Yun Chang could hardly hear: "My mother, where is she now?"

Yun Chang bit her lip and said, "I was locked up in a private cell. Your mother said that Cao had a lot of residual forces outside and inside the palace. If she had not contacted people outside the palace on the 10th, she would Some will announce to the public that the jade in the palace is a fake jade and the scandal in which she and her emperor gave birth to the fifteen princesses. "

Liu Yinfeng heard the words and looked up suddenly: "Why does she do this?"

Yun Chang laughed: "Maybe, this is also a kind of revenge. But, you know, once these two things are made public, what a disaster for Xia Guo."

Liu Yinfeng bit her lip and nodded gently: "I know, what does the queen mother want me to do?"

Yun Chang turned her head to Luo Qingyan, and Luo Qingyan groaned for a moment before she said, "Before I say what I want you to do, you have to tell me how you think about it, that is your mother after all."

Liu Yinfeng closed his eyes slowly, and his face was painlessly unmasked: "I don't know either. I'm completely confused now and know nothing. I can't believe it anyway, my mother ... ... kill my father and ... "

Liu Yinfeng clenched her teeth, and it was difficult to open her teeth. Yun Shang was also soft-hearted. She had known Liu Yinfeng for nearly three years, and she knew his temperament. He was brilliant, looking at Wen Runruyu, but with a bit of cold pride, and because of his own experience, he was also a bit lonely. Only, but also absolute integrity. He always respected the emperor, and he also missed his mother very much.

Now overnight, I found that the two respected people were completely different from their imagination. It is unacceptable for a while.

Luo Qingyan looked at Liu Yinfeng for a long time before he said, "I can let you see your mother first."

Liu Yinfeng raised his eyes and looked at Luo softly, and squeezed his clothes tightly, only half a moment before he said, "I don't know, how to face her."

Yun Chang and Luo Qingyan also became silent, and looked at each other for a while, but did not know how to comfort them.

After a long while, Liu Yinfeng said, "Just let's face it, we have to face it, so let's see."

Yun Chang nodded softly: "Master Xianxian decides the time on his own, but I hope, the sooner the better, after all, there are only two days left from the ten-day period prescribed by your mother."

Liu Yinfeng nodded, and Yun Chang stood up with Luo Qingyan and left.

The attendant in the courtyard saw Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang come out, and hurriedly saluted. After the two left, Fang raised his eyes and looked around carefully, "Go?"

Another senior said in a voice: "Leave."

Qingfeng heard this, and she was relieved, and stood up: "Our majesty and the queen are also extraordinary people now. I do n’t have to go to the main door if something happens. I have to step in through the wall. jump."

After finishing speaking, he quickly adjusted his clothes and walked quickly towards the main hall.

"Master, it's late at night, or I'll take a break earlier ..." The breeze yelled, but the sound suddenly stopped. After a moment, Fang sounded his panic voice: "Come, Uncle Hu, Lord Wang passed out . "

The man named Uncle Hu hurried in, and saw Liu Yinfeng fell to the ground, looking pale.

Uncle Hu hurriedly said, "Hurry up, call the doctor, and I will put Wang on the bed."

Qingfeng responded quickly, stood up, ran towards the door quickly, but was tripped by the threshold, and fell sharply, but Qingfeng also couldn't care about the pain. He hurried up and ran outside. Go: "What did your Majesty and Queen Mother say? Why did the Lord suddenly faint ..."