MTL - Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.-Chapter 1150 After a natural disaster, there must be a human disaster!

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Chapter 1150: After natural disasters, there must be disasters from man!

Summer mornings always come very early. People who have been busy all day seem to find that not long after they lie down, the sky becomes white.

 In Broken Gold Beach, the patrol team has gone back to catch up on their sleep.

The village chief walked out of his home with his hands behind his back, went to the door of Li's house to pet two big dogs, asked Granny Lin and others, and found out that there was nothing going on at the Li family's old house, so he began his day's inspection.

 Every family in the village was very quiet because they had sent away their children and young people. No one was used to it at first, but it got better after a few days. At least there was no delay in work.

 Several villages such as Dahuaishu were indeed frightened, and the villagers were very peaceful.

 With Li Zheng in charge on weekdays, apart from doing farm work, not only has he never been to Xincun No. 2 Village, he has not even been to the city.

 I am afraid that at such a time, I will get into trouble and the whole family will be unlucky.

The melon vines in the fields have been cleared and replanted quickly. The cabbages, radishes and other things replanted are growing well. From a distance, you can see a patch of fresh green, which makes people feel good.

There are also orchards on the mountain, which are even more lush. Against the background of the surrounding yellowing mountain forests, the scorpion cake is really eye-catching.

This is the result of the villagers' hard work day and night!

The small river outside the village is now only a thin trickle as thick as a wrist and may stop flowing at any time. Of course it was because of the hot weather, but also because most of the river water was taken away by the villagers to the fields and mountains for irrigation.

Recently, people are worried that the river will completely stop flowing and the villages downstream will have no water to drink, so everyone has started carrying water from the village again.

  When the wells were first dug, the village spent a lot of money to build deep wells, but now most of them have dried up, and only three or four of them still have water.

I really don’t know when the water in the well will be completely exhausted...

 The village chief felt mixed feelings.

Having lived for most of his life, he knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

If everyone is farming, and other people suffer half the disaster, but your field has a good harvest, that person will only envy you, and even fawn over you and ask how you planted the crops.

But the family has lost its production and harvested nothing. The young and old in the family are about to starve to death, but your fields are full of golden rice...

That's just plainly seeking hatred, just waiting to be robbed!

The green mountains and the new green on the ground in front of us are the rice harvested by the family when they had no crops...

 It’s great, but it’s also dangerous!

The village chief sighed, wishing he could run like a mouse these days!

 Hurry up and wait for another month, the fruits will be sold, and the autumn vegetables, peanuts, sweet potatoes, potatoes and corn will be harvested, so I will feel relieved.

 Unfortunately, what you are afraid of is what comes. At three o'clock in the morning, it is too hot outside. The villagers go home one after another to enjoy the cool weather, waiting for the sun to set before continuing to work.

There were old and young people who did not want to sleep, sitting under the big tree at the entrance of the village, shaking their cattail fans and straw hats, and chatting.

"I don't know where the children have gone? They should be here soon, right?" A man asked in a low voice, thinking about the children.

The villagers next to him couldn't help but slap him and scolded him with a smile, "You can do it. I have to ask this question so many times a day. It's really more rude than a woman."

 There is a master's family. These boys went to the south to enjoy the blessings. I am afraid they have already seen the sea and the big ship. They are so happy that they don't think of you as a father at all. "

The man was not angry either, and responded with a smile, "That's good, I don't know when I can go and see it, but the boys can feast their eyes first."

Another old man also said, "My grandson also said that he is going to go fishing. When the time comes, he will bring me a fish as big as a house."

Everyone laughed when they heard this and responded one after another.

“My daughter also said, bring me pearls as big as steamed buns.”

 “My son said, find me coral to grind my hairpins on!”

 Speaking of children, it is extremely lively under the big tree.

At this moment, a veteran from the second village suddenly came running up on horseback, shouting from a distance.

“Village chief, someone is making trouble at the bridge! There are more than a dozen people!”

 This is not bad! The village chief immediately shouted to the villagers, and with a huff, more than 20 people, old and young, rushed to the second village.

There is a wooden fence at the end of the bridge. People from the second village are guarding the wooden fence, and there are a dozen strangers outside the fence.

 Originally, the village chief and others thought it was some blind family who came to cause trouble.

 But he frowned when he saw these strangers.

There were more than a dozen people, some old and some young, all dressed in rags. The half-grown children only had rags covering their buttocks, and the rest were naked and tanned.

 Looking at the look again, the complexion is sallow and the muscles are thin, the lips are chapped, and the bones are skinny...

This is really even worse than when they fled from the Northland!

  Such a person should not be harmful to his own family!

  A few veterans guarding the gate were also in a dilemma. When they saw the village chief, they quickly told the story.

“Village chief, these people came to us an hour ago and said they were too thirsty and asked for a bowl of water. We looked so pitiful and gave them a bucket of water.

“But after they finished drinking, they said they were hungry again and asked for green vegetables from the field to fill their stomachs. We also...picked up a dozen raw potatoes, and they didn’t leave after they finished eating!

“They clamored to stay and work, even if they sold themselves into slavery. We told the village not to accept outsiders, but they didn’t listen and stayed here and refused to leave.”

After hearing this, the village chief and others breathed a long sigh of relief, but they couldn't help but stare at the veteran who reported the news.

 When he shouted, everyone thought someone was knocking on the door.

 But these are obviously a group of people fleeing from famine!

 The veteran touched his nose and felt very innocent.

He was in a hurry and everyone came running over before he could explain clearly...

At this moment, the dozen or so people who also knew the staple food of this place had arrived. They all gathered in front of the fence and knelt down for a while.

An old man cried and begged in a dry and hoarse voice.

“Dear nobles, have mercy on us poor people! We really couldn’t survive, so we abandoned our homes and everything and ran out to find a way out!

“We ate grass and leaves along the way before we got here.

  "Please have mercy on the nobles and accept us. We are willing to work as cattle or horses, just to survive!"

A thin woman with sunken eyes pushed two seven or eight-year-old children forward and begged urgently, "It's okay for the nobles not to want us. Just accept these two children. They eat I can only sweep the floor, feed chickens and pigs, or even work in the fields. Please be kind to me, please save my life!”

 The two children have big heads and small necks. They were pushed out by the mother and were still a little confused.

At this moment, they turned around and hugged the woman, crying at the top of their lungs.

“Mom, don’t leave us! Wuwu, we won’t leave, we won’t leave!”

The woman was afraid that the children would be rejected, so she raised her hand and beat them. She was so anxious that she wanted to faint.

Their whole family had fled all the way from the south, and the village in front of them seemed to be the richest.

Every house is brand new and clean, and the people in the village are well-dressed.

 The fields are green and the mountains are also green, as if there is no shortage of water at all.

 Most importantly, the people here are kind.

They were beaten, scolded and driven away wherever they went to beg for food. Only here did they get clean water and food!

 You can survive here!

The woman is not considered smart, but she is wise enough to survive for her son.

 (End of this chapter)