MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 58 You teach me how to play the piano, okay?

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As soon as Kaifei said this, the originally lively camp was so quiet that even a fly could be heard flying by, and the thick murderous aura radiated strongly from Ada's body, which could almost turn into a body and kill Kaifei in the invisible.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Kaifei knew that she had said the wrong thing. How could the other party be her savior, how could she say such ugly words, and poke at the pain of others? Although she was unintentional, this was the first time Kaifei felt sincerely that her carefree temper should be changed.

Because... today, she might lose her own life because of this sentence!

Looking at Ada who was staring at him as if he was looking at a dead object, Kaifei stood there without daring to move. In the past, the temperament that was not afraid of death and lack of tendons, at this moment, was as sensitive as if he had encountered a natural enemy. He clearly felt that the man named Ah Da really planned to kill himself!

Watching Kailian move to stand in front of her, it was the first time that Kaifei hated her carefree temper so much, especially when she saw the sadness flashing in Xiaoya's eyes, Kaifei was even more disgusted. I really regret that I just went offline.

Although some words are unintentional, sometimes they are the most hurtful.

"I'm sorry, Kaifei has always been a straightforward person. She didn't mean anything malicious. She was just intimidated by Xiaoya's ability. She didn't think..." The tense atmosphere in front of her made her in the communication aspect For the first time, Kailian, who was able to handle everything with ease, didn't know what to do. Looking nervously and vigilantly at the big hand that was about to move in Xiaoya's embrace, Kailian wished she could put Kaifei behind her back into her mother's stomach immediately. How could this person be his sister? How could he have such a heartless sister?

Ah Da, don't be angry.

Just when the atmosphere was so stiff that it was about to explode, and Kaifei might die because of her shocking words at any time, Xiaoya tightly hugged Ah Da's long and strong arm and shook her head: Ah Da, forget it, I'm not angry , and she is the bard's sister. The book says that it depends on the owner to beat a dog. I want the troubadour to teach me music, so don't do anything to her. least until I'm done learning.

Slowly loosening his clenched fist, Ada looked down at Xiaoya, who was actually very upset, and then raised his head to warn Kailian and Kaifei who were so scared that their faces were bloodless: "There will be no next time!" .”

Kaifei and Kailian nodded in unison, and even the mercenaries around who were frightened by Ah Da's killing intent also nodded silently.

Damn! Why is this guy named Ah Da so murderous? Obviously, when he confronted the bearded man before, this man didn't show any killing intent... Uh, no, it seems that when this guy confronted the bearded man, he didn't show any killing intent.


In the face of the bearded man who knew it was not simple at first glance, he could scare people away without even showing his killing intent. So how powerful is this man? No wonder he can survive the wanted man in the black area, tsk tsk, it really is not easy at all!

They seem to have climbed up to something extraordinary!

Ada and Xiaoya, who followed Kaifei and Kailian to the carriage where Mark was, didn't know that they had already become two disciples of the hermit family who traveled abroad in the eyes of Feilian's mercenary group, and they were still quite powerful. kind of.

The reason why I think so is because...

"Are you really called Ah Da and Xiao Ya?" It is said that those who are missing will always be short. No, it's just a blink of an eye. The threat is gone. Kai Fei, who had vowed to get rid of his carefree temper, once again returned to his original careless appearance, looking suspiciously and curiously at Ada and Xiaoya. Once again a faux pas was asked.

Ah Da?


Such a name doesn't look like the name a strong person should have. This should be the pseudonym of these two people when they are away from home, right? Otherwise, how could someone use this name?

"Kai Fei!" Kai Lian, who couldn't see it and was afraid that Kai Fei would anger Ah Da and Xiao Ya again and thus lose her own life, also reached out her hand to cover Kai Fei's mouth in a rude manner. , Whispered in Kaifei's ear and warned: "Without my approval, if you speak indiscriminately again, after returning home safely, I will let my mother drag you to a blind date! Until you get married!"

"Hmmmm!" Looking at Kailian with eyes full of horror, Kaifei shook her head again and again, holding Kailian's hand covering her mouth, and made a movement of "I shut up and don't speak".

"Cough, I'm sorry, my sister's nerves are so rough, she always speaks without thinking, I hope you don't mind." Kaifei apologized to Ah Da and Xiao Ya.

Under Kailian's wink and gesture of pinching her fingers on her arm, Kaifei nodded and apologized to Ada and Xiaoya repeatedly: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

But this time, Kailian and Kaifei were worried in vain, because Ada and Xiaoya didn't care about things related to their own honor at all. For them, a name is just a name for a person. Names don't matter at all to them in the forest.

So when she saw that Kailian was so excited that she almost wanted to strangle Kaifei because she asked if their names were real, Xiaoya was really taken aback. But it was precisely because of the inexplicable interaction between Kailian and Kaifei that Xiaoya, who was unhappy because Kaifei said loudly about her flaws, gradually regained her anger.

Ah Da, they are so interesting! Although I knew that this mercenary group was very interesting before, I didn't expect to find that this mercenary group was more interesting than I imagined after getting in touch with it. The head of the mercenary group named Kaifei always feels so funny, Kailian often jumps her feet when she is angry, so funny~ hehe! Xiaoya waved excitedly to Ada, and shared with Ada his experience of communicating with mercenaries for the first time.

Ah Da, who had been wandering in the void all this time and only focused on Xiaoya, saw satisfaction flash in his eyes after seeing Xiaoya so happy. Although he wasn't very satisfied with the initial contact, the woman named Kai Fei was too loud and blind, but he didn't expect Xiaoya to treat her as if she was acting as a clown, and she was so happy watching.

Well, I didn't expect this woman to be useful. She deserves to be the head of a mercenary regiment. (Kaifei: I can't bear it anymore! Who said that the ability to be the head of a mercenary group is to be a clown?! What do you think of me?!... Ada: A clown; Xiaoya: An interesting person.)

"Yeah?! This, this can't be the real name, right?!"

Just when Ada was satisfied that Kaifei accidentally made Xiaoya very happy, Kaifei's voice full of surprise resounded throughout the camp again. It turned out that when Ada was thinking, Xiaoya had already explained to Kaifei and Kailian that her and Ada's names were indeed their real names.

But it seems that everyone doesn't believe it.

Although Xiaoya didn't understand why even Kailian didn't believe their names were real, but watching the scenes of everyone fighting and fighting, Xiaoya had never communicated with so many people other than Ahda before. The smile on his face never diminished, and even became brighter.

Seeing Kailian who was slapped directly from the back of the head by Kailian this time, holding his head and jumping to his feet, screaming for pain, and then the other mercenaries watching the show laughed, Ah Da looked down at the same Sneaking at the unhappy and happy Xiaoya.

Well, little prey is happy.

Under Kaifei's frequent brawls that made Kailian jump in anger, Ah Da and his group finally arrived in Mark's carriage.

Looking at the interior of the carriage, which was clean but far from the cleanliness she required, Xiaoya stretched out her hands and hugged Ah Da's chest spontaneously, and Ah Da also spontaneously and consciously the princess hugged Xiaoya and walked away. After getting into the carriage, he sat casually in a corner of the carriage, and Xiaoya also sat safely in Ah Da's arms.

Ada and Xiaoya didn't feel the automatic self-consciousness of embarrassment at all, but it made the other three in the carriage very embarrassed.

Children nowadays are too open-minded, right? Seeing Xiaoya sitting in Ada's arms who didn't feel shy at all, Mark looked at Kailian with embarrassment, as if he wanted him to help solve the extremely embarrassing situation in front of him. However, after experiencing all kinds of fights on the way here, Kailian is now so angry by Kefei that she is unable to help Mark solve the predicament.

On the contrary, Xiaoya, who was nestled in Ah Da's arms with peace of mind, took the initiative to say hello to Mark: Hello, I see that you are in good spirits, how is your recovery?

The reason why they took the initiative to say hello to Mark was because Mark was one of the most seriously injured among all the injured at that time, and he was also the only seriously injured person who could survive the Xiaoya magic test.

Staring blankly at the paper handed to him, Mark recovered his composure the moment he finished reading the words written on the paper and looked up at Xiaoya. It's sophisticated and mature. He didn't deliberately avoid talking about Xiaoya's flaws, nor did he deliberately talk about his flaws with Xiaoya, but communicated with Xiaoya like an ordinary normal person.

"I'm fine now. Speaking of which, I have to thank you for your treatment. If it weren't for you, I might have died a long time ago." Mark sat on the bed looking at Xiaoya like an elder looking at a younger generation: " I didn't expect you to become such an outstanding light magician at such a young age. If Kaifei and Kailian are as smart and hardworking as you, the master and madam don't have to worry about them so much .”

Although Xiaoya had been praised by many mercenaries yesterday, it was the first time that Xiaoya had experienced the compliments from seniors like Mark to juniors. Xiaoya, who originally only regarded Mark as a test subject, scratched her head in embarrassment, smiled shyly at Mark, and quickly wrote on the paper: Thank you for your compliment! I am also very happy to save you!

Seeing Xiaoya's shy face, Mark turned his head and looked at Kailian, intending to ask Kaifei and Kailian to give Ada and Xiaoya a solemn thank you, but unexpectedly, it was Kailian who looked at Xiaoya. Ya looks in a daze! Mark frowned slightly, and thought to himself: Why is this child looking at that child with a demonic face? Could it be...

I have to admit that there is an old saying that is indeed true: it is not that a family does not enter a house. Seeing Kailian looking at Xiaoya like this, Mark, who has always been serious, but sometimes a little off-line in certain things, is as delusional as Kaifei, a child who lacks insight.

Obviously Xiaoya and Ada are so close, why is this child still staring at others so impolitely? Where did Kailian's normal manners and morals go? Not wanting Kailian to be so obsessed with other people's lovers anymore, Mark coughed twice and brought Kailian back to his sanity: "Ahem! Kailian, why don't you hurry up and thank her solemnly? They didn't treat us because of our previous indifference. Instead of coming to save us, you helped save our mercenaries afterwards, so you should thank them well!"

The reason why Ada and Xiaoya appeared in time, Mark already knew clearly from Kailian after waking up yesterday.

"Ah! Yes, yes!" Called back by Mark, Kailian pulled Kaifei to stand up in the carriage together, and performed the etiquette of thanking Ah Da and Xiao Ya that a fighter should have: " I am very grateful to the two who came in time to save us from the robbers. The Feilian Mercenary Group has nothing to repay us. We can only promise that if the two of you need help from the Feilian Mercenary Group in the future, as long as it is not harmful to the world, we will I will not hesitate to go through fire and water for the two of you!"

Shaking his head, Xiaoya rejected Kailian and Kaifei's kindness, and quickly took out the note he had already written in his carriage from his arms and handed it to Kailian.

I don't need your commitment and help, I just want to learn music from you, can you teach me how to play your instrument? Well, it is the musical instrument that is said to be a qin in the book, can you teach me?