MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 231 Kun jin copy 231 Kun jin copy Kun jin copy solution (kun hinge o copy

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Ah Da, what's wrong with you?

Xiaoya looked at Ada with puzzled eyes, and waved her hand lightly.

Ada didn't want to hide or give Xiaoya a surprise, he was too lazy and didn't like to do these things, so after Xiaoya asked him, he said simply: "It's nothing, just I just want to take away the Godhead of Zhiguang God."

The gods in this world are very strange. Although they have endless lives, they are not real gods, they are just existences with powerful power, so these so-called gods have a so-called The thing of godhead is a kind of proof of becoming a god-man. What's even more amazing is that these godheads can be snatched from each other between gods and humans. As long as ordinary people are strong enough, they can directly become gods after obtaining the godhead, and the power of the catastrophe will also decrease when they pass the catastrophe. Many, the principle seems to be because the previous god-man has already survived the catastrophe, and left the imprint of the heavenly catastrophe on the godhead. It's just the divine consciousness in the godhead.

All of the above things are the knowledge Ada inherited from his predecessor, the Dragon God.

But heaven and earth are fair, and if you are given a chance to live forever, it will naturally take away another chance for you—the chance to become a true god.

According to the investigation of the former dragon god, anyone who has become a god-man with a godhead will never be able to have further possibilities. This is why there have been few true gods in this world. This is because of the way of heaven causal loop.

"...So do you want the Godhead of the God of Light?" Under Xiaoya's perplexity, Ada explained a lot of things, and although the last question was a question, in fact Ada's tone was affirmative , it is obvious that Ada really hopes that Xiaoya can become a **** in this world.

For Ada, he doesn't care about Xiaoya's strength at all. All he cares about is whether Xiaoya can be by his side forever. He has become a dragon god, and he has endless life. I want to be like the former dragon god, with regret for the past, and finally disappear alone in the end. So Ran Ada is very sure and sure, he wants Xiaoya to become a god-man, and use the safest and fastest way to become an immortal existence.

As for strength──isn't he still there?

Looking at Ah Da's firm eyes, Xiao Ya smiled and nodded without thinking: "Okay!"

To be honest, over the years, Xiaoya has long since lost the original idea of ​​wanting to protect Ah Da, and it’s not that she doesn’t want to protect Ah Da because she doesn’t love Ah Da, but after going through so many things , Xiaoya finally confirmed and accepted his fate. He was not made to be a strong man. Although Xiaoya thinks that she can face corpses all over the place, face war without changing her face, it can even be said that she has the indifference and indifference to life that a strong person should have, and she doesn't have the so-called compassion, but If he was really asked to fight and fight with others, Xiaoya's first reaction would be—dirty.

Thinking of her incurable cleanliness, Xiaoya felt that no matter how powerful she became in this life, she was just a person with no strength or any fighting power, because if you just look at the blood splattered everywhere , Limbs, internal organs, etc., Xiaoya can still bear to watch, but if he is to be in it and join the battle, Xiaoya can definitely swear on his life──even if he is given the same With such a powerful strength, he would not hesitate to commit suicide rather than participate in the battle.

So after listening to Ada's explanation, Xiaoya nodded and agreed without hesitation, because he deeply knew that no matter how much power was given to him, he was just a serious cleanliness addict who was even willing to fight for cleanliness. A "coward" who gave himself a purification technique to make himself die cleanly and thoroughly.

What's more, Xiaoya doesn't worry that he won't be able to survive if he doesn't have the strength, because beside him there is Ada who just sleeps in all day long, but will always stand in front of him as soon as something happens.

But even though he decided to **** the Godhead of the God of Light, Xiaoya felt that it was not urgent. He still wanted to have a good time in this God Realm that made him feel very comfortable, so after knowing Xiaoya accepted it. Ada, who just didn't want to become a **** so soon and wanted to have fun, didn't insist on Xiaoya going to find the God of Light now.


Looking at Xiaoya lying beside him, sitting with Liu and playing with some of the children's toys that Xiaoya collected when he was a child, after thinking for a long time, he finally couldn't help asking Liu: "Liu, father it Lord Dragon God?"

Liu, who had been waiting for Mo to speak for a long time, reached out and patted Mo, who started to grow bigger than herself because of the better nutrition of Xiaoya and Ada, and said, "You finally got the truth."

Hearing this, the ink wind was in chaos.

In fact, Mo already felt that something was wrong when Ah Da's powerful pressure alone made the seven-line giant dragon king vomit blood, but at that time, Mo hadn't thought about it until he came to the God Realm. Da did not evade them, after explaining the reason for the Central Plains to Xiaoya in front of him and Liu, Mo finally reacted until today, and finally had the courage to ask Liu whether Ada's identity was his guess as in.

Mo, your reaction is so slow~ It took me so long to get the truth. Hearing the conversation between Mo and Liu, Xiaoya propped up half of her body with a smile, and poked Mo's silly little face with her hand.

"But...but isn't Ah Da's father a human being?" Although he had already got the most certain answer, Mo still didn't believe it, because Ah Da was not a human being?

Holding the lovely Mo in her arms, Xiaoya recalled the five years of living in the enchantment, and held up a sign to explain: In fact, in some respects, Ada is no longer a human being.

"..." Not human, what is that?

Neither Mo nor Liu dared to ask this question, because Ah Da is the Lord Dragon God, who dares to say what the Dragon God is... er, it should be said that it is not something... Forget it, it would be better not to get entangled in this question . Mo Heliu, who was entangled with his brain supply, silently turned his head to look at Ada who was lying next to Xiaoya and sleeping late, and tried his best to throw out the wonderful theory of "what is and what is not" in his mind .

Looking at the two Mo and Liu who didn't know what they were thinking, but it was obvious at a glance that they were definitely not thinking about something good, Xiaoya reached out and tapped the two little dragons who were occasionally a little silly: thinking what?

"Nothing! Nothing!"

Mo and Liu shook their heads repeatedly and looked at Xiaoya.

You two... Heh heh, I will count with you later.

Looking at the three hundred taels of ink and gilt here, although Xiaoya really wanted to continue to ask, but it was obviously not the time, because the strength in his body had reached saturation, and now he only needed a breakthrough point to become God-man, and there is no doubt that this breakthrough point is the Godhead of the God of Light.

Ah Da, get up, let's go find the God of Light. Gently shaking Ah Da who was beside her, Xiao Ya hurriedly waved her hands after Ah Da opened her eyes: I didn't expect the light elements here to be so saturated, I just practiced for a while, and there are already faint Joyo wants to feel like going through a catastrophe.

How could Ada, who has been paying attention to Xiaoya's physical condition, not know?

One turned over and sat up, Ada put his arms around Xiaoya and looked at Liu and Mo Lai in Xiaoya's arms, and said indifferently: "It's okay, it's still a little bit close, and it will be true when you get the godhead and merge." saturation."

Then let's go to the God of Light to ask for a godhead~ Hehe~

"it is good!"