MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 229 Kun jin copy 229 Kun jin copy Kun jin copy jin jin copy

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Although Ada, Xiaoya and Liu have never avoided the appearance of Mo, for some reason, Xiaoya and Liu have no chance to tell Mo that Ada is a dragon god, and he can't wear a thick and thick hair like a nouveau riche. Like telling the whole world "I'm rich" with the gold necklace, he said bluntly to Mo who didn't know Ada's identity: "Ada is the dragon god."

Xiaoya and Liu really couldn't do such a thing, it was really embarrassing. So precisely because of this reason, Mo has never known Ah Da's true identity, thinking that Ah Da is just a very powerful, very powerful human being.

Of course, logically speaking, the giant dragon clan should know Ah Da's identity by now, and Mo would not know if there is no reason. Would you take the initiative to mention Ah Da's identity? Coupled with the fact that Mo is the lowest existence among the dragon clan, this is the most fundamental reason why Mo doesn't know Ada's identity.

In fact, there are many things in the Dragon Clan. If Mo Qiqi didn't take the initiative to follow up and gossip with his own eyes and ears, there are many things he would not know.

Even though Mo is very honest, honest dragons will also have the gossip thoughts of honest dragons~

But it is precisely because Mo is too honest, and because his temperament is not like a dragon, he has a superior understanding of human beings, so he has no idea that as a giant dragon, he will be afraid of a human being. What a funny thing. You must know that even when giant dragons face human beings who are stronger than them, it is impossible to feel fear and awe. Only the great dragon **** can bring them such emotions.

Of course, who would have thought that a human like Ah Da would be a new generation of Dragon God?

However, Mo is afraid of Ah Da because of the above reasons, and more because of Ah Da's cold treatment of him on weekdays—who made Mo become Xiaoya's latest toy?

Anything that Xiaoya gets close to must pay for it. There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world! ──Ada squinted his eyes and looked at Mo, who obviously wanted to be with them for the rest of his life. His usually expressionless face showed a dangerous look. After Mo nodded and officially became a part of them, he would treat Mo Like five horses torn corpses.

Seeing Adah's dangerous look, Xiaoya on the side couldn't help but rolled her eyes angrily, pinched the soft flesh on Ahda's waist vigorously, and stared: Stop messing around! How dare you drive Liu's daughter-in-law away and try! If Mo is really scared by you and dare not leave with us, you will never even think about sleeping in my bed!

Xiaoya, who was reading some books recently, suddenly became obsessed with the game of playing house wine. Should it be said that Xiaoya was making up for the regret of not being able to play house wine when she was a child? Even such a thing as a daughter-in-law appeared? Hearing Xiaoya mentioned the word daughter-in-law again, Ada felt very troubled and wanted to know what books Xiaoya was reading recently, but unfortunately those books were all stored in Xiaoya's space ring now.

Regretfully glanced at Xiaoya's ring, Ada looked at Xiaoya who was staring at him, shrugged his shoulders and said with a bit of gloom: "It's up to you."

Liu Zai, who knew very well that he must not interrupt at this time, saw his father once again defeated under his father's stare, and excitedly threw himself at the dumbfounded Mo, who had no idea what Ada and Xiaoya were playing. Two little dragons, about as long as an adult's arm, rolled from the head of the bed to the end of the bed in the carriage because of the momentum of Liu's fall when one was unprepared and the other fell down forcefully. In the recess under the small desk for putting feet.

Looking at the two little guys who rolled into the recess and got up from the recess with stars all over their heads, Xiaoya laughed happily and brought them back to the bed one by one.

Diandianliu and Mo, two little giant dragons whose heads are full of stars, Xiaoya winked at Ada with a smile: Look, good things come in pairs, so life will be happy~ just like just now!

"..." Ah Damo didn't know what to say after being disturbed by Xiaoya's nonsensical words.

After a while, the stars on Liu and Mo's heads finally had enough to retreat, Xiaoya looked at them with a sign and said with a smile: "Okay, don't make trouble, let's talk about business first." Mo, ignore that guy Ada, let me ask you again, do you want to be with us? Leaving the Dragon Realm to live in the outside world.

Although Xiaoya said not to pay attention to Ada, how could Mo really ignore Ada because of her innate fear of the Dragon God?

But seeing that Ada didn't react or express at all, he didn't stare at him fiercely like before, and looked at himself with eyes that were not eyes and nose, Mo immediately longed to be with Xiaoya and the others. Nodding excitedly.

Although as a powerful dragon clan, he also has the pride and dignity of being a dragon, as well as the solidarity he should have with the dragon clan, but these things are under the cruelty of the dragon clan to him, Mo Zao He is not as supportive of the giant dragon clan as he was when he was just born, especially after seeing the incident related to Liu, Mo has already been completely disappointed with the giant dragon clan. Don't look at Mo laughing all day and living his life honestly as if he didn't have any troubles. A child's mind is always sensitive and easy to be changed. Who is really good to him and who is bad to him? , the child is very clear in his heart.

So when Xiaoya said that he would take him away from the Dragon Realm to live in the outside world, although Mo felt a little uneasy, but seeing Xiaoya's eyes that looked at him sincerely even though he loved to play, and Liu's absolute sincerity and care, Mo is really willing to leave with Xiaoya and the others out of a thousand or ten thousand, but he is a little afraid of Ada's existence.


Seeing Ada who snorted coldly after he nodded, but turned his head away to express no opinion under Xiaoya's silent gaze, Mo threw himself into Xiaoya's arms with a smile: "Daddy Xiaoya! I like you the most!"

"What? No! Mo, you can only like me the most!"

"Stinky boy, three points of the color is bright red?! Can you like Xiaoya? Xiaoya is mine!"

roll! Mo likes me, it's none of your business!

Lying firmly in Xiaoya's arms, watching Xiaoya quarrel with Ada and Liu with one against two, Mo buried his face in Xiaoya's arms and laughed. Strong is Xiaoya's father!

Who said that simple and honest children are the most kind? ──Looking at Mo, who was firmly protected by Xiaoya, Ah Da and Liu, who were jealous of each other, were depressed.


Now that Mo Du has agreed to leave the Dragon Realm, Xiaoya, who has completely figured out all the secrets and gossips of the Dragon Realm, will naturally not be able to stay in this boring Dragon Realm anymore.


Compared to Xiaoya who couldn't wait to leave the Dragon Realm, Ada seemed to want to vent his anger on the other giant dragons before leaving because he had no choice but to take ink, and Xiaoya also understood that some anger should be vented, otherwise he would hold back. He will get sick after a long time, how can a good lover like him be willing to let Ah Da get sick?

Well, to put it bluntly, Xiaoya just wanted to see the picture of the dragon family being abused by Ah Da.

Swaggeringly, he was teleported by Ah Da and appeared in the meeting room where the dragon kings of the seven lines of the dragon clan gathered at this time. Looking at the dragon clan who is still plotting how to plot against them at this moment, Xiaoya smiled. He held up a sign: Everyone has been discussing for so long, do you know if there is any result?


The sudden appearance of Xiaoya and Ada made the giant dragon clan dumbfounded. They really didn't expect that after opening the magic protective shield set by the dragon **** himself, Ada and the others could appear in front of them without warning. Here, it is obvious that until now these guys are still unwilling to recognize the dragon **** Ah Da.

Looking at the giant dragons frightened by their appearance, Xiaoya held up a sign with a smile and said, "What's wrong with us?" Wonder why we are here? What's so difficult about this, Ada is omnipotent~ By the way, stop talking nonsense, we're here to tell you, we've been here for a long time, it's so boring here, so we decided to leave up! Oh, and also, we took Mo away too, that’s all, you don’t need to send it away~ we’re leaving.

"...Stop! Who allowed you to leave! This is the Dragon Realm, so you can come and go whenever you want?!" The dragons who finally came to their senses this time were the most fiery fire dragons. Wang was the first to jump out and order Ada and Xiaoya.


Raising her eyebrows, Xiaoya held up a sign and slowly signaled: Don't you know how to read? When do we need your notice when we are leaving? Didn't you see it? It says on my sign - we're here to tell you! "Telling" means not asking for your opinions! Understand?

Xiao Ya's naked eyes looking at idiots obviously irritated the giant dragons present, but Ada, who had been impatiently waiting for them to attack, first became angry, hugging Mo and Liu in his arms. Xiaoya, Ah Da looked at the giant dragons with a gloomy face, and the powerful power of the dragon **** instantly filled the entire dragon world: "Don't think that those of you who have or don't want to control me, and angered me── destroy you."

The lazy Ada really had nothing to say, and as soon as he said something on the stage, he immediately started to do it. The powerful divine power exploded outward, and the entire magic barrier arranged by the dragon dragon **** instantly shattered, and the entire conference room became even more violent. It was turned into ashes in an instant, and the dragon king of the seven lines was forced to vomit blood from the mouth, and his expression was sluggish...

After making a big fuss, Ada took Xiaoya to open the space channel, and the goal was—God Realm!