MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 203 Adopt a little golden dragon

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Seeing Ah Da who said something wrong, Xiaoya despised him: You said that, but you clearly treated him as a dragon god! Look at your eyes, I really want to eat Liu!

"Liu?" Ah Da, who had been staring at Xiao Jinlong until he was trembling, was stunned when he saw Xiao Ya's waving gesture.

Um! It's Liu! The name I gave Xiao Jinlong represents the meaning of beautiful gold! Don't you see his golden color is very beautiful? As she spoke, Xiaoya held up the transparent egg in front of Ada.

"..." Looking at the transparent egg that was held up in front of him only two or three centimeters away from him, and looking at the little golden dragon with a shy expression in his eyes for some reason, Ah Da really wanted to tell him frankly ──You don't need to be shy, because I hate you very much, I really hate and hate you from the bottom of my heart, so no matter how innocent you pretend to be in front of me, I still hate you very much!

For those who hurt Xiaoya, even if they helped him later, he was able to protect Xiaoya, propped up a sky for Xiaoya, and gave him a powerful force that surpassed all heroes, but Ada It will still be the same.

Ah Da never thought that he would be a grateful person, but facing Xiao Ya who was holding a transparent egg and smiling brightly, Ah Da really couldn't say the words that hurt Xiao Jinlong, because Ah Da knew very well what is happening now. Little Golden Dragon has already occupied a certain place in Xiaoya's heart.

But it is precisely because of this that Ah Da hates Xiao Jinlong even more!

Although Ah Da hates the dragon **** and thinks that he is not a person who will be grateful, it does not mean that Xiaoya is also such a person. Although he once suffered a little due to the relationship between the Dragon God, it was all because of his own psychological factors that caused such a result. Coupled with the pair of deep golden eyes of the Dragon God, the young What Xiaoya likes most is to look at the golden eyes full of wisdom and profoundness of the Dragon God, so to be honest, Xiaoya has always respected the Dragon God, so when she saw Ada, she still put on a fierce look Staring at Xiao Jinlong, it was Xiaoya's turn to feel upset this time: Ah Da! Tell me, isn't Liu very beautiful!

Seeing the hand waving heavily in front of him, the reluctant Ada withdrew his fierce gaze, turned his head and nodded silently, which was the answer to Xiaoya's question. However, I don’t know if it’s because he really doesn’t like Xiao Jinlong, but Ada, who has always loved Xiaoya, sang against Xiaoya: “Liu or something, don’t talk about it, maybe this guy doesn’t like it at all. I like this name, or maybe he has already been given a better name by his parents."

As soon as Xiaoya said the words, Ada regretted it before Xiaoya responded. How can Xiaoya always be the best in his heart, even if those reptiles really named this guy, but the name Xiaoya chose How could it be comparable to those reptiles?

Ada regretted it, but because he couldn't face himself, he could only stare at Xiaoya.

But Xiaoya didn't care about Ahda's words. Anyway, it's not a day or two that Ahda hates the Dragon God, but Xiaoya thought about Ahda's reminder seriously. How to say the name is important to a child. Looking at the little golden dragon in his arms who was stared tremblingly by Ah Da, but couldn't help looking at Ah Da with adoring and longing eyes, Xiaoya touched the transparent egg with pity and raised a sign to ask Xiao Jinlong: Do you have any? name? It would be fine if there is, but if not, would you like the name 'Liu'? Liu means beautiful gold, you see that your scales are all beautiful gold, so the name 'Liu' suits you so well!

Blinking his eyes, Xiao Jinlong looked at Ah Da who was still staring fiercely at him from under the two meaty paws holding his head, and then looked at Ah Da who was holding himself, who was obviously not as strong as Ah Da but could hold Ah Da After eating Xiaoya to death, Xiao Jinlong weighed it in his heart and immediately put the name that his parents gave him in the inheritance behind his head, nodded to Xiaoya and said in a childish voice: " Hmm! I like it, I like to be called Liu! Liu, this name sounds very nice!"

right? Do you like it too? Then you will be called Liu from now on! Xiaoya held up the sign and looked at the lovely Liu in the transparent egg with a smile.

"Well! I will be called Liu from now on, it sounds nice! What about brother? What's your name?" Xiao Jinlong lay down inside the transparent egg and squeezed hard towards Xiaoya, but because of the barrier of the transparent egg shell, However, the fleshy laurel was flattened on the transparent eggshell, which really made Xiaoya very happy.

Xiaoya, who was amused by Liu's cute appearance, poked the fleshy little paw through the transparent eggshell, smiled and held the sign and said very gently: My name is Xiaoya.

Knowing that Liu has been looking at Ada with a look of longing since Ada first appeared, but Xiaoya, who wanted to tease Liu, only said her own name and not Ada's name. . Looking at Liu who wanted to know Ada's name but didn't dare to talk to Ada, watching him scratching the same fleshy head with his fleshy claws in the transparent egg anxiously, his round golden eyes were even more so. She was so anxious that she winked at herself again and again, the corner of Xiaoya's mouth was so happy that it almost reached the back of her head.

"Xiaoya, Xiaoya!"

When facing Ada, the shy and frightened Liuyan looked at Xiaoya who pretended not to see the wink she made, and finally the admiration and eagerness in her heart overcame her shyness, and her immature voice called Xiaoya's name cutely.

Seeing Liu calling out her name one after another, Xiaoya couldn't help hugging the transparent egg once again. The enthusiastic look put her emotions between shyness and fear inexplicably since Ada's appearance. The liu liu was curled up into a ball, and the golden scales all over her body were even faintly glowing red, which made people feel as if she was shy.

At the side, Ah Da, who was already depressed because of Liu's identity (Ada: I am very upset whether it is his identity in the previous life or the identity of the dragon in this life!), saw Xiaoya being killed by Liu. The little reptile attracted attention, and even made such an intimate behavior. Ada's eyes were red with anger, and he reached out and grabbed the transparent egg while Xiaoya was unsuspecting, and threw it back into the open box. (Ada: can't throw it into the lake, or Xiaoya will get angry, what a pity.), and at the same time said to Xiaoya in a very serious tone: "You can't have Hong Xing out of the wall!"

Hearing this, Xiaoya was dumbfounded: What is this all about?

Ah Da doesn't care if you are dumbfounded or not, he only knows that his Xiaoya likes reptiles and doesn't like him now! The angry Ada grabbed Xiaoya and pulled her into his arms vigorously, then lowered his head and kissed the slightly parted lips because of his dumbfoundedness.


Finally regained consciousness, but at this time Xiaoya had been kissed by Ah Da so dizzy that she was almost out of breath. Lying weakly in Ah Da's arms, Xiao Ya waved her hands weakly: Ah Da! Stop making trouble, how could I have an affair with Liu Hongxing? Are you being fooled by Liu's identity? Or did you overuse your power and have a fever?

Taking down the hand that was on the forehead, Ah Dayu pointed out where Xiaoya "had an affair": "You are very close to that guy, and you even kissed him and rubbed against him! Isn't this called Hongxing going out of the wall?!"

Looking at Ah Da who was throwing a tantrum like a child, Xiaoya waved her hand helplessly: Ah Da, don't take such unreasonable things, Liu is just a child, don't be so sensitive !

"It doesn't matter! Anyway, you can't be so close to him!" Ada rejected Xiaoya's appeal.

You... Xiaoya, who was helplessly irritated by Ah Da's temper, was so angry that he didn't know what to say, but let him give up playing with Liu at this time? That would be the same as letting Ah Da accept Liu—impossible!

There was nothing I could do about Ada, Xiaoya finally decided after staring at Ada for a long time: Well, let’s adopt Liu as a son, anyway, you are a dragon, and he is also a dragon, this relationship It's not too messy, so it's not considered Hongxing cheating.

"Isn't this called chaos?!" Ada, who has always been calm and only exudes anger even when he is angry, finally has a rare day when he is so angry that he jumps his feet. Looking at Xiaoya who said "That's how I decided" on his face, Ah Da walked up and down the lake in a hurry: "This is impossible! I absolutely disagree! And what kind of relationship is this? It's not a mess? He's a dragon! A dragon! I'm a dragon! I have nothing to do with that reptile!"

It never occurred to me that just a suggestion could force Ah Da, who has always been calm and calm, into this state. Xiaoya was stunned for a long time before finally realizing and waving her hand: Ah Da, calm down, calm down, actually you want to Think about it, if we harvest him as our own son, then he will call you dad from now on, and you can beat him however you like, and the reason is fair and aboveboard, so you won’t be afraid of trouble from the dragon clan, because you are Liu’s son. Father. Who dares to say no to the father beating his son?

Xiaoya's words made Ada pause in his back and forth steps, obviously a little moved by what he said, but Ada, who is actually quite face-saving in some aspects, couldn't help but muttered a few words: "Even if there is no Lao Tzu and son This level of relationship, I can also beat him, anyway, I am the dragon god, if I want to teach those reptiles a lesson, who would dare to say no?"

But without this relationship, it will be very troublesome, right? I heard that the giant dragons are tough guys, and they will be very troublesome~ Knowing Ah Da's weakness, Xiaoya waved her hand with a smile.

And it is obvious that Xiaoya hit Ah Da's weakness with one word this time—trouble, thinking of those troubles that are not there, Ah Da finally nodded after being silent for a long time: "Okay, that is to let Let him be my son, what a loss."

Regarding Ada's act of being good-looking when he got a bargain, Xiaoya smiled and said nothing, but secretly said in her heart: If poor Liu Ada bullies you, I will make it up to you, just bear with it. Anyway, Ah Da is very lazy, and he will be fine after he gets through this.

Rolling the transparent egg to the side of the carriage door, Liu, who watched Ada and Xiaoya from a distance, sneezed fiercely in the transparent egg, rubbed his nose with his fleshy paws and muttered: "Xiaoya and Dragon God What are you talking about? Is there something wrong with their relationship? But they have kissed for a long time, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right? But they seemed to be arguing just now, and if it’s okay, why didn’t they come to me for so long ? Doesn’t Xiaoya like me very much? I really want to get closer to the breath of the Dragon God!”

After Ada and Xiaoya finally discussed the matter about Liu, they soaked their feet by the lake again. As for Liu... let's put him in the carriage for the time being, and comfort the people around him first. Uncle Dragon God is the most important thing.

Nesting in Ah Da's arms and soaking feet together with Ah Da, Xiaoya watched her feet stepping on Ah Da's in the water, smiled and then remembered to ask Ah Da about the formation: Ah Da, the formation You got all those things done?

"Hmph, you just remembered now." Ada murmured softly, in order not to appear particularly stingy (Xiaoya: Are you stingy?), Ada put on a look of "I'm not jealous" and said : "Well, it's all done, how do you feel?"

what does it feel like Xiaoya looked at Ada puzzled.

"That is, do you feel that this place is more comfortable than before?" Ah Da was a little nervous, because this is the first time he has arranged such a large-scale formation, and it is all made of natural materials, although he is 100% sure It will definitely be successful, but even if some things are successful, they need the approval of others.

Relaxing her body and leaning against Ah Da's arms, Xiaoya thought about it seriously and then waved her hand in surprise: You don't say it, you don't think it, I just realized that the air and breath here have changed a lot, and before Suddenly, a powerful breath of life passed through my body, and then I realized that my body was as comfortable as when I was living at home!

By the way, speaking of it, Liu woke up at that time!

Xiaoya's words made Ah Da very happy, but the fly in the ointment was that the last sentence mentioned Liu. With a dark face, Ah Da said angrily: "That guy is cheap."

Because Ada didn't explain, Xiaoya didn't know that Ada moved his hands and feet in the transparent egg. After hearing what Ada said, he also thought that Liu's awakening was triggered because of the formation, so Xiaoya Yaquan attributed the credit to Ah Da: Ah Da, you are really amazing!

Seeing Xiaoya's happy expression, Ada knew at a glance that he had misunderstood, but since he had the opportunity to show his strength in front of Xiaoya, Ada would not be so stupid to explain such a beautiful misunderstanding .

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