MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 192 forever silent truth

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Seeing Xiaoya who was about to cry, Ada stretched out his hand and hugged him tightly in his arms. Regardless of Xiaoya's struggle, his big hand pressed Xiaoya's face on his chest, preventing him from looking at that girl again. The woman who made him sad. Looking at people other than Xiaoya and Kelly with serious eyes that have never been seen before. Dini still couldn't see the perfect smile of any emotion or reaction at all. After watching for a long time, Ada finally slowly turned to Kelly. Dini spoke.

"I wish you to advance to the level of Dharma God as soon as possible."

This is the first time Ah Da took the initiative to speak to a stranger who is completely insignificant in his eyes, not because of Kelly. Dini is about to become a Dharma god, but because of Kelly. There was an almost imperceptible love for Xiaoya in the depths of Dini's eyes.

"Thank you." Kelly said. Dini smiled perfectly at Ah Da, but his eyes only stayed on Xiaoya. Looking at Xiaoya, Kaili, who was struggling in Ada's arms and wanted to look up at her. Dini's voice was so soft that he seemed to be talking to himself: "Then... goodbye, may God of Creation bless you forever in good health and happiness."

The light words are almost as light as Lian Kelly. Dini couldn't hear it himself, but he stopped Xiaoya, who was held in Ah Da's arms, from struggling. Holding Ada tightly with both hands, Xiaoya dared not struggle to turn back at this moment, because he was afraid that if he turned around, he would stay in Kelly desperately. Dini's side!

It's not that she doesn't want to stay, but Kelly. Dini's fluffy scene words are like Kelly back then. What Dini once said to Xiaoya, and what he mentioned again today──"After you leave here, no matter what happens, even if you grow up and have a future, don't come back to this place again. do you know?"

Don't come back again, you know?

...Don't meet me again, you know?

Um...yes, he knows!

This is the hope of the mother. The mother hopes that she lives under the free sky, not in the dark Dini family. He knows it... He actually knew it a long time ago!

He shouldn't doubt his mother, because he knows...he knows his mother loves him!

He really does!

Holding Ada tightly, Xiaoya closed her tear-filled golden eyes and dared not open them again, because he was afraid that once he opened them, the sad tears might fall desperately at this moment , and then... Maybe it won't stop.

This can't be done, his mother has worked for him for so long, he can't waste all his mother's deeds in this moment!

Da Heng hugged Xiaoya who was in grief, and Ada looked at Kelly. Dini went to the window and opened the closed French window of the balcony, looked at her and said, "Let's go here, I'll take care of the rest." Ada was holding Xiaoya and passing Kelly. Dini said two words softly in an instant, and then disappeared in Kelly with Xiaoya in an instant. Dini's eyes.



A big word makes Kelly. Dini was shocked, and the original perfect smile was full of sadness at this moment.

Goodbye, goodbye, in the eyes of hopeful people, "goodbye" means meeting again, but in the eyes of desperate people, "goodbye" means never seeing each other again!

Undoubtedly Kelly. Dini belongs to the latter, because it was she who said to Xiaoya, "After this time, they will never see each other again", and she herself severed all contact with Xiaoya. Except for the blood that flows in the body and cannot be separated from anyone.

Actually at the beginning Kelly. Dini originally didn't want to talk about what was there or not, and she didn't want to have any in-depth communication with Xiaoya. She didn't even want Xiaoya to know who she was. She knew who he was, and she knew who he was a long time ago, but When she really did it, she saw the grief and sadness deep in Xiaoya's eyes, and the false mask she wore on her face finally shattered into pieces.

The same golden eyes as Xiaoya looked at the cloudless sky with sadness and expectation, Kelly. Dini's heart at this moment is both sad and gratified, because the child who has always been on her heart is still alive and well even without her...better and happier than ever when she was by her side...and free.

The fingers unconsciously played with the water-blue space ring on the ring finger of the left hand, and the perfect smile on the face became poignant at this moment.

I told my child that I would never meet again, and I kept convincing myself that it was for the sake of the child, but Kelly. Dini knew very clearly in her heart that this was actually just her warning herself, because she was very afraid that she would not be able to bear the pain in her heart, so she willfully kept the child by her side. When she became the head of the Dini family back then, she had already been willful once, but the people sent out that time could not find Xiaoya. At that time, everyone said that her child was dead, and she would never find it again... Not coming back.

The reason why she became the patriarch of the Dini family was because she could not help herself, and it was also to better protect her children, but she did not expect that she would lose her children after becoming the patriarch. After losing her child, she didn't want to continue to be a **** patriarch at all, but because the situation at the time didn't allow it and because...she still believed that her child must still be alive in this world.

However, as time passed day by day, Anzi sent out still had no news of the child. Seeing that the family was gradually getting on track, she was pregnant with a child when she wanted to give up. I haven't shared the bed with that married man for many years, but I didn't expect that it was just a mistake and relaxation, but I was pregnant with a child by design, Kelly. Dini had mixed feelings at the time.

Because in her relationship at that time, she only loved Xiaoya, a child.

The second child is smart and has high magical aptitude, which brought her a lot of honor and won her a lot of face in the family, and she gradually put Xiaoya's love on this child, after all The human heart is made of flesh, so how could a child whose body was separated really not love? But she still couldn't give the second child complete maternal love, perhaps because her love was no longer complete as early as the moment she sent Xiaoya away.

Seeing the child grow up day by day, she was exhausted and thought of abdicating once again, but this time she still failed because there was gradually a person who knew the magic of light in the world. The legend of the mute magician!

Only mothers will always understand their children best, and only mothers will always unconditionally believe that their children will one day flourish! Kelly. Dini has always believed that even if her child is a mute, he can still be successful one day, she has always believed so!

So be Kelly. After Dini saw the crystal video that was retrieved by someone, she cried all night. Blood is thicker than water, and she needs a glance. She couldn't see any resemblance to her, but she still recognized Xiaoya as the child back then at the first sight!

Those eyes, those subtle little movements, that occasional stubborn expression, aren't they just her stubborn and awkward child? So the idea of ​​abdicating is gone, and all the fatigue and fatigue are gone, because of Kelly as a mother. Dini knew that one day Xiaoya would definitely cause trouble because of his temper, even if Ada became a god-man later, so what? In the eyes of others, the bard of God is nothing more than two strong men with no nationality, no background, and no backing. She must have a strong identity and backing to back Xiaoya!

For more than ten years, because she was worried that others would connect Xiaoya with her nominally dead first child, she had to pretend to be business-like to the troubadour of God in front of people, but secretly I read all kinds of materials about the bard of the gods again and again. Seeing Xiaoya desperately running to dangerous places all day long, watching which countries have sent killers, watching what kind of fierce battle Xiaoya has experienced, watching Xiaoya brush shoulders with danger and death countless times, But I can only sit at the table and look at the materials that I don't know how many times they have changed hands. I can't even say a word of worry or greeting, and I can't even ask about Xiaoya's situation in an open and aboveboard manner. If you want to stop some people in Dragon Kingdom desperately, and push your child far away, no one can understand Kelly. How painful Dini has been in the past ten years.

Good thing Kelly. Dini is relieved that although Xiaoya has been in constant trouble, she has not had any major problems in the end, Kelly. Dini always thought that he would look at Xiaoya like this, until the day she died and the day when the child was so strong that any schemes would be in vain in front of him. It's just that I didn't expect that I just thought this way. Xiaoya's child will stop singing if he doesn't sing, but his singing is earth-shattering, and even such a thing as the dragon's corpse has made a fuss!

So Kelly. Dini no longer cared about hiding her own strength, and showed her strength during the upper-level meeting of the Dragon Kingdom. She was infinitely close to the power of the Dharma God, coupled with the background of the patriarch of the Dini family, she became the leader of the Dragon Kingdom on the spot. The representative of the country came here in a hurry, not for the country or the family, but to stand up for his children.

It just made Kelly even more. What made Dini dumbfounded was that he never thought that his child would become a citizen of the Magic Empire. Thinking of the stunned expressions of the representatives of various countries after seeing the names on the Genesis Stone, Kelly. The sad and beautiful smile on Dini's face became relaxed, as if he had let go of a big stone in his heart!

Finally, she can let go of this restless child for a while, and what are those guys looking at? Isn't it a matter of course that her child can become a citizen of the magic empire? Her kids are doing great!

Kelly passed on her arrogant and arrogant temperament to Xiaoya. Dini closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened those golden eyes that were exactly the same as Xiaoya's again, and there was the calm, confident and powerful Dini patriarch—Kelly. Dini.

We must work hard to become a Dharma God, and we must work hard to stand at the top of this world, so that even if we cannot meet again, I can always silently guard you—my child.


Xiaoya, who was brought back to the Albert family by Ada in an instant, did not shed a single tear from the beginning to the end, but from that day on, Xiaoya seemed like another Ada, lazily talking to each other all day long. He is not interested in anything, and the only thing he is interested in is sleeping. Besides sleeping, he still sleeps. Ada's eyes are full of worries, but Ada is also reluctant to force Xiaoya, so he can only sleep day after day. Sleep with Xiaoya, stay in a daze with him, and wait with him for the wound in my heart to heal over time.

Until one day, people from Dragon Country came to the door.

When seeing the representative of the Dragon Kingdom coming to the door, Xiaoya, who can't react violently to anything now, suddenly had a heartbeat, but when he heard the person who came to say that the patriarch Dini thanked him for apologizing, After the apology, the heart that was excited because of something cooled down again, but the hand that received the apology trembled imperceptibly.

It turned out that the events of that day were Kelly. Dini explained that those sensitive issues annoyed the bard of the gods who had already announced that they had nothing to do with the dragon, so they teleported away without going through the main entrance in a fit of anger. However, other people don't know what happened in this incident. How can Xiaoya, who has experienced it personally and has an unforgettable impression for a lifetime, not know, and how can he not understand what this so-called "apology" is all about? thing?

Trying to maintain the superficial calm and sent away the representative of the Dragon Kingdom, Xiaoya dropped Ah Da and quickly ran into the carriage, and couldn't wait to open the one that the representative of the Dragon Kingdom said, which was personally selected by Patriarch Dini. Finally, let the representative of Dragon Kingdom, the seventeenth prince, send an "apology"! Inside is a water-blue space ring, and inside the ring are almost countless valuable and various books, and there are also a pile of priceless colorful stones.

Staring blankly at those colorful stones, Xiaoya's whole body trembled, even Ada's hug still couldn't calm him down!

Seven-color stone is a very rare, precious and special ore. Its special feature lies in the irregular shape of the ore itself, and each cross-section can show a completely different color after cutting. However, this is not the reason for Xiaoya's excitement, but because of the colorful stones for Xiaoya and Kelly. For Dini, its preciousness lies in the memories it brings to the two of them!

When Xiaoya became sensible, she became very self-enclosed for a while because she was fed up with all kinds of dark and negative eyes from others, and Kelly. In order for Xiaoya to pick up the pen again and communicate with him, learn to write and recognize characters, Dini tried his best to use the precious colorful stones to create a special jigsaw puzzle made of the uniqueness of the colorful stones. Xiaoya, whose child has no resistance to shiny and shiny things, spelled out words one after another, thus achieving the goal of letting Xiaoya learn. I really feel sorry for the parents of the world.

Xiaoya has always liked this thing, but Kelly back then. When Dini sent him away, he found that there was no such thing in the carriage. Xiaoya, who was already sensible at the time, thought it was because the colorful stones were too expensive, so Kelly. Dini didn't put it in the carriage, but he didn't expect...

Recalling the time when her mother patiently accompanied her to play the jigsaw puzzle of colorful stones, Xiaoya immediately put together the colorful stones, but she couldn't calm down because of the excitement in her heart, and finally saw the changes of these colorful stones, for Kelly. Ada, who was shocked by Dini's thoughts, used his clever mind to help Xiaoya complete the puzzle.


Looking at it is no longer text but a picture, a picture depicting a mother holding a child and telling a story, drops of water falling on the assembled colorful stones... Xiaoya, who has not cried all this time, is at this moment today Finally cried out.

Xiaoya, already in her thirties, was crying silently like a child in Ada’s arms. Her mouth that kept opening and closing was silently calling out to the person whom she would never see again──Mother !

Seeing Xiaoya who finally cried, Ah Da was relieved and distressed, but no matter how distressed she was, being able to cry was the best thing for Xiaoya.

On this day, Xiaoya finally untied the knot in her heart called mother.


After staying at Kailian's house for another ten and a half months, Xiaoya left in a carriage with her eyes rolled repeatedly under Kailian's happy farewell.

When looking at the hotel where the people passing by the Dragon Kingdom stayed, Xiaoya thought of Kelly that day. The scene when Dini and the others left. However, I don't know if it's a trick of fate, knowing Kelly. When Dini and the others were about to leave, Xiaoya asked Ada to take him to watch Kelly from afar. Dini and the others left, thinking that they could see Kelly again through that time. Dini side, but did not expect the last parting really become their last side, from beginning to end Kelly. Dini has never been in the carriage!

But after finally knowing that she was not abandoned by her mother, and not a child without a mother, Xiaoya took this matter a lot more seriously. However, thinking of what happened that day, Xiaoya couldn't help but think of the Seventeenth Prince, who seemed to be the most favored prince in the Dragon Kingdom, who rushed from the Dragon Kingdom in a hurry because of the dragon's corpse.

Looking up at Ada who didn't respond, Xiaoya raised the sign and said with a smile: "Ada, that seventeenth prince looks like you when you were a child!" Exactly the same thing! I remember that the mother concubine of the seventeenth prince is the current queen of the Dragon Kingdom. It seems that there is a book that said that when the queen was still a concubine, she was taken away by the queen at the time because of the chaos in the palace. , Later, the child was still in the harem and disappeared without a trace. I heard that this matter has become one of the top ten mysteries in the harem of the Dragon Country!

Ah Da, who was lazily sleeping, raised his eyelids and looked at Xiaoya who had returned to normal and started to dance around, holding a so-called "a certain book" in his hand, making fun of Xiaoya, Ah Da said indifferently and with absolute certainty : "I have nothing to do with anyone except you."

Hehe~ I knew you would say that.

Xiaoya triumphantly held up the "Secret History of the Harem of the Dragon Kingdom" found in the interspatial ring given by her mother, and continued to nest in Ada's arms with a smile, gossiping about what was there and what was not. .

At the same time, an earth-shattering event happened in the Dini family of Dragon Kingdom.

"What? Mother?! You want to give me the position of patriarch?"

Looking at this second son, Kelly, who will never get his complete mother's love. Guilt flashed across Dini's eyes, but he still explained with a kind and perfect smile on his face: "I want to concentrate on cultivation and become a Dharma God as soon as possible. And you can already be on your own, and you don't need me to protect you anymore."

Some secrets, some truths, will always remain silent in the torrent of history for various reasons, and even at the end of history, there will be no day when the truth will be revealed.