MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 181 Dragon, dead!

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In the team that was advancing at an average speed, there was a dilapidated carriage that was particularly obvious in this huge team. The door of the carriage that was originally closed but seemed to collapse as soon as it was pushed, under the various expectations, worries, calculations, conspiracies, etc. of other people, His eyes finally opened slowly. The two chief and deputy heads of the "No. 1" mercenary group, who have been in for a long time since the morning, finally met everyone's eyes and dragged their bodies as if they had experienced a thousand catastrophes. Get out of that dilapidated carriage.

Seeing the mount that had been brought here with him for many years, the two chief and deputy heads of the "First" mercenary regiment looked at each other with wry smiles, and waved to the little mercenary commanding the mount. He waved his hand and said: "Go and pull the resting carriage over. The deputy head and I are going back to rest in the carriage for the time being. You give me instructions to let the captain keep an eye on the team. Just don't go the wrong way and don't cause trouble."

Following the head's words, the deputy head added without even thinking: "If there is nothing else, don't bother us until tomorrow."

For such an inexplicable order from the deputy head, the head, who has always been very responsible, rarely refuted, and the little mercenaries who were waiting for the order from the two head and deputy head were panicked. So when the little mercenary went to order others to bring the resting carriage, the news that the head and deputy head of the "first" mercenary regiment suddenly wanted to rest spread inadvertently, so it turned out to be full of all kinds of people. The thoughtful look in his eyes became even more weird, but the two head and deputy heads who are now physically and mentally exhausted about these things are no longer able to take care of them.

As the resting carriage came to the side of the dilapidated carriage, looking at the two heads and deputy heads who walked to the front seat of the resting carriage supporting each other, the captains of the "first" mercenary group who heard the news were full of concern Condolences to the two heads of the delegation.

"Head! Deputy head! You finally came out!"

"Head, deputy head, are you all right?"

"Hmm! Head, deputy head, those two gentlemen didn't bully you, did they?"

"Head, deputy head, you... you... still... okay? Those two gentlemen..."

"Head, deputy head, I heard that those two gentlemen treated you..."

"Head, deputy head..."


Listening to everyone's condolences, although the two heads and deputy heads were really moved by the care of this group of heartless guys, but listening to everyone repeatedly mentioning the two things that made them physically and mentally exhausted Mr. Wei, the two heads and deputy heads of the "First" mercenary group really have the urge to roar at this moment—don't mention those two demons in front of them again!

Although I really want to roar like this, but in order to take into account my identity and not attract the attention of the two gentlemen in the dilapidated carriage, which will cause more unnecessary troubles (this is the real point), the "first" servant The two chief and deputy heads of the corps could only hurried into the carriage after smiling to everyone that it was okay, and no longer responded to what the people outside said.

After closing the door of the carriage, the two battered chiefs and deputy captains finally hugged each other involuntarily and wept bitterly after watching each other silently for several minutes.

What happened in the carriage just now was really a human tragedy!


Looking at the closed carriage door, the mercenaries who were very concerned about their chief and deputy commanders couldn't help but looked at each other after pestering and asking several questions, and then their eyes fell on the From the protected center of the team, he walked on the worn-out carriage that was the leader of the team. Looking at the dilapidated carriage that seemed to fall down at any time and could no longer move forward, the mercenaries of the "First" mercenary group really didn't understand what happened to their chief and deputy head inside, but they remembered the two The mercenaries had no choice but to wonder at the moment when the head and deputy head stepped out of the carriage—could their head and deputy head be bullied in the carriage?

But is this possible? You must know that those two gentlemen are powerful existences! If you want to bully, you don't need to hide like this, right? And even if you really want to bully people, there is no reason to call people into the carriage to bully so openly, right? Doesn't that mean telling the whole world that these two gentlemen are bullying people openly? Moreover, they still bully people who are weaker than them. Is such a thing possible?

If such a thing is told, let alone the people who listen, even the people who tell the story will not believe it!

Just when the mercenaries of the "No. 1" mercenary group couldn't figure out what happened to their head and deputy head in the carriage, the other three joined forces with the "No. 1" mercenary group. Said to be the mercenaries of the mercenary regiment who were going on the Dragon Valley mission, the eyes that had originally revealed malicious intentions now took on a strange color. Especially when they saw the dilapidated carriage of the two gentlemen, after the two chief and deputy heads of the "first" mercenary regiment left, walking in front of the team with an absolute posture, they couldn't help it. I don't doubt whether the two chief and deputy heads of the "No. 1" mercenary group made some invisible deal with those two powerful gentlemen, so as to seek the protection of the two gentlemen, or... seek The powerful strength that can decide everything after the valley!

Thinking of the actions of the two chief and deputy heads of the "No. 1" mercenary regiment supporting each other and their waists when they stepped out of the dilapidated carriage, some men with wretched thoughts couldn't help but think in a more wretched direction.

Who doesn't know that the two gentlemen are famous homosexual lovers, and although the two heads of the "first" mercenary regiment are not as good as the appearance and temperament of the two gentlemen in the dilapidated carriage, on the whole But he was much more handsome than many others, and with his years of mercenary career, the two chief and deputy heads of the "No. 1" mercenary regiment were, to a certain extent, very charming and handsome guys!

I didn't expect that the "No. 1" mercenary group would sell everything even their bodies for the things in the Dragon Valley. They even said that they were the most upright mercenaries in the world. Pooh! In the end, it's not a guy who sells ass! And what is even more unexpected is that those two same-sex lovers who have always been loving in front of the world, although they have already expected that they will come to Dragon Valley not just because of fun, but also for the precious things in Dragon Valley , but I really didn't expect that those two would not be able to resist the temptation. After getting the two heads and deputy heads of the "No. Cooperate with the mercenary group, and even become the strong backing of the "No. 1" mercenary group!

snort! What else is the most enviable same-sex couple in the world, who are so affectionate that they no longer make people discriminate and look down on them? It's just bullshit! Those who think these two are an affectionate same-sex couple are simply blind! These two people are simply very lewd!

People always like to substitute their own thoughts into other people's thoughts, so when people with obscene thoughts imagine other people's personalities, they will naturally think of others as obscene. As for the wretched mercenaries who thought they had found the answer, their eyes looking at the dilapidated carriage were so wretched that people wanted to poke their eyes blind, but these two gentlemen in the dilapidated carriage did not The mercenaries who might have noticed their gaze and looked at the dilapidated carriage blatantly with wretched eyes would never have imagined that the two gentlemen who were originally tall and mighty but now turned wretched in their minds were throwing all of them away. His demeanors were all in his eyes one by one, and at the same time, he wrote them down on the paper one by one, waiting to settle the accounts slowly after arriving in Longgu!

After talking for so long, I believe you don't need to say more about who those two gentlemen are. They are naturally our Ada and Xiaoya!

Because Xiaoya really doesn't like others calling him an adult, and Ada's name is Ada and he has no surname at all. If he calls him an adult, wouldn't he become Ada? So when I thought of such a funny name at the beginning, and added the word "adult" because I really don't like it, Xiaoya never allowed others to call him and Ada "adults", and only allowed others to call them Mr. Starting from Xiaoya and Ada, the word "Mr" has unconsciously become a title for the strong.

Seeing that it was just calling the head and deputy head of the "No. 1" mercenary group into the carriage to "chat", but unexpectedly attracted so many obscene looks, Xiaoya narrowed her eyes and took the paper and pen One by one, it recorded those guys with particularly wretched eyes, calculating how to settle this account with these guys who are so wretched that they don't even want their lives after they arrive in Longgu!

After writing down the names of all the particularly wretched people on the paper, Xiaoya put away the pen and paper contentedly and took out all kinds of gossip materials dug up from the "No. Perfect" expression waved to Ah Da behind him: Ah Da, look! "No. 1" is indeed No. 1. There are so many gossips! This is more than a hundred sheets of paper, and I have filled them all! Tsk tsk, how many songs do you think I can write here? Ahhh, I finally don't have to write those funny songs anymore, and even if the subsequent tasks are not fun, I can still write a lot of interesting songs based on these, it really makes me feel happy!

Ada gently touched Xiaoya's head and smiled, shamelessly pushed all the mercenary regiments, even those with a little reputation, into the abyss and said, "This is what I want to do." Good. If we can’t find a satisfactory subject in the future, we will go to those famous people and ask these things.”

Um! OK! OK!

Hearing Ada's proposal, Xiaoya nodded vigorously excitedly.

So far, Xiaoya and Ahda's funny songs will not be reproduced before the eyes of the world for many years.

But after she was happy, Xiaoya, who was very capricious but absolutely committed, remembered the request from the two chief and deputy heads of the "First" mercenary regiment to herself—no matter what happened in Dragon Valley, she would definitely It is necessary to ensure the safety of the mercenaries of the "first" mercenary regiment.

Thinking of the serious expressions of the two chief and deputy heads when they begged herself and Ada, Xiaoya touched her chin and nodded lightly, and waved to Ada with an expression of "what did I find?" Big, I smell conspiracy! The two chief and deputy heads of the "No. 1" mercenary group actually entrusted us! Hehe, although they couldn't tell the conspiracy because of professional ethics before, it doesn't mean they can't talk about it afterwards. Hey Hey Hey…

"Well. You can do these things as you see fit, and I'll listen to you." Ada, who had no interest in these things at all, patted the head of Xiaoya, who was a little out of sorts because he found something interesting. Back to such a very disappointing words.

Glaring Ah Da angrily, Xiao Ya didn't bother to wave her hand and directly raised the sign to protest: Ah Da! You are getting lazy and boring!

To this, Ah Da's answer was very straightforward, and immediately threw Xiaoya down, expressing to Xiaoya that he was just lazy, but he was very intentional! Even if it's really boring, but Xiaoya absolutely can't be boring to him!

Fortunately, the carriage was still on the way and did not attract anyone's attention. Otherwise, the abnormal shaking of the carriage would probably cause those wretched guys to make a wretched guess.


After a long half a year, Ah Da and Xiao Ya finally arrived at the place where Dragon Valley was. However, I don't know if everyone made an appointment, but the other nine mercenary teams who took over the other two missions about the Dragon Valley also appeared at the entrance of the Dragon Valley at the same time.

Seeing the mercenaries with murderous intent and greed in their expressions, the two chief and deputy heads of the "No. 1" mercenary regiment, who did not want to participate in this matter, looked at the members of their ranks at the same time. That old dilapidated carriage. After being invited into the carriage that day, the two chief and deputy heads knew very well how enviable, jealous and hated the dilapidated carriage was!

Thinking that the two gentlemen were watching everything outside in the carriage at this time, and promised that they would protect themselves and the mercenary group, the head and deputy head, who were still a little apprehensive, felt relieved a lot, because the world We all know that Xiaoya and Ada are very valuable people. After looking at each other comfortingly, the two head and deputy heads of the "first" mercenary group and the other mercenary group's speakers in the team stepped forward to meet the other mercenary group's speakers, and discussed the matter together. Things between Dragon Valley.

After a period of "pleasant" discussion, everyone quickly and unanimously decided to enter Dragon Valley together. After all, on the surface, their missions are different and there is no stake at all, isn't it?

Xiaoya, who sat in the carriage and never showed up, looked at the hypocritical faces, and the corners of her mouth slowly curled up with obvious sarcasm. Looking back at Ah Da who frowned slightly when approaching Longgu, and then returned to normal with a dull and calm face, Xiaoya waved her hand with raised eyebrows: Ah Da, the fun is about to begin. !

This is indeed a Dragon Valley that has not been abandoned by the dragon, because... the dragon died before abandoning this Dragon Valley, and he still died in this Dragon Valley!