MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 162 "Receive" the heart (Part 1)

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Everyone hurriedly took out their weapons to block the sharp arrows that shot towards them one after another, and at the same time, they did not forget to complain about Ah Da who had not notified them at the last moment of danger.

But this guy Ada didn't know if he took the wrong medicine today, or he didn't know which neurosis was out of order. Ada, who was always lazy, not talkative and unreasonable, unexpectedly after playing with everyone, he immediately went to sleep again. Under the eyes of everyone complaining, he said slowly: "It's not my fault, it's just that you guys kept arguing and didn't give me a chance to speak up."


Hearing this, everyone turned their heads speechlessly and stopped looking at Ah Da's face that was so angry that people would not pay for their lives. They desperately resisted the increasingly fierce attack in front of them. What arrows were smeared with faint blue arrows? , What kind of large-scale dark magic, and what kind of single-person dark magic, and even big knives, stones, which should be held in the hand and should not appear in the battle, are rogue weapons, even to Kai. Lian and the others flew over!

Looking at the inexplicable weapons flying all over the palace, everyone who was completely unprepared to be killed by surprise had black lines all over their heads, and couldn't help muttering in their hearts: What the **** is this? ! Why did even a weapon like a broadsword fly out? !

And just when everyone was surprised that the weapons and magic attacks were coming out one after another, they also had a big question in their hearts: why were they the only ones being attacked, and the two most obvious targets, Ah Da and Xiao Ya, were stunned? Nothing at all? !

That's right, just when everyone was suddenly attacked, Ada and Xiaoya were standing by the side, enjoying the show leisurely. The magic, weapons, etc. flying in the air had no direction at all. They flew in the direction of Xiaoya and Adana, and sometimes flew towards Xiaoya and Ada. The magic and weapons would turn in a strange arc and fly towards Kailian and the others. Such a strange situation made the four of Kailian, who knew Ah Da's strength, couldn't help cursing Ah Da, this heartless bastard, that is, Jia Lianna and the mercenaries who were too busy to resist, and those who didn't like it. The attendants of Zhongyong also gradually discovered such a strange situation, and suddenly a common voice sounded in everyone's hearts.

If they can get out of here alive, even if they really can't beat Ah Da, they will definitely show Ah Da some color!

Of course, although Ada's behavior is indeed very annoying, compared with Xiaoya's situation, Ada's behavior is actually considered good. Because under Ada's protection, Xiaoya, who was only thinking about her own heroic plan, immediately took out a pen and paper at the moment of the attack, and recorded the situation in front of her, of course, occasionally modifying it , to add some mythological look to this "realistic" poem.

Even occasionally, Xiaoya still feels that so-and-so is not doing well enough, or that so-and-so should be injured once or twice, so that the "performance" in front of her can be more prominent, and Xiang is doing it for her own. Everyone in the life-and-death battle raised their cards, so angry that if they were not killed by the attack, they would almost die of anger because of Xiaoya's actions.

But even so, everyone didn't think about finding Xiaoya to settle the score. The reason doesn't need to be explained at all. Isn't it obvious?

Who doesn't know that Ada's heart is Xiaoya? Who dares to challenge Xiaoya's ancestor! It's not that he doesn't want to live anymore, and if he really challenged Xiaoya, it would be a kind of happiness to die immediately.

Making life worse than death is Ah Da's true skill. Although Ah Da has always been lazy, lazy people have ways of being lazy.

It's far away, let's come back and take a look at the situation in the palace.

Lying in A Da's arms, Xiao Ya was holding A Da's shoulders as a desk to write poems. She tried her best to watch the development of the situation with her golden eyes wide open. Occasionally, she would help Kailian and the others, and occasionally He will hold up a sign to show everyone what to do. Although Xiaoya's actions were indeed excessive, as the saying goes, "a bystander is clear", Xiaoya who watched Kailian and the others from the side condescendingly watched the battle, but he clearly saw the situation of Kailian and the others, and occasionally raised his hand. The card that hurts everyone is just to protect everyone from more serious injuries.

It is precisely because of this that although everyone vomits blood because of Xiaoya's leisure, in fact they still listen to Xiaoya's command very much, and generally speaking, Xiaoya still needs them to complete Xiaoya's heroic plan , so everyone is also very relieved to hand over their lives to Xiaoya.

But if anyone could understand the eye contact between Ada and Xiaoya at this time, even Kailian and the others who had a good relationship with Xiaoya would vomit blood and die in anger.


What Xiaoya was thinking at this time was nothing but the most traditional, attractive, and easily immortalized hero story—the hero and the powerful and evil enemy died together!

Seeing Kailian and the others who had gradually stabilized under her command and started to control the situation after getting out of the unprepared disadvantage, Xiaoya couldn't help but think a little bit. While quickly recording the things in front of him, he told Ah Da about his little thoughts: Ah Da, do you think I should let Kailian and the others die here? To perish together with the high-level demons who used extremely evil means to resurrect and reincarnate into the mortal world, this theme looks very good!

Ada, who had been staring at the black heart since the fight started, reached out and patted Xiaoya's back after receiving Xiaoya's gaze, and reminded lightly: "There is no extra audience here."

The meaning of Ada is very clear, that is to say, there are no redundant weak people who need to be protected here. Even if Kailian and the others all died together with the enemy, it would not be a big deal. This is not a rare kindness of Ada, but it is just because Ada knows very well that there will be no chance for the enemy of the Lord to play in the future, so in order not to disappoint Xiaoya, Ada naturally will not think about it. Let Kailian and the others die at this time.

That's not worth it, to die at such a time, and to let Xiaoya down 100%.

And after Xiaoya heard Ada's point, he immediately reacted clearly, and was a little disappointed but still continued his great heroic plan!

So, the two guys, Ah Da and Xiao Ya, are really heartless!