MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v5 Chapter 668 Time prison

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Flash time, a powerful move that can jump time, has been tried and tested.

Hiter approached Kabini with a 0.1 second advantage, this time, hitting the face of Kabini! Carbini’s horrified look distorted and the whole person flew out.

Hellfire stagnate in the air, and Hitt's speed is so fast that the flames are too late to follow.


Kabini landed heavily and took a good time.

Then, there were several consecutive slamming sounds. Fliesa was knocked down by Tiss several times with a speeding impact, and Goku fell into a collapse under the attack of Jilian.

The level of super blue can't be hit in the middle of the Jilian, this is full power.

Wukong sucked a cold breath, jumped from the ground, and the frontal angle was cold and sweaty.

"Hah!" With a big bang, Wukong rushed again and smashed countless fists toward Jilian. The phantom-like attack triggered an unstoppable energy storm, enough to split the space.

But Jilian stood on the ground, did not move, and blocked all the attacks of Sun Wukong with one hand.

"Is this all your strength?" faintly asked, as if careless. This symbolizes the unparalleled self-confidence of Jilian and the strength to crush everything.

"Turtle qigong!" Wukong did not have a positive answer. Shantou made a full-fledged qigong blast, and the mighty energy burst out like a river of the Yangtze River. It was like a galaxy, and the whole world was bright.

The light drowned Jilian, which blew up part of the collapse, and the undulations that spread out caused a deafening roar.

But Sun Wukong’s face did not show a trace of joy. Instead, it was full of horror. His hand was shaking. The turtle’s qigong hit the enemy for the first time and was so strongly blocked. The force that came back from the earthquake made him numb.

After the thick smoke, Ji Lianfei stood out, as Wukong expected, intact. It’s just better, it’s just more spiritual.

Ji Lian, a flying dragonfly, was in the chest of Wukong, kicking Goku a few laps in the air and rolling to the ground.

The powerful force brought severe pain, and Wukong fell on the ground, and the body kept shaking.

"It's amazing, haha, it really is a strong enemy."

"You have made me a little disappointed." Ji Lian said coldly, there was no expression on the bare face. Super Blue's strength did not meet his expectations.

Just then, the side suddenly flew a heavy leg, in the middle of Jilian's cheek!


"Hey, you are too big." Hitt landed, his hands in his pockets, and the chic gesture exceeded the people in the place.

In the stands, I saw this scene, and haha ​​shouted: "Come on, Hitt!"

Bardos didn't talk, but she shook her head pitifully. As an angel, she already saw the gap. Hitt could not win, even though he was strong.

Weiss also immediately judged the outcome, and said with emotion: "The sixth universe is probably going out."

"That guy has played with Goku, should it be refined again?" Bilus looked stunned. "However, it seems that it doesn't seem to be useful, even Wukong..."

He saw that Wukong’s attack was not as good as the other side’s attack, and his face was green. If the other party really surpasses the existence of destroying God, let alone a Goku, even if it is not used with Vegeta and Fliesa.

Ji Lian, who had been hit by Hitt, stood up like a man, stretched out with one hand, and shouted at Hitt: "Roll!"

Suddenly, a forced pressure rushed away, invisibly suppressing the space. Hitt didn't move, and Kabini, who was sprinting behind him, was shot by Jillian.

Hitt noticed the movement of Kabini early, and Jilian did not want anyone to disturb his battle.

This shot, Kabini felt bloody, and after the fall, he was trembled. He had an idea in his mind, and he could not be an enemy of Jilian anyway.

And Hitt was secretly shocked. He used the flash space to deal with Kabini and also made a lot of effort. It was so easy like Jilian!

The other party is simply unfathomable.

"Don't you attack?" Jilian pegged to Hitt.

"Oh, it seems that we have to make a trick."

Hitt untied the cloak of the cloak, and his hands condensed his power, and he changed the way of fighting.

Wukong was shocked: ""

"I am also making progress. I used this trick to knock down you. Now I have to advance." After that, Hitt rushed away, and his figure was faster than before.

Super high speed, plus jump time, Hitt blasted an absolute blow!


Ji Lian blocked it with one hand, and the mighty power returned to his palm. At the same time, Jilian’s fists waved and headed for Hitt.

Flash time! Hitt made another effort and tried his best to avoid the power of this punch.

However, Ji Lian stepped forward and seemed to have known Hitt's next move, changing the attack mode in an instant, and the fist hit Hitt from another angle.

Flash time work, invalid!

"how come……"

"I have observed your movements." Ji Lian said faintly, picking up a leg and flying Hitt.

Since the beginning of the game, Jilian has not acted, but has been observing several people who can be opponents. Wukong, Hitt and Shazzaro are all within his observation range. Hitt's flash was used frequently, and naturally escaped from Jilian's eyes.

"It turns out that." Hitt bit his teeth and stood up, blending himself into the flash space and constantly approaching Jilian.

Jilian still did not panic, clenched his fist and blasted to the void. It seems that no matter what, as long as a punch can solve the whole world is shaking, Jilian's fist has shattered the space, breaking the void. Hitt was forced to fly out of the flash space and fell to the ground again.

At this time, Wukong rushed up, Jilian eyes mammoth, an invisible super pressure to bounce Wukong's body.

"Sun Wukong, don't mess around!" Hitt swayed and stood up. He never encountered such awkward moments. He never met such a powerful opponent. Hitt’s fighting spirit burned for thousands of years.

He is facing Jilian, his arms are set up, his hands are bounded into a frame, shaped like a qigong cannon, not a qigong cannon.

"I want to catch you!" Hitt drank, the strange power enveloped Jilian, and the light flashed.

When it is condensed!

The trick of separating the opponent's time separately, the advance of the flash.

If the opponent is weaker than himself, he can completely settle the opponent. If the opponent's own strength is much stronger than himself, the opponent's action can be slowed down. Even Jilian, after this move, the action has become a shackle, as if it were tied up.

Hite smiled smugly, and his proud tactics played a role.

Kabini looked on the sidelines, faintly feeling that something was wrong, and did not act rashly. And Tis broke through Jilian and wanted to help, but he was caught by Fliesa.

Fliesa's cold blood stabbed the cold: "Where do you want to go? Call me like this, I am very angry."

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