MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v5 Chapter 585 Dragon God's Guide, the universe is one

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Latiz left the 21st in the realm of time, and he went to the lower bound alone, to stop the obscuration of the dark side.

He alone has the ability to resemble the whole king, but he is not sure if he can succeed. After all, he is not the whole king. Before coming to the dark side in person, Latiz was shocked by the darkness of the darkness, and it was vast and innocent, as if the thousands of horses were riding on the black dust.

The matter that was touched by the darkness disappeared immediately. This is an indiscriminate destruction that comes with it.

Latiz was condensed, and the will spread out, resisting the progress of the dark side, and the two great forces collided, representing the fate of the positive and negative poles.


Under the strength of Latiz, the dark side did not move forward. They seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall. The rolling black fog stagnated in place and changed shape, as if roaring.

Latiz is relieved that it is already a blessing to stop them, and it is more difficult to restore the order of the unbalanced world. Unless you enter the darkness, liberate the whole king and bring down Sharjah.

Kolatiz did not have confidence to overcome Sarga. After all, the whole king and the great priests and so many angels failed. It is almost impossible for him to succeed.

While thinking, a strong driving force rushed from the negative to the world, and the dark side broke out again. The black fog was stirred up by the frenzy, breaking the barrier and attacking with a more ferocious attitude.

Apparently someone on the side has discovered Latiz and is in charge of negative energy.

"Damn, can't you stop it?" Latiz gnawed his teeth, looking at the dark side of the momentum, and suddenly panicked.

Right, Dragon Ball! Dragon Ball’s wish has not been promised, you can ask if there is any way for Shenlong.

Although the power of the dragon can not control the negative world, but perhaps know the solution, after all, if the purpose of Sarga is as true as the 21st to penetrate the two worlds, then the one who brought himself to the world of Dragon Ball is not a dragon.

Latiz immediately teleported to the palace of the whole king. The seven dragon beads on the heights of the place are neatly arranged, emitting orange-red light, and the outline of the stars can be seen from every angle.

They are very close to each other, attracting each other and making a "beep" bang, which makes the entire palace of the whole king echo with a roaring voice.

The lower bound is at stake, and it is not too late. Latiz quickly recites the spell and summons the dragon.

However, the Dragon Ball flashed twice, the golden light spread, covering the entire palace, but there was no sign of the emergence of the dragon, no glory, no giant shadow.

"Strange, is it because of the last summoned relationship, but that time did not make a wish." Latiz never encountered such a thing, looking around, only to see the golden light shrouded the entire palace.

The golden light shrouded Latiz as if it had entered another space.

When did Dragon Ball have this function? Latiz was shocked and felt that too many things were beyond his understanding.

"Latiz, I am the Dragon God Salama."

In the light, suddenly a sound of majesty and sound was heard, like a dragon.

Latiz was shocked and the original Dragon God Salama really existed! The **** who created the dragon ball, the legendary figure.

But in the space filled with golden light, there is nowhere to see where the dragon **** is, only the sound is circling in the void.

"Don't look for me, I am the embodiment of every light spot, everywhere." The sound of the dragon **** Salama really surrounded Latiz, and it was issued at every corner. "I summoned you to this world." Because you have an unusual fate."

The selected people are such a set of rhetoric, there is always a burden, what fate, Latiz quietly listened to this set of bad words, waiting for the following.

"The current situation is only that you can change. From the very beginning, it is doomed that only you can change."

"You have such a powerful force, can't you stop it?" Latiz asked.

"No, I can't interfere with this world, so I created Dragon Ball to maintain the balance of the universe. This is the best I can do."

Latiz smiled and shook his head: "I tried it, the other side is too strong, and my strength doesn't work."

"So, I will guide you." The sound of Dragon God Salama suddenly became clear, "Combine all the universe!"

All universes are one? Latiz’s eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, put each independent universe, every space and space universe together, to form a 'sole', which may be able to resist the dark side. But this is only temporary, and finally, you still need to defeat the person who controls everything."

The man who manipulates everything, of course, is Sharjah.

In this way, there is nothing wrong with the judgment of the Dragon God. The whole king and the great priest are not there. I am afraid that only Latiz can be dealt with at the moment. In the end, the battle is still needed to solve the problem.

In fact, Latiz is also prepared to restrain the negative invasion of the world and avoid a fierce battle with the masters behind the scenes.

"I will also give you a wish, and everything will be entrusted to you." The sound of the dragon **** Salama gradually faded away, and the golden light of the whole space slowly receded, leaving only the huge wishing beads around the sky, gradually sink.

The great power of the Dragon God began to play its role. In the palace of the whole king, you can see that the stars of the sky are changing positions, and the rays of the large pieces are condensing. The remaining four universes are merging, they break their barriers, stick together, and blend the edges into their respective spheres.

At the same time, time and space have also changed. Every time and space fragment, the parallel universe of each branch line is merged. They are gradually combined under the guidance of Dragon God Just like a lot of layers superimposed, it finally merges into a universe.

Kay in the world of time is shocked. She feels that a great power is affecting time and space. It is noisy in countless time pieces and integrates many parallel time and space. This is forbidden and impossible. The thing that comes.

But that power surpassed the routine and made such a grand change.

The energy of chaos unites the universe, and Latiz is shocked to see the super power of the dragon god, which is deeply unbelievable. At this time, the seven dragon **** that were sinking were getting smaller and smaller, and they became seven **** that constantly scatter the light. They came to Latiz and joined the body of Latiz!

The golden glow warmed Latiz and then disappeared. Did the seven Dragon Balls enter their bodies, or the power of the Dragon God? Latiz remembered the last sentence of Salama. He wants to send himself a wish. Maybe it means that he can make a wish with the Dragon Ball just now?

But Latiz has intuition, that is probably the last I have to find the latest chapter myself? You OUT, WeChat pays attention to the beauty Xiaobian to help you find a book! It’s really a good time to read a book sister!