MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 15 Poor Bibi Dong

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  Chapter 15 The Sad Bibi Dong

   "Tang Hao!"

   Looking at Tang Hao who appeared outside Yu Xiaogang's gate, Bibi Dong looked a little complicated.

For Tang Hao, Bibi Dong didn't have much hatred, even in the future Tang Hao would join the two great empires to fight against her, it was Tang Hao's son who ruined everything for her, and finally even she died in the In Tang San's hands.

  But towards Tang Hao, Bibi Dong still didn't have much hatred, and even felt a little more gratitude.

   It was because of Tang Hao that she found the opportunity for revenge.

  If Tang Hao hadn't seriously injured Qian Xun Ji, she might never have found a chance to take revenge!

  So Bibi Dong has always had a heart of gratitude towards Tang Hao in her heart.

  That's why when Tang Hao appeared in the arena of the future soul master competition and rescued Tang San and Xiao Wu, she didn't stop her.

  She took action only to keep the angel statue in Wuhun Temple from being destroyed by Tang Hao.

   Otherwise, with her strength at the time, it would not be a problem to keep Tang Hao. If the angel statue is destroyed, it will be destroyed, and she will not care too much at all.

  To her surprise, Tang Hao appeared outside Yu Xiaogang's door and didn't knock on the door right away. After standing outside the door for a while, he hesitated and finally didn't knock on the door to go in, and finally turned and left.

   Seeing this, Bibi Dong didn't chase after him. She was not interested in Tang Hao at all.

  After Tang Hao left, Bibidong passed through the door directly, entered the attic with her spiritual sense, and found Yu Xiaogang in Yu Xiaogang's study.

   "Xiao Gang..."

  After seeing Yu Xiaogang, Bibidong couldn't help calling Yu Xiaogang excitedly again.

   Unfortunately, Yu Xiaogang still couldn't hear Bibi Dong's voice at all.

  Seeing that Yu Xiaogang didn't respond, Bibidong realized again that she couldn't get in touch with Yu Xiaogang, and could only look at him.

   “…that’s good enough!”

  Although she was a little disappointed, Bibidong quickly convinced herself that she was already very happy to be able to look at Yu Xiaogang like this, and to be by Yu Xiaogang's side.

  So, Bibi Dong quietly looked at Yu Xiaogang who was reading a book.

  Yu Xiaogang, on the other hand, had no idea that his former lover was watching him in the study.

   After a long time, after putting down the books in his hands, Yu Xiaogang began to recall what happened today.

   "It's really great to accept Tang San as a disciple with twin spirits!"

   "Twin martial souls, this is twin martial souls..."

   "The third genius with twin martial souls in history, unexpectedly met by me..."

  Thinking of accepting such a talented disciple as Tang San today, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help murmuring excitedly.

  After accepting Tang San, he was very excited, so after Tang San left, he used reading to calm himself down.

  Just after putting down the book, he still couldn't stop being excited.

   "I must teach Tang San to become a talent, and let the world see how outstanding the disciples I, Yu Xiaogang, are!"

   "When I saw it, who would dare to laugh at me!"

  Yu Xiaogang's expression was full of excitement and determination, but when he said the last sentence, there was a hint of ferocity.

   This shows how much Yu Xiaogang wants to prove himself.

  Bibi Dong, who was watching Yu Xiaogang talking to himself excitedly, felt sorry for Yu Xiaogang, but at the same time was a little angry.

   Feeling sorry for Yu Xiaogang's fate, and happy for Yu Xiaogang's cheering up, but Yu Xiaogang is happy because of Tang San, which makes her unhappy.

  Tang San was the chief culprit who ruined everything about her.

  Thinking of this, Bibi Dong was filled with sadness.

  I came to see Yu Xiaogang happily, but the other party was thinking about how to cultivate her enemy.

   "However, Tang San's identity must be kept secret!"

   "He is Tang Hao's son, and he is an enemy of Wuhundian!"

   "So the people of Wuhundian must not discover Tang San's identity!"

  However, what Yu Xiaogang said to himself next made Bibidong even more sad.

   "So you already knew Tang San's identity..."

  Bibidong stared at Yu Xiaogang with her beautiful eyes, Bibidong bit her lower lip with a sad expression, she didn't expect that Yu Xiaogang knew Tang San's identity from the very beginning.

  She used to think that Yu Xiaogang only found out Tang San's identity later.

   So it wasn't, it turned out that Yu Xiaogang knew Tang San's identity from the very beginning.

   Then Yu Xiaogang took great pains to train Tang San when he knew that Tang San had an enmity with Wuhundian, that is, he had an enemy relationship with her.

  After discovering this, Bibi Dong felt an indescribable sadness!


  Bibi Dong clenched her fists tightly and couldn't help questioning Yu Xiaogang.


  After discovering that Yu Xiaogang couldn't hear her at all, Bibidong's mood became even worse.

   "Damn it!"

   Bibi Dong, who couldn't get angry, cursed bitterly, and then left again in a flash.

  She left in the morning because she didn't want to see Tang San.

   Now she doesn't even want to see Yu Xiaogang.

   And Yu Xiaogang, from the beginning to the end, didn't know that Bibi Dong had come and then disappeared.


   Su Mo was completely unclear about what happened to Bibi Dong.

  Su Mo didn't even know that Bibi Dong had shown up, because every time Bibi Dong showed up, she left immediately after showing up, and Su Mo couldn't find it for the time being.

  The next day was the opening ceremony, and Su Mo found out that Tang San hadn't come.

  Su Mo knew that it was Yu Xiaogang who took Tang San to hunt for spirit rings.

  A few days later, when Xiao Wu clashed with the son of the city lord of Notting City, Tang San who came back already possessed his first spirit ring.

  The century-old soul ring, once it appeared, it blinded the eyes of the students.

  Because even the first soul ring of Xiao Chenyu, the son of the Lord of Notting City, was only ten years old.

   "My first soul ring came from the animal soul beast Mandala Snake. My teacher's theory is correct!"

  When Tang San used the first spirit ability Entanglement, he also revealed the source of the spirit ring to correct Yu Xiaogang's name.

  Everyone also knew for the first time that Yu Xiaogang's theory was actually true, that the plant-type martial soul could actually absorb the soul rings of animal souls and beasts.

   "It turns out that what the master said has always been true..."

   "I thought the master was lying!"

"Me too…"

   "No wonder everyone calls him the master, it turns out that the master is really so powerful..."

   "If I knew it earlier, I would have gone to the master to be my teacher..."

   "It's just..."

   "Don't even think about it, master now has Tang San as a student with innate soul power, how could he still fall in love with us..."


  Students also changed their views on Yu Xiaogang because of this, and some students even regretted not learning from Yu Xiaogang earlier.

  Su Mo, who came to watch the battle with the mentality of watching a play, sneered in his heart when he heard those students compliment Yu Xiaogang.

  Even if Yu Xiaogang didn't accept Tang San, Yu Xiaogang wouldn't like you!


  (end of this chapter)