MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 300 Tang San is green after all

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  Chapter 300 After all, Tang San is green


   "Now I am the real **** of dreams!"

  In the treasure land of ice and fire, the pastoral who successfully used the power of faith to create his own god, is also excitedly feeling his own changes at this time.

   After all, it is a **** position created by myself, and it feels much stronger in terms of fit.

  After all, only your own is the most suitable for you.

   After creating the **** position, Mu Ge discovered that the **** position he created did not condense the soul ring, but the entire simulator evolved into a **** level.

  The previous spirit rings also all disappeared.

   In terms of ability, it is also stronger, and in all aspects it is stronger than the God of Asura.

   But he was only happy for a while, and Mu Ge quickly suppressed his excitement.

  Because he still needs to revive Xiao Wu, otherwise he will suffer backlash if there are two gods coexisting in his body.


   In the void, several fairy grasses were summoned by Mu Ge.

   Among them, the most dazzling one is the Acacia heartbroken red!

   This fairy grass was originally used only after the fairy grass recognized its owner.

  But Mu Ge said that it is not necessary at all, just use the spiritual knowledge that has been directly erasing the jelly grass.

   Immediately afterwards, Mu Ge took out a few soft-boned rabbits with a cultivation base of ten thousand years.

  Afterwards, Muge used a few plants of fairy grass and a few ten thousand-year-old rabbits to fabricate Xiao Wu's body out of thin air.

  After a quarter of an hour, a body identical to Xiao Wu's was fabricated by Mu Ge.

  Of course, the fabricated Xiao Wu at this time naturally has no clothes on.

   Idyll pinches people, and it is impossible to pinch clothes together.

  Xiao Wu looked at this body that was exactly like her own, her pretty face flushed.

  Since Pastoral can be fabricated, it is obvious that she has a very good understanding of her body, so it can be reproduced one by one.

  However, Xiao Wu is only a little bit shy. She has already agreed to become the woman of Mu Ge, and she has also watched the live broadcast of Mu Ge and other women many times, so Xiao Wu can still bear it.

  She is more excited and excited now.

  Because she will be resurrected soon.

   After all, no one wants to be someone else's martial soul alive.

   "Xiao Wu, I will help you integrate your soul into this body later, there will definitely be some repulsion, and your own soul will also resist, so you must completely relax yourself later and don't resist!"

  After fabricating Xiao Wu's body, Mu Ge said to Xiao Wu.

   "I see, Master!"

  Hearing Mu Ge's order, Xiao Wu quickly agreed.

   "Fine, let's get started!"

   Mu Ge responded, and immediately manipulated Xiao Wu to blend into his fabricated body.


  In the beginning, Xiao Wu's integration was very smooth.

  It was only after Xiao Wu fully integrated into that body that the rejection reaction appeared.

   Not only is that body rejecting Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu's soul is also rejecting that body, resisting the fusion with that body.

   After all, that wasn't her original body.

  However, all of this was within Mu Ge's prediction, and she still calmly manipulated her divine power to help Xiao Wu fuse with that body.

   With the help of pastoral power, they gradually began to merge.


  The moment Xiao Wu and that body were completely fused together, a powerful divine power oscillated from Xiao Wu's body.

   At this moment, Xiao Wu was finally revived by the pastoral.

   Moreover, Xiao Wu, who was revived by Pastoral, still carries the God of Shura on her body.

  Looking at Xiao Wu who had been resurrected by herself, Mu Ge tried to recall the martial soul, but there was no response.

  Xiao Wu has been resurrected, so it cannot be regarded as his martial soul, so there is no way for Mu Ge to recall it.

  However, although Mu Ge can't recall Xiao Wu, but if Mu Ge wants to, he can transfer the God of Shura on Xiao Wu back to himself.

   "So... I am also equivalent to the original book, using Xiao Wu as the scabbard, and using Xiao Wu as the scabbard that carries the throne of Shura God!"

   "It's no wonder the result of the simulation is successful. Before, I was worried that Xiao Wu's heart would not be able to bear the position of God Shura. If it is for me to carry it, then it makes sense!"

   Pastoral felt suddenly.

  For Muge, God Shura's killing power can be displayed by imitating himself, without the need for God Shura's position at all.

  The only advantage of this situation is that it can better control Xiao Wu.


   "After all, Xiao Wu was forcibly transformed into my martial soul by me, and she didn't really fall in love with me to be my woman. Who knows what Xiao Wu will think when she has power!"

   "It's doing just fine!"

   Pastoral thought about it but also thought it was good.

   "How is it? Are you still used to it?"

  Then Mu Ge asked the excited Xiao Wu.

   "Hmm, thank you master, I feel good!"

  Xiao Wu quickly replied.

  Even if she has been successfully resurrected, she has obtained the position of God Shura and has become a new generation of God Shura. In front of Mu Ge, Xiao Wu still behaves very well.

   Only those who really follow Muge know how perverted Muge is.

  Even the **** position that others want, the pastoral can pass on to others, and you can easily create a **** position yourself.

   "Really? Come here and let me try!"

   Pastoral laughed.

  Hearing Muge's words, Xiao Wu's pretty face blushed immediately, but she still walked towards Muge obediently.

  After Xiao Wu approached, Mu Ge grabbed Xiao Wu, pulled Xiao Wu into her arms and checked carefully, wanting to see how the body quality she fabricated.

   "Well, it feels good, let me check the internal quality for you!"

   Pastoral then praised that it was indeed fabricated by himself.

   It is not enough to just check the appearance, but also to carefully check the inside.

  So in the precious land of ice and fire, Muge inspected Xiao Wu's body deeply.

   After all, Pastoral still greened Tang San.

  Of course, this is only relative to the original book. Tang San here may have liked Xiao Wu, but Xiao Wu never belonged to Tang San at all.

  When Mu Ge returned to the Wuhun Empire, he found that the entire Douluo Continent had been unified under Bibi Dong's leadership.

  The two great empires, the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, have become a thing of the past.

   "Muge, I need you to help me complete the ninth test of Rakshasa God!"

   Bibidong immediately said joyfully after seeing Muge came back.

  It turned out that Bibi Dong had already completed the first eight tests of the Raksha God Nine Tests, leaving only the final ninth test that could not be completed.

  As Mu Ge guessed before, Bibi Dong's ninth test of Rakshasa God needs her to find a way to start the ninth test of Rakshasa God, and then complete the subsequent tests.

   This requires a lot of energy.

  Because of this reason in the original book, Bibi Dong secretly used the power of the martial soul to devour a large number of soul masters to store soul power.


  (end of this chapter)